[Notif] Add Blocking helper to swipe

Implemented blocking helper UI as part of guts - the
ExpandableNotificationRow that's swiped away is effectively detached
from the notification logic but kept in as a view in the layout (it'll
still show up when looping through the normal view hierarchy). We
purposefully open up NotificationInfo with the intent of showing it as
the blocking helper.

It's animated away/closed when the user interacts with any other content
or swipes away, as with guts (Can be changed in the future if we want it
to stick around for longer).

KIs, that will be tracked in bugs once CL is in:
- Swiping a notification if it's partially hidden by the shelf does not
bring it up into focus
- If only one notification is showing, the shade auto-closes as if it
didn't have any notifications (which it technically doesn't)
- Animation on multiple blocking helper shows cuts too early and doesn't
allow the notification to transition out
- Long press on notification dismisses (it should probably ignore it)
- Metrics are still missing
- Accessibility needs a runthrough

Bug: 63095540,73783854
Test: Visually & Ran all tests
Change-Id: Iaa5e3d5537bbb72c946fdd7ee35b155e22ca2b05
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/NotificationInfo.java b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/NotificationInfo.java
index b1ad30c..a2f336e 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/NotificationInfo.java
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/NotificationInfo.java
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@
 import android.widget.LinearLayout;
 import android.widget.TextView;
+import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
 import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger;
 import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent;
 import com.android.settingslib.Utils;
+import com.android.systemui.Dependency;
 import com.android.systemui.Interpolators;
 import com.android.systemui.R;
@@ -81,11 +83,12 @@
     private OnSettingsClickListener mOnSettingsClickListener;
     private OnAppSettingsClickListener mAppSettingsClickListener;
     private NotificationGuts mGutsContainer;
+    /** Whether this view is being shown as part of the blocking helper */
+    private boolean mIsForBlockingHelper;
     private boolean mNegativeUserSentiment;
-    private OnClickListener mOnKeepShowing = v -> {
-        closeControls(v);
-    };
+    private OnClickListener mOnKeepShowing = this::closeControls;
     private OnClickListener mOnStopMinNotifications = v -> {
@@ -114,7 +117,9 @@
         void onClick(View v, Intent intent);
-    public void bindNotification(final PackageManager pm,
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    void bindNotification(
+            final PackageManager pm,
             final INotificationManager iNotificationManager,
             final String pkg,
             final NotificationChannel notificationChannel,
@@ -127,20 +132,24 @@
             throws RemoteException {
         bindNotification(pm, iNotificationManager, pkg, notificationChannel, numChannels, sbn,
                 checkSaveListener, onSettingsClick, onAppSettingsClick, nonBlockablePkgs,
-                false /* negative sentiment */);
+                false /* isBlockingHelper */,
+                false /* isUserSentimentNegative */);
-    public void bindNotification(final PackageManager pm,
-            final INotificationManager iNotificationManager,
-            final String pkg,
-            final NotificationChannel notificationChannel,
-            final int numChannels,
-            final StatusBarNotification sbn,
-            final CheckSaveListener checkSaveListener,
-            final OnSettingsClickListener onSettingsClick,
-            final OnAppSettingsClickListener onAppSettingsClick,
-            final Set<String> nonBlockablePkgs,
-            boolean negativeUserSentiment)  throws RemoteException {
+    public void bindNotification(
+            PackageManager pm,
+            INotificationManager iNotificationManager,
+            String pkg,
+            NotificationChannel notificationChannel,
+            int numChannels,
+            StatusBarNotification sbn,
+            CheckSaveListener checkSaveListener,
+            OnSettingsClickListener onSettingsClick,
+            OnAppSettingsClickListener onAppSettingsClick,
+            Set<String> nonBlockablePkgs,
+            boolean isForBlockingHelper,
+            boolean isUserSentimentNegative)
+            throws RemoteException {
         mINotificationManager = iNotificationManager;
         mPkg = pkg;
         mNumNotificationChannels = numChannels;
@@ -152,9 +161,10 @@
         mOnSettingsClickListener = onSettingsClick;
         mSingleNotificationChannel = notificationChannel;
         mStartingUserImportance = mChosenImportance = mSingleNotificationChannel.getImportance();
-        mNegativeUserSentiment = negativeUserSentiment;
+        mNegativeUserSentiment = isUserSentimentNegative;
         mIsForeground =
                 (mSbn.getNotification().flags & Notification.FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) != 0;
+        mIsForBlockingHelper = isForBlockingHelper;
         int numTotalChannels = mINotificationManager.getNumNotificationChannelsForPackage(
                 pkg, mAppUid, false /* includeDeleted */);
@@ -294,12 +304,14 @@
     private void bindButtons() {
+        // Set up stay-in-notification actions
         View block =  findViewById(R.id.block);
-        block.setOnClickListener(mOnStopMinNotifications);
         TextView keep = findViewById(R.id.keep);
-        keep.setOnClickListener(mOnKeepShowing);
-        findViewById(R.id.undo).setOnClickListener(mOnUndo);
         View minimize = findViewById(R.id.minimize);
+        findViewById(R.id.undo).setOnClickListener(mOnUndo);
+        block.setOnClickListener(mOnStopMinNotifications);
+        keep.setOnClickListener(mOnKeepShowing);
         if (mNonblockable) {
@@ -314,7 +326,7 @@
-        // app settings link
+        // Set up app settings link
         TextView settingsLinkView = findViewById(R.id.app_settings);
         Intent settingsIntent = getAppSettingsIntent(mPm, mPkg, mSingleNotificationChannel,
                 mSbn.getId(), mSbn.getTag());
@@ -421,16 +433,23 @@
         return intent;
-    private void closeControls(View v) {
-        int[] parentLoc = new int[2];
-        int[] targetLoc = new int[2];
-        mGutsContainer.getLocationOnScreen(parentLoc);
-        v.getLocationOnScreen(targetLoc);
-        final int centerX = v.getWidth() / 2;
-        final int centerY = v.getHeight() / 2;
-        final int x = targetLoc[0] - parentLoc[0] + centerX;
-        final int y = targetLoc[1] - parentLoc[1] + centerY;
-        mGutsContainer.closeControls(x, y, true /* save */, false /* force */);
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    void closeControls(View v) {
+        if (mIsForBlockingHelper) {
+            NotificationBlockingHelperManager manager =
+                    Dependency.get(NotificationBlockingHelperManager.class);
+            manager.dismissCurrentBlockingHelper();
+        } else {
+            int[] parentLoc = new int[2];
+            int[] targetLoc = new int[2];
+            mGutsContainer.getLocationOnScreen(parentLoc);
+            v.getLocationOnScreen(targetLoc);
+            final int centerX = v.getWidth() / 2;
+            final int centerY = v.getHeight() / 2;
+            final int x = targetLoc[0] - parentLoc[0] + centerX;
+            final int y = targetLoc[1] - parentLoc[1] + centerY;
+            mGutsContainer.closeControls(x, y, true /* save */, false /* force */);
+        }