Revert "Revert "DiskStats Westworld Migration""

This reverts commit 6188aa32946f6372f912ccc9281956ca38a8a264.

Reason for revert: ag/4819964 has now been submitted. undoing the roll back.
Test: revert
Test: manually verified output is the same as diskstats.

Change-Id: I9a3292f66e1e28661e1d29f3befd002073b681c1
diff --git a/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto b/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
index 2ecfbe7..27b4442 100644
--- a/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
+++ b/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
@@ -153,13 +153,17 @@
         SystemUptime system_uptime = 10015;
         CpuActiveTime cpu_active_time = 10016;
         CpuClusterTime cpu_cluster_time = 10017;
-        DiskSpace disk_space = 10018;
+        DiskSpace disk_space = 10018 [deprecated=true];
         RemainingBatteryCapacity remaining_battery_capacity = 10019;
         FullBatteryCapacity full_battery_capacity = 10020;
         Temperature temperature = 10021;
         BinderCalls binder_calls = 10022;
         BinderCallsExceptions binder_calls_exceptions = 10023;
         LooperStats looper_stats = 10024;
+        DiskStats disk_stats = 10025;
+        DirectoryUsage directory_usage = 10026;
+        AppSize app_size = 10027;
+        CategorySize category_size = 10028;
     // DO NOT USE field numbers above 100,000 in AOSP. Field numbers above
@@ -2251,3 +2255,82 @@
     // recorded_total_cpu_micros / recorded_message_count * call_count.
     optional int64 recorded_total_cpu_micros = 9;
+ * Pulls disk information, such as write speed and latency.
+ */
+message DiskStats {
+    // Time taken to open, write 512B to, and close a file.
+    // -1 if error performing the check.
+    optional int64 data_write_latency_millis = 1;
+    optional bool file_based_encryption = 2;
+    // Recent disk write speed in kB/s.
+    // -1 if error querying storageed.
+    // 0 if data is unavailable.
+    optional int32 recent_disk_write_speed = 3;
+ * Free and total bytes of the Data, Cache, and System partition.
+ */
+message DirectoryUsage {
+    enum Directory {
+        UNKNOWN = 0;
+        DATA = 1;
+        CACHE = 2;
+        SYSTEM = 3;
+    }
+    optional Directory directory = 1;
+    optional int64 free_bytes = 2;
+    optional int64 total_bytes = 3;
+ * Size of an application: apk size, data size, and cache size.
+ * Reads from a cached file produced daily by
+ * Information is only reported for apps with the primary user (user 0).
+ * Sizes are aggregated by package name.
+ */
+message AppSize {
+    // Including uids will involve modifying diskstats logic.
+    optional string package_name = 1;
+    // App size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
+    optional int64 app_size_bytes = 2;
+    // App data size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
+    optional int64 app_data_size_bytes = 3;
+    // App cache size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
+    optional int64 app_cache_size_bytes = 4;
+    // Time that the cache file was produced.
+    // Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time.
+    optional int64 cache_time_millis = 5;
+ * Size of a particular category. Eg: photos, videos.
+ * Reads from a cached file produced daily by
+ */
+message CategorySize {
+    enum Category {
+        UNKNOWN = 0;
+        APP_SIZE = 1;
+        APP_DATA_SIZE = 2;
+        APP_CACHE_SIZE = 3;
+        PHOTOS = 4;
+        VIDEOS = 5;
+        AUDIO = 6;
+        DOWNLOADS = 7;
+        SYSTEM = 8;
+        OTHER = 9;
+    }
+    optional Category category = 1;
+    // Category size in bytes.
+    optional int64 size_bytes = 2;
+    // Time that the cache file was produced.
+    // Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time.
+    optional int64 cache_time_millis = 3;