Upintegrate the common_time service from ics-aah.

Move the common_time service developed in the ics-aah branch back into

The common_time service is a small service build to synchronize an
arbitrary timeline amongst peers on a local sub-net.  While running
and configured, the service will elect a master from the set of
available devices within the subnet, define a relationship between the
common_time timeline the local time timeline (provided by the local
time HAL), and then attempt to maintain synchronization between common
and local time by controlling the frequency of the local time clock
via the HAL, or by disciplining local time in the digital domain if
the local time HAL implementation does not support HW slewing.

On its own, the native common time service will do nothing until it is
configured.  The CommonTimeManagementService (running out of the
system server process) is responsible for implementing policy
regarding configuration and operation of the common_time service and
will be added in a subsequent CL.

Change-Id: I71292f9b9b1797665865689c4572c9d3a0552f64
Signed-off-by: John Grossman <johngro@google.com>
diff --git a/services/common_time/common_time_server.h b/services/common_time/common_time_server.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b55202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/common_time/common_time_server.h
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <linux/socket.h>
+#include <common_time/ICommonClock.h>
+#include <common_time/local_clock.h>
+#include <utils/String8.h>
+#include "clock_recovery.h"
+#include "common_clock.h"
+#include "common_time_server_packets.h"
+#define RTT_LOG_SIZE 30
+namespace android {
+class CommonClockService;
+class CommonTimeConfigService;
+/***** time service implementation *****/
+class CommonTimeServer : public Thread {
+  public:
+    CommonTimeServer();
+    ~CommonTimeServer();
+    bool startServices();
+    // Common Clock API methods
+    CommonClock&        getCommonClock()        { return mCommonClock; }
+    LocalClock&         getLocalClock()         { return mLocalClock; }
+    uint64_t            getTimelineID();
+    int32_t             getEstimatedError();
+    ICommonClock::State getState();
+    status_t            getMasterAddr(struct sockaddr_storage* addr);
+    status_t            isCommonTimeValid(bool* valid, uint32_t* timelineID);
+    // Config API methods
+    status_t getMasterElectionPriority(uint8_t *priority);
+    status_t setMasterElectionPriority(uint8_t priority);
+    status_t getMasterElectionEndpoint(struct sockaddr_storage *addr);
+    status_t setMasterElectionEndpoint(const struct sockaddr_storage *addr);
+    status_t getMasterElectionGroupId(uint64_t *id);
+    status_t setMasterElectionGroupId(uint64_t id);
+    status_t getInterfaceBinding(String8& ifaceName);
+    status_t setInterfaceBinding(const String8& ifaceName);
+    status_t getMasterAnnounceInterval(int *interval);
+    status_t setMasterAnnounceInterval(int interval);
+    status_t getClientSyncInterval(int *interval);
+    status_t setClientSyncInterval(int interval);
+    status_t getPanicThreshold(int *threshold);
+    status_t setPanicThreshold(int threshold);
+    status_t getAutoDisable(bool *autoDisable);
+    status_t setAutoDisable(bool autoDisable);
+    status_t forceNetworklessMasterMode();
+    // Method used by the CommonClockService to notify the core service about
+    // changes in the number of active common clock clients.
+    void reevaluateAutoDisableState(bool commonClockHasClients);
+    status_t dumpClockInterface(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args,
+                                size_t activeClients);
+    status_t dumpConfigInterface(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
+  private:
+    class PacketRTTLog {
+      public:
+        PacketRTTLog() {
+            resetLog();
+        }
+        void resetLog() {
+            wrPtr = 0;
+            logFull = 0;
+        }
+        void logTX(int64_t txTime);
+        void logRX(int64_t txTime, int64_t rxTime);
+        void dumpLog(int fd, const CommonClock& cclk);
+      private:
+        uint32_t wrPtr;
+        bool logFull;
+        int64_t txTimes[RTT_LOG_SIZE];
+        int64_t rxTimes[RTT_LOG_SIZE];
+    };
+    class TimeoutHelper {
+      public:
+        TimeoutHelper() : mTimeoutValid(false) { }
+        void setTimeout(int msec);
+        int msecTillTimeout();
+      private:
+        bool        mTimeoutValid;
+        nsecs_t     mEndTime;
+    };
+    bool threadLoop();
+    bool runStateMachine_l();
+    bool setupSocket_l();
+    void assignTimelineID();
+    bool assignDeviceID();
+    static bool arbitrateMaster(uint64_t deviceID1, uint8_t devicePrio1,
+                                uint64_t deviceID2, uint8_t devicePrio2);
+    bool handlePacket();
+    bool handleWhoIsMasterRequest (const WhoIsMasterRequestPacket* request,
+                                   const sockaddr_storage& srcAddr);
+    bool handleWhoIsMasterResponse(const WhoIsMasterResponsePacket* response,
+                                   const sockaddr_storage& srcAddr);
+    bool handleSyncRequest        (const SyncRequestPacket* request,
+                                   const sockaddr_storage& srcAddr);
+    bool handleSyncResponse       (const SyncResponsePacket* response,
+                                   const sockaddr_storage& srcAddr);
+    bool handleMasterAnnouncement (const MasterAnnouncementPacket* packet,
+                                   const sockaddr_storage& srcAddr);
+    bool handleTimeout();
+    bool handleTimeoutInitial();
+    bool handleTimeoutClient();
+    bool handleTimeoutMaster();
+    bool handleTimeoutRonin();
+    bool handleTimeoutWaitForElection();
+    bool sendWhoIsMasterRequest();
+    bool sendSyncRequest();
+    bool sendMasterAnnouncement();
+    bool becomeClient(const sockaddr_storage& masterAddr,
+                      uint64_t masterDeviceID,
+                      uint8_t  masterDevicePriority,
+                      uint64_t timelineID,
+                      const char* cause);
+    bool becomeMaster(const char* cause);
+    bool becomeRonin(const char* cause);
+    bool becomeWaitForElection(const char* cause);
+    bool becomeInitial(const char* cause);
+    void notifyClockSync();
+    void notifyClockSyncLoss();
+    ICommonClock::State mState;
+    void setState(ICommonClock::State s);
+    void clearPendingWakeupEvents_l();
+    void wakeupThread_l();
+    void cleanupSocket_l();
+    void shutdownThread();
+    inline uint8_t effectivePriority() const {
+        return (mMasterPriority & 0x7F) |
+               (mForceLowPriority ? 0x00 : 0x80);
+    }
+    inline bool shouldAutoDisable() const {
+        return (mAutoDisable && !mCommonClockHasClients);
+    }
+    inline void resetSyncStats() {
+        mClient_SyncRequestPending = false;
+        mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts = 0;
+        mClient_SyncsSentToCurMaster = 0;
+        mClient_SyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster = 0;
+        mClient_ExpiredSyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster = 0;
+        mClient_FirstSyncTX = 0;
+        mClient_LastGoodSyncRX = 0;
+        mClient_PacketRTTLog.resetLog();
+    }
+    bool shouldPanicNotGettingGoodData();
+    // Helper to keep track of the state machine's current timeout
+    TimeoutHelper mCurTimeout;
+    // common clock, local clock abstraction, and clock recovery loop
+    CommonClock mCommonClock;
+    LocalClock mLocalClock;
+    ClockRecoveryLoop mClockRecovery;
+    // implementation of ICommonClock
+    sp<CommonClockService> mICommonClock;
+    // implementation of ICommonTimeConfig
+    sp<CommonTimeConfigService> mICommonTimeConfig;
+    // UDP socket for the time sync protocol
+    int mSocket;
+    // eventfd used to wakeup the work thread in response to configuration
+    // changes.
+    int mWakeupThreadFD;
+    // timestamp captured when a packet is received
+    int64_t mLastPacketRxLocalTime;
+    // ID of the timeline that this device is following
+    uint64_t mTimelineID;
+    // flag for whether the clock has been synced to a timeline
+    bool mClockSynced;
+    // flag used to indicate that clients should be considered to be lower
+    // priority than all of their peers during elections.  This flag is set and
+    // cleared by the state machine.  It is set when the client joins a new
+    // network.  If the client had been a master in the old network (or an
+    // isolated master with no network connectivity) it should defer to any
+    // masters which may already be on the network.  It will be cleared whenever
+    // the state machine transitions to the master state.
+    bool mForceLowPriority;
+    inline void setForceLowPriority(bool val) {
+        mForceLowPriority = val;
+        if (mState == ICommonClock::STATE_MASTER)
+            mClient_MasterDevicePriority = effectivePriority();
+    }
+    // Lock to synchronize access to internal state and configuration.
+    Mutex mLock;
+    // Flag updated by the common clock service to indicate that it does or does
+    // not currently have registered clients.  When the the auto disable flag is
+    // cleared on the common time service, the service will participate in
+    // network synchronization whenever it has a valid network interface to bind
+    // to.  When the auto disable flag is set on the common time service, it
+    // will only participate in network synchronization when it has both a valid
+    // interface AND currently active common clock clients.
+    bool mCommonClockHasClients;
+    // Configuration info
+    struct sockaddr_storage mMasterElectionEP;          // Endpoint over which we conduct master election
+    String8                 mBindIface;                 // Endpoint for the service to bind to.
+    bool                    mBindIfaceValid;            // whether or not the bind Iface is valid.
+    bool                    mBindIfaceDirty;            // whether or not the bind Iface is valid.
+    struct sockaddr_storage mMasterEP;                  // Endpoint of our current master (if any)
+    bool                    mMasterEPValid;
+    uint64_t                mDeviceID;                  // unique ID of this device
+    uint64_t                mSyncGroupID;               // synchronization group ID of this device.
+    uint8_t                 mMasterPriority;            // Priority of this device in master election.
+    uint32_t                mMasterAnnounceIntervalMs;
+    uint32_t                mSyncRequestIntervalMs;
+    uint32_t                mPanicThresholdUsec;
+    bool                    mAutoDisable;
+    // Config defaults.
+    static const char*      kDefaultMasterElectionAddr;
+    static const uint16_t   kDefaultMasterElectionPort;
+    static const uint64_t   kDefaultSyncGroupID;
+    static const uint8_t    kDefaultMasterPriority;
+    static const uint32_t   kDefaultMasterAnnounceIntervalMs;
+    static const uint32_t   kDefaultSyncRequestIntervalMs;
+    static const uint32_t   kDefaultPanicThresholdUsec;
+    static const bool       kDefaultAutoDisable;
+    // Priority mask and shift fields.
+    static const uint64_t kDeviceIDMask;
+    static const uint8_t  kDevicePriorityMask;
+    static const uint8_t  kDevicePriorityHiLowBit;
+    static const uint32_t kDevicePriorityShift;
+    // Unconfgurable constants
+    static const int      kSetupRetryTimeoutMs;
+    static const int64_t  kNoGoodDataPanicThresholdUsec;
+    static const uint32_t kRTTDiscardPanicThreshMultiplier;
+    /*** status while in the Initial state ***/
+    int mInitial_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts;
+    static const int kInitial_NumWhoIsMasterRetries;
+    static const int kInitial_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
+    /*** status while in the Client state ***/
+    uint64_t mClient_MasterDeviceID;
+    uint8_t mClient_MasterDevicePriority;
+    bool mClient_SyncRequestPending;
+    int mClient_SyncRequestTimeouts;
+    uint32_t mClient_SyncsSentToCurMaster;
+    uint32_t mClient_SyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster;
+    uint32_t mClient_ExpiredSyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster;
+    int64_t mClient_FirstSyncTX;
+    int64_t mClient_LastGoodSyncRX;
+    PacketRTTLog mClient_PacketRTTLog;
+    static const int kClient_NumSyncRequestRetries;
+    /*** status while in the Master state ***/
+    static const uint32_t kDefaultMaster_AnnouncementIntervalMs;
+    /*** status while in the Ronin state ***/
+    int mRonin_WhoIsMasterRequestTimeouts;
+    static const int kRonin_NumWhoIsMasterRetries;
+    static const int kRonin_WhoIsMasterTimeoutMs;
+    /*** status while in the WaitForElection state ***/
+    static const int kWaitForElection_TimeoutMs;
+    static const int kInfiniteTimeout;
+    static const char* stateToString(ICommonClock::State s);
+    static void sockaddrToString(const sockaddr_storage& addr, bool addrValid,
+                                 char* buf, size_t bufLen);
+    static bool sockaddrMatch(const sockaddr_storage& a1,
+                              const sockaddr_storage& a2,
+                              bool matchAddressOnly);
+}  // namespace android