Adding privacy tags to last few protos.

I left out the protos that aren't officially used in incident.proto in any way.
The notification captions are set in NotificationManagerService and
ConditionProviders. They're not set by the app at all.

Bug: 72393215
Test: flash device and check incident.proto output
Change-Id: I4b36e066740fa1e6755eb946e2bcfa4959d9f9db
diff --git a/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto b/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
index fa430d8..2ae526a 100644
--- a/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
+++ b/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
@@ -20,8 +20,12 @@
 option java_multiple_files = true;
+import "frameworks/base/libs/incident/proto/android/privacy.proto";
 // Dump from StatLogger.
 message StatLoggerProto {
+  option (.android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_EXPLICIT;
   message Event {
     optional int32 eventId = 1;
     optional string label = 2;