Implement APIs for obtaining, caching themed Drawables

When Drawables are inflated during preload (or otherwise without a theme)
they cache their themeable attributes in their constant state as an array
keyed on attribute index. Drawables inflated with a theme will simply
resolve theme attributes as part of normal inflation, and they will not
cache any themeable attributes.

Drawables obtained from Resources are pulled from theme-specific cache
when possible. If an unthemed Drawable exists in the preload cache, a
new constant state will be obtained for the Drawable and the theme will
be applied by resolving the cached themeable attributes and overwriting
their respective constant state properties. If no cached version exists,
a new Drawable is inflated against the desired theme.

Constant states from themed drawables may be cached if the applied theme
is "pure" and was loaded from a style resource without any subsequent

This CL does not handle applying themes to several Drawable types, but it
fully supports BitmapDrawable, GradientDrawable, NinePatchDrawable,
ColorDrawable, and TouchFeedbackDrawable.

BUG: 12611005
Change-Id: I4e794fbb62f7a371715f4ebdf946ee5f9a5ad1c9
diff --git a/core/jni/android_util_AssetManager.cpp b/core/jni/android_util_AssetManager.cpp
index 7162a1c..9dde701a 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_util_AssetManager.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_util_AssetManager.cpp
@@ -972,6 +972,200 @@
+static jboolean android_content_AssetManager_resolveAttrs(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
+                                                          jlong themeToken,
+                                                          jint defStyleAttr,
+                                                          jint defStyleRes,
+                                                          jintArray inValues,
+                                                          jintArray attrs,
+                                                          jintArray outValues,
+                                                          jintArray outIndices)
+    if (themeToken == 0) {
+        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, "theme token");
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (attrs == NULL) {
+        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, "attrs");
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (outValues == NULL) {
+        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, "out values");
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("APPLY STYLE: theme=0x%x defStyleAttr=0x%x defStyleRes=0x%x",
+        themeToken, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes));
+    ResTable::Theme* theme = reinterpret_cast<ResTable::Theme*>(themeToken);
+    const ResTable& res = theme->getResTable();
+    ResTable_config config;
+    Res_value value;
+    const jsize NI = env->GetArrayLength(attrs);
+    const jsize NV = env->GetArrayLength(outValues);
+    if (NV < (NI*STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES)) {
+        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException", "out values too small");
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    jint* src = (jint*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(attrs, 0);
+    if (src == NULL) {
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    jint* srcValues = (jint*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(inValues, 0);
+    const jsize NSV = srcValues == NULL ? 0 : env->GetArrayLength(inValues);
+    jint* baseDest = (jint*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(outValues, 0);
+    jint* dest = baseDest;
+    if (dest == NULL) {
+        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(attrs, src, 0);
+        return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    jint* indices = NULL;
+    int indicesIdx = 0;
+    if (outIndices != NULL) {
+        if (env->GetArrayLength(outIndices) > NI) {
+            indices = (jint*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(outIndices, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    // Load default style from attribute, if specified...
+    uint32_t defStyleBagTypeSetFlags = 0;
+    if (defStyleAttr != 0) {
+        Res_value value;
+        if (theme->getAttribute(defStyleAttr, &value, &defStyleBagTypeSetFlags) >= 0) {
+            if (value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE) {
+                defStyleRes =;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Now lock down the resource object and start pulling stuff from it.
+    res.lock();
+    // Retrieve the default style bag, if requested.
+    const ResTable::bag_entry* defStyleEnt = NULL;
+    uint32_t defStyleTypeSetFlags = 0;
+    ssize_t bagOff = defStyleRes != 0
+            ? res.getBagLocked(defStyleRes, &defStyleEnt, &defStyleTypeSetFlags) : -1;
+    defStyleTypeSetFlags |= defStyleBagTypeSetFlags;
+    const ResTable::bag_entry* endDefStyleEnt = defStyleEnt +
+        (bagOff >= 0 ? bagOff : 0);;
+    // Now iterate through all of the attributes that the client has requested,
+    // filling in each with whatever data we can find.
+    ssize_t block = 0;
+    uint32_t typeSetFlags;
+    for (jsize ii=0; ii<NI; ii++) {
+        const uint32_t curIdent = (uint32_t)src[ii];
+        DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("RETRIEVING ATTR 0x%08x...", curIdent));
+        // Try to find a value for this attribute...  we prioritize values
+        // coming from, first XML attributes, then XML style, then default
+        // style, and finally the theme.
+        value.dataType = Res_value::TYPE_NULL;
+ = 0;
+        typeSetFlags = 0;
+        config.density = 0;
+        // Retrieve the current input value if available.
+        if (NSV > 0 && srcValues[ii] != 0) {
+            block = -1;
+            value.dataType = Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE;
+   = srcValues[ii];
+            DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> From values: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                    value.dataType,;
+        }
+        // Skip through the default style values until the end or the next possible match.
+        while (defStyleEnt < endDefStyleEnt && curIdent > defStyleEnt-> {
+            defStyleEnt++;
+        }
+        // Retrieve the current default style attribute if it matches, and step to next.
+        if (defStyleEnt < endDefStyleEnt && curIdent == defStyleEnt-> {
+            if (value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_NULL) {
+                block = defStyleEnt->stringBlock;
+                typeSetFlags = defStyleTypeSetFlags;
+                value = defStyleEnt->map.value;
+                DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> From def style: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                        value.dataType,;
+            }
+            defStyleEnt++;
+        }
+        uint32_t resid = 0;
+        if (value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_NULL) {
+            // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value.
+            ssize_t newBlock = theme->resolveAttributeReference(&value, block,
+                    &resid, &typeSetFlags, &config);
+            if (newBlock >= 0) block = newBlock;
+            DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> Resolved attr: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                    value.dataType,;
+        } else {
+            // If we still don't have a value for this attribute, try to find
+            // it in the theme!
+            ssize_t newBlock = theme->getAttribute(curIdent, &value, &typeSetFlags);
+            if (newBlock >= 0) {
+                DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> From theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                        value.dataType,;
+                newBlock = res.resolveReference(&value, block, &resid,
+                        &typeSetFlags, &config);
+                if (newBlock == BAD_INDEX) {
+                    jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Bad resource!");
+                    return JNI_FALSE;
+                }
+                if (newBlock >= 0) block = newBlock;
+                DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> Resolved theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                        value.dataType,;
+            }
+        }
+        // Deal with the special @null value -- it turns back to TYPE_NULL.
+        if (value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE && == 0) {
+            DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("-> Setting to @null!"));
+            value.dataType = Res_value::TYPE_NULL;
+            block = -1;
+        }
+        DEBUG_STYLES(LOGI("Attribute 0x%08x: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x",
+                curIdent, value.dataType,;
+        // Write the final value back to Java.
+        dest[STYLE_TYPE] = value.dataType;
+        dest[STYLE_DATA] =;
+        dest[STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE] =
+            block != -1 ? reinterpret_cast<jint>(res.getTableCookie(block)) : (jint)-1;
+        dest[STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = resid;
+        dest[STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS] = typeSetFlags;
+        dest[STYLE_DENSITY] = config.density;
+        if (indices != NULL && value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_NULL) {
+            indicesIdx++;
+            indices[indicesIdx] = ii;
+        }
+        dest += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
+    }
+    res.unlock();
+    if (indices != NULL) {
+        indices[0] = indicesIdx;
+        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(outIndices, indices, 0);
+    }
+    env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(outValues, baseDest, 0);
+    env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(inValues, srcValues, 0);
+    env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(attrs, src, 0);
+    return JNI_TRUE;
 static jboolean android_content_AssetManager_applyStyle(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                                         jlong themeToken,
                                                         jint defStyleAttr,