Merge "Update VectorDrawables to use Skia's drawArc implementation."
diff --git a/libs/hwui/tests/unit/VectorDrawableTests.cpp b/libs/hwui/tests/unit/VectorDrawableTests.cpp
index a92cbfd..e7496f7 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/tests/unit/VectorDrawableTests.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/tests/unit/VectorDrawableTests.cpp
@@ -85,32 +85,8 @@
              outPath->rCubicTo(8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0);
              outPath->cubicTo(16.0, 16.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0);
              outPath->rCubicTo(0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 9.0);
-             outPath->cubicTo(18.447775037328352, 20.404243860300607, 17.998389141249767,
-                              22.8911717921705, 16.737515350332117, 24.986664170401575);
-             outPath->cubicTo(15.476641559414468, 27.08215654863265, 13.489843598291483,
-                              28.644011882390082, 11.155893964798905, 29.37447073281729);
-             outPath->cubicTo(8.821944331306327, 30.1049295832445, 6.299226382436471,
-                              29.954422532383525, 4.0686829203897235, 28.951642951534332);
-             outPath->cubicTo(1.838139458342976, 27.94886337068514, 0.05113662931485696,
-                              26.161860541657013, -0.9516429515343354, 23.931317079610267);
-             outPath->cubicTo(-1.9544225323835278, 21.70077361756352, -2.1049295832444987,
-                              19.178055668693663, -1.37447073281729, 16.844106035201087);
-             outPath->cubicTo(-0.6440118823900814, 14.51015640170851, 0.9178434513673546,
-                              12.523358440585524, 3.0133358295984305, 11.262484649667876);
-             outPath->cubicTo(5.108828207829506, 10.001610858750228, 7.5957561396993984,
-                              9.552224962671648, 10.000000000000005, 10.0);
-             outPath->cubicTo(10.0, 7.348852265086975, 11.054287646850167, 4.803576729418881,
-                              12.928932188134523, 2.9289321881345254);
-             outPath->cubicTo(14.803576729418879, 1.0542876468501696, 17.348852265086972,
-                              4.870079381441987E-16, 19.999999999999996, 0.0);
-             outPath->cubicTo(22.65114773491302, -4.870079381441987E-16, 25.19642327058112,
-                              1.0542876468501678, 27.071067811865476, 2.9289321881345227);
-             outPath->cubicTo(28.94571235314983, 4.803576729418878, 30.0, 7.348852265086974, 30.0,
-                              9.999999999999998);
-             outPath->cubicTo(30.0, 12.651147734913023, 28.94571235314983, 15.19642327058112,
-                              27.071067811865476, 17.071067811865476);
-             outPath->cubicTo(25.19642327058112, 18.94571235314983, 22.651147734913028, 20.0,
-                              20.000000000000004, 20.0);
+             outPath->arcTo(10.0, 10.0, 0.0, SkPath::kLarge_ArcSize, SkPath::kCW_Direction, 10.0, 10.0);
+             outPath->arcTo(10.0, 10.0, 0.0, SkPath::kLarge_ArcSize, SkPath::kCW_Direction, 20.0, 20.0);
         // Check box VectorDrawable path data
@@ -181,22 +157,7 @@
          [](SkPath* outPath) {
              outPath->moveTo(300.0, 70.0);
-             outPath->cubicTo(239.06697794203706, 70.13246340443499, 180.6164396449267,
-                              94.47383115953485, 137.6004913602211, 137.6302781499585);
-             outPath->cubicTo(94.58454307551551, 180.78672514038215, 70.43390412842275,
-                              239.3163266242308, 70.50013586976587, 300.2494566687817);
-             outPath->cubicTo(70.56636761110899, 361.1825867133326, 94.84418775550249,
-                              419.65954850554147, 137.9538527586204, 462.72238058830936);
-             outPath->cubicTo(181.06351776173827, 505.7852126710772, 239.5668339599056,
-                              529.999456521097, 300.49999999999994, 529.999456521097);
-             outPath->cubicTo(361.43316604009436, 529.999456521097, 419.93648223826176,
-                              505.78521267107726, 463.0461472413797, 462.7223805883093);
-             outPath->cubicTo(506.1558122444976, 419.65954850554135, 530.433632388891,
-                              361.1825867133324, 530.4998641302341, 300.2494566687815);
-             outPath->cubicTo(530.5660958715771, 239.31632662423056, 506.4154569244844,
-                              180.7867251403819, 463.3995086397787, 137.6302781499583);
-             outPath->cubicTo(420.383560355073, 94.47383115953468, 361.93302205796255,
-                              70.13246340443492, 300.9999999999996, 70.00000000000003);
+             outPath->arcTo(230.0, 230.0, 0.0, SkPath::kLarge_ArcSize, SkPath::kCCW_Direction, 301.0, 70.0);
              outPath->moveTo(300.0, 70.0);
diff --git a/libs/hwui/utils/VectorDrawableUtils.cpp b/libs/hwui/utils/VectorDrawableUtils.cpp
index 1931d64..6b8f315 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/utils/VectorDrawableUtils.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/utils/VectorDrawableUtils.cpp
@@ -96,132 +96,6 @@
- * Converts an arc to cubic Bezier segments and records them in p.
- *
- * @param p The target for the cubic Bezier segments
- * @param cx The x coordinate center of the ellipse
- * @param cy The y coordinate center of the ellipse
- * @param a The radius of the ellipse in the horizontal direction
- * @param b The radius of the ellipse in the vertical direction
- * @param e1x E(eta1) x coordinate of the starting point of the arc
- * @param e1y E(eta2) y coordinate of the starting point of the arc
- * @param theta The angle that the ellipse bounding rectangle makes with horizontal plane
- * @param start The start angle of the arc on the ellipse
- * @param sweep The angle (positive or negative) of the sweep of the arc on the ellipse
- */
-static void arcToBezier(SkPath* p, double cx, double cy, double a, double b, double e1x, double e1y,
-                        double theta, double start, double sweep) {
-    // Taken from equations at:
-    // and
-    // Maximum of 45 degrees per cubic Bezier segment
-    int numSegments = ceil(fabs(sweep * 4 / M_PI));
-    double eta1 = start;
-    double cosTheta = cos(theta);
-    double sinTheta = sin(theta);
-    double cosEta1 = cos(eta1);
-    double sinEta1 = sin(eta1);
-    double ep1x = (-a * cosTheta * sinEta1) - (b * sinTheta * cosEta1);
-    double ep1y = (-a * sinTheta * sinEta1) + (b * cosTheta * cosEta1);
-    double anglePerSegment = sweep / numSegments;
-    for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
-        double eta2 = eta1 + anglePerSegment;
-        double sinEta2 = sin(eta2);
-        double cosEta2 = cos(eta2);
-        double e2x = cx + (a * cosTheta * cosEta2) - (b * sinTheta * sinEta2);
-        double e2y = cy + (a * sinTheta * cosEta2) + (b * cosTheta * sinEta2);
-        double ep2x = -a * cosTheta * sinEta2 - b * sinTheta * cosEta2;
-        double ep2y = -a * sinTheta * sinEta2 + b * cosTheta * cosEta2;
-        double tanDiff2 = tan((eta2 - eta1) / 2);
-        double alpha = sin(eta2 - eta1) * (sqrt(4 + (3 * tanDiff2 * tanDiff2)) - 1) / 3;
-        double q1x = e1x + alpha * ep1x;
-        double q1y = e1y + alpha * ep1y;
-        double q2x = e2x - alpha * ep2x;
-        double q2y = e2y - alpha * ep2y;
-        p->cubicTo((float)q1x, (float)q1y, (float)q2x, (float)q2y, (float)e2x, (float)e2y);
-        eta1 = eta2;
-        e1x = e2x;
-        e1y = e2y;
-        ep1x = ep2x;
-        ep1y = ep2y;
-    }
-inline double toRadians(float theta) {
-    return theta * M_PI / 180;
-static void drawArc(SkPath* p, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float a, float b,
-                    float theta, bool isMoreThanHalf, bool isPositiveArc) {
-    /* Convert rotation angle from degrees to radians */
-    double thetaD = toRadians(theta);
-    /* Pre-compute rotation matrix entries */
-    double cosTheta = cos(thetaD);
-    double sinTheta = sin(thetaD);
-    /* Transform (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) into unit space */
-    /* using (inverse) rotation, followed by (inverse) scale */
-    double x0p = (x0 * cosTheta + y0 * sinTheta) / a;
-    double y0p = (-x0 * sinTheta + y0 * cosTheta) / b;
-    double x1p = (x1 * cosTheta + y1 * sinTheta) / a;
-    double y1p = (-x1 * sinTheta + y1 * cosTheta) / b;
-    /* Compute differences and averages */
-    double dx = x0p - x1p;
-    double dy = y0p - y1p;
-    double xm = (x0p + x1p) / 2;
-    double ym = (y0p + y1p) / 2;
-    /* Solve for intersecting unit circles */
-    double dsq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
-    if (dsq == 0.0) {
-        VECTOR_DRAWABLE_LOGD("Points are coincident");
-        return; /* Points are coincident */
-    }
-    double disc = 1.0 / dsq - 1.0 / 4.0;
-    if (disc < 0.0) {
-        VECTOR_DRAWABLE_LOGD("Points are too far apart %f", dsq);
-        float adjust = (float)(sqrt(dsq) / 1.99999);
-        drawArc(p, x0, y0, x1, y1, a * adjust, b * adjust, theta, isMoreThanHalf, isPositiveArc);
-        return; /* Points are too far apart */
-    }
-    double s = sqrt(disc);
-    double sdx = s * dx;
-    double sdy = s * dy;
-    double cx;
-    double cy;
-    if (isMoreThanHalf == isPositiveArc) {
-        cx = xm - sdy;
-        cy = ym + sdx;
-    } else {
-        cx = xm + sdy;
-        cy = ym - sdx;
-    }
-    double eta0 = atan2((y0p - cy), (x0p - cx));
-    double eta1 = atan2((y1p - cy), (x1p - cx));
-    double sweep = (eta1 - eta0);
-    if (isPositiveArc != (sweep >= 0)) {
-        if (sweep > 0) {
-            sweep -= 2 * M_PI;
-        } else {
-            sweep += 2 * M_PI;
-        }
-    }
-    cx *= a;
-    cy *= b;
-    double tcx = cx;
-    cx = cx * cosTheta - cy * sinTheta;
-    cy = tcx * sinTheta + cy * cosTheta;
-    arcToBezier(p, cx, cy, a, b, x0, y0, thetaD, eta0, sweep);
 // Use the given verb, and points in the range [start, end) to insert a command into the SkPath.
 void PathResolver::addCommand(SkPath* outPath, char previousCmd, char cmd,
                               const std::vector<float>* points, size_t start, size_t end) {
@@ -424,18 +298,20 @@
             case 'a':  // Draws an elliptical arc
                 // (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)
-                drawArc(outPath, currentX, currentY, points->at(k + 5) + currentX,
-                        points->at(k + 6) + currentY, points->at(k + 0), points->at(k + 1),
-                        points->at(k + 2), points->at(k + 3) != 0, points->at(k + 4) != 0);
+                outPath->arcTo(points->at(k + 0), points->at(k + 1), points->at(k + 2),
+                               (SkPath::ArcSize) (points->at(k + 3) != 0),
+                               (SkPath::Direction) (points->at(k + 4) == 0), 
+                               points->at(k + 5) + currentX, points->at(k + 6) + currentY);
                 currentX += points->at(k + 5);
                 currentY += points->at(k + 6);
                 ctrlPointX = currentX;
                 ctrlPointY = currentY;
             case 'A':  // Draws an elliptical arc
-                drawArc(outPath, currentX, currentY, points->at(k + 5), points->at(k + 6),
-                        points->at(k + 0), points->at(k + 1), points->at(k + 2),
-                        points->at(k + 3) != 0, points->at(k + 4) != 0);
+                outPath->arcTo(points->at(k + 0), points->at(k + 1), points->at(k + 2),
+                               (SkPath::ArcSize) (points->at(k + 3) != 0),
+                               (SkPath::Direction) (points->at(k + 4) == 0), 
+                               points->at(k + 5), points->at(k + 6));
                 currentX = points->at(k + 5);
                 currentY = points->at(k + 6);
                 ctrlPointX = currentX;