[ActivityManager] Prevent application holding AMS lock

Watchdog timeout.

Reproduce code:
String action = "lets.deadlock";
Uri baseUri = Uri.parse("content://i.am.bad");
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseUri, 1);
Intent intent = new Intent(action, uri);

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(action);
filter.addDataAuthority(baseUri.getAuthority(), null);
filter.addDataPath(uri.getPath(), 0);
registerReceiver(null, filter);

In target provider's getType:
Invoke AMS function will result deadlock.
Or sleep a long time will also trigger watchdog timeout.

Root Cause:
If broadcast is sticky with content scheme intent.
Register receiver will trigger access provider when
matching intent with IntentFilter, and it executes
in ActivityManagerService's lock.

Obtain necessary data to local to split lock block.

Change-Id: I0fb94472cdc478997e40ba2a60a988c5f53badb2
1 file changed