Reduce parceled data size between system & sysui

- SystemUI no longer uses the detailed task info since we exclusively call
  startActivityFromRecents() instead of starting the activity ourselves.
  In addition, all other uses of Task.fillTaskInfo() are currently to
  notify SysUI of task changes (either from the task change notifier or
  task org), and these task infos don't need the full intent extras or
  clip data either.  So we can just push up the code to clear the extras
  into Task.fillTaskInfo() and only partially clone the intent.

Bug: 150242007
Test: atest RecentTasksTest
Test: atest RunningTasksTest
Test: atest TaskOrganizerTests
Change-Id: Idd3d197c7b63d00ae213571a69279dee98256ba0
9 files changed