Update boot image and system server profiles

=Perf numbers=

The boot image compilation artifacts are 28MiB smaller (art/vdex/oat for
arm and arm64).
System server .art file is 100KiB smaller.

Startup and memory number are within the noise. Startup shows 0.11%
improvement and memory shows 0.22% improvements. However that's most
likely noise. The tests were run with:

- atest google/perf/app-startup/hermetic-apps/cold-dropcache-lock-test
- atest google/perf/app-startup/non-hermetic-apps/cold-dropcache-lock-test
- atest google/perf/memory/memory-test

=Profile metrics=

- methods and classes used by at least 9% of the sampled (non unique)
applications (see below for more explanations)
- 0.6% of hot methods added, 51.31% removed
- 0.3% of classes added, 29.96% removed
- 21403 hot methods in the profile (vs 43429 in the old one)
- 7826 classes in the profile (vs 10985 in the old one)

Preloaded clases:
- classes used by at least 20% of sampled applications during startup
- 1.5% added, 0.3% removed
- 7601 classes in the profile (vs 7516 in the old one)

System server:
- methods and classes used on at least 5% of sampled devices
- system server is speed compile and the image classes are the most
- 4% classes added, 23% of classes removed
- 2819 classes in the profile (vs 3418 in the old one)

=Data sample=
- 35000+ (non unique) applications contributed to the final profile
- these were spread across 4000+ (non unique) devices
- 'non unique' means that the same app or the same device (or a
combination of both) could have contributed to the final profile multiple

Bug: 122460899
Bug: 122068885
Test: m, build, boot, atest startup-tests

(cherry picked from commit 5b70220fb5a174a7142ca5403563bf528120a63f)

Merged-In: Ib3aac3c7efae64af9d2b46e350146e53ba653cbd
Change-Id: Ib42ab29e3d28591817a396407445a6c23e5c9a27
3 files changed