incidentd: Adding proto dump for AlarmManager.

Test: flash device and check incident.proto output.
Bug: 65750801
Change-Id: If1e42c70908a0b11358cf48766c028e37c0329ae
diff --git a/core/proto/android/server/alarmmanagerservice.proto b/core/proto/android/server/alarmmanagerservice.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2cd190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/proto/android/server/alarmmanagerservice.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+syntax = "proto2";
+import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/alarmmanager.proto";
+import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/pendingintent.proto";
+import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/internal/locallog.proto";
+import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/worksource.proto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+message AlarmManagerServiceProto {
+  optional int64 current_time = 1;
+  optional int64 elapsed_realtime = 2;
+  optional int64 last_time_change_clock_time = 3;
+  optional int64 last_time_change_realtime = 4;
+  // Current settings
+  optional ConstantsProto settings = 5;
+  // UIDs currently in the foreground.
+  repeated int32 foreground_uids = 6;
+  // Packages forced into app standby.
+  repeated string forced_app_standby_packages = 7;
+  optional bool is_interactive = 8;
+  // Only valid if is_interactive is false.
+  optional int64 time_since_non_interactive_ms = 9;
+  // Only valid if is_interactive is false.
+  optional int64 max_wakeup_delay_ms = 10;
+  // Only valid if is_interactive is false.
+  optional int64 time_since_last_dispatch_ms = 11;
+  // Only valid if is_interactive is false.
+  optional int64 time_until_next_non_wakeup_delivery_ms = 12;
+  optional int64 time_until_next_non_wakeup_alarm_ms = 13;
+  optional int64 time_until_next_wakeup_ms = 14;
+  optional int64 time_since_last_wakeup_ms = 15;
+  // Time since the last wakeup was set.
+  optional int64 time_since_last_wakeup_set_ms = 16;
+  optional int64 time_change_event_count = 17;
+  // The current set of user whitelisted apps for device idle mode, meaning
+  // these are allowed to freely schedule alarms. These are app IDs, not UIDs.
+  repeated int32 device_idle_user_whitelist_app_ids = 18;
+  repeated AlarmClockMetadataProto next_alarm_clock_metadata = 19;
+  repeated BatchProto pending_alarm_batches = 20;
+  // List of alarms per uid deferred due to user applied background restrictions
+  // on the source app.
+  repeated AlarmProto pending_user_blocked_background_alarms = 21;
+  // When idling mode will end. Will be empty if the device is not currently
+  // idling.
+  optional AlarmProto pending_idle_until = 22;
+  // Any alarms that we don't want to run during idle mode. Will be empty if the
+  // device is not currently idling.
+  repeated AlarmProto pending_while_idle_alarms = 23;
+  // This is a special alarm that will put the system into idle until it goes
+  // off. The caller has given the time they want this to happen at.
+  optional AlarmProto next_wake_from_idle = 24;
+  repeated AlarmProto past_due_non_wakeup_alarms = 25;
+  // Number of delayed alarms.
+  optional int32 delayed_alarm_count = 26;
+  // The total amount of time alarms had been delayed. Overlapping alarms are
+  // only counted once (ie. If two alarms were meant to trigger at the same time
+  // but were delayed by 5 seconds, the total time would be 5 seconds).
+  optional int64 total_delay_time_ms = 27;
+  optional int64 max_delay_duration_ms = 28;
+  optional int64 max_non_interactive_duration_ms = 29;
+  optional int32 broadcast_ref_count = 30;
+  // Canonical count of (operation.send() - onSendFinished()) and listener
+  // send/complete/timeout invocations.
+  optional int32 pending_intent_send_count = 31;
+  optional int32 pending_intent_finish_count = 32;
+  optional int32 listener_send_count = 33;
+  optional int32 listener_finish_count = 34;
+  repeated InFlightProto outstanding_deliveries = 35;
+  // Minimum time between ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE alarms when system is idling. It
+  // should be either CosntantsProto.allow_while_idle_short_duration_ms or
+  // ConstantsProto.allow_while_idle_long_duration_ms.
+  optional int64 allow_while_idle_min_duration_ms = 36;
+  message LastAllowWhileIdleDispatch {
+    optional int32 uid = 1;
+    // In the 'elapsed' timebase.
+    optional int64 time_ms = 2;
+  }
+  // For each uid, this is the last time we dispatched an "allow while idle"
+  // alarm, used to determine the earliest we can dispatch the next such alarm.
+  repeated LastAllowWhileIdleDispatch last_allow_while_idle_dispatch_times = 37;
+  optional recent_problems = 38;
+  message TopAlarm {
+    optional int32 uid = 1;
+    optional string package_name = 2;
+    optional FilterStatsProto filter = 3;
+  }
+  repeated TopAlarm top_alarms = 39;
+  message AlarmStat {
+    optional BroadcastStatsProto broadcast = 1;
+    repeated FilterStatsProto filters = 2;
+  }
+  repeated AlarmStat alarm_stats = 40;
+  repeated IdleDispatchEntryProto allow_while_idle_dispatches = 41;
+  repeated WakeupEventProto recent_wakeup_history = 42;
+// This is a soft wrapper for alarm clock information. It is not representative
+// of an object.
+message AlarmClockMetadataProto {
+  optional int32 user = 1;
+  optional bool is_pending_send = 2;
+  // This value is UTC wall clock time in milliseconds, as returned by
+  // System#currentTimeMillis() for example.
+  optional int64 trigger_time_ms = 3;
+// A object.
+message AlarmProto {
+  optional string tag = 1;
+  optional type = 2;
+  // How long until the alarm goes off, in the 'elapsed' timebase.
+  optional int64 when_elapsed_ms = 3;
+  optional int64 window_length_ms = 4;
+  optional int64 repeat_interval_ms = 5;
+  optional int32 count = 6;
+  optional int32 flags = 7;
+  optional alarm_clock = 8;
+  optional operation = 9;
+  optional string listener = 10;
+// A object.
+message BatchProto {
+  // Start time in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 start_realtime = 1;
+  // End time in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 end_realtime = 2;
+  optional int32 flags = 3;
+  repeated AlarmProto alarms = 4;
+// A object.
+message BroadcastStatsProto {
+  optional int32 uid = 1;
+  optional string package_name = 2;
+  // The total amount of time this broadcast was in flight.
+  optional int64 total_flight_duration_ms = 3;
+  optional int32 count = 4;
+  optional int32 wakeup_count = 5;
+  // The last time this first became active (when nesting changed from 0 to 1)
+  // in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 start_time_realtime = 6;
+  // The broadcast is active if nesting > 0.
+  optional int32 nesting = 7;
+// A object.
+message ConstantsProto {
+  // Minimum futurity of a new alarm.
+  optional int64 min_futurity_duration_ms = 1;
+  // Minimum alarm recurrence interval.
+  optional int64 min_interval_duration_ms = 2;
+  // Direct alarm listener callback timeout.
+  optional int64 listener_timeout_duration_ms = 3;
+  // Minimum time between ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE alarms when system is not idle.
+  optional int64 allow_while_idle_short_duration_ms = 4;
+  // Minimum time between ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE alarms when system is idling.
+  optional int64 allow_while_idle_long_duration_ms = 5;
+  // BroadcastOptions.setTemporaryAppWhitelistDuration() to use for FLAG_ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE.
+  optional int64 allow_while_idle_whitelist_duration_ms = 6;
+// A object.
+message FilterStatsProto {
+  optional string tag = 1;
+  // The last time this filter when in flight, in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 last_flight_time_realtime = 2;
+  // The total amount of time this filter was in flight.
+  optional int64 total_flight_duration_ms = 3;
+  optional int32 count = 4;
+  optional int32 wakeup_count = 5;
+  // The last time this first became active (when nesting changed from 0 to 1)
+  // in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 start_time_realtime = 6;
+  // The filter is active if nesting > 0.
+  optional int32 nesting = 7;
+// A object.
+message IdleDispatchEntryProto {
+  optional int32 uid = 1;
+  optional string pkg = 2;
+  optional string tag = 3;
+  optional string op = 4;
+  // Time when this entry was created, in terms of elapsed realtime.
+  optional int64 entry_creation_realtime = 5;
+  // For a RESCHEDULED op, this is the last time we dispatched an "allow while
+  // idle" alarm for the UID. For a SET op, this is when the alarm was
+  // triggered. Times are in the 'elapsed' timebase.
+  optional int64 arg_realtime = 6;
+// A object.
+message InFlightProto {
+  optional int32 uid = 1;
+  optional string tag = 2;
+  optional int64 when_elapsed_ms = 3;
+  optional alarm_type = 4;
+  optional pending_intent = 5;
+  optional BroadcastStatsProto broadcast_stats = 6;
+  optional FilterStatsProto filter_stats = 7;
+  optional .android.os.WorkSourceProto work_source = 8;
+// A object.
+message WakeupEventProto {
+  optional int32 uid = 1;
+  optional string action = 2;
+  optional int64 when = 3;