Handle unbounded drawPaint/drawGLFunction operations safely


Also, revert to using current clip bounds as drawColor/drawPaint bounds
for simplicity in new pipeline.

Change-Id: I1a6b3f9716b564b46df41d57dfe14475fdd24de0
diff --git a/libs/hwui/BakedOpState.h b/libs/hwui/BakedOpState.h
index ffe2901..4e3cb8a 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/BakedOpState.h
+++ b/libs/hwui/BakedOpState.h
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@
     ResolvedRenderState(LinearAllocator& allocator, Snapshot& snapshot,
             const RecordedOp& recordedOp, bool expandForStroke);
+    // Constructor for unbounded ops *with* transform/clip
+    ResolvedRenderState(LinearAllocator& allocator, Snapshot& snapshot,
+            const Matrix4& localTransform, const ClipBase* localClip);
     // Constructor for unbounded ops without transform/clip (namely shadows)
     ResolvedRenderState(LinearAllocator& allocator, Snapshot& snapshot);
@@ -111,8 +115,14 @@
         return bakedState;
+    static BakedOpState* tryConstructUnbounded(LinearAllocator& allocator,
+            Snapshot& snapshot, const RecordedOp& recordedOp) {
+        if (CC_UNLIKELY(snapshot.getRenderTargetClip().isEmpty())) return nullptr;
+        return allocator.create_trivial<BakedOpState>(allocator, snapshot, recordedOp);
+    }
     enum class StrokeBehavior {
-        // stroking is forced, regardless of style on paint
+        // stroking is forced, regardless of style on paint (such as for lines)
         // stroking is defined by style on paint
@@ -167,6 +177,13 @@
             , roundRectClipState(snapshot.roundRectClipState)
             , op(&recordedOp) {}
+    // TODO: fix this brittleness
+    BakedOpState(LinearAllocator& allocator, Snapshot& snapshot, const RecordedOp& recordedOp)
+            : computedState(allocator, snapshot, recordedOp.localMatrix, recordedOp.localClip)
+            , alpha(snapshot.alpha)
+            , roundRectClipState(snapshot.roundRectClipState)
+            , op(&recordedOp) {}
     BakedOpState(LinearAllocator& allocator, Snapshot& snapshot, const ShadowOp* shadowOpPtr)
             : computedState(allocator, snapshot)
             , alpha(snapshot.alpha)