Proto message for "dumpsys sensorservice --proto"

Add SensorServiceProto for protobuf dumpsys of sensorservice. Primarily
used by incident service to capture an incident report proto.
Also add a gensrc rule to generate cpp headers of frameworks proto to
be used by native services like sensorservice. Added "static" qualifier
to a few generated fields in the header to avoid linker conflict.

Command to invoke (any of the following after lunch and env setup):
$ adb shell dumpsys sensorservice --proto
$ adb shell incident 3053
$ incident_report 3053

Bug: 146086105
Test: Execute the above commands and compare the output against dumpsys

Change-Id: I282ff37bd3e845464d0693d69fc0d82943cc9855
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index c899179..8705fca 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -656,6 +656,33 @@
     output_extension: "srcjar",
+gensrcs {
+    name: "framework-cppstream-protos",
+    depfile: true,
+    tools: [
+        "aprotoc",
+        "protoc-gen-cppstream",
+    ],
+    cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir) " +
+        "&& $(location aprotoc) " +
+        "  --plugin=$(location protoc-gen-cppstream) " +
+        "  --dependency_out=$(depfile) " +
+        "  --cppstream_out=$(genDir) " +
+        "  -Iexternal/protobuf/src " +
+        "  -I . " +
+        "  $(in)",
+    srcs: [
+        ":ipconnectivity-proto-src",
+        "core/proto/**/*.proto",
+        "libs/incident/**/*.proto",
+    ],
+    output_extension: "proto.h",
 filegroup {
     name: "framework-annotations",
     srcs: [
@@ -1013,43 +1040,6 @@
-gensrcs {
-    name: "gen-platform-proto-constants",
-    depfile: true,
-    tools: [
-        "aprotoc",
-        "protoc-gen-cppstream",
-    ],
-    srcs: [
-        "core/proto/android/os/backtrace.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/batterytype.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/cpufreq.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/cpuinfo.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/data.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/kernelwake.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/pagetypeinfo.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/procrank.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/ps.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/os/system_properties.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/util/event_log_tags.proto",
-        "core/proto/android/util/log.proto",
-    ],
-    // Append protoc-gen-cppstream tool's PATH otherwise aprotoc can't find the plugin tool
-    cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir) " +
-        "&& $(location aprotoc) " +
-        "  --plugin=$(location protoc-gen-cppstream) " +
-        "  --dependency_out=$(depfile) " +
-        "  --cppstream_out=$(genDir) " +
-        "  -Iexternal/protobuf/src " +
-        "  -I . " +
-        "  $(in)",
-    output_extension: "proto.h",
 subdirs = [