Make framework-res dep in stubs explicit

The android.jar stubs includes the resource from framework-res. This
dependency was previously added implicitly inside the build system, but
using a java_genrule we can add it directly, which makes it easier to
make changes to this rule.

This change has the side-effect of adding the resources to some stubs
that did not previously include the resources (e.g. module-libs), which
I think is desired.

Bug: 161214753
Test: build sdk, diff out/dist before and after (shows resources added
      to some stubs)
Change-Id: I1829789af207cc45c49c0c68369fc7c0c085bcb0
Merged-In: I1829789af207cc45c49c0c68369fc7c0c085bcb0
diff --git a/StubLibraries.bp b/StubLibraries.bp
index ef4e202..3eb482d 100644
--- a/StubLibraries.bp
+++ b/StubLibraries.bp
@@ -305,6 +305,9 @@
 java_defaults {
     name: "android_defaults_stubs_current",
     libs: [ "stub-annotations" ],
+    static_libs: [
+        "framework-res-package-jar", // Export package of framework-res
+    ],
     errorprone: {
         javacflags: [