Introduce MeasuredText related perf tests

This CL adds two perf test for MeasuredText: the memory usage and
construction time of MeasuredText.

Here is an example output on walleye-userdebug:

Memory Usage (in bytes)
Hyphenation            :    28,448
Hyphenation WidthOnly  :     8,856
NoHyphenation          :    27,592
NoHyphenation WidthOnly:     8,000

MeasuredText creation time
NoStyled Hyphenation            : 18,977,877
NoStyled Hyphenation WidthOnly  : 18,510,041
NoStyled NoHyphenation          :  7,771,936
NoStyled NoHyphenation WidthOnly:  7,332,537
Styled Hyphenation              : 13,514,428
Styled Hyphenation WidthOnly    : 12,446,143
Styled NoHyphenation            : 13,370,358
Styled NoHyphenation WidthOnly  : 13,582,435

Bug: 72461923
Bug: 72462192
Test: See above

Change-Id: I7d326a9e70a29c38c940e0085da2bc4edf2a098a
7 files changed