Implement compatibility support for WRITE_SDCARD permission.

Now old applications will automatically be granted it.  Also renamed it from
SDCARD_WRITE to WRITE_SDCARD to be consistent with our other permissions,
and re-arranged how we do targetSdkVersion to actually be usuable for this
kind of stuff.

Note that right now this results in basically all apps being given the
WRITE_SDCARD permission, because their targetSdkVersion is not set.  I will
be dealing with that in a future change.
diff --git a/tools/aapt/XMLNode.h b/tools/aapt/XMLNode.h
index 86548a2..a9bea43 100644
--- a/tools/aapt/XMLNode.h
+++ b/tools/aapt/XMLNode.h
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
     const String16& getElementName() const;
     const Vector<sp<XMLNode> >& getChildren() const;
+    const String8& getFilename() const;
     struct attribute_entry {
         attribute_entry() : index(~(uint32_t)0), nameResId(0)
@@ -91,6 +93,8 @@
     const Vector<attribute_entry>& getAttributes() const;
+    const attribute_entry* getAttribute(const String16& ns, const String16& name) const;
     const String16& getCData() const;
     const String16& getComment() const;
@@ -98,8 +102,14 @@
     int32_t getStartLineNumber() const;
     int32_t getEndLineNumber() const;
+    sp<XMLNode> searchElement(const String16& tagNamespace, const String16& tagName);
+    sp<XMLNode> getChildElement(const String16& tagNamespace, const String16& tagName);
     status_t addChild(const sp<XMLNode>& child);
+    status_t insertChildAt(const sp<XMLNode>& child, size_t index);
     status_t addAttribute(const String16& ns, const String16& name,
                           const String16& value);