Stop showing long names for local timezones when it is ambiguous


Android uses a hand-crafted list for timezones to pick from in
Settings. Independently of what we actually show the user, when a
user is selecting their timezone they are selecting an olson timezone
ID. Separate olson ids exist for a sets of zone rules. If two places
have differed in their zone rules in the past they have different
olson ids. Olson Ids are usually named after cities and have
"exemplar locations", e.g. "Europe/London" covers the UK and the
exemplar location is "London".
Exemplar locations were often chosen based on historic considerations
and do not necessarily make sense to contemporary users.

Normal Android users don't know or care about any of this, but they do
understand geography/cities and sometimes understand things like
timezone names like "British Summer Time" (but usually not in other

Unfortunately timezone names understood by users also don't have a
one-to-one mapping with olson IDs. Two places can have the same
timezone name for part of the year but not the rest. For example, all
of a the country Foo may be using "Foo Standard Time" for part of the
year, but in summer some parts of the country may switch to "Foo
Summer Time" while others stay on "Foo Standard Time". These would
have different Olson Ids.

Also, two places that historically differed in their choice of
timezone rules may have since aligned. e.g. parts of Europe. They
still have their own olson ids.

The Android hand-crafted list is (I assume) based on a set of
compromises to provide reasonable coverage of users' needs without
overwhelming them with too many choices for historic irrelevancies.

To assist with picking a timezone that makes sense to a user, Android
currently does the following:

When selecting a timezone:

For "local" timezones Android shows the timezone "long name". e.g.
"British Summer Time", "Eastern Standard Time".
For non-local timezones Android uses the exemplar location (e.g. the

This had an issue:

Some "local" timezones, e.g. Australia for English (Australian),
would show multiple entries for the same long timezone name without
any way of telling them apart.

After this change:

This change means that settings now uses the exemplar location in
preference when the Android display strings would be ambiguous. For
countries where there is no ambiguity (e.g. the UK) Android continues
to use the timezone long name.

Bug: 19058953
Change-Id: I01651f2416f500652bd2bcf447d056efd4fd3598
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/datetime/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/datetime/
index 12ead4e..7b5bfb5 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/datetime/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/datetime/
@@ -32,13 +32,14 @@
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
 public class ZoneGetter {
     private static final String TAG = "ZoneGetter";
@@ -50,17 +51,120 @@
     public static final String KEY_GMT = "gmt";  // value: String
     public static final String KEY_OFFSET = "offset";  // value: int (Integer)
-    private final List<HashMap<String, Object>> mZones = new ArrayList<>();
-    private final HashSet<String> mLocalZones = new HashSet<>();
-    private final Date mNow = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
-    private final SimpleDateFormat mZoneNameFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("zzzz");
+    private ZoneGetter() {}
-    public List<HashMap<String, Object>> getZones(Context context) {
-        for (String olsonId : TimeZoneNames.forLocale(Locale.getDefault())) {
-            mLocalZones.add(olsonId);
+    public static String getTimeZoneOffsetAndName(TimeZone tz, Date now) {
+        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
+        String gmtString = getGmtOffsetString(locale, tz, now);
+        String zoneNameString = getZoneLongName(locale, tz, now);
+        if (zoneNameString == null) {
+            return gmtString;
-        try {
-            XmlResourceParser xrp = context.getResources().getXml(R.xml.timezones);
+        // We don't use punctuation here to avoid having to worry about localizing that too!
+        return gmtString + " " + zoneNameString;
+    }
+    public static List<Map<String, Object>> getZonesList(Context context) {
+        final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
+        final Date now = new Date();
+        // The display name chosen for each zone entry depends on whether the zone is one associated
+        // with the country of the user's chosen locale. For "local" zones we prefer the "long name"
+        // (e.g. "Europe/London" -> "British Summer Time" for people in the UK). For "non-local"
+        // zones we prefer the exemplar location (e.g. "Europe/London" -> "London" for English
+        // speakers from outside the UK). This heuristic is based on the fact that people are
+        // typically familiar with their local timezones and exemplar locations don't always match
+        // modern-day expectations for people living in the country covered. Large countries like
+        // China that mostly use a single timezone (olson id: "Asia/Shanghai") may not live near
+        // "Shanghai" and prefer the long name over the exemplar location. The only time we don't
+        // follow this policy for local zones is when Android supplies multiple olson IDs to choose
+        // from and the use of a zone's long name leads to ambiguity. For example, at the time of
+        // writing Android lists 5 olson ids for Australia which collapse to 2 different zone names
+        // in winter but 4 different zone names in summer. The ambiguity leads to the users
+        // selecting the wrong olson ids.
+        // Get the list of olson ids to display to the user.
+        List<String> olsonIdsToDisplay = readTimezonesToDisplay(context);
+        // Create a lookup of local zone IDs.
+        Set<String> localZoneIds = new TreeSet<String>();
+        for (String olsonId : TimeZoneNames.forLocale(locale)) {
+            localZoneIds.add(olsonId);
+        }
+        // Work out whether the long names for the local entries that we would show by default would
+        // be ambiguous.
+        Set<String> localZoneNames = new TreeSet<String>();
+        boolean localLongNamesAreAmbiguous = false;
+        for (String olsonId : olsonIdsToDisplay) {
+            if (localZoneIds.contains(olsonId)) {
+                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(olsonId);
+                String zoneLongName = getZoneLongName(locale, tz, now);
+                boolean longNameIsUnique = localZoneNames.add(zoneLongName);
+                if (!longNameIsUnique) {
+                    localLongNamesAreAmbiguous = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Generate the list of zone entries to return.
+        List<Map<String, Object>> zones = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
+        for (String olsonId : olsonIdsToDisplay) {
+            final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(olsonId);
+            // Exemplar location display is the default. The only time we intend to display the long
+            // name is when the olsonId is local AND long names are not ambiguous.
+            boolean isLocalZoneId = localZoneIds.contains(olsonId);
+            boolean preferLongName = isLocalZoneId && !localLongNamesAreAmbiguous;
+            String displayName = getZoneDisplayName(locale, tz, now, preferLongName);
+            String gmtOffsetString = getGmtOffsetString(locale, tz, now);
+            int offsetMillis = tz.getOffset(now.getTime());
+            Map<String, Object> displayEntry =
+                    createDisplayEntry(tz, gmtOffsetString, displayName, offsetMillis);
+            zones.add(displayEntry);
+        }
+        return zones;
+    }
+    private static Map<String, Object> createDisplayEntry(
+            TimeZone tz, String gmtOffsetString, String displayName, int offsetMillis) {
+        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+        map.put(KEY_ID, tz.getID());
+        map.put(KEY_DISPLAYNAME, displayName);
+        map.put(KEY_GMT, gmtOffsetString);
+        map.put(KEY_OFFSET, offsetMillis);
+        return map;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a name for the specific zone. If {@code preferLongName} is {@code true} then the
+     * long display name for the timezone will be used, otherwise the exemplar location will be
+     * preferred.
+     */
+    private static String getZoneDisplayName(Locale locale, TimeZone tz, Date now,
+            boolean preferLongName) {
+        String zoneNameString;
+        if (preferLongName) {
+            zoneNameString = getZoneLongName(locale, tz, now);
+        } else {
+            zoneNameString = getZoneExemplarLocation(locale, tz);
+            if (zoneNameString == null || zoneNameString.isEmpty()) {
+                // getZoneExemplarLocation can return null.
+                zoneNameString = getZoneLongName(locale, tz, now);
+            }
+        }
+        return zoneNameString;
+    }
+    private static String getZoneExemplarLocation(Locale locale, TimeZone tz) {
+        return TimeZoneNames.getExemplarLocation(locale.toString(), tz.getID());
+    }
+    private static List<String> readTimezonesToDisplay(Context context) {
+        List<String> olsonIds = new ArrayList<String>();
+        try (XmlResourceParser xrp = context.getResources().getXml(R.xml.timezones)) {
             while ( != XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) {
@@ -68,58 +172,34 @@
             while (xrp.getEventType() != XmlResourceParser.END_TAG) {
                 while (xrp.getEventType() != XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) {
                     if (xrp.getEventType() == XmlResourceParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
-                        return mZones;
+                        return olsonIds;
                 if (xrp.getName().equals(XMLTAG_TIMEZONE)) {
                     String olsonId = xrp.getAttributeValue(0);
-                    addTimeZone(olsonId);
+                    olsonIds.add(olsonId);
                 while (xrp.getEventType() != XmlResourceParser.END_TAG) {
-            xrp.close();
         } catch (XmlPullParserException xppe) {
             Log.e(TAG, "Ill-formatted timezones.xml file");
         } catch ( ioe) {
             Log.e(TAG, "Unable to read timezones.xml file");
-        return mZones;
+        return olsonIds;
-    private void addTimeZone(String olsonId) {
-        // We always need the "GMT-07:00" string.
-        final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(olsonId);
-        // For the display name, we treat time zones within the country differently
-        // from other countries' time zones. So in en_US you'd get "Pacific Daylight Time"
-        // but in de_DE you'd get "Los Angeles" for the same time zone.
-        String displayName;
-        if (mLocalZones.contains(olsonId)) {
-            // Within a country, we just use the local name for the time zone.
-            mZoneNameFormatter.setTimeZone(tz);
-            displayName = mZoneNameFormatter.format(mNow);
-        } else {
-            // For other countries' time zones, we use the exemplar location.
-            final String localeName = Locale.getDefault().toString();
-            displayName = TimeZoneNames.getExemplarLocation(localeName, olsonId);
-        }
-        final HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
-        map.put(KEY_ID, olsonId);
-        map.put(KEY_DISPLAYNAME, displayName);
-        map.put(KEY_GMT, getTimeZoneText(tz, false));
-        map.put(KEY_OFFSET, tz.getOffset(mNow.getTime()));
-        mZones.add(map);
+    private static String getZoneLongName(Locale locale, TimeZone tz, Date now) {
+        boolean daylight = tz.inDaylightTime(now);
+        // This returns a name if it can, or will fall back to GMT+0X:00 format.
+        return tz.getDisplayName(daylight, TimeZone.LONG, locale);
-    public static String getTimeZoneText(TimeZone tz, boolean includeName) {
-        Date now = new Date();
+    private static String getGmtOffsetString(Locale locale, TimeZone tz, Date now) {
         // Use SimpleDateFormat to format the GMT+00:00 string.
         SimpleDateFormat gmtFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("ZZZZ");
@@ -127,21 +207,9 @@
         // Ensure that the "GMT+" stays with the "00:00" even if the digits are RTL.
         BidiFormatter bidiFormatter = BidiFormatter.getInstance();
-        Locale l = Locale.getDefault();
-        boolean isRtl = TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(l) == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
+        boolean isRtl = TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(locale) == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
         gmtString = bidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(gmtString,
                 isRtl ? TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL : TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR);
-        if (!includeName) {
-            return gmtString;
-        }
-        // Optionally append the time zone name.
-        SimpleDateFormat zoneNameFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("zzzz");
-        zoneNameFormatter.setTimeZone(tz);
-        String zoneNameString = zoneNameFormatter.format(now);
-        // We don't use punctuation here to avoid having to worry about localizing that too!
-        return gmtString + " " + zoneNameString;
+        return gmtString;