Each displays can have individual app transition.

Include below refectoring items to support per display AppTransition:

WMS / AM refectoring parts:
- Move AppTransition related stuff from WMS into DisplayContent.
- Move WMS.prepareAppTransition into DisplayWindowController.
- Move WMS.executeAppTransition to DisplayWindowController.
- Move ATM.isNextTransitionForward to DisplayWindowController.
- Move WMS.getPendingAppTransition to DisplayWindowController.
- Move WMS.overrideAppTransition like APIs to DisplayWindowController.
- Move ActivityRecord.applyOptionsLocked to AppContainerController.
- Support tracing all display's AppTransition status for
  DisplayContent.pendingLayoutChanges & window hierachy update.
- Modify logics for AppTransition related caller parts.
- Move WindowSurfacePlacer.handleAppTransitionReadyLocked related
  stuffs into added class AppTransitionController.

WM unit test parts:
- Add test case for verifying app transition state per display:
  - AppTransitionTests.testAppTransitionStateForMultiDisplay
  - AppTransitionTests.testCleanAppTransitionWhenTaskStackReparent
- Rename WindowSurfacePlacerTest to AppTransitionControllerTest since
  the test is related handle AppTransition flow.

Bug: 111362605
Test: go/wm-smoke
Test: atest ActivityManagerTransitionSelectionTests
Test: atest ActivityManagerMultiDisplayTests
Test: atest FrameworksServicesTests for DisplayContent / AppTransition
      related tests.
Change-Id: Ic1793aa794eb161bec31fda57847a6ba2ff4f84f
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/AppTransitionController.java b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/AppTransitionController.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a47dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/AppTransitionController.java
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License
+ */
+package com.android.server.wm;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_CRASHING_ACTIVITY_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_DOCK_TASK_FROM_RECENTS;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_NO_ANIMATION;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_TO_SHADE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_WITH_WALLPAPER;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_ON_WALLPAPER;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_NONE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TASK_IN_PLACE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_OPEN;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN;
+import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_OPEN;
+import static com.android.server.policy.WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_CONFIG;
+import static com.android.server.policy.WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_LAYOUT;
+import static com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerInternal.APP_TRANSITION_SNAPSHOT;
+import static com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerInternal.APP_TRANSITION_SPLASH_SCREEN;
+import static com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerInternal.APP_TRANSITION_WINDOWS_DRAWN;
+import static com.android.server.wm.AppTransition.isKeyguardGoingAwayTransit;
+import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS;
+import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.SHOW_LIGHT_TRANSACTIONS;
+import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WITH_CLASS_NAME;
+import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WM;
+import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.H.NOTIFY_APP_TRANSITION_STARTING;
+import android.app.WindowConfiguration;
+import android.os.Trace;
+import android.util.ArraySet;
+import android.util.Slog;
+import android.util.SparseIntArray;
+import android.view.Display;
+import android.view.RemoteAnimationAdapter;
+import android.view.RemoteAnimationDefinition;
+import android.view.WindowManager;
+import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams;
+import android.view.animation.Animation;
+import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+ * Checks for app transition readiness, resolves animation attributes and performs visibility
+ * change for apps that animate as part of an app transition.
+ */
+public class AppTransitionController {
+    private static final String TAG = TAG_WITH_CLASS_NAME ? "AppTransitionController" : TAG_WM;
+    private final WindowManagerService mService;
+    private final DisplayContent mDisplayContent;
+    private final WallpaperController mWallpaperControllerLocked;
+    private final SparseIntArray mTempTransitionReasons = new SparseIntArray();
+    AppTransitionController(WindowManagerService service, DisplayContent displayContent) {
+        mService = service;
+        mDisplayContent = displayContent;
+        mWallpaperControllerLocked = new WallpaperController(mService);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handle application transition for given display.
+     */
+    void handleAppTransitionReady() {
+        final int appsCount = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.size();
+        if (!transitionGoodToGo(appsCount, mTempTransitionReasons)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "AppTransitionReady");
+        if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "**** GOOD TO GO");
+        int transit = mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.getAppTransition();
+        if (mDisplayContent.mSkipAppTransitionAnimation && !isKeyguardGoingAwayTransit(transit)) {
+            transit = WindowManager.TRANSIT_UNSET;
+        }
+        mDisplayContent.mSkipAppTransitionAnimation = false;
+        mDisplayContent.mNoAnimationNotifyOnTransitionFinished.clear();
+        mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.removeAppTransitionTimeoutCallbacks();
+        mService.mRoot.mWallpaperMayChange = false;
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {
+            final AppWindowToken wtoken = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.valueAt(i);
+            // Clearing the mAnimatingExit flag before entering animation. It's set to true if app
+            // window is removed, or window relayout to invisible. This also affects window
+            // visibility. We need to clear it *before* maybeUpdateTransitToWallpaper() as the
+            // transition selection depends on wallpaper target visibility.
+            wtoken.clearAnimatingFlags();
+        }
+        // Adjust wallpaper before we pull the lower/upper target, since pending changes
+        // (like the clearAnimatingFlags() above) might affect wallpaper target result.
+        // Or, the opening app window should be a wallpaper target.
+        mWallpaperControllerLocked.adjustWallpaperWindowsForAppTransitionIfNeeded(mDisplayContent,
+                mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps);
+        // Determine if closing and opening app token sets are wallpaper targets, in which case
+        // special animations are needed.
+        final boolean hasWallpaperTarget = mWallpaperControllerLocked.getWallpaperTarget() != null;
+        final boolean openingAppHasWallpaper = canBeWallpaperTarget(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps)
+                && hasWallpaperTarget;
+        final boolean closingAppHasWallpaper = canBeWallpaperTarget(mDisplayContent.mClosingApps)
+                && hasWallpaperTarget;
+        transit = maybeUpdateTransitToTranslucentAnim(transit);
+        transit = maybeUpdateTransitToWallpaper(transit, openingAppHasWallpaper,
+                closingAppHasWallpaper);
+        // Find the layout params of the top-most application window in the tokens, which is
+        // what will control the animation theme. If all closing windows are obscured, then there is
+        // no need to do an animation. This is the case, for example, when this transition is being
+        // done behind a dream window.
+        final ArraySet<Integer> activityTypes = collectActivityTypes(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps,
+                mDisplayContent.mClosingApps);
+        final boolean allowAnimations = mService.mPolicy.allowAppAnimationsLw();
+        final AppWindowToken animLpToken = allowAnimations
+                ? findAnimLayoutParamsToken(transit, activityTypes)
+                : null;
+        final AppWindowToken topOpeningApp = allowAnimations
+                ? getTopApp(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps, false /* ignoreHidden */)
+                : null;
+        final AppWindowToken topClosingApp = allowAnimations
+                ? getTopApp(mDisplayContent.mClosingApps, false /* ignoreHidden */)
+                : null;
+        final WindowManager.LayoutParams animLp = getAnimLp(animLpToken);
+        overrideWithRemoteAnimationIfSet(animLpToken, transit, activityTypes);
+        final boolean voiceInteraction = containsVoiceInteraction(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps)
+                || containsVoiceInteraction(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps);
+        final int layoutRedo;
+        mService.mSurfaceAnimationRunner.deferStartingAnimations();
+        try {
+            processApplicationsAnimatingInPlace(transit);
+            handleClosingApps(transit, animLp, voiceInteraction);
+            handleOpeningApps(transit, animLp, voiceInteraction);
+            mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.setLastAppTransition(transit, topOpeningApp,
+                    topClosingApp);
+            final int flags = mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.getTransitFlags();
+            layoutRedo = mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.goodToGo(transit, topOpeningApp,
+                    topClosingApp, mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps, mDisplayContent.mClosingApps);
+            handleNonAppWindowsInTransition(transit, flags);
+            mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.postAnimationCallback();
+            mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.clear();
+        } finally {
+            mService.mSurfaceAnimationRunner.continueStartingAnimations();
+        }
+        mService.mTaskSnapshotController.onTransitionStarting(mDisplayContent);
+        mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.clear();
+        mDisplayContent.mClosingApps.clear();
+        mDisplayContent.mUnknownAppVisibilityController.clear();
+        // This has changed the visibility of windows, so perform
+        // a new layout to get them all up-to-date.
+        mDisplayContent.setLayoutNeeded();
+        mDisplayContent.computeImeTarget(true /* updateImeTarget */);
+        mService.mH.obtainMessage(NOTIFY_APP_TRANSITION_STARTING,
+                mTempTransitionReasons.clone()).sendToTarget();
+        Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER);
+        mDisplayContent.pendingLayoutChanges |=
+    }
+    private static WindowManager.LayoutParams getAnimLp(AppWindowToken wtoken) {
+        final WindowState mainWindow = wtoken != null ? wtoken.findMainWindow() : null;
+        return mainWindow != null ? mainWindow.mAttrs : null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Overrides the pending transition with the remote animation defined for the transition in the
+     * set of defined remote animations in the app window token.
+     */
+    private void overrideWithRemoteAnimationIfSet(AppWindowToken animLpToken, int transit,
+            ArraySet<Integer> activityTypes) {
+        if (transit == TRANSIT_CRASHING_ACTIVITY_CLOSE) {
+            // The crash transition has higher priority than any involved remote animations.
+            return;
+        }
+        if (animLpToken == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        final RemoteAnimationDefinition definition = animLpToken.getRemoteAnimationDefinition();
+        if (definition == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        final RemoteAnimationAdapter adapter = definition.getAdapter(transit, activityTypes);
+        if (adapter != null) {
+            animLpToken.getDisplayContent().mAppTransition.overridePendingAppTransitionRemote(
+                    adapter);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return The window token that determines the animation theme.
+     */
+    private AppWindowToken findAnimLayoutParamsToken(@WindowManager.TransitionType int transit,
+            ArraySet<Integer> activityTypes) {
+        AppWindowToken result;
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> closingApps = mDisplayContent.mClosingApps;
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> openingApps = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps;
+        // Remote animations always win, but fullscreen tokens override non-fullscreen tokens.
+        result = lookForHighestTokenWithFilter(closingApps, openingApps,
+                w -> w.getRemoteAnimationDefinition() != null
+                        && w.getRemoteAnimationDefinition().hasTransition(transit, activityTypes));
+        if (result != null) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = lookForHighestTokenWithFilter(closingApps, openingApps,
+                w -> w.fillsParent() && w.findMainWindow() != null);
+        if (result != null) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        return lookForHighestTokenWithFilter(closingApps, openingApps,
+                w -> w.findMainWindow() != null);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return The set of {@link WindowConfiguration.ActivityType}s contained in the set of apps in
+     *         {@code array1} and {@code array2}.
+     */
+    private static ArraySet<Integer> collectActivityTypes(ArraySet<AppWindowToken> array1,
+            ArraySet<AppWindowToken> array2) {
+        final ArraySet<Integer> result = new ArraySet<>();
+        for (int i = array1.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            result.add(array1.valueAt(i).getActivityType());
+        }
+        for (int i = array2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            result.add(array2.valueAt(i).getActivityType());
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    private static AppWindowToken lookForHighestTokenWithFilter(ArraySet<AppWindowToken> array1,
+            ArraySet<AppWindowToken> array2, Predicate<AppWindowToken> filter) {
+        final int array1count = array1.size();
+        final int count = array1count + array2.size();
+        int bestPrefixOrderIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+        AppWindowToken bestToken = null;
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+            final AppWindowToken wtoken = i < array1count
+                    ? array1.valueAt(i)
+                    : array2.valueAt(i - array1count);
+            final int prefixOrderIndex = wtoken.getPrefixOrderIndex();
+            if (filter.test(wtoken) && prefixOrderIndex > bestPrefixOrderIndex) {
+                bestPrefixOrderIndex = prefixOrderIndex;
+                bestToken = wtoken;
+            }
+        }
+        return bestToken;
+    }
+    private boolean containsVoiceInteraction(ArraySet<AppWindowToken> apps) {
+        for (int i = apps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (apps.valueAt(i).mVoiceInteraction) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void handleOpeningApps(int transit, LayoutParams animLp, boolean voiceInteraction) {
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> openingApps = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps;
+        final int appsCount = openingApps.size();
+        for (int i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {
+            AppWindowToken wtoken = openingApps.valueAt(i);
+            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Now opening app" + wtoken);
+            if (!wtoken.setVisibility(animLp, true, transit, false, voiceInteraction)) {
+                // This token isn't going to be animating. Add it to the list of tokens to
+                // be notified of app transition complete since the notification will not be
+                // sent be the app window animator.
+                mDisplayContent.mNoAnimationNotifyOnTransitionFinished.add(wtoken.token);
+            }
+            wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();
+            wtoken.waitingToShow = false;
+            if (SHOW_LIGHT_TRANSACTIONS) Slog.i(TAG,
+                    ">>> OPEN TRANSACTION handleAppTransitionReady()");
+            mService.openSurfaceTransaction();
+            try {
+                wtoken.showAllWindowsLocked();
+            } finally {
+                mService.closeSurfaceTransaction("handleAppTransitionReady");
+                if (SHOW_LIGHT_TRANSACTIONS) Slog.i(TAG,
+                        "<<< CLOSE TRANSACTION handleAppTransitionReady()");
+            }
+            if (mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isNextAppTransitionThumbnailUp()) {
+                wtoken.attachThumbnailAnimation();
+            } else if (mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isNextAppTransitionOpenCrossProfileApps()) {
+                wtoken.attachCrossProfileAppsThumbnailAnimation();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void handleClosingApps(int transit, LayoutParams animLp, boolean voiceInteraction) {
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> closingApps = mDisplayContent.mClosingApps;
+        final int appsCount = closingApps.size();
+        for (int i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {
+            AppWindowToken wtoken = closingApps.valueAt(i);
+            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Now closing app " + wtoken);
+            // TODO: Do we need to add to mNoAnimationNotifyOnTransitionFinished like above if not
+            //       animating?
+            wtoken.setVisibility(animLp, false, transit, false, voiceInteraction);
+            wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();
+            // Force the allDrawn flag, because we want to start
+            // this guy's animations regardless of whether it's
+            // gotten drawn.
+            wtoken.allDrawn = true;
+            wtoken.deferClearAllDrawn = false;
+            // Ensure that apps that are mid-starting are also scheduled to have their
+            // starting windows removed after the animation is complete
+            if (wtoken.startingWindow != null && !wtoken.startingWindow.mAnimatingExit
+                    && wtoken.getController() != null) {
+                wtoken.getController().removeStartingWindow();
+            }
+            if (mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isNextAppTransitionThumbnailDown()) {
+                wtoken.attachThumbnailAnimation();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void handleNonAppWindowsInTransition(int transit, int flags) {
+        if (transit == TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY) {
+                    && (flags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_NO_ANIMATION) == 0) {
+                Animation anim = mService.mPolicy.createKeyguardWallpaperExit(
+                        (flags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_TO_SHADE) != 0);
+                if (anim != null) {
+                    mDisplayContent.mWallpaperController.startWallpaperAnimation(anim);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (transit == TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY
+                || transit == TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_ON_WALLPAPER) {
+            mDisplayContent.startKeyguardExitOnNonAppWindows(
+                    transit == TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_ON_WALLPAPER,
+                    (flags & TRANSIT_FLAG_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_TO_SHADE) != 0);
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean transitionGoodToGo(int appsCount, SparseIntArray outReasons) {
+        if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,
+                "Checking " + appsCount + " opening apps (frozen="
+                        + mService.mDisplayFrozen + " timeout="
+                        + mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isTimeout() + ")...");
+        final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =
+                mService.mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(
+                        Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
+        outReasons.clear();
+        if (!mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isTimeout()) {
+            // Imagine the case where we are changing orientation due to an app transition, but a
+            // previous orientation change is still in progress. We won't process the orientation
+            // change for our transition because we need to wait for the rotation animation to
+            // finish.
+            // If we start the app transition at this point, we will interrupt it halfway with a
+            // new rotation animation after the old one finally finishes. It's better to defer the
+            // app transition.
+            if (screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating() &&
+                    mService.getDefaultDisplayContentLocked().rotationNeedsUpdate()) {
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) {
+                    Slog.v(TAG, "Delaying app transition for screen rotation animation to finish");
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {
+                AppWindowToken wtoken = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.valueAt(i);
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,
+                        "Check opening app=" + wtoken + ": allDrawn="
+                                + wtoken.allDrawn + " startingDisplayed="
+                                + wtoken.startingDisplayed + " startingMoved="
+                                + wtoken.startingMoved + " isRelaunching()="
+                                + wtoken.isRelaunching() + " startingWindow="
+                                + wtoken.startingWindow);
+                final boolean allDrawn = wtoken.allDrawn && !wtoken.isRelaunching();
+                if (!allDrawn && !wtoken.startingDisplayed && !wtoken.startingMoved) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                final int windowingMode = wtoken.getWindowingMode();
+                if (allDrawn) {
+                    outReasons.put(windowingMode,  APP_TRANSITION_WINDOWS_DRAWN);
+                } else {
+                    outReasons.put(windowingMode,
+                            wtoken.startingData instanceof SplashScreenStartingData
+                                    ? APP_TRANSITION_SPLASH_SCREEN
+                                    : APP_TRANSITION_SNAPSHOT);
+                }
+            }
+            // We also need to wait for the specs to be fetched, if needed.
+            if (mDisplayContent.mAppTransition.isFetchingAppTransitionsSpecs()) {
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "isFetchingAppTransitionSpecs=true");
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (!mDisplayContent.mUnknownAppVisibilityController.allResolved()) {
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) {
+                    Slog.v(TAG, "unknownApps is not empty: "
+                            + mDisplayContent.mUnknownAppVisibilityController.getDebugMessage());
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            // If the wallpaper is visible, we need to check it's ready too.
+            boolean wallpaperReady = !mWallpaperControllerLocked.isWallpaperVisible() ||
+                    mWallpaperControllerLocked.wallpaperTransitionReady();
+            if (wallpaperReady) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    private int maybeUpdateTransitToWallpaper(int transit, boolean openingAppHasWallpaper,
+            boolean closingAppHasWallpaper) {
+        // Given no app transition pass it through instead of a wallpaper transition.
+        // Never convert the crashing transition.
+        // Never update the transition for the wallpaper if we are just docking from recents
+        if (transit == TRANSIT_NONE || transit == TRANSIT_CRASHING_ACTIVITY_CLOSE
+                || transit == TRANSIT_DOCK_TASK_FROM_RECENTS) {
+            return transit;
+        }
+        final WindowState wallpaperTarget = mWallpaperControllerLocked.getWallpaperTarget();
+        final boolean showWallpaper = wallpaperTarget != null
+                && (wallpaperTarget.mAttrs.flags & FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER) != 0;
+        // If wallpaper is animating or wallpaperTarget doesn't have SHOW_WALLPAPER flag set,
+        // don't consider upgrading to wallpaper transition.
+        final WindowState oldWallpaper =
+                (mWallpaperControllerLocked.isWallpaperTargetAnimating() || !showWallpaper)
+                        ? null
+                        : wallpaperTarget;
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> openingApps = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps;
+        final ArraySet<AppWindowToken> closingApps = mDisplayContent.mClosingApps;
+        final AppWindowToken topOpeningApp = getTopApp(mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps,
+                false /* ignoreHidden */);
+        final AppWindowToken topClosingApp = getTopApp(mDisplayContent.mClosingApps,
+                true /* ignoreHidden */);
+        boolean openingCanBeWallpaperTarget = canBeWallpaperTarget(openingApps);
+        if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,
+                "New wallpaper target=" + wallpaperTarget
+                        + ", oldWallpaper=" + oldWallpaper
+                        + ", openingApps=" + openingApps
+                        + ", closingApps=" + closingApps);
+        if (openingCanBeWallpaperTarget && transit == TRANSIT_KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY) {
+            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,
+                    "New transit: " + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));
+        }
+        // We never want to change from a Keyguard transit to a non-Keyguard transit, as our logic
+        // relies on the fact that we always execute a Keyguard transition after preparing one.
+        else if (!isKeyguardGoingAwayTransit(transit)) {
+            if (closingAppHasWallpaper && openingAppHasWallpaper) {
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Wallpaper animation!");
+                switch (transit) {
+                    case TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN:
+                    case TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN:
+                    case TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT:
+                        transit = TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN;
+                        break;
+                    case TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE:
+                    case TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE:
+                    case TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK:
+                        transit = TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE;
+                        break;
+                }
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,
+                        "New transit: " + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));
+            } else if (oldWallpaper != null && !mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.isEmpty()
+                    && !openingApps.contains(oldWallpaper.mAppToken)
+                    && closingApps.contains(oldWallpaper.mAppToken)
+                    && topClosingApp == oldWallpaper.mAppToken) {
+                // We are transitioning from an activity with a wallpaper to one without.
+                transit = TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_CLOSE;
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "New transit away from wallpaper: "
+                        + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));
+            } else if (wallpaperTarget != null && wallpaperTarget.isVisibleLw()
+                    && openingApps.contains(wallpaperTarget.mAppToken)
+                    && topOpeningApp == wallpaperTarget.mAppToken
+                    && transit != TRANSIT_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE) {
+                // We are transitioning from an activity without
+                // a wallpaper to now showing the wallpaper
+                transit = TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_OPEN;
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "New transit into wallpaper: "
+                        + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));
+            }
+        }
+        return transit;
+    }
+    /**
+     * There are cases where we open/close a new task/activity, but in reality only a translucent
+     * activity on top of existing activities is opening/closing. For that one, we have a different
+     * animation because non of the task/activity animations actually work well with translucent
+     * apps.
+     *
+     * @param transit The current transition type.
+     * @return The current transition type or
+     *         {@link WindowManager#TRANSIT_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE}/
+     *         {@link WindowManager#TRANSIT_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_OPEN} if appropriate for the
+     *         situation.
+     */
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    int maybeUpdateTransitToTranslucentAnim(int transit) {
+        final boolean taskOrActivity = AppTransition.isTaskTransit(transit)
+                || AppTransition.isActivityTransit(transit);
+        boolean allOpeningVisible = true;
+        boolean allTranslucentOpeningApps = !mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.isEmpty();
+        for (int i = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            final AppWindowToken token = mDisplayContent.mOpeningApps.valueAt(i);
+            if (!token.isVisible()) {
+                allOpeningVisible = false;
+                if (token.fillsParent()) {
+                    allTranslucentOpeningApps = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        boolean allTranslucentClosingApps = !mDisplayContent.mClosingApps.isEmpty();
+        for (int i = mDisplayContent.mClosingApps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (mDisplayContent.mClosingApps.valueAt(i).fillsParent()) {
+                allTranslucentClosingApps = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (taskOrActivity && allTranslucentClosingApps && allOpeningVisible) {
+        }
+        if (taskOrActivity && allTranslucentOpeningApps && mDisplayContent.mClosingApps.isEmpty()) {
+        }
+        return transit;
+    }
+    private boolean canBeWallpaperTarget(ArraySet<AppWindowToken> apps) {
+        for (int i = apps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (apps.valueAt(i).windowsCanBeWallpaperTarget()) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Finds the top app in a list of apps, using its {@link AppWindowToken#getPrefixOrderIndex} to
+     * compare z-order.
+     *
+     * @param apps The list of apps to search.
+     * @param ignoreHidden If set to true, ignores apps that are {@link AppWindowToken#isHidden}.
+     * @return The top {@link AppWindowToken}.
+     */
+    private AppWindowToken getTopApp(ArraySet<AppWindowToken> apps, boolean ignoreHidden) {
+        int topPrefixOrderIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+        AppWindowToken topApp = null;
+        for (int i = apps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            final AppWindowToken app = apps.valueAt(i);
+            if (ignoreHidden && app.isHidden()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            final int prefixOrderIndex = app.getPrefixOrderIndex();
+            if (prefixOrderIndex > topPrefixOrderIndex) {
+                topPrefixOrderIndex = prefixOrderIndex;
+                topApp = app;
+            }
+        }
+        return topApp;
+    }
+    private void processApplicationsAnimatingInPlace(int transit) {
+        if (transit == TRANSIT_TASK_IN_PLACE) {
+            // Find the focused window
+            final WindowState win = mDisplayContent.findFocusedWindow();
+            if (win != null) {
+                final AppWindowToken wtoken = win.mAppToken;
+                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS)
+                    Slog.v(TAG, "Now animating app in place " + wtoken);
+                wtoken.cancelAnimation();
+                wtoken.applyAnimationLocked(null, transit, false, false);
+                wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();
+                wtoken.showAllWindowsLocked();
+            }
+        }
+    }