Improve support for external keyboards.

Use Vendor ID, Product ID and optionally the Version to
locate keymaps and configuration files for external devices.

Moved virtual key definition parsing to native code so that
EventHub can identify touch screens with virtual keys and load
the appropriate key layout file.

Cleaned up a lot of old code in EventHub.

Fixed a regression in ViewRoot's fallback event handling.

Fixed a minor bug in FileMap that caused it to try to munmap
or close invalid handled when released if the attempt to map
the file failed.

Added a couple of new String8 conveniences for formatting strings.

Modified Tokenizer to fall back to open+read when mmap fails since
we can't mmap sysfs files as needed to open the virtual key
definition files in /sys/board_properties/.

Change-Id: I6ca5e5f9547619fd082ddac47e87ce185da69ee6
diff --git a/data/keyboards/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl b/data/keyboards/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..741c2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/keyboards/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Logitech Revue Wireless keyboard
+# Notes:
+# - The GRAVE key is emulated by the keyboard.
+#     ALT + LEFT_BRACKET produces GRAVE.
+#     ALT + RIGHT_BRACKET produces SHIFT + GRAVE.
+# - FORWARD_DEL is produced by fn + BACKSPACE
+# - PAGE_UP / PAGE_DOWN is produced by fn + CHANNEL_UP / CHANNEL_DOWN
+# - The AVR / STB / TV power and input buttons seem to be non-functional
+#   as well as several of the other fn buttons and the PIP button?
+key 1     ESCAPE
+key 2     1
+key 3     2
+key 4     3
+key 5     4
+key 6     5
+key 7     6
+key 8     7
+key 9     8
+key 10    9
+key 11    0
+key 12    MINUS
+key 13    EQUALS
+key 14    DEL
+key 15    TAB
+key 16    Q
+key 17    W
+key 18    E
+key 19    R
+key 20    T
+key 21    Y
+key 22    U
+key 23    I
+key 24    O
+key 25    P
+key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
+key 27    RIGHT_BRACKET
+key 28    ENTER
+key 29    CTRL_LEFT
+key 30    A
+key 31    S
+key 32    D
+key 33    F
+key 34    G
+key 35    H
+key 36    J
+key 37    K
+key 38    L
+key 39    SEMICOLON
+key 40    APOSTROPHE
+key 41    GRAVE
+key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
+key 43    BACKSLASH
+key 44    Z
+key 45    X
+key 46    C
+key 47    V
+key 48    B
+key 49    N
+key 50    M
+key 51    COMMA
+key 52    PERIOD
+key 53    SLASH
+key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
+key 56    ALT_RIGHT
+key 57    SPACE
+key 58    CAPS_LOCK
+key 59    F1
+key 60    F2
+key 61    F3
+key 62    F4
+key 63    F5
+key 64    F6
+key 65    F7
+key 66    F8
+key 67    F9
+key 68    F10
+key 87    F11
+key 88    F12
+key 96    DPAD_CENTER
+key 97    CTRL_RIGHT
+key 102   MOVE_HOME
+key 103   DPAD_UP
+key 104   PAGE_UP
+key 105   DPAD_LEFT
+key 106   DPAD_RIGHT
+key 107   MOVE_END
+key 108   DPAD_DOWN
+key 109   PAGE_DOWN
+key 110   NUMPAD_ENTER
+key 111   FORWARD_DEL
+key 113   VOLUME_MUTE
+key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
+key 115   VOLUME_UP
+key 119   MEDIA_PAUSE
+key 125   SEARCH
+key 127   MENU
+key 156   BOOKMARK
+key 158   BACK
+key 163   MEDIA_NEXT
+key 166   MEDIA_STOP
+key 167   MEDIA_RECORD
+key 168   MEDIA_REWIND
+key 172   HOME
+key 207   MEDIA_PLAY
+# key 288  left mouse button
+# key 289  right mouse button (fn + button)
+key 362   GUIDE
+key 366   DVR
+key 377   TV
+key 402   CHANNEL_UP
+key 403   CHANNEL_DOWN
+key 418   ZOOM_IN
+key 419   ZOOM_OUT