Immediately report drawing

No need to wait on the next relayout - this can only delay the
transition. Makes hot launches a lot more consistent.

However, this made it too fast! We then hit a race condition when
the app transition was already starting but no other layout was
done yet. When another layout was executed we noticed that we need
to report resized for the starting window, clearing it's drawn
state, which set startingDisplayed=false, which jumped the app
window animation to the end.

To fix this, make sure not to report another resized immediately
after the initial layout, as the client already knows the latest
(because it calls relayout at some point before it starts drawing).

Also fix "animating" async systrace for better analysis.

Test: Open/close size-mismatching task snapshot 100 times, ensure
no animation skipped.
Test: Look at app transition logs, ensure more consistent.
Test: Overall system sanity testing (open a couple of apps/dialogs

Bug: 32668632
Change-Id: Id795cd6a84f22e6a619089cb9554fc5033477ad2
5 files changed