Merge "Update API"
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index ecac8fe..904d9a99 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -11896,9 +11896,12 @@
public class AnimatedVectorDrawable extends implements {
ctor public AnimatedVectorDrawable();
+ method public void addListener(android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener);
method public void draw(;
+ method public java.util.List<android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener> getListeners();
method public int getOpacity();
method public boolean isRunning();
+ method public void removeListener(android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener);
method public void setAlpha(int);
method public void setColorFilter(;
method public void start();
@@ -34444,6 +34447,10 @@
method public boolean getFitsSystemWindows();
method public java.util.ArrayList<android.view.View> getFocusables(int);
method public void getFocusedRect(;
+ method public getForeground();
+ method public int getForegroundGravity();
+ method public android.content.res.ColorStateList getForegroundTintList();
+ method public getForegroundTintMode();
method public boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(,;
method public final boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(;
method public android.os.Handler getHandler();
@@ -34615,6 +34622,7 @@
method protected void onDisplayHint(int);
method public boolean onDragEvent(android.view.DragEvent);
method protected void onDraw(;
+ method public void onDrawForeground(;
method protected final void onDrawScrollBars(;
method public boolean onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(android.view.MotionEvent);
method protected void onFinishInflate();
@@ -34720,6 +34728,10 @@
method public void setFitsSystemWindows(boolean);
method public void setFocusable(boolean);
method public void setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean);
+ method public void setForeground(;
+ method public void setForegroundGravity(int);
+ method public void setForegroundTintList(android.content.res.ColorStateList);
+ method public void setForegroundTintMode(;
method public void setHapticFeedbackEnabled(boolean);
method public void setHasTransientState(boolean);
method public void setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean);
@@ -38548,16 +38560,8 @@
ctor public FrameLayout(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
ctor public FrameLayout(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int);
method public deprecated boolean getConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring();
- method public getForeground();
- method public int getForegroundGravity();
- method public android.content.res.ColorStateList getForegroundTintList();
- method public getForegroundTintMode();
method public boolean getMeasureAllChildren();
method protected void onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int);
- method public void setForeground(;
- method public void setForegroundGravity(int);
- method public void setForegroundTintList(android.content.res.ColorStateList);
- method public void setForegroundTintMode(;
method public void setMeasureAllChildren(boolean);
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index db45ea2..f3ecd45 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -12176,9 +12176,12 @@
public class AnimatedVectorDrawable extends implements {
ctor public AnimatedVectorDrawable();
+ method public void addListener(android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener);
method public void draw(;
+ method public java.util.List<android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener> getListeners();
method public int getOpacity();
method public boolean isRunning();
+ method public void removeListener(android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener);
method public void setAlpha(int);
method public void setColorFilter(;
method public void start();
@@ -36810,6 +36813,10 @@
method public boolean getFitsSystemWindows();
method public java.util.ArrayList<android.view.View> getFocusables(int);
method public void getFocusedRect(;
+ method public getForeground();
+ method public int getForegroundGravity();
+ method public android.content.res.ColorStateList getForegroundTintList();
+ method public getForegroundTintMode();
method public boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(,;
method public final boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(;
method public android.os.Handler getHandler();
@@ -36981,6 +36988,7 @@
method protected void onDisplayHint(int);
method public boolean onDragEvent(android.view.DragEvent);
method protected void onDraw(;
+ method public void onDrawForeground(;
method protected final void onDrawScrollBars(;
method public boolean onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(android.view.MotionEvent);
method protected void onFinishInflate();
@@ -37086,6 +37094,10 @@
method public void setFitsSystemWindows(boolean);
method public void setFocusable(boolean);
method public void setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean);
+ method public void setForeground(;
+ method public void setForegroundGravity(int);
+ method public void setForegroundTintList(android.content.res.ColorStateList);
+ method public void setForegroundTintMode(;
method public void setHapticFeedbackEnabled(boolean);
method public void setHasTransientState(boolean);
method public void setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean);
@@ -41215,16 +41227,8 @@
ctor public FrameLayout(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
ctor public FrameLayout(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int);
method public deprecated boolean getConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring();
- method public getForeground();
- method public int getForegroundGravity();
- method public android.content.res.ColorStateList getForegroundTintList();
- method public getForegroundTintMode();
method public boolean getMeasureAllChildren();
method protected void onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int);
- method public void setForeground(;
- method public void setForegroundGravity(int);
- method public void setForegroundTintList(android.content.res.ColorStateList);
- method public void setForegroundTintMode(;
method public void setMeasureAllChildren(boolean);
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index f5de8e3..c29b5c9 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -3168,6 +3168,9 @@
private Drawable mBackground;
private TintInfo mBackgroundTint;
+ @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true, prefix = "fg_")
+ private ForegroundInfo mForegroundInfo;
* RenderNode used for backgrounds.
* <p>
@@ -3182,13 +3185,23 @@
private String mTransitionName;
- private static class TintInfo {
+ static class TintInfo {
ColorStateList mTintList;
PorterDuff.Mode mTintMode;
boolean mHasTintMode;
boolean mHasTintList;
+ private static class ForegroundInfo {
+ private Drawable mDrawable;
+ private TintInfo mTintInfo;
+ private int mGravity = Gravity.START | Gravity.TOP;
+ private boolean mInsidePadding = true;
+ private boolean mBoundsChanged;
+ private final Rect mSelfBounds = new Rect();
+ private final Rect mOverlayBounds = new Rect();
+ }
static class ListenerInfo {
* Listener used to dispatch focus change events.
@@ -4056,6 +4069,25 @@
+ case R.styleable.View_foreground:
+ setForeground(a.getDrawable(attr));
+ break;
+ case R.styleable.View_foregroundGravity:
+ setForegroundGravity(a.getInt(attr, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY));
+ break;
+ case R.styleable.View_foregroundTintMode:
+ setForegroundTintMode(Drawable.parseTintMode(a.getInt(attr, -1), null));
+ break;
+ case R.styleable.View_foregroundTint:
+ setForegroundTintList(a.getColorStateList(attr));
+ break;
+ case R.styleable.View_foregroundInsidePadding:
+ if (mForegroundInfo == null) {
+ mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo();
+ }
+ mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding = a.getBoolean(attr,
+ mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding);
+ break;
@@ -8801,6 +8833,10 @@
if (dr != null && visible != dr.isVisible()) {
dr.setVisible(visible, false);
+ final Drawable fg = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
+ if (fg != null && visible != fg.isVisible()) {
+ fg.setVisible(visible, false);
+ }
@@ -9917,6 +9953,9 @@
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
final AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo;
if (ai != null) {
@@ -10755,6 +10794,9 @@
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
// View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed
@@ -10820,6 +10862,9 @@
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
// View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed
@@ -10879,6 +10924,9 @@
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
// View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed
@@ -10935,6 +10983,9 @@
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
// View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed
@@ -15313,13 +15364,14 @@
// Step 4, draw the children
- // Step 6, draw decorations (scrollbars)
- onDrawScrollBars(canvas);
+ // Overlay is part of the content and draws beneath Foreground
if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) {
+ // Step 6, draw decorations (foreground, scrollbars)
+ onDrawForeground(canvas);
// we're done...
@@ -15461,12 +15513,13 @@
- // Step 6, draw decorations (scrollbars)
- onDrawScrollBars(canvas);
+ // Overlay is part of the content and draws beneath Foreground
if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) {
+ // Step 6, draw decorations (foreground, scrollbars)
+ onDrawForeground(canvas);
@@ -15849,6 +15902,9 @@
mPrivateFlags |= drawn;
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true;
+ }
@@ -15992,6 +16048,9 @@
if (mBackground != null) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
+ }
@@ -16047,7 +16106,8 @@
protected boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable who) {
- return who == mBackground || (mScrollCache != null && mScrollCache.scrollBar == who);
+ return who == mBackground || (mScrollCache != null && mScrollCache.scrollBar == who)
+ || (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable == who);
@@ -16065,9 +16125,14 @@
protected void drawableStateChanged() {
final int[] state = getDrawableState();
- final Drawable d = mBackground;
- if (d != null && d.isStateful()) {
- d.setState(state);
+ final Drawable bg = mBackground;
+ if (bg != null && bg.isStateful()) {
+ bg.setState(state);
+ }
+ final Drawable fg = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
+ if (fg != null && fg.isStateful()) {
+ fg.setState(state);
if (mScrollCache != null) {
@@ -16099,6 +16164,9 @@
if (mBackground != null) {
mBackground.setHotspot(x, y);
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setHotspot(x, y);
+ }
dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(x, y);
@@ -16270,6 +16338,9 @@
if (mStateListAnimator != null) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.jumpToCurrentState();
+ }
@@ -16554,6 +16625,248 @@
+ * Returns the drawable used as the foreground of this View. The
+ * foreground drawable, if non-null, is always drawn on top of the view's content.
+ *
+ * @return a Drawable or null if no foreground was set
+ *
+ * @see #onDrawForeground(Canvas)
+ */
+ public Drawable getForeground() {
+ return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Supply a Drawable that is to be rendered on top of all of the content in the view.
+ *
+ * @param foreground the Drawable to be drawn on top of the children
+ *
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foreground
+ */
+ public void setForeground(Drawable foreground) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo == null) {
+ if (foreground == null) {
+ // Nothing to do.
+ return;
+ }
+ mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo();
+ }
+ if (foreground == mForegroundInfo.mDrawable) {
+ // Nothing to do
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setCallback(null);
+ unscheduleDrawable(mForegroundInfo.mDrawable);
+ }
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable = foreground;
+ if (foreground != null) {
+ setWillNotDraw(false);
+ foreground.setCallback(this);
+ foreground.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());
+ if (foreground.isStateful()) {
+ foreground.setState(getDrawableState());
+ }
+ applyForegroundTint();
+ }
+ requestLayout();
+ invalidate();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Magic bit used to support features of framework-internal window decor implementation details.
+ * This used to live exclusively in FrameLayout.
+ *
+ * @return true if the foreground should draw inside the padding region or false
+ * if it should draw inset by the view's padding
+ * @hide internal use only; only used by FrameLayout and internal screen layouts.
+ */
+ public boolean isForegroundInsidePadding() {
+ return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding : true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Describes how the foreground is positioned.
+ *
+ * @return foreground gravity.
+ *
+ * @see #setForegroundGravity(int)
+ *
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
+ */
+ public int getForegroundGravity() {
+ return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mGravity
+ : Gravity.START | Gravity.TOP;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Describes how the foreground is positioned. Defaults to START and TOP.
+ *
+ * @param gravity see {@link android.view.Gravity}
+ *
+ * @see #getForegroundGravity()
+ *
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
+ */
+ public void setForegroundGravity(int gravity) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo == null) {
+ mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo();
+ }
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mGravity != gravity) {
+ if ((gravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ gravity |= Gravity.START;
+ }
+ if ((gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ gravity |= Gravity.TOP;
+ }
+ mForegroundInfo.mGravity = gravity;
+ requestLayout();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applies a tint to the foreground drawable. Does not modify the current tint
+ * mode, which is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN} by default.
+ * <p>
+ * Subsequent calls to {@link #setForeground(Drawable)} will automatically
+ * mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using
+ * {@link Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)}.
+ *
+ * @param tint the tint to apply, may be {@code null} to clear tint
+ *
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint
+ * @see #getForegroundTintList()
+ * @see Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)
+ */
+ public void setForegroundTintList(@Nullable ColorStateList tint) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo == null) {
+ mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo();
+ }
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo == null) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo = new TintInfo();
+ }
+ mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintList = tint;
+ mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mHasTintList = true;
+ applyForegroundTint();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the tint applied to the foreground drawable, if specified.
+ *
+ * @return the tint applied to the foreground drawable
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint
+ * @see #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)
+ */
+ @Nullable
+ public ColorStateList getForegroundTintList() {
+ return mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null
+ ? mBackgroundTint.mTintList : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by
+ * {@link #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)}} to the background
+ * drawable. The default mode is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN}.
+ *
+ * @param tintMode the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be
+ * {@code null} to clear tint
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode
+ * @see #getForegroundTintMode()
+ * @see Drawable#setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode)
+ */
+ public void setForegroundTintMode(@Nullable PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) {
+ if (mBackgroundTint == null) {
+ mBackgroundTint = new TintInfo();
+ }
+ mBackgroundTint.mTintMode = tintMode;
+ mBackgroundTint.mHasTintMode = true;
+ applyBackgroundTint();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground
+ * drawable, if specified.
+ *
+ * @return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground
+ * drawable
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode
+ * @see #setBackgroundTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode)
+ */
+ @Nullable
+ public PorterDuff.Mode getForegroundTintMode() {
+ return mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null
+ ? mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintMode : null;
+ }
+ private void applyForegroundTint() {
+ if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null
+ && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null) {
+ final TintInfo tintInfo = mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo;
+ if (tintInfo.mHasTintList || tintInfo.mHasTintMode) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable = mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.mutate();
+ if (tintInfo.mHasTintList) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setTintList(tintInfo.mTintList);
+ }
+ if (tintInfo.mHasTintMode) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setTintMode(tintInfo.mTintMode);
+ }
+ // The drawable (or one of its children) may not have been
+ // stateful before applying the tint, so let's try again.
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.isStateful()) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setState(getDrawableState());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draw any foreground content for this view.
+ *
+ * <p>Foreground content may consist of scroll bars, a {@link #setForeground foreground}
+ * drawable or other view-specific decorations. The foreground is drawn on top of the
+ * primary view content.</p>
+ *
+ * @param canvas canvas to draw into
+ */
+ public void onDrawForeground(Canvas canvas) {
+ onDrawScrollBars(canvas);
+ final Drawable foreground = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
+ if (foreground != null) {
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged) {
+ mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = false;
+ final Rect selfBounds = mForegroundInfo.mSelfBounds;
+ final Rect overlayBounds = mForegroundInfo.mOverlayBounds;
+ if (mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding) {
+ selfBounds.set(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
+ } else {
+ selfBounds.set(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(),
+ getWidth() - getPaddingRight(), getHeight() - getPaddingBottom());
+ }
+ final int ld = getLayoutDirection();
+ Gravity.apply(mForegroundInfo.mGravity, foreground.getIntrinsicWidth(),
+ foreground.getIntrinsicHeight(), selfBounds, overlayBounds, ld);
+ foreground.setBounds(overlayBounds);
+ }
+ foreground.draw(canvas);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Sets the padding. The view may add on the space required to display
* the scrollbars, depending on the style and visibility of the scrollbars.
* So the values returned from {@link #getPaddingLeft}, {@link #getPaddingTop},
@@ -18090,6 +18403,10 @@
// parts from this transparent region.
applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mBackground, region);
+ final Drawable foreground = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null;
+ if (foreground != null) {
+ applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mForegroundInfo.mDrawable, region);
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/core/java/android/widget/ b/core/java/android/widget/
index f6d198b..0602944 100644
--- a/core/java/android/widget/
+++ b/core/java/android/widget/
@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@
* only if {@link #setMeasureAllChildren(boolean) setConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring()}
* is set to true.
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foreground
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundGravity
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_measureAllChildren
@@ -64,13 +62,6 @@
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement")
boolean mMeasureAllChildren = false;
- @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing")
- private Drawable mForeground;
- private ColorStateList mForegroundTintList = null;
- private PorterDuff.Mode mForegroundTintMode = null;
- private boolean mHasForegroundTint = false;
- private boolean mHasForegroundTintMode = false;
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding")
private int mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0;
@@ -85,15 +76,6 @@
private final Rect mSelfBounds = new Rect();
private final Rect mOverlayBounds = new Rect();
- @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing")
- private int mForegroundGravity = Gravity.FILL;
- /** {@hide} */
- @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing")
- protected boolean mForegroundInPadding = true;
- boolean mForegroundBoundsChanged = false;
private final ArrayList<View> mMatchParentChildren = new ArrayList<View>(1);
@@ -115,48 +97,12 @@
final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
attrs,, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
- mForegroundGravity = a.getInt(
-, mForegroundGravity);
- final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(;
- if (d != null) {
- setForeground(d);
- }
if (a.getBoolean(, false)) {
- if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.FrameLayout_foregroundTintMode)) {
- mForegroundTintMode = Drawable.parseTintMode(a.getInt(
- R.styleable.FrameLayout_foregroundTintMode, -1), mForegroundTintMode);
- mHasForegroundTintMode = true;
- }
- if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.FrameLayout_foregroundTint)) {
- mForegroundTintList = a.getColorStateList(R.styleable.FrameLayout_foregroundTint);
- mHasForegroundTint = true;
- }
- mForegroundInPadding = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.FrameLayout_foregroundInsidePadding, true);
- applyForegroundTint();
- }
- /**
- * Describes how the foreground is positioned.
- *
- * @return foreground gravity.
- *
- * @see #setForegroundGravity(int)
- *
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundGravity
- */
- public int getForegroundGravity() {
- return mForegroundGravity;
@@ -166,25 +112,18 @@
* @see #getForegroundGravity()
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundGravity
+ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
public void setForegroundGravity(int foregroundGravity) {
- if (mForegroundGravity != foregroundGravity) {
- if ((foregroundGravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
- foregroundGravity |= Gravity.START;
- }
+ if (getForegroundGravity() != foregroundGravity) {
+ super.setForegroundGravity(foregroundGravity);
- if ((foregroundGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
- foregroundGravity |= Gravity.TOP;
- }
- mForegroundGravity = foregroundGravity;
- if (mForegroundGravity == Gravity.FILL && mForeground != null) {
+ // calling get* again here because the set above may apply default constraints
+ final Drawable foreground = getForeground();
+ if (getForegroundGravity() == Gravity.FILL && foreground != null) {
Rect padding = new Rect();
- if (mForeground.getPadding(padding)) {
+ if (foreground.getPadding(padding)) {
mForegroundPaddingLeft = padding.left;
mForegroundPaddingTop =;
mForegroundPaddingRight = padding.right;
@@ -201,53 +140,6 @@
- @Override
- protected void onVisibilityChanged(@NonNull View changedView, @Visibility int visibility) {
- super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
- final Drawable dr = mForeground;
- if (dr != null) {
- final boolean visible = visibility == VISIBLE && getVisibility() == VISIBLE;
- if (visible != dr.isVisible()) {
- dr.setVisible(visible, false);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable who) {
- return super.verifyDrawable(who) || (who == mForeground);
- }
- @Override
- public void jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() {
- super.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState();
- if (mForeground != null) mForeground.jumpToCurrentState();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected void drawableStateChanged() {
- super.drawableStateChanged();
- if (mForeground != null && mForeground.isStateful()) {
- mForeground.setState(getDrawableState());
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void drawableHotspotChanged(float x, float y) {
- super.drawableHotspotChanged(x, y);
- if (mForeground != null) {
- mForeground.setHotspot(x, y);
- }
- }
* Returns a set of layout parameters with a width of
* {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT},
@@ -258,161 +150,23 @@
return new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
- /**
- * Supply a Drawable that is to be rendered on top of all of the child
- * views in the frame layout. Any padding in the Drawable will be taken
- * into account by ensuring that the children are inset to be placed
- * inside of the padding area.
- *
- * @param d The Drawable to be drawn on top of the children.
- *
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foreground
- */
- public void setForeground(Drawable d) {
- if (mForeground != d) {
- if (mForeground != null) {
- mForeground.setCallback(null);
- unscheduleDrawable(mForeground);
- }
- mForeground = d;
- mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0;
- mForegroundPaddingTop = 0;
- mForegroundPaddingRight = 0;
- mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0;
- if (d != null) {
- setWillNotDraw(false);
- d.setCallback(this);
- d.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());
- if (d.isStateful()) {
- d.setState(getDrawableState());
- }
- applyForegroundTint();
- if (mForegroundGravity == Gravity.FILL) {
- Rect padding = new Rect();
- if (d.getPadding(padding)) {
- mForegroundPaddingLeft = padding.left;
- mForegroundPaddingTop =;
- mForegroundPaddingRight = padding.right;
- mForegroundPaddingBottom = padding.bottom;
- }
- }
- } else {
- setWillNotDraw(true);
- }
- requestLayout();
- invalidate();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the drawable used as the foreground of this FrameLayout. The
- * foreground drawable, if non-null, is always drawn on top of the children.
- *
- * @return A Drawable or null if no foreground was set.
- */
- public Drawable getForeground() {
- return mForeground;
- }
- /**
- * Applies a tint to the foreground drawable. Does not modify the current
- * tint mode, which is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN} by default.
- * <p>
- * Subsequent calls to {@link #setForeground(Drawable)} will automatically
- * mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using
- * {@link Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)}.
- *
- * @param tint the tint to apply, may be {@code null} to clear tint
- *
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundTint
- * @see #getForegroundTintList()
- * @see Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)
- */
- public void setForegroundTintList(@Nullable ColorStateList tint) {
- mForegroundTintList = tint;
- mHasForegroundTint = true;
- applyForegroundTint();
- }
- /**
- * @return the tint applied to the foreground drawable
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundTint
- * @see #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)
- */
- @Nullable
- public ColorStateList getForegroundTintList() {
- return mForegroundTintList;
- }
- /**
- * Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by
- * {@link #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)}} to the foreground drawable.
- * The default mode is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN}.
- *
- * @param tintMode the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be
- * {@code null} to clear tint
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundTintMode
- * @see #getForegroundTintMode()
- * @see Drawable#setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode)
- */
- public void setForegroundTintMode(@Nullable PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) {
- mForegroundTintMode = tintMode;
- mHasForegroundTintMode = true;
- applyForegroundTint();
- }
- /**
- * @return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground
- * drawable
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_foregroundTintMode
- * @see #setForegroundTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode)
- */
- @Nullable
- public PorterDuff.Mode getForegroundTintMode() {
- return mForegroundTintMode;
- }
- private void applyForegroundTint() {
- if (mForeground != null && (mHasForegroundTint || mHasForegroundTintMode)) {
- mForeground = mForeground.mutate();
- if (mHasForegroundTint) {
- mForeground.setTintList(mForegroundTintList);
- }
- if (mHasForegroundTintMode) {
- mForeground.setTintMode(mForegroundTintMode);
- }
- // The drawable (or one of its children) may not have been
- // stateful before applying the tint, so let's try again.
- if (mForeground.isStateful()) {
- mForeground.setState(getDrawableState());
- }
- }
- }
int getPaddingLeftWithForeground() {
- return mForegroundInPadding ? Math.max(mPaddingLeft, mForegroundPaddingLeft) :
+ return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingLeft, mForegroundPaddingLeft) :
mPaddingLeft + mForegroundPaddingLeft;
int getPaddingRightWithForeground() {
- return mForegroundInPadding ? Math.max(mPaddingRight, mForegroundPaddingRight) :
+ return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingRight, mForegroundPaddingRight) :
mPaddingRight + mForegroundPaddingRight;
private int getPaddingTopWithForeground() {
- return mForegroundInPadding ? Math.max(mPaddingTop, mForegroundPaddingTop) :
+ return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingTop, mForegroundPaddingTop) :
mPaddingTop + mForegroundPaddingTop;
private int getPaddingBottomWithForeground() {
- return mForegroundInPadding ? Math.max(mPaddingBottom, mForegroundPaddingBottom) :
+ return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingBottom, mForegroundPaddingBottom) :
mPaddingBottom + mForegroundPaddingBottom;
@@ -527,8 +281,6 @@
final int parentTop = getPaddingTopWithForeground();
final int parentBottom = bottom - top - getPaddingBottomWithForeground();
- mForegroundBoundsChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final View child = getChildAt(i);
if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
@@ -585,62 +337,6 @@
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
- super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
- mForegroundBoundsChanged = true;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
- super.draw(canvas);
- if (mForeground != null) {
- final Drawable foreground = mForeground;
- if (mForegroundBoundsChanged) {
- mForegroundBoundsChanged = false;
- final Rect selfBounds = mSelfBounds;
- final Rect overlayBounds = mOverlayBounds;
- final int w = mRight-mLeft;
- final int h = mBottom-mTop;
- if (mForegroundInPadding) {
- selfBounds.set(0, 0, w, h);
- } else {
- selfBounds.set(mPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, w - mPaddingRight, h - mPaddingBottom);
- }
- final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
- Gravity.apply(mForegroundGravity, foreground.getIntrinsicWidth(),
- foreground.getIntrinsicHeight(), selfBounds, overlayBounds,
- layoutDirection);
- foreground.setBounds(overlayBounds);
- }
- foreground.draw(canvas);
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean gatherTransparentRegion(Region region) {
- boolean opaque = super.gatherTransparentRegion(region);
- if (region != null && mForeground != null) {
- applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mForeground, region);
- }
- return opaque;
- }
- /**
* Sets whether to consider all children, or just those in
* the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state, when measuring. Defaults to false.
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
index b5576c5..79a6bde 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
@@ -2633,6 +2633,70 @@
<enum name="paddedBounds" value="3" />
+ <!-- Defines the drawable to draw over the content. This can be used as an overlay.
+ The foreground drawable participates in the padding of the content if the gravity
+ is set to fill. -->
+ <attr name="foreground" format="reference|color" />
+ <!-- Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable. The gravity defaults
+ to fill. -->
+ <attr name="foregroundGravity">
+ <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
+ <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
+ <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
+ <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
+ <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
+ <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
+ <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
+ <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
+ <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
+ <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
+ <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
+ <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
+ <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
+ <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
+ <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
+ the child clipped to its container's bounds.
+ The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
+ edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
+ <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
+ <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
+ the child clipped to its container's bounds.
+ The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
+ edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
+ <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />
+ </attr>
+ <!-- Defines whether the foreground drawable should be drawn inside the padding.
+ This property is turned on by default. -->
+ <attr name="foregroundInsidePadding" format="boolean" />
+ <!-- Tint to apply to the foreground. -->
+ <attr name="foregroundTint" format="color" />
+ <!-- Blending mode used to apply the foreground tint. -->
+ <attr name="foregroundTintMode">
+ <!-- The tint is drawn on top of the drawable.
+ [Sa + (1 - Sa)*Da, Rc = Sc + (1 - Sa)*Dc] -->
+ <enum name="src_over" value="3" />
+ <!-- The tint is masked by the alpha channel of the drawable. The drawable’s
+ color channels are thrown out. [Sa * Da, Sc * Da] -->
+ <enum name="src_in" value="5" />
+ <!-- The tint is drawn above the drawable, but with the drawable’s alpha
+ channel masking the result. [Da, Sc * Da + (1 - Sa) * Dc] -->
+ <enum name="src_atop" value="9" />
+ <!-- Multiplies the color and alpha channels of the drawable with those of
+ the tint. [Sa * Da, Sc * Dc] -->
+ <enum name="multiply" value="14" />
+ <!-- [Sa + Da - Sa * Da, Sc + Dc - Sc * Dc] -->
+ <enum name="screen" value="15" />
+ <!-- Combines the tint and drawable color and alpha channels, clamping the
+ result to valid color values. Saturate(S + D) -->
+ <enum name="add" value="16" />
+ </attr>
<!-- Attributes that can be assigned to a tag for a particular View. -->
@@ -3366,72 +3430,9 @@
<attr name="padding" />
<declare-styleable name="FrameLayout">
- <!-- Defines the drawable to draw over the content. This can be used as an overlay.
- The foreground drawable participates in the padding of the content if the gravity
- is set to fill. -->
- <attr name="foreground" format="reference|color" />
- <!-- Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable. The gravity defaults
- to fill. -->
- <attr name="foregroundGravity">
- <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
- <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
- <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
- <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
- <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
- <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
- <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
- <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
- <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
- <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
- <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
- <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
- <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
- <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
- <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
- the child clipped to its container's bounds.
- The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
- edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
- <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
- <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
- the child clipped to its container's bounds.
- The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
- edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
- <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />
- </attr>
- <!-- Defines whether the foreground drawable should be drawn inside the padding.
- This property is turned on by default. -->
- <attr name="foregroundInsidePadding" format="boolean" />
<!-- Determines whether to measure all children or just those in
the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state when measuring. Defaults to false. -->
<attr name="measureAllChildren" format="boolean" />
- <!-- Tint to apply to the foreground. -->
- <attr name="foregroundTint" format="color" />
- <!-- Blending mode used to apply the foreground tint. -->
- <attr name="foregroundTintMode">
- <!-- The tint is drawn on top of the drawable.
- [Sa + (1 - Sa)*Da, Rc = Sc + (1 - Sa)*Dc] -->
- <enum name="src_over" value="3" />
- <!-- The tint is masked by the alpha channel of the drawable. The drawable’s
- color channels are thrown out. [Sa * Da, Sc * Da] -->
- <enum name="src_in" value="5" />
- <!-- The tint is drawn above the drawable, but with the drawable’s alpha
- channel masking the result. [Da, Sc * Da + (1 - Sa) * Dc] -->
- <enum name="src_atop" value="9" />
- <!-- Multiplies the color and alpha channels of the drawable with those of
- the tint. [Sa * Da, Sc * Dc] -->
- <enum name="multiply" value="14" />
- <!-- [Sa + Da - Sa * Da, Sc + Dc - Sc * Dc] -->
- <enum name="screen" value="15" />
- <!-- Combines the tint and drawable color and alpha channels, clamping the
- result to valid color values. Saturate(S + D) -->
- <enum name="add" value="16" />
- </attr>
<declare-styleable name="ExpandableListView">
<!-- Indicator shown beside the group View. This can be a stateful Drawable. -->
diff --git a/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/ b/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
index 17e5b0b..db489f6 100644
--- a/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
+++ b/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorInflater;
+import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
+import android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.content.res.Resources;
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
* This class uses {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} and
@@ -312,6 +315,15 @@
eventType =;
+ setupAnimatorSet();
+ }
+ private void setupAnimatorSet() {
+ if (mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators != null) {
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.playTogether(mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators);
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators.clear();
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators = null;
+ }
@@ -330,10 +342,44 @@
+ /**
+ * Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent events through the life of an
+ * animation.
+ *
+ * @param listener the listener to be added to the current set of listeners for this animation.
+ */
+ public void addListener(AnimatorListener listener) {
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.addListener(listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a listener from the set listening to this animation.
+ *
+ * @param listener the listener to be removed from the current set of listeners for this
+ * animation.
+ */
+ public void removeListener(AnimatorListener listener) {
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.removeListener(listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the set of {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener} objects that are currently
+ * listening for events on this <code>AnimatedVectorDrawable</code> object.
+ *
+ * @return List<AnimatorListener> The set of listeners.
+ */
+ public List<AnimatorListener> getListeners() {
+ return mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.getListeners();
+ }
private static class AnimatedVectorDrawableState extends ConstantState {
int mChangingConfigurations;
VectorDrawable mVectorDrawable;
- ArrayList<Animator> mAnimators;
+ // Always have a valid animatorSet to handle all the listeners call.
+ AnimatorSet mAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
+ // When parsing the XML, we build individual animator and store in this array. At the end,
+ // we add this array into the mAnimatorSet.
+ private ArrayList<Animator> mTempAnimators;
ArrayMap<Animator, String> mTargetNameMap;
public AnimatedVectorDrawableState(AnimatedVectorDrawableState copy,
@@ -353,18 +399,23 @@
- if (copy.mAnimators != null) {
- final int numAnimators = copy.mAnimators.size();
- mAnimators = new ArrayList<Animator>(numAnimators);
+ if (copy.mAnimatorSet != null) {
+ final int numAnimators = copy.mTargetNameMap.size();
+ // Deep copy a animator set, and then setup the target map again.
+ mAnimatorSet = copy.mAnimatorSet.clone();
mTargetNameMap = new ArrayMap<Animator, String>(numAnimators);
+ // Since the new AnimatorSet is cloned from the old one, the order must be the
+ // same inside the array.
+ ArrayList<Animator> oldAnim = copy.mAnimatorSet.getChildAnimations();
+ ArrayList<Animator> newAnim = mAnimatorSet.getChildAnimations();
for (int i = 0; i < numAnimators; ++i) {
- Animator anim = copy.mAnimators.get(i);
- Animator animClone = anim.clone();
- String targetName = copy.mTargetNameMap.get(anim);
- Object targetObject = mVectorDrawable.getTargetByName(targetName);
- animClone.setTarget(targetObject);
- mAnimators.add(animClone);
- mTargetNameMap.put(animClone, targetName);
+ // Target name must be the same for new and old
+ String targetName = copy.mTargetNameMap.get(oldAnim.get(i));
+ Object newTargetObject = mVectorDrawable.getTargetByName(targetName);
+ newAnim.get(i).setTarget(newTargetObject);
+ mTargetNameMap.put(newAnim.get(i), targetName);
} else {
@@ -397,11 +448,11 @@
private void setupAnimatorsForTarget(String name, Animator animator) {
Object target = mAnimatedVectorState.mVectorDrawable.getTargetByName(name);
- if (mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators == null) {
- mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators = new ArrayList<Animator>();
+ if (mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators == null) {
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators = new ArrayList<Animator>();
mAnimatedVectorState.mTargetNameMap = new ArrayMap<Animator, String>();
- mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators.add(animator);
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mTempAnimators.add(animator);
mAnimatedVectorState.mTargetNameMap.put(animator, name);
Log.v(LOGTAG, "add animator for target " + name + " " + animator);
@@ -410,27 +461,11 @@
public boolean isRunning() {
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- if (animator.isRunning()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
+ return mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.isRunning();
private boolean isStarted() {
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- if (animator.isStarted()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
+ return mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.isStarted();
@@ -439,24 +474,13 @@
if (isStarted()) {
- // Otherwise, kick off every animator.
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- animator.start();
- }
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.start();
public void stop() {
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- animator.end();
- }
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.end();
@@ -473,27 +497,14 @@
Log.w(LOGTAG, "AnimatedVectorDrawable can't reverse()");
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- animator.reverse();
- }
+ mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.reverse();
* @hide
public boolean canReverse() {
- final ArrayList<Animator> animators = mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimators;
- final int size = animators.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- final Animator animator = animators.get(i);
- if (!animator.canReverse()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
+ return mAnimatedVectorState.mAnimatorSet.canReverse();
private final Callback mCallback = new Callback() {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/views/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/views/
index bba7682..a55e026 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/views/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/views/
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@
/** Reset the transform on a view. */
public static void reset(View v) {
+ // Cancel any running animations
+ v.animate().cancel();
diff --git a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/src/com/android/test/dynamic/ b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/src/com/android/test/dynamic/
index ecc7782..56c8119 100644
--- a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/src/com/android/test/dynamic/
+++ b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/src/com/android/test/dynamic/
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
+import android.animation.Animator;
+import android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener;
import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.GridLayout;
@@ -52,6 +55,26 @@
+ AnimatedVectorDrawable d = (AnimatedVectorDrawable) button.getBackground();
+ d.addListener(new AnimatorListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
+ Log.v(LOGCAT, "Animator start");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
+ Log.v(LOGCAT, "Animator repeat");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
+ Log.v(LOGCAT, "Animator end");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
+ Log.v(LOGCAT, "Animator cancel");
+ }
+ });