Merge "docs: studio support library revisions update" into lmp-docs
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+<ul id="nav">
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+    <div class="nav-section-header empty" style="font-weight:normal"><a href="<?cs
+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/start.html">
+        <span class="en">Get Started with Analytics</span></a>
+    </div>
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+    <div class="nav-section-header empty" style="font-weight:normal"><a href="<?cs
+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/measure.html">
+        <span class="en">Measure What Matters</span></a>
+    </div>
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+    <div class="nav-section-header empty" style="font-weight:normal"><a href="<?cs
+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/understand-user-value.html">
+        <span class="en">Understand User Value</span></a>
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+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/improve-roi.html">
+        <span class="en">Improve Marketing ROI</span></a>
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+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/build-better-apps.html">
+        <span class="en">Build Better Apps</span></a>
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+    <div class="nav-section-header empty" style="font-weight:normal"><a href="<?cs
+        var:toroot?>distribute/analyze/google-services.html">
+        <span class="en">Act Across Google Services</span></a>
+    </div>
+  </li>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    buildToggleLists();
+    changeNavLang(getLangPref());
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+page.title=Build Better Apps
+page.metaDescription=Get actionable insights to optimize your app and learn what works best for your business.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  While looking at your data in beautiful reports can be fun, the real power of
+  Google Analytics is uncovered when you derive insights from your data. Having
+  Analytics in your app can help you identify where in your app users spend
+  most time; it can also help you see where users are getting stuck. You may
+  find that users who tend to take a specific action are more likely to
+  convert, so see if drawing more users to that action has an impact on your
+  conversion rate.
+<h2 id="actions">What Actions Get People to Convert?</h2>
+  Go beyond looking at the sheer number of actions people take in your app.
+  Combine your custom event data with conversion metrics and see what actions
+  tend to have the highest conversion rates. Build custom reports to identify
+  which events or screens have the highest conversion rate or revenue. Once you
+  know what’s successful at getting users to convert, derive a hypothesis as to
+  why an event or screen might have good results. Then, if appropriate, drive
+  more users there to see if it has an impact on conversion metrics.
+  In the example below, <em>Shopping in Star Shop</em> has a high conversion;
+  this result isn't surprising since users are indicating that they're
+  interested in buying by being in the shop. More interesting is seeing that if
+  someone Lost More than 10 Times, the conversion rate is low and those users
+  didn’t generate much money. It might be worth offering a promotion after 8 or
+  9 losses to keep the user interested. Also notice that users who started a
+  <em>New Game after Gameover</em> generated lots of revenue. You might
+  hypothesize that those users are determined to take another chance, so more
+  inclined to convert. Lastly, the <em>Discovered Secret Stairwell</em> is
+  particularly interesting &mdash; the conversion rate is fairly low, but it
+  generated lots of revenue, indicating that it was potentially difficult to
+  find, but those that discovered it purchased a lot. It may be worth seeing if
+  driving users to find the staircase could increase conversion.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/event-actions.png">
+<h2 id="flows">Know Your Flows</h2>
+  Your home screen is probably the most visited screen in your app. But do you
+  know what happens after that? What percentage of users navigate through which
+  flows, and where do they drop off the most? In a gaming app, it may be useful
+  to investigate which levels have the highest percentage of users leaving your
+  app, in order to see where users find it difficult to proceed. You can then
+  take action by modifying sections of your app that might need improvement.
+  Similarly if you've an e-commerce app, the behavior flow report will show you
+  at which stages of the purchase flow the highest percentage of users abandon
+  their purchase. By taking these data and improving your purchase flows, you
+  may be able to reduce your drop-off rates.
+  In the example below, users tend to click the Level Up action after they
+  consult the Sorcerer. If users tend to get stuck on a level, then you might
+  want to guide them to see the sorcerer before completing a task.
+<img itemprop="image" src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/flows.png">
+<h2 id="test">Not Sure of the Right Approach? Test it</h2>
+  Stop guessing when it comes to finding the right features for your audience.
+  Use Content Experiments in your app to run A/B tests &mdash; without needing
+  to update your app. Think a stronger call to action like “Buy Now!” will
+  drive more purchases than the more common phrase “Checkout”? Test it! Content
+  Experiments uses Google Analytics data to optimize towards your objectives
+  and Google Tag Manager to control the test from the server &mdash; so you can
+  test multiple variations of the same app at the same time. And since this is
+  a standard feature of Google Analytics, you don’t have to set up additional
+  tagging for your KPIs; you simply focus on building your variations.
+  Experiment results are displayed in Google Analytics reports that summarize
+  all of the key information about your experiment. Experiments and Variations
+  are also available as user segments, which allow you to superimpose that
+  information over all of your Google Analytics reports to gain even deeper
+  insights. However, don’t worry about keeping an eye on your reports: you can
+  set an experiment to lock-in the winning variation for all of your users
+  automatically.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/a_b_testing.png">
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" 
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzebuild"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
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+page.title=Act Across Google Services
+page.metaDescription=Find your Analytics reports where you need them within Google Play, AdMob, and AdWords.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with a wide range of Google products.
+  You’ll find your Google Analytics data available to you in the Google Play
+  Developer Console, AdMob, AdWords, Google Tag Manager, and more. This makes
+  your Analytics data even more valuable, as it's available where you make
+  decisions in the Google products you use the most.
+<p class="caution">
+  <strong>Tip</strong>: Make sure to link your Google Analytics account with
+  your Google Play developer account. This lets you set up an Analytics
+  property for each of your apps to track usage and behavior in the apps, all
+  in one place. For details on how to link your see <a href=
+  "">Link Google Analytics
+  and Google Play</a>.
+<h2 id="remarket">Target and Remarket to Your Users in AdWords</h2>
+  Google Analytics has one of the easiest to use yet most sophisticated
+  segmentation tools. You can slice and dice your data in tens-of-thousands of
+  different ways, by specifying the criteria you want to zoom-in on. Using
+  these segments you can create Audience Lists of app users to remarket to.
+  Perhaps you notice that certain users haven’t come back in 2 weeks, and you’d
+  like to reach out to remind them to return. Creating lists with this sort of
+  sophistication is easier than ever using Google Analytics. You can even
+  create lists directly from your reports when you find a segment that is
+  particularly interesting.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/adwords_remarketing.png">
+<h2 id="strategies">No More One-Size-Fits-All Monetization Strategies</h2>
+  Users are different, so why force them all to have the same experience? Using
+  Audience Lists, you can serve users experiences that are best tuned to their
+  usage patterns. In AdMob, for example, you can select a group of high value
+  users, those who have made purchases, and serve them IAP ads and experiences;
+  however, for users that are less likely to make purchases you can serve them
+  ads instead. Pairing the right users with the right experiences is a key part
+  of a modern, targeted monetization strategy. And Google Analytics’ countless
+  segmentation possibilities means unlimited monetization opportunities.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/in_app_targeting.png">
+  Delivering users the best experience with Google Analytics in AdMob: past
+  purchasers (left image) see ads for special in-app purchase promotions, while
+  occasional users (right image) contribute to your revenue with monetization
+  from ads.
+<h2 id="richreporting">Rich Reporting Where You Need It Most</h2>
+<img itemprop="image" src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/admob_integration.png">
+  See your data in context. Google Analytics is available inside AdMob without
+  leaving the page; with this integration, you can now slice and dice your data
+  in the same place that you Monetize your app. Using Analytics in AdMob, you
+  can identify interesting segments and then create Audience lists based on
+  those criteria. You can then target AdMob monetization strategies to those
+  different user groups, to serve them the best experiences.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/developer_console.png">
+  By linking your Analytics account to the Google Play Developer Console, you
+  can see your in-app data in the context of the Play Store. This allows you to
+  see any differences in usage patterns by variables such as region, device,
+  time, day, and more.
+<h2 id="optimize">Optimize Your App to Reach Your Objectives</h2>
+  By using Content Experiments in Google Tag Manager, you can run A/B tests on
+  app elements. Are your social sharing buttons better at the top or bottom? Is
+  algorithm X or algorithm Y better for cross-selling products in your app?
+  With Content Experiments you can gather data from user to guide your
+  optimizations and take the guesswork out of the equation.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/a_b_testing.png">
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" 
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzeact"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
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+page.title=Improve Your Marketing ROI
+page.metaDescription=Combine the power of Analytics with other data sources to understand the performance of each of your marketing channels.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  You want to get your apps in the hands of as many interested people as
+  possible and there are many ways of doing that. Whatever channels you use,
+  measuring their effectiveness is essential. You want to know that they're
+  not just driving installs, but acquiring users who are likely to engage or
+  convert over time &mdash; and that it's being done cost efficiently.
+<h2 id="campaignattribution">Multi-Network Campaign Attribution</h2>
+  Advertising campaigns are being used increasingly to drive new users to
+  download your app using different ad networks, formats, and payment methods.
+  A good campaign will bring not only downloads, but also users who are highly
+  engaged. If you want to get more visibility into which campaigns are driving
+  the highest value, measuring cost per download is only a partial view.
+  Combine the power of Google Analytics with other data you have to get an
+  unbiased view of the performance of each network: from cost per download to
+  ROI analysis for each of your marketing channels. You can tailor
+  your acquisition strategies and maximize in-app revenue. Here is an example
+  of how to approach this type of analysis:
+<th>Cost per Install (from Networks)</th>
+<th>30 day Revenue per user</th>
+<th># of downloads</th>
+<th>Total budget spent</th>
+<th>Total Revenue</th>
+  When analyzing networks’ performance, it's important to take into
+  consideration more than just the cost per install. In the example, all the
+  networks are providing positive ROI, as the positive profit illustrates;
+  however, each channel has different strengths depending on the business
+  objective:
+  <li>Network Alpha is very efficient in driving high download volumes, but
+  users are not spending as much as users from the other networks
+  </li>
+  <li>Network Beta is driving more revenue than any other network, but the net
+  profit is not as high
+  </li>
+  <li>Network Gamma has a strong profit, but it is not delivering similar
+  download volumes
+  </li>
+  Depending on your business objectives you can approach acquisition marketing
+  in a variety of ways; for the best analytical approach capture a holistic
+  picture in order to optimize your campaigns &mdash; factoring engagement and
+  monetization data in with download statistics.
+<h2 id="installs">Install and Post-Download Conversions</h2>
+  Installs &mdash; or first launches &mdash; are a key type of conversion, but
+  it’s important to keep in mind that successful apps have users that return
+  regularly. Google Analytics has reports to measure post-download user
+  activities such as how often they come back, how much time they spend in the
+  app, and how much they spend. This can be sliced by acquisition channel to
+  understand which has the most impact.
+<h2 id="campaigntracking">Campaign Tracking</h2>
+  You can use a wide range of networks to drive installs of your apps. With
+  Google Analytics you can easily report campaign data from many networks. Once
+  you setup your URLs to pass the correct parameters, you'll see network
+  sources associated with in-app behavioral metrics. As a result, Google
+  Analytics provides a holistic view of your campaign performance from
+  downloads to purchases as well as user retention.
+<h2 id="camaignreports">AdWords Campaign Reporting</h2>
+  By linking your AdWords account(s) to Google Analytics you unlock the ability
+  to gain insights into acquisition campaigns, such as which keywords or ad
+  creative works best. These automatic reports show exactly how your search and
+  display campaigns are performing and offer rich insights into the kind of
+  users you’re driving to download your app.
+<img itemprop="image" src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/adwords_reporting.png">
+<h2 id="flow">Google Play Referral Flow</h2>
+  When you link your Analytics account to the Play Developer Console you'll
+  start seeing Google Play data automatically flowing into your account.
+  Without having to implement any additional code, you'll see traffic sources
+  for your Play listing page in addition to installs. Some of Google Analytics
+  active user reporting is available in the Play Developer Console as well.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/flow.png">
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" 
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzeimprove"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
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+page.metaDescription=Understanding what your users do inside your app is the key to engaging and monetizing them.
+  Successful developers have found that understanding what users do inside
+  their app is the key to engaging and monetizing users in the long run.
+  Various analytics tools are available that let you answer different types of
+  questions. The easiest way to measure what users do in your app is to
+  integrate a single analytics tool, such as Google Analytics, that's capable
+  of answering all of your important questions.
+<p style="margin-bottom:2em;">
+  With a unique Google Play Developer Console integration, Google Analytics can
+  track how users move through the <a href=
+  "{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/improve-roi.html#flow">acquisition flow</a>
+  from marketing, to a Play store listing, to launching an app. The <a href=
+  "{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/build-better-apps.html#flows">Behavior flow</a>
+  lets you easily identify roadblocks and successful features, so that you can
+  improve user engagement. By implementing <a href=
+  "{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/measure.html#retail">e-commerce tracking</a>
+  you can have a full view of the transactions, such as in-app purchases,
+  happening in your app. And, if you show ads in your app, you can <a href=
+  "{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/google-services.html">access your Analytics
+  data in AdMob</a> and have the full picture of your app revenue.
+<div class="dynamic-grid">
+  <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout landing col-16"
+    data-query="collection:distribute/analyzelanding"
+    data-cardSizes="6x6"
+    data-maxResults="10">
+  </div>
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+page.title=Measure What Matters
+page.metaDescription=Customize Analytics to meet your business needs and get meaningful data on your app's performance.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  Once you've implemented Google Analytics, the information you see &mdash;
+  such as how much time users spend in your app and where they are in the world
+  &mdash; will give you insights that let you improve your app experience.
+  While this data gives you an idea of how users are interacting with your app,
+  you will also want to measure the performance of your business more directly.
+  For example, you might want to know how many times your users sign up for
+  your newsletter or how much revenue your app is generating. To get the most
+  out of your Analytics reporting you first need to define your business goals
+  and ensure you've built an appropriate measurement plan.
+<h2 id="metrics">Metrics & Dimensions</h2>
+  Google Analytics easy-to-use reporting puts hundreds of
+  <strong>Metrics</strong> and <strong>Dimensions</strong> at your fingertips
+  &mdash; automatically.
+<td>Metrics are the way that Analytics counts data &mdash; the numbers behind
+the reports. There are over 300 Metrics measured to help you quantify things like:
+<li>Screen views</li>
+<li>Time in app</li>
+<td>Dimensions help you slice and dice the data so that you can see subsets. Many
+reports have pre-selected dimensions listed as rows in a table. With nearly 350
+dimensions you can break down your analysis by:
+<li>App version</li>
+<li>Device information</li>
+<li>Install source</li>
+<li>Network Information</li>
+<h2 id="iab">In-App Purchases</h2>
+  While Google Play provides reporting about purchases happening in your app,
+  you can gain more insight by seeing how those actions link to other pieces of
+  information. For example, you might want to know which acquisition channel
+  led to the most in-app purchases. Google Analytics allows you to segment your
+  audience to understand who your best customers are and what the levers are
+  that you can use to maximize revenue and turn more people into paying users.
+<h2 id="retail">Retail Sales and Ecommerce Transactions</h2>
+  When you're selling real products within your app, if you don’t have robust
+  analytics you won't be able to understand the specific purchase behavior of
+  your users and you may draw the wrong conclusions about why some products are
+  selling more than others. Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce offers deep
+  insights into shopper behavior, so that you can make smarter decisions. You
+  can:
+<li>Analyze how far shoppers get in the shopping funnel and where they drop
+<li>Understand which products are viewed most, which are frequently abandoned
+in cart, and which ones convert well</li> 
+<li>Upload rich product metadata to slice and dice your data</li>
+<li>Create rich user segments to delve deeper into your users’ shopping
+behavior and the products they interact with</li>
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/ecommerce.png">
+<h2 id="activity-iab">Activity-Based and In-App Conversions</h2>
+  Tracking downloads and purchases is an important first step to understanding
+  your app performance, but those data points may not provide the full picture
+  you expect for your business. You may want to track other important goals
+  like signups for a newsletter or achievements unlocked in your game. With
+  Google Analytics you can focus on what matters the most for your business by
+  setting specific actions in your app as goals. You can even understand how
+  these goals are related to key conversion metrics, tying it back to install
+  sources in order to have a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts.
+<h2 id="customdata">Custom Data</h2>
+  Activating the Google Analytics library makes many metrics available to you
+  without additional work. Included among these are global metrics and
+  dimensions that apply to many businesses — the number of users, their
+  breakdown by country, length of sessions, and more. However, you'll likely
+  have specific parts of your app or experience that are unique to your
+  business. To capture this type of information, Google Analytics has several
+  ways to send custom data that you define and incorporate into your app. That
+  way, you can really dig in and understand the specifics of how users interact
+  with your app.
+  One of the most common and easiest ways to track user behavior is with
+  events. Events are powerful for capturing specific actions that are relevant
+  to your business. They are often used to capture a specific moment in time;
+  an example of an event might be a <em>Level Up</em>. In this example, you'd
+  configure your code to send data to Google Analytics every time a user
+  successfully passed a level. You can send multiple properties with an event
+  so you can group your events based on the analysis you intend to do.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/events.png">
+<h3>Custom Dimensions</h3>
+  Custom dimensions are another way to send custom data that is specific to
+  your business. Good for capturing a state of something in your app, custom
+  dimensions can be scoped at a user, session, hit, or product level. A common
+  use case might be using a user-scoped custom dimension to capture the
+  furthest level that a player has achieved. Using this, you could do an
+  analysis to understand what the breakdown was of users in different levels.
+  An example of a hit-level custom dimension could be capturing landscape or
+  portrait orientation with every hit, so that you can better understand the
+  breakdown of orientation as users play your game. Custom dimensions can be
+  used very creatively to get at how different types of users engage with
+  your app.
+<h3>User ID</h3>
+  A specific custom dimension that may be of interest to your business is the
+  User ID override. Instead of using a randomly generated identifier, you may
+  send Google Analytics an identifier for a given user if you use one in your
+  own CRM systems. This enables cross-device reporting as you can track user
+  behavior across platforms. Note that your custom identifier must be an identifier
+  without any personally identifiable information; an account ID (not an email
+  address) is a good example of a common use case here.
+<h2 id="realtime">Real-Time Perspective</h2>
+  Google Analytics reporting is available in real-time. This powerful
+  capability helps you understand app usage as it happens. Are users updating
+  to your latest version? Is your new marketing campaign having the effect you
+  expected? Is a scheduled in-app event driving up usage? You can answer all
+  these questions and more while they're actually happening.
+<img itemprop="image" src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/realtime.png">
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13"
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzemeasure"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
diff --git a/docs/html/distribute/analyze/start.jd b/docs/html/distribute/analyze/start.jd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5a9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/distribute/analyze/start.jd
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+page.title=Get Started with Analytics
+page.metaDescription=Unlock the power of Analytics by choosing the implementation that works best for your app.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  Getting started with Google Analytics is easy. You can usually start
+  measuring your app's use by writing one line of code — or less! Google
+  Analytics is designed around the way you work, with flexible implementation
+  options to fit your needs. Take a look at these options and choose the right
+  one for you.
+<p class="note">
+  <strong>Tip</strong>: Make sure you're sending Google Analytics the data to
+  help you make the best decisions about your app, by reviewing the <a href=
+  "">
+  mobile app implementation guide</a>.
+<h2 id="playservices">Google Play services SDK</h2>
+<img src="/images/google/gps.png" style="width:40%;float:right;padding-left:2em;">
+  If you’re a Google Play developer, it’s likely you’re already using the
+  Google Play Services SDK. If you are, unlocking the power of Google Analytics
+  is only a line of code away. Here's how:
+<li><a href="">Create
+your Google Analytics account</a>.</li>
+<li>Write down your tracking ID. </li>
+<li>Initialize Google Analytics in your app to start measuring activity immediately.</li> 
+  Read the <a href=
+  "">
+  step-by-step implementation guide</a> to get Google Analytics working in your
+  app and configure advanced customizations.
+<h2 id="unityplugin">Unity Plugin</h2>
+  If you’re a developer who uses an app engine to build games for multiple
+  platforms, consider using the Google Analytics Unity Plugin. With the Unity
+  Plugin, you add Google Analytics to your app as an in-line part of your
+  development process. When you compile your app for a given platform, the
+  appropriate Google Analytics SDK is added automatically &mdash; giving you
+  Google Analytics across Android, iOS, and other platforms with a single
+  implementation.
+  Find out more about <a href=
+  "">
+  setting up the Google Analytics Plugin for Unity</a>.
+<h2 id="tagmanager">Google Tag Manager</h2>
+  Looking for a way to update and improve your in-app analytics without having
+  to release a new version of your app waiting for your users to update? Then
+  Google Tag Manager is the solution for you. With Tag Manager for Apps, you
+  instrument your app once and then use the simple web interface to customize
+  your Google Analytics implementation. Updates you make using Tag Manager get
+  pushed to the installed instances of your app on user devices &mdash; so there's no
+  need for you to release an app update!
+  Google Tag Manager can also be used to control in-app configurations and to
+  power <a href="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/build-better-apps.html#test">A/B
+  testing</a>. And since Tag Manager is a part of the Google Play Services SDK,
+  there’s no additional resources you need to keep track of.
+  Find out more about <a href=
+  "">implementing Google
+  Tag Manager</a>.
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" 
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzestart"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/distribute/analyze/understand-user-value.jd b/docs/html/distribute/analyze/understand-user-value.jd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30dca9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/distribute/analyze/understand-user-value.jd
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+page.title=Understand the Value of Your Users
+page.metaDescription=Understand what makes users come back to your app and improve retention.
+page.tags="analytics, user behavior"
+  In-App Analytics will help you understand user behavior and ultimately user
+  value over time. Fundamentally, users are people — and no two people are
+  exactly alike. You can explore what makes your different groups of users
+  unique and, in turn, how these groups respond to your app content, features,
+  and monetization strategies. The more you understand about what your users
+  respond to, the better you can tailor your apps to meet their needs.
+<h2 id="cohort">Assign Value to User Goals</h2>
+  Different types of developers value their users differently &mdash; and
+  different types of users have different values. Google Analytics gives you
+  the power to value your users in the way that makes the most sense to you.
+  By using Google Analytics goals, you can define specific actions in your app
+  that mean the most to your business: perhaps it’s important that your users
+  reach a specific screen in your app or that they spend a designated time
+  playing your game. Perhaps you define a goal based on whether or not a user
+  completed a certain event (like completing a level).
+  Whatever the method used, you can assign a monetary value to a goal in order
+  to put a dollar value on an action. Perhaps it’s worth $3 if a user completes
+  a given level or $.50 if they sign up with an account. By assigning value to
+  given behaviors, you can really dig into the data to understand your most
+  valuable users.
+  Google Analytics also lets you view Revenue per User for transactions in your
+  app (such as in-app purchases). Pair this data with segments to drill down to
+  find your most valuable users.
+<h2 id="audiencereporting">Know your users with Audience Reporting and Demographic and Interest reports</h2>
+  Google Analytics’ <strong>Audience Reporting</strong> section highlights a
+  wealth of data about your users’ characteristics: what app versions they’re
+  using, what devices they’re on, where they’re from, and what they're
+  interested in. Among these, the Active Users reports highlight how users come
+  back over time.
+<img itemprop="image" src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/active_users.png">
+  Google Analytics’ <strong>Demographics & Interest</strong> reports highlight
+  information about your users gathered using Google Analytics’ extensive reach
+  in apps. See the Gender & Age breakdown to discover the demographic
+  characteristics most common among your users, or take a look at the Interest
+  reports to see what interest categories entice your users.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/demographics.png">
+<h2 id="cohort">Segment Your Data</h2>
+  Looking at aggregated data helps you understand overall user behavior trends,
+  such as how their purchase patterns change over time. However, in order to
+  understand why purchase patterns changed you need to segment your data.
+  Segmentation allows you to isolate and analyze subsets of your data, based on
+  specific attributes. For example, you might segment your data by marketing
+  channel so that you can see which channel is responsible for an increase in
+  purchases.
+  Drilling down to look at segments of your data helps you understand what
+  caused a change to your aggregated data. All reports in Google Analytics
+  provide for segmentation of your traffic. For example, each row in your
+  Language report shows how a specific segment performed. This lets you compare
+  different segments and understand which languages are bringing in the highest
+  value traffic.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/language-report.png">
+  Here are some common segments that you might want to consider when looking at
+  your own data:
+<li>Date and time, to compare how users who visit your site on certain
+days of the week or certain hours of the day behave</li>
+<li>Device or app version, to compare user performance on different
+operating systems or app updates</li>
+<li>Marketing channel, to compare the difference in performance for
+various marketing activities</li>
+<li>Geography, to determine which countries, regions or cities
+perform the best</li>
+<li>Customer characteristics, such as repeat customers vs. first-time
+customers, to help you understand what drives users to become loyal customers.</li>
+  To use segments, click <strong>Add Segment</strong> above the report on any
+  data set you’re interested in breaking up. See the 15 System segments that
+  come with any app profile; these are default segments that allow you to do
+  basic analysis on elements like New Users, Android/iOS Traffic, or Tablet
+  traffic. If you need to dig deeper into your data, you can build a custom
+  segment by clicking <strong>+New Segment</strong> in the top right. Using any
+  combination of dimensions and metrics, you can create segments specific to
+  your business. The combinations of criteria are so extensive, hundreds of
+  thousands of permutations are available.
+  For example, for a report across all sessions in a date range you may choose
+  to include only users whose cumulative revenue across all sessions in a date
+  range is greater than $100; or only users who viewed a specific screen, then
+  completed a specific event, but never actually made a transaction.
+  Alternatively, you could include only sessions that were the result of a
+  specific advertising campaign or only sessions that resulted from a specific
+  campaign AND resulted in a goal completion.
+  Another way to generate segments is to import from the gallery. When you
+  click Add Segment, click Import from gallery (next to +New Segment). Using
+  the Gallery you can import segments that other businesses have found useful
+  &mdash; maybe you're interested in importing segments that pertain to
+  engaged traffic or mobile commerce. Choose from hundreds of segment packs
+  to find the ones that make sense for you.
+<img src="{@docRoot}distribute/analyze/images/segmentation.png">
+  Segmentation is a powerful way to slice and dice your data in order to unlock
+  insights about users and their behavior. Use this information to improve your
+  app and find more people that resemble your high-value users.
+<h2 id="cohort">Understand What Makes Your Users Tick with Further Analysis</h2>
+  Using the power of segmentation, you can perform very sophisticated analysis
+  on the types of users using your app &mdash; are your buyers concentrated in
+  a particular geographic area? Are users who visit a certain screen getting
+  stuck and abandoning your game? Are there certain behaviors that lead to more
+  conversions? What crashes are having the most impact on your revenue?
+  Understanding what properties make up an engaged and monetized user base is
+  important for developing a strategy to find similar users and for building
+  users’ experiences based on their behavior.
+  <div class="headerLine clearfloat">
+  <h2 id="related-resources">
+    Related Resources
+  </h2>
+<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" 
+  data-query="collection:distribute/analyzeunderstand"
+  data-sortorder="-timestamp"
+  data-cardsizes="6x3"
+  data-maxresults="6">
diff --git a/docs/html/distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg b/docs/html/distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943c7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/html/google/play-services/index.jd b/docs/html/google/play-services/index.jd
index b3cd4cf..0b1bdd9 100644
--- a/docs/html/google/play-services/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/google/play-services/index.jd
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 page.title=Google Play Services
+page.metaDescription=With Google Play services, your app can take advantage of the latest Google-powered features such as Maps, Analytics, and more: platform updates are distributed automatically as an APK through the Google Play Store.
diff --git a/docs/html/jd_collections.js b/docs/html/jd_collections.js
index ab5a655..6fb906e 100644
--- a/docs/html/jd_collections.js
+++ b/docs/html/jd_collections.js
@@ -126,6 +126,72 @@
+  "distribute/analyzelanding": {
+    "resources": [
+      "distribute/analyze/start.html",
+      "distribute/analyze/measure.html",
+      "distribute/analyze/understand-user-value.html",
+      "distribute/analyze/improve-roi.html",
+      "distribute/analyze/build-better-apps.html",
+      "distribute/analyze/google-services.html"
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzestart": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "google/play-services/index.html",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzemeasure": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzeunderstand": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzeimprove": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzebuild": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ]
+  },
+  "distribute/analyzeact": {
+    "resources": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ]
+  },
   "distribute/tools/checklists": {
     "title": "",
     "resources": [
diff --git a/docs/html/jd_extras.js b/docs/html/jd_extras.js
index 05d0f09..e2a0539 100644
--- a/docs/html/jd_extras.js
+++ b/docs/html/jd_extras.js
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@
     "timestamp": null,
     "image": "",
     "title": "Google Mobile App Analytics SDK",
-    "summary": "The Google Analytics for Mobile Apps SDKs make it easy for you to implement Google Analytics in your mobile application.",
+    "summary": "Get started with the Google Analytics SDK for Android.",
     "keywords": ["analytics, user behavior"],
     "type": "sdk",
     "titleFriendly": ""
@@ -1676,5 +1676,317 @@
     "keywords": ["design", "Auto", "Automotive"],
     "type": "PDF DOWNLOAD (779KB)",
     "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Mobile Analytics Implementation Guide",
+    "summary": "Learn how you can implement additional Google Analytics features to better understand your users and their behavior.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics", "Play", "users"],
+    "type": "guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "",
+    "title": "Google Tag Manager",
+    "summary": "Google Tag Manager enables you to change configuration values in your mobile apps using the Google Tag Manager interface, without having to rebuild and resubmit application binaries to app marketplaces.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics", "tagmanager"],
+    "type": "guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Mobile App Analytics Fundamentals",
+    "summary": "This self-paced online course on mobile app measurement shows you how Google Analytics data can help you make your app more discoverable and profitable.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Open Source Project",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Analytics Plugin for Unity",
+    "summary": "If you're building games with Unity, you can now implement Analytics once and ship it on multiple platforms automatically.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics", "unity"],
+    "type": "Open Source Project",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "In-App Purchases & Ecommerce",
+    "summary": "If your app sells virtual or real goods, ecommerce tracking can help you understand what behaviors lead to purchases.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics, ecommerce"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Goals",
+    "summary": "Track important actions in your app as goals and measure performance against your objectives.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Active Users",
+    "summary": "The active user report displays your 1-day, 7-day, 14-day and 30-day trailing active users next to each other, to help you analyze performance over time.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Events",
+    "summary": "Events let you measure granular in-app activities and understand user journeys.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Custom Dimensions",
+    "summary": "Custom dimensions enable the association of metadata with hits, users, and sessions in Google Analytics.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "User ID",
+    "summary": "The User ID feature enables Google Analytics to measure user activities that span across devices.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Demographic Reporting",
+    "summary": "By enabling display features, you can see just how different user segments engage and monetize.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "User Segmentation",
+    "summary": "Segments let you compare metrics for different subsets of users to identify trends and opportunities for your apps.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Campaign Tracking",
+    "summary": "Measuring campaigns in Google Analytics enables the attribution of campaigns and traffic sources to user activity within your app.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "images/play_dev.jpg",
+    "title": "Google Play Integration",
+    "summary": "By linking Analytics and the Play Developer Console, you can gain additional insights into the acquisition flow.",
+    "keywords": ["play, analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "AdWords Integration",
+    "summary": "Link Analytics and AdWords to see the entire picture of customer behavior, from ad click or impression through your site to conversion. ",
+    "keywords": ["adwords, analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Campaign URL builder for Google Play",
+    "summary": "Easily create your URLs to track install campaigns.",
+    "keywords": ["play, analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "",
+    "title": "In-App A/B Testing",
+    "summary": "With content experiments in Google Tag Manager you can test multiple variations of your app to find which works best.",
+    "keywords": ["tagmanager"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Behavior Flow",
+    "summary": "The Behavior Flow report visualizes the path users traveled from one Screen or Event to the next. This report can help you discover what content keeps users engaged with your app.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Custom Reports",
+    "summary": "Custom Reports let you create your own reports in your Google Analytics account.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Audience Lists &amp; Remarketing",
+    "summary": "Remarketing with Google Analytics lets you deliver targeted ads to users who've already been to your site or app. You can even base those ads on the behavior those users displayed during their sessions.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "AdMob Integration",
+    "summary": "With Google Analytics in AdMob, you can view Google Analytics data for your linked apps from within your AdMob account.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Deep-Linking",
+    "summary": "Google Analytics gives you a full view of how returning users are interacting with your app, for a holistic view beyond the install.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "AdMob Integration",
+    "summary": "With Google Analytics in AdMob, you can view Google Analytics data for your linked apps from within your AdMob account.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
+  },
+  {
+    "lang": "en",
+    "group": "",
+    "tags": [],
+    "url": "",
+    "timestamp": null,
+    "image": "distribute/images/gp-analytics-logo.jpg",
+    "title": "Active User Report",
+    "summary": "Active user report displays your 1-day, 7-day, 14-day and 30-day trailing active users next to each other, to help you run benchmark analyses of their performance over time.",
+    "keywords": ["analytics"],
+    "type": "Guide",
+    "titleFriendly": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/html/samples/index.jd b/docs/html/samples/index.jd
index a44a22b..267c273 100644
--- a/docs/html/samples/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/samples/index.jd
@@ -4,30 +4,56 @@
-<p>Welcome to code samples for Android developers. Here you can browse sample code
-  and learn how to build different components for your applications. Use the categories on the left
-  to browse the available samples.</p>
+<p>Welcome to code samples for Android developers. Here you can browse sample code and learn how to
+build different components for your applications. Use the categories on the left to browse the
+available samples.</p>
 <p>Each sample is a fully functioning Android app. You can browse the resources, source files and
-  see the overall project structure. You can copy and paste the code you need, and if you want to
-  share a link to a specific line you can double-click it to the get the url.</p>
+see the overall project structure. You can copy and paste the code you need, and if you want to
+share a link to a specific line you can double-click it to the get the URL.</p>
+<h2>Import Samples from GitHub</h2>
+<p>Android Studio provides easy access to import Android code samples from GitHub and is the
+recommended method to retrieve Android code samples.</p>
+<p>To import a code sample into Android Studio:<p>
+  <ol>
+    <li>In the Android Studio menu, select <strong>File &gt; Import Sample</strong> to open the
+    Import Sample wizard.</li>
+    <li>Select a sample to import and click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
+    <li>Specify the application name and project location if different from the displayed settings.</li>
+    <li>Click <strong>Finish</strong>.
+      <p>The sample project opens in a new Android Studio project.</p></li>
+  </ol>
+<p class="note">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> When starting Android Studio, you can also select <strong>Import an
+  Android code sample</strong> in the Welcome to Android Studio wizard to import a sample project
+  from GitHub as a new project.
+<p>For more information about importing samples, see
+<a href="{@docRoot}tools/studio/index.html#git-samples">Easy access to Android code samples on
+<h2>Download Samples</h2>
+<p>Although importing samples from Android Studio is the recommended method, you can also use the
+categories on the left to browse the available samples and learn how to build different components
+for your applications.</p>
 <p>If you want to download a complete project, just click on any source file in the project and
-  click the link in the upper right of the source page.</p>
+  click the <strong>Download</strong> link in the upper right of the source page.</p>
 <p>To import a downloaded project:<p>
-<div class="toggle-content closed">
-<p style="margin-top:5px"><a href="#" onclick="return toggleContent(this)">
-  <img src="/assets/images/triangle-closed.png" class="toggle-content-img" alt=""
-  />Using Android Studio</a></p>
-  <div class="toggle-content-toggleme">
     <li>Unpack the downloaded project package.</li>
     <li>In <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio.html">Android Studio</a>, chose
-    <strong>File > Import Project</strong> and select the root folder of the unpacked project.
+    <strong>File &gt; Import Project</strong> and select the root folder of the unpacked project.
       <p>Android Studio may ask you to choose the type of project you are importing.
         If this is the case, make sure to choose <strong>Import project from
         external model</strong> and select the <strong>Gradle</strong> option.
@@ -35,11 +61,15 @@
-  </div>
+<p class="note">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> When starting Android Studio, you can also select <strong>Import
+  Non-Android Studio project</strong> in the Welcome to Android Studio wizard to import a
+  downloaded sample project.
 <p class="note">
   <strong>Note:</strong> At this time, the downloadable projects are designed for use with Gradle
-    and Android Studio. Project downloads for Eclipse will be available soon!
+    and Android Studio. 
diff --git a/docs/html/tools/building/building-cmdline.jd b/docs/html/tools/building/building-cmdline.jd
index c1a0dd2..ec00b50 100644
--- a/docs/html/tools/building/building-cmdline.jd
+++ b/docs/html/tools/building/building-cmdline.jd
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
         <li><a href="#RunningOnEmulator">Running on the Emulator</a></li>
         <li><a href="#RunningOnDevice">Running on a Device</a></li>
         <li><a href="#Signing">Application Signing</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#GradleReference">Gradle Command Reference</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#PluginReference">Plugin Language Reference</a></li>
   <h2>See also</h2>
@@ -364,8 +364,12 @@
   means to you as an Android application developer. The document also includes a guide to publishing
   and signing your application.</p>
-  <h2 id="Grad;eReference">Gradle Build Language Reference</h2>
+ <h2 id="PluginReference">Android Plugin for Gradle</h2>
-<p> See the <a href="">Gradle Build Language Reference</a> for a complete list and description of the Gradle Domain Specific Language (DSL) and declarative
-language elements.</p>
+ <p>The Android build system uses the Android plugin for Gradle to support the Gradle Domain
+ Specific Language (DSL) and declarative language elements. See the
+ <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/plugin-for-gradle.html">Android Plug-in for Gradle</a> section for
+ a description of the plugin and a link to the complete list of the supported Gradle DSL elements.</p>
diff --git a/docs/html/tools/building/index.jd b/docs/html/tools/building/index.jd
index 6428e73..b5a56c0 100644
--- a/docs/html/tools/building/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/tools/building/index.jd
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
       Building Your Project from Android Studio</a></li>
     <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-cmdline.html">
       Building Your Project from the Command Line</a></li>
-    <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/building/studio-build.html">
+    <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio-build.html">
       Build System</a></li>
diff --git a/docs/html/tools/studio/index.jd b/docs/html/tools/studio/index.jd
index 8662313..42ab89c 100644
--- a/docs/html/tools/studio/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/tools/studio/index.jd
@@ -410,9 +410,14 @@
 and &lt;animated-selector&gt;, are supported.</p>
-<h3> Easy access to Android code samples on GitHub</h3>
+<h3 id="git-samples"> Easy access to Android code samples on GitHub</h3>
 <p>Clicking <strong>Import Samples</strong> from the <strong>File</strong> menu or Welcome page
 provides seamless access to Google code samples on GitHub.</p>
     <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-samples-githubaccess.png" /></p>
     <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 12.</strong> Code Sample Access</p>
+    <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-sample-in-editor.png" /></p>
+    <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 13.</strong> Imported Code Sample</p>