move event log tags used by system server into this package

We can now locate event log tag definitions in individual packages
(and java constants for the tag numbers get auto-generated), so move
all the tags used by the system server into the package.
diff --git a/services/java/com/android/server/EventLogTags.logtags b/services/java/com/android/server/EventLogTags.logtags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5429c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/java/com/android/server/EventLogTags.logtags
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.
+option java_package
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+2722 battery_level (level|1|6),(voltage|1|1),(temperature|1|1)
+2723 battery_status (status|1|5),(health|1|5),(present|1|5),(plugged|1|5),(technology|3)
+# This is logged when battery goes from discharging to charging.
+# It lets us count the total amount of time between charges and the discharge level
+2730 battery_discharge (duration|2|3),(minLevel|1|6),(maxLevel|1|6)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# This is logged when the device is being forced to sleep (typically by
+# the user pressing the power button).
+2724 power_sleep_requested (wakeLocksCleared|1|1)
+# This is logged when the screen on broadcast has completed
+2725 power_screen_broadcast_send (wakelockCount|1|1)
+# This is logged when the screen broadcast has completed
+2726 power_screen_broadcast_done (on|1|5),(broadcastDuration|2|3),(wakelockCount|1|1)
+# This is logged when the screen on broadcast has completed
+2727 power_screen_broadcast_stop (which|1|5),(wakelockCount|1|1)
+# This is logged when the screen is turned on or off.
+2728 power_screen_state (offOrOn|1|5),(becauseOfUser|1|5),(totalTouchDownTime|2|3),(touchCycles|1|1)
+# This is logged when the partial wake lock (keeping the device awake
+# regardless of whether the screen is off) is acquired or released.
+2729 power_partial_wake_state (releasedorAcquired|1|5),(tag|3)
+# Leave IDs through 2739 for more power logs (2730 used by battery_discharge above)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# The disk space free on the /data partition, in bytes
+2744 free_storage_changed (data|2|2)
+# Device low memory notification and disk space free on the /data partition, in bytes at that time
+2745 low_storage (data|2|2)
+# disk space free on the /data, /system, and /cache partitions in bytes
+2746 free_storage_left (data|2|2),(system|2|2),(cache|2|2)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# when a NotificationManager.notify is called
+2750 notification_enqueue (pkg|3),(id|1|5),(notification|3)
+# when someone tries to cancel a notification, the notification manager sometimes
+# calls this with flags too
+2751 notification_cancel (pkg|3),(id|1|5),(required_flags|1)
+# when someone tries to cancel all of the notifications for a particular package
+2752 notification_cancel_all (pkg|3),(required_flags|1)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+2802 watchdog (Service|3)
+2803 watchdog_proc_pss (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(Pss|1|2)
+2804 watchdog_soft_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2),(Skip|3)
+2805 watchdog_hard_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2)
+2806 watchdog_pss_stats (EmptyPss|1|2),(EmptyCount|1|1),(BackgroundPss|1|2),(BackgroundCount|1|1),(ServicePss|1|2),(ServiceCount|1|1),(VisiblePss|1|2),(VisibleCount|1|1),(ForegroundPss|1|2),(ForegroundCount|1|1),(NoPssCount|1|1)
+2807 watchdog_proc_stats (DeathsInOne|1|1),(DeathsInTwo|1|1),(DeathsInThree|1|1),(DeathsInFour|1|1),(DeathsInFive|1|1)
+2808 watchdog_scheduled_reboot (Now|2|1),(Interval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(Skip|3)
+2809 watchdog_meminfo (MemFree|1|2),(Buffers|1|2),(Cached|1|2),(Active|1|2),(Inactive|1|2),(AnonPages|1|2),(Mapped|1|2),(Slab|1|2),(SReclaimable|1|2),(SUnreclaim|1|2),(PageTables|1|2)
+2810 watchdog_vmstat (runtime|2|3),(pgfree|1|1),(pgactivate|1|1),(pgdeactivate|1|1),(pgfault|1|1),(pgmajfault|1|1)
+2811 watchdog_requested_reboot (NoWait|1|1),(ScheduleInterval|1|3),(RecheckInterval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(MinScreenOff|1|3),(MinNextAlarm|1|3)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+2820 backup_data_changed (Package|3)
+2821 backup_start (Transport|3)
+2822 backup_transport_failure (Package|3)
+2823 backup_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2824 backup_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
+2825 backup_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
+2826 backup_reset (Transport|3)
+2827 backup_initialize
+2830 restore_start (Transport|3),(Source|2|5)
+2831 restore_transport_failure
+2832 restore_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
+2833 restore_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
+2834 restore_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# starts:
+3010 boot_progress_system_run (time|2|3)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# Package Manager starts:
+3060 boot_progress_pms_start (time|2|3)
+# Package Manager .apk scan starts:
+3070 boot_progress_pms_system_scan_start (time|2|3)
+# Package Manager .apk scan starts:
+3080 boot_progress_pms_data_scan_start (time|2|3)
+# Package Manager .apk scan ends:
+3090 boot_progress_pms_scan_end (time|2|3)
+# Package Manager ready:
+3100 boot_progress_pms_ready (time|2|3)
+# + check activity_launch_time for Home app
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# Out of memory for surfaces.
+31000 wm_no_surface_memory (Window|3),(PID|1|5),(Operation|3)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# Re-connecting to input method service because we haven't received its interface
+32000 imf_force_reconnect_ime (IME|4),(Time Since Connect|2|3),(Showing|1|1)
+# ---------------------------
+# ---------------------------
+# Connectivity state changed:
+# [31-13] Reserved for future use
+# [12- 9] Network subtype (for mobile network, as defined by TelephonyManager)
+# [ 8- 3] Detailed state ordinal (as defined by NetworkInfo.DetailedState)
+# [ 2- 0] Network type (as defined by ConnectivityManager)
+50020 connectivity_state_changed (custom|1|5)