Upintegrate the common_time service from ics-aah.

Move the common_time service developed in the ics-aah branch back into

The common_time service is a small service build to synchronize an
arbitrary timeline amongst peers on a local sub-net.  While running
and configured, the service will elect a master from the set of
available devices within the subnet, define a relationship between the
common_time timeline the local time timeline (provided by the local
time HAL), and then attempt to maintain synchronization between common
and local time by controlling the frequency of the local time clock
via the HAL, or by disciplining local time in the digital domain if
the local time HAL implementation does not support HW slewing.

On its own, the native common time service will do nothing until it is
configured.  The CommonTimeManagementService (running out of the
system server process) is responsible for implementing policy
regarding configuration and operation of the common_time service and
will be added in a subsequent CL.

Change-Id: I71292f9b9b1797665865689c4572c9d3a0552f64
Signed-off-by: John Grossman <johngro@google.com>
diff --git a/services/common_time/common_time_server_api.cpp b/services/common_time/common_time_server_api.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb8c261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/common_time/common_time_server_api.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * A service that exchanges time synchronization information between
+ * a master that defines a timeline and clients that follow the timeline.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "common_time"
+#include <utils/Log.h>
+#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
+#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
+#include "common_time_server.h"
+namespace android {
+// Clock API
+uint64_t CommonTimeServer::getTimelineID() {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    return mTimelineID;
+ICommonClock::State CommonTimeServer::getState() {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    return mState;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getMasterAddr(struct sockaddr_storage* addr) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (mMasterEPValid) {
+        memcpy(addr, &mMasterEP, sizeof(*addr));
+        return OK;
+    }
+    return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
+int32_t CommonTimeServer::getEstimatedError() {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (ICommonClock::STATE_MASTER == mState)
+        return 0;
+    if (!mClockSynced)
+        return ICommonClock::kErrorEstimateUnknown;
+    return mClockRecovery.getLastErrorEstimate();
+status_t CommonTimeServer::isCommonTimeValid(bool* valid,
+                                             uint32_t* timelineID) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *valid = mCommonClock.isValid();
+    *timelineID = mTimelineID;
+    return OK;
+// Config API
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getMasterElectionPriority(uint8_t *priority) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *priority = mMasterPriority;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setMasterElectionPriority(uint8_t priority) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (priority > 0x7F)
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    mMasterPriority = priority;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getMasterElectionEndpoint(
+        struct sockaddr_storage *addr) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    memcpy(addr, &mMasterElectionEP, sizeof(*addr));
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setMasterElectionEndpoint(
+        const struct sockaddr_storage *addr) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (!addr)
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    // TODO: add proper support for IPv6
+    if (addr->ss_family != AF_INET)
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    // Only multicast and broadcast endpoints with explicit ports are allowed.
+    uint16_t ipv4Port = ntohs(
+        reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(addr)->sin_port);
+    if (!ipv4Port)
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    uint32_t ipv4Addr = ntohl(
+        reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
+    if ((ipv4Addr != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (0xE0000000 != (ipv4Addr & 0xF0000000)))
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    memcpy(&mMasterElectionEP, addr, sizeof(mMasterElectionEP));
+    // Force a rebind in order to change election enpoints.
+    mBindIfaceDirty = true;
+    wakeupThread_l();
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getMasterElectionGroupId(uint64_t *id) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *id = mSyncGroupID;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setMasterElectionGroupId(uint64_t id) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    mSyncGroupID = id;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getInterfaceBinding(String8& ifaceName) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (!mBindIfaceValid)
+        return INVALID_OPERATION;
+    ifaceName = mBindIface;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setInterfaceBinding(const String8& ifaceName) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    mBindIfaceDirty = true;
+    if (ifaceName.size()) {
+        mBindIfaceValid = true;
+        mBindIface = ifaceName;
+    } else {
+        mBindIfaceValid = false;
+        mBindIface.clear();
+    }
+    wakeupThread_l();
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getMasterAnnounceInterval(int *interval) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *interval = mMasterAnnounceIntervalMs;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setMasterAnnounceInterval(int interval) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (interval > (6 *3600000)) // Max interval is once every 6 hrs
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    if (interval < 500) // Min interval is once per 0.5 seconds
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    mMasterAnnounceIntervalMs = interval;
+    if (ICommonClock::STATE_MASTER == mState) {
+        int pendingTimeout = mCurTimeout.msecTillTimeout();
+        if ((kInfiniteTimeout == pendingTimeout) ||
+            (pendingTimeout > interval)) {
+            mCurTimeout.setTimeout(mMasterAnnounceIntervalMs);
+            wakeupThread_l();
+        }
+    }
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getClientSyncInterval(int *interval) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *interval = mSyncRequestIntervalMs;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setClientSyncInterval(int interval) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (interval > (3600000)) // Max interval is once every 60 min
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    if (interval < 250) // Min interval is once per 0.25 seconds
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    mSyncRequestIntervalMs = interval;
+    if (ICommonClock::STATE_CLIENT == mState) {
+        int pendingTimeout = mCurTimeout.msecTillTimeout();
+        if ((kInfiniteTimeout == pendingTimeout) ||
+            (pendingTimeout > interval)) {
+            mCurTimeout.setTimeout(mSyncRequestIntervalMs);
+            wakeupThread_l();
+        }
+    }
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getPanicThreshold(int *threshold) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *threshold = mPanicThresholdUsec;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setPanicThreshold(int threshold) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    if (threshold < 1000) // Min threshold is 1mSec
+        return BAD_VALUE;
+    mPanicThresholdUsec = threshold;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::getAutoDisable(bool *autoDisable) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    *autoDisable = mAutoDisable;
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::setAutoDisable(bool autoDisable) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    mAutoDisable = autoDisable;
+    wakeupThread_l();
+    return OK;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::forceNetworklessMasterMode() {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    // Can't force networkless master mode if we are currently bound to a
+    // network.
+    if (mSocket >= 0)
+        return INVALID_OPERATION;
+    becomeMaster("force networkless");
+    return OK;
+void CommonTimeServer::reevaluateAutoDisableState(bool commonClockHasClients) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    bool needWakeup = (mAutoDisable && mMasterEPValid &&
+                      (commonClockHasClients != mCommonClockHasClients));
+    mCommonClockHasClients = commonClockHasClients;
+    if (needWakeup) {
+        ALOGI("Waking up service, auto-disable is engaged and service now has%s"
+             " clients", mCommonClockHasClients ? "" : " no");
+        wakeupThread_l();
+    }
+#define dump_printf(a, b...) do {                 \
+    int res;                                      \
+    res = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), a, b); \
+    buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = 0;               \
+    if (res > 0)                                  \
+        write(fd, buffer, res);                   \
+} while (0)
+#define checked_percentage(a, b) ((0 == b) ? 0.0f : ((100.0f * a) / b))
+status_t CommonTimeServer::dumpClockInterface(int fd,
+                                              const Vector<String16>& args,
+                                              size_t activeClients) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    const size_t SIZE = 256;
+    char buffer[SIZE];
+    if (checkCallingPermission(String16("android.permission.DUMP")) == false) {
+        snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Permission Denial: "
+                 "can't dump CommonClockService from pid=%d, uid=%d\n",
+                 IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(),
+                 IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid());
+        write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer));
+    } else {
+        int64_t commonTime;
+        int64_t localTime;
+        bool    synced;
+        char maStr[64];
+        localTime  = mLocalClock.getLocalTime();
+        synced     = (OK == mCommonClock.localToCommon(localTime, &commonTime));
+        sockaddrToString(mMasterEP, mMasterEPValid, maStr, sizeof(maStr));
+        dump_printf("Common Clock Service Status\nLocal time     : %lld\n",
+                    localTime);
+        if (synced)
+            dump_printf("Common time    : %lld\n", commonTime);
+        else
+            dump_printf("Common time    : %s\n", "not synced");
+        dump_printf("Timeline ID    : %016llx\n", mTimelineID);
+        dump_printf("State          : %s\n", stateToString(mState));
+        dump_printf("Master Addr    : %s\n", maStr);
+        if (synced) {
+            int32_t est = (ICommonClock::STATE_MASTER != mState)
+                        ? mClockRecovery.getLastErrorEstimate()
+                        : 0;
+            dump_printf("Error Est.     : %.3f msec\n",
+                        static_cast<float>(est) / 1000.0);
+        } else {
+            dump_printf("Error Est.     : %s\n", "unknown");
+        }
+        dump_printf("Syncs TXes     : %u\n", mClient_SyncsSentToCurMaster);
+        dump_printf("Syncs RXes     : %u (%.2f%%)\n",
+                    mClient_SyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster,
+                    checked_percentage(
+                        mClient_SyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster,
+                        mClient_SyncsSentToCurMaster));
+        dump_printf("RXs Expired    : %u (%.2f%%)\n",
+                    mClient_ExpiredSyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster,
+                    checked_percentage(
+                        mClient_ExpiredSyncRespsRXedFromCurMaster,
+                        mClient_SyncsSentToCurMaster));
+        if (!mClient_LastGoodSyncRX) {
+            dump_printf("Last Good RX   : %s\n", "unknown");
+        } else {
+            int64_t localDelta, usecDelta;
+            localDelta = localTime - mClient_LastGoodSyncRX;
+            usecDelta  = mCommonClock.localDurationToCommonDuration(localDelta);
+            dump_printf("Last Good RX   : %lld uSec ago\n", usecDelta);
+        }
+        dump_printf("Active Clients : %u\n", activeClients);
+        mClient_PacketRTTLog.dumpLog(fd, mCommonClock);
+    }
+    return NO_ERROR;
+status_t CommonTimeServer::dumpConfigInterface(int fd,
+                                               const Vector<String16>& args) {
+    AutoMutex _lock(&mLock);
+    const size_t SIZE = 256;
+    char buffer[SIZE];
+    if (checkCallingPermission(String16("android.permission.DUMP")) == false) {
+        snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Permission Denial: "
+                 "can't dump CommonTimeConfigService from pid=%d, uid=%d\n",
+                 IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(),
+                 IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid());
+        write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer));
+    } else {
+        char meStr[64];
+        sockaddrToString(mMasterElectionEP, true, meStr, sizeof(meStr));
+        dump_printf("Common Time Config Service Status\n"
+                    "Bound Interface           : %s\n",
+                    mBindIfaceValid ? mBindIface.string() : "<unbound>");
+        dump_printf("Master Election Endpoint  : %s\n", meStr);
+        dump_printf("Master Election Group ID  : %016llx\n", mSyncGroupID);
+        dump_printf("Master Announce Interval  : %d mSec\n",
+                    mMasterAnnounceIntervalMs);
+        dump_printf("Client Sync Interval      : %d mSec\n",
+                    mSyncRequestIntervalMs);
+        dump_printf("Panic Threshold           : %d uSec\n",
+                    mPanicThresholdUsec);
+        dump_printf("Base ME Prio              : 0x%02x\n",
+                    static_cast<uint32_t>(mMasterPriority));
+        dump_printf("Effective ME Prio         : 0x%02x\n",
+                    static_cast<uint32_t>(effectivePriority()));
+        dump_printf("Auto Disable Allowed      : %s\n",
+                    mAutoDisable ? "yes" : "no");
+        dump_printf("Auto Disable Engaged      : %s\n",
+                    shouldAutoDisable() ? "yes" : "no");
+    }
+    return NO_ERROR;
+void CommonTimeServer::PacketRTTLog::dumpLog(int fd, const CommonClock& cclk) {
+    const size_t SIZE = 256;
+    char buffer[SIZE];
+    uint32_t avail = !logFull ? wrPtr : RTT_LOG_SIZE;
+    if (!avail)
+        return;
+    dump_printf("\nPacket Log (%d entries)\n", avail);
+    uint32_t ndx = 0;
+    uint32_t i = logFull ? wrPtr : 0;
+    do {
+        if (rxTimes[i]) {
+            int64_t delta = rxTimes[i] - txTimes[i];
+            int64_t deltaUsec = cclk.localDurationToCommonDuration(delta);
+            dump_printf("pkt[%2d] : localTX %12lld localRX %12lld "
+                        "(%.3f msec RTT)\n",
+                        ndx, txTimes[i], rxTimes[i],
+                        static_cast<float>(deltaUsec) / 1000.0);
+        } else {
+            dump_printf("pkt[%2d] : localTX %12lld localRX never\n",
+                        ndx, txTimes[i]);
+        }
+        i = (i + 1) % RTT_LOG_SIZE;
+        ndx++;
+    } while (i != wrPtr);
+#undef dump_printf
+#undef checked_percentage
+}  // namespace android