Make suggestion window style material.

To make suggestion window style Material, this CL does following things:
1. Introduce LinearLayout to be able to split suggestion item and menu.
 Currently suggestion menus, "Add to Dictionary" and "Delete" buttons
 are children of ListView. It is necessary to introduce LinearLayout
 and move these two menus from ListView to this LinearLayout to have a
 divider between suggestion items and menus.

2. Extract suggestion window layout definition from Java.
 Currently almost all layout of suggestion popup window is done by By extracting this logic from Java and move it to XML
 files, it becomes easy to support both Holo and Material theme.

3. Introduce Material Design.
 Suggestion window should respect the running application's theme since
 suggestion window is shown as the part of the application.
 This patch introduces Material themed suggestion window, and at the
 same time, the old window is also kept as the Holo themed suggestion

Bug: 15347319
Change-Id: Ieccea12db95c0a040b38680ae794b1cf6971736f
16 files changed