Expand dumpsys coverage to all known factors in empty expanded view issues.

This adds the following to the stack state:
expandedContainerVis:    0
expandedContainerAlpha:  1.0
expandedContainerMatrix: Matrix{[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 0.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}

As well as a new 'expanded bubble state':
Expanded bubble state:
  expandedBubbleKey: 0|com.facebook.orca|10000|ONE_TO_ONE:903330182:1183835847|10375
  expandedViewVis:    0
  expandedViewAlpha:  1.0
  expandedViewTaskId: 27543
  activityViewVis:    0
  activityViewAlpha:  1.0

Test: dumpsys
Bug: 159861400
Change-Id: I964803b77ad5a0b3780c219ac919d6bd4316c53f
2 files changed