Adding multi layer aggregation in DurationMetric

Newly supported metrics examples:

1) Compute [Total|Max] duration of [an app] holding [ANY] wake lock while [this app] is in
   [background] and [screen off], bucket size 30seconds, and slice output by uid.

2) Compute [Total|Max] duration of [ANY app] holding [ANY] wake lock while [this app] is in
   [background] and [screen off], bucket size 30 seconds.

+ DurationMetric proto has a "what" which is a SimpleCondition. It defines the atom level start
  and stop of the duration timer, and it has its atom dimension. e.g., for wake locks, the atom
  dimensions wil be uid and wl name.

+ Now dimension is explicitly specified in SimpleCondition proto instead of inferred from the "link"

+ Added support for "Or" and "Max" through 2 layers of aggregation.

TODO: (1) The way we track slicedCondition in duration metric is not efficient. optimize!
      (2) The output dimension should all use int32 instead of KeyMatcher. Fix in a future cl.

Test: Added some unit tests using gmock. Will add more unit tests.

Change-Id: I58a827624f01f9a54fcb80709c4de4ff94a8bc67
diff --git a/cmds/statsd/src/metrics/DurationMetricProducer.cpp b/cmds/statsd/src/metrics/DurationMetricProducer.cpp
index a590bc8..dfed275 100644
--- a/cmds/statsd/src/metrics/DurationMetricProducer.cpp
+++ b/cmds/statsd/src/metrics/DurationMetricProducer.cpp
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 #define DEBUG true
-#include "DurationMetricProducer.h"
 #include "Log.h"
+#include "DurationMetricProducer.h"
 #include "stats_util.h"
-#include <cutils/log.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -34,13 +34,15 @@
 DurationMetricProducer::DurationMetricProducer(const DurationMetric& metric,
                                                const int conditionIndex, const size_t startIndex,
                                                const size_t stopIndex, const size_t stopAllIndex,
-                                               const sp<ConditionWizard>& wizard)
+                                               const sp<ConditionWizard>& wizard,
+                                               const vector<KeyMatcher>& internalDimension)
     // TODO: Pass in the start time from MetricsManager, instead of calling time() here.
     : MetricProducer(time(nullptr) * NANO_SECONDS_IN_A_SECOND, conditionIndex, wizard),
-      mStopAllIndex(stopAllIndex) {
+      mStopAllIndex(stopAllIndex),
+      mInternalDimension(internalDimension) {
     // TODO: The following boiler plate code appears in all MetricProducers, but we can't abstract
     // them in the base class, because the proto generated CountMetric, and DurationMetric are
     // not related. Maybe we should add a template in the future??
@@ -67,34 +69,43 @@
     VLOG("~DurationMetric() called");
+unique_ptr<DurationTracker> DurationMetricProducer::createDurationTracker(
+        vector<DurationBucketInfo>& bucket) {
+    switch (mMetric.type()) {
+        case DurationMetric_AggregationType_DURATION_SUM:
+            return make_unique<OringDurationTracker>(mWizard, mConditionTrackerIndex,
+                                                     mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs, mBucketSizeNs,
+                                                     bucket);
+        case DurationMetric_AggregationType_DURATION_MAX_SPARSE:
+            return make_unique<MaxDurationTracker>(mWizard, mConditionTrackerIndex,
+                                                   mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs, mBucketSizeNs,
+                                                   bucket);
+    }
 void DurationMetricProducer::finish() {
     // TODO: write the StatsLogReport to dropbox using
     // DropboxWriter.
-void DurationMetricProducer::onSlicedConditionMayChange() {
+void DurationMetricProducer::onSlicedConditionMayChange(const uint64_t eventTime) {
     VLOG("Metric %lld onSlicedConditionMayChange", mMetric.metric_id());
     // Now for each of the on-going event, check if the condition has changed for them.
+    flushIfNeeded(eventTime);
     for (auto& pair : mCurrentSlicedDuration) {
-        VLOG("Metric %lld current %s state: %d", mMetric.metric_id(), pair.first.c_str(),
-             pair.second.state);
-        if (pair.second.state == kStopped) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        bool conditionMet = mWizard->query(mConditionTrackerIndex, pair.second.conditionKeys) ==
-                            ConditionState::kTrue;
-        VLOG("key: %s, condition: %d", pair.first.c_str(), conditionMet);
-        noteConditionChanged(pair.first, conditionMet, time(nullptr) * 1000000000);
+        pair.second->onSlicedConditionMayChange(eventTime);
-void DurationMetricProducer::onConditionChanged(const bool conditionMet) {
+void DurationMetricProducer::onConditionChanged(const bool conditionMet, const uint64_t eventTime) {
     VLOG("Metric %lld onConditionChanged", mMetric.metric_id());
     mCondition = conditionMet;
     // TODO: need to populate the condition change time from the event which triggers the condition
     // change, instead of using current time.
+    flushIfNeeded(eventTime);
     for (auto& pair : mCurrentSlicedDuration) {
-        noteConditionChanged(pair.first, conditionMet, time(nullptr) * 1000000000);
+        pair.second->onConditionChanged(conditionMet, eventTime);
@@ -107,7 +118,7 @@
     for (const auto& bucket : buckets) {
-        VLOG("\t bucket [%lld - %lld] count: %lld", bucket.start_bucket_nanos(),
+        VLOG("\t bucket [%lld - %lld] duration(ns): %lld", bucket.start_bucket_nanos(),
              bucket.end_bucket_nanos(), bucket.duration_nanos());
@@ -120,7 +131,7 @@
     // Dump current bucket if it's stale.
     // If current bucket is still on-going, don't force dump current bucket.
     // In finish(), We can force dump current bucket.
-    flushDurationIfNeeded(time(nullptr) * NANO_SECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
+    flushIfNeeded(time(nullptr) * NANO_SECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
     StatsLogReport_DurationMetricDataWrapper* wrapper = report.mutable_duration_metrics();
@@ -137,216 +148,50 @@
     return report;
-void DurationMetricProducer::onMatchedLogEventInternal(
-        const size_t matcherIndex, const HashableDimensionKey& eventKey,
-        const map<string, HashableDimensionKey>& conditionKeys, bool condition,
-        const LogEvent& event) {
-    flushDurationIfNeeded(event.GetTimestampNs());
-    if (matcherIndex == mStopAllIndex) {
-        noteStopAll(event.GetTimestampNs());
-        return;
-    }
-    if (mCurrentSlicedDuration.find(eventKey) == mCurrentSlicedDuration.end() && mConditionSliced) {
-        // add the durationInfo for the current bucket.
-        auto& durationInfo = mCurrentSlicedDuration[eventKey];
-        durationInfo.conditionKeys = conditionKeys;
-    }
-    if (matcherIndex == mStartIndex) {
-        VLOG("Metric %lld Key: %s Start, Condition %d", mMetric.metric_id(), eventKey.c_str(),
-             condition);
-        noteStart(eventKey, condition, event.GetTimestampNs());
-    } else if (matcherIndex == mStopIndex) {
-        VLOG("Metric %lld Key: %s Stop, Condition %d", mMetric.metric_id(), eventKey.c_str(),
-             condition);
-        noteStop(eventKey, event.GetTimestampNs());
-    }
-void DurationMetricProducer::noteConditionChanged(const HashableDimensionKey& key,
-                                                  const bool conditionMet,
-                                                  const uint64_t eventTime) {
-    flushDurationIfNeeded(eventTime);
-    auto it = mCurrentSlicedDuration.find(key);
-    if (it == mCurrentSlicedDuration.end()) {
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (it->second.state) {
-        case kStarted:
-            // if condition becomes false, kStarted -> kPaused. Record the current duration.
-            if (!conditionMet) {
-                it->second.state = DurationState::kPaused;
-                it->second.lastDuration =
-                        updateDuration(it->second.lastDuration,
-                                       eventTime - it->second.lastStartTime, mMetric.type());
-                VLOG("Metric %lld Key: %s Paused because condition is false ", mMetric.metric_id(),
-                     key.c_str());
-            }
-            break;
-        case kStopped:
-            // nothing to do if it's stopped.
-            break;
-        case kPaused:
-            // if condition becomes true, kPaused -> kStarted. and the start time is the condition
-            // change time.
-            if (conditionMet) {
-                it->second.state = DurationState::kStarted;
-                it->second.lastStartTime = eventTime;
-                VLOG("Metric %lld Key: %s Paused->Started", mMetric.metric_id(), key.c_str());
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-void DurationMetricProducer::noteStart(const HashableDimensionKey& key, const bool conditionMet,
-                                       const uint64_t eventTime) {
-    // this will add an empty bucket for this key if it didn't exist before.
-    DurationInfo& duration = mCurrentSlicedDuration[key];
-    switch (duration.state) {
-        case kStarted:
-            // It's safe to do nothing here. even if condition is not true, it means we are about
-            // to receive the condition change event.
-            break;
-        case kPaused:
-            // Safe to do nothing here. kPaused is waiting for the condition change.
-            break;
-        case kStopped:
-            if (!conditionMet) {
-                // event started, but we need to wait for the condition to become true.
-                duration.state = DurationState::kPaused;
-                break;
-            }
-            duration.state = DurationState::kStarted;
-            duration.lastStartTime = eventTime;
-            break;
-    }
-void DurationMetricProducer::noteStop(const HashableDimensionKey& key, const uint64_t eventTime) {
-    if (mCurrentSlicedDuration.find(key) == mCurrentSlicedDuration.end()) {
-        // we didn't see a start event before. do nothing.
-        return;
-    }
-    DurationInfo& duration = mCurrentSlicedDuration[key];
-    switch (duration.state) {
-        case DurationState::kStopped:
-            // already stopped, do nothing.
-            break;
-        case DurationState::kStarted: {
-            duration.state = DurationState::kStopped;
-            int64_t durationTime = eventTime - duration.lastStartTime;
-            VLOG("Metric %lld, key %s, Stop %lld %lld %lld", mMetric.metric_id(), key.c_str(),
-                 (long long)duration.lastStartTime, (long long)eventTime, (long long)durationTime);
-            duration.lastDuration =
-                    updateDuration(duration.lastDuration, durationTime, mMetric.type());
-            VLOG("  record duration: %lld ", (long long)duration.lastDuration);
-            break;
-        }
-        case DurationState::kPaused: {
-            duration.state = DurationState::kStopped;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-int64_t DurationMetricProducer::updateDuration(const int64_t lastDuration,
-                                               const int64_t durationTime,
-                                               const DurationMetric_AggregationType type) {
-    int64_t result = lastDuration;
-    switch (type) {
-        case DurationMetric_AggregationType_DURATION_SUM:
-            result += durationTime;
-            break;
-        case DurationMetric_AggregationType_DURATION_MAX_SPARSE:
-            if (lastDuration < durationTime) {
-                result = durationTime;
-            }
-            break;
-        case DurationMetric_AggregationType_DURATION_MIN_SPARSE:
-            if (lastDuration > durationTime) {
-                result = durationTime;
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    return result;
-void DurationMetricProducer::noteStopAll(const uint64_t eventTime) {
-    for (auto& duration : mCurrentSlicedDuration) {
-        noteStop(duration.first, eventTime);
-    }
-// When a new matched event comes in, we check if event falls into the current
-// bucket. If not, flush the old counter to past buckets and initialize the current buckt.
-void DurationMetricProducer::flushDurationIfNeeded(const uint64_t eventTime) {
+void DurationMetricProducer::flushIfNeeded(uint64_t eventTime) {
     if (mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs + mBucketSizeNs > eventTime) {
-    // adjust the bucket start time
-    int numBucketsForward = (eventTime - mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs) / mBucketSizeNs;
-    DurationBucketInfo info;
-    uint64_t endTime = mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs + mBucketSizeNs;
-    info.set_start_bucket_nanos(mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs);
-    info.set_end_bucket_nanos(endTime);
-    uint64_t oldBucketStartTimeNs = mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs;
-    mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs += (numBucketsForward)*mBucketSizeNs;
-    VLOG("Metric %lld: new bucket start time: %lld", mMetric.metric_id(),
-         (long long)mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs);
+    VLOG("flushing...........");
     for (auto it = mCurrentSlicedDuration.begin(); it != mCurrentSlicedDuration.end(); ++it) {
-        int64_t finalDuration = it->second.lastDuration;
-        if (it->second.state == kStarted) {
-            // the event is still on-going, duration needs to be updated.
-            int64_t durationTime = endTime - it->second.lastStartTime;
-            finalDuration = updateDuration(it->second.lastDuration, durationTime, mMetric.type());
-        }
-        VLOG("  final duration for last bucket: %lld", (long long)finalDuration);
-        // Don't record empty bucket.
-        if (finalDuration != 0) {
-            info.set_duration_nanos(finalDuration);
-            // it will auto create new vector of CountbucketInfo if the key is not found.
-            auto& bucketList = mPastBuckets[it->first];
-            bucketList.push_back(info);
-        }
-        // if the event is still on-going, add the buckets between previous bucket and now. Because
-        // the event has been going on across all the buckets in between.
-        // |prev_bucket|...|..|...|now_bucket|
-        if (it->second.state == kStarted) {
-            for (int i = 1; i < numBucketsForward; i++) {
-                DurationBucketInfo info;
-                info.set_start_bucket_nanos(oldBucketStartTimeNs + mBucketSizeNs * i);
-                info.set_end_bucket_nanos(endTime + mBucketSizeNs * i);
-                info.set_duration_nanos(mBucketSizeNs);
-                auto& bucketList = mPastBuckets[it->first];
-                bucketList.push_back(info);
-                VLOG("  add filling bucket with duration %lld", (long long)mBucketSizeNs);
-            }
-        }
-        if (it->second.state == DurationState::kStopped) {
-            // No need to keep buckets for events that were stopped before. If the event starts
-            // again, we will add it back.
+        if (it->second->flushIfNeeded(eventTime)) {
+            VLOG("erase bucket for key %s", it->first.c_str());
-        } else {
-            // for kPaused, and kStarted event, we will keep the buckets, and reset the start time
-            // and duration.
-            it->second.lastStartTime = mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs;
-            it->second.lastDuration = 0;
+    int numBucketsForward = (eventTime - mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs) / mBucketSizeNs;
+    mCurrentBucketStartTimeNs += numBucketsForward * mBucketSizeNs;
+void DurationMetricProducer::onMatchedLogEventInternal(
+        const size_t matcherIndex, const HashableDimensionKey& eventKey,
+        const map<string, HashableDimensionKey>& conditionKeys, bool condition,
+        const LogEvent& event) {
+    flushIfNeeded(event.GetTimestampNs());
+    if (matcherIndex == mStopAllIndex) {
+        for (auto& pair : mCurrentSlicedDuration) {
+            pair.second->noteStopAll(event.GetTimestampNs());
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    HashableDimensionKey atomKey = getHashableKey(getDimensionKey(event, mInternalDimension));
+    if (mCurrentSlicedDuration.find(eventKey) == mCurrentSlicedDuration.end()) {
+        mCurrentSlicedDuration[eventKey] = createDurationTracker(mPastBuckets[eventKey]);
+    }
+    auto it = mCurrentSlicedDuration.find(eventKey);
+    if (matcherIndex == mStartIndex) {
+        it->second->noteStart(atomKey, condition, event.GetTimestampNs(), conditionKeys);
+    } else if (matcherIndex == mStopIndex) {
+        it->second->noteStop(atomKey, event.GetTimestampNs());
+    }
 size_t DurationMetricProducer::byteSize() {