Doc change: updates for final N landing page and related resources.

Change-Id: Ieeb3dd74a889d6c0118e4ca8575abdaddcde7e73
diff --git a/docs/html/_redirects.yaml b/docs/html/_redirects.yaml
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--- a/docs/html/_redirects.yaml
+++ b/docs/html/_redirects.yaml
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@
 - from: /preview/samples.html
   to: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.html
 - from: /preview/guide.html
-  to: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-testing.html
+  to: /about/versions/nougat/index.html
 - from: /preview/api-overview.html
   to: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html
 - from: /preview/index.html
diff --git a/docs/html/about/_book.yaml b/docs/html/about/_book.yaml
index 958435d..0e91c08 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/_book.yaml
+++ b/docs/html/about/_book.yaml
@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
 - title: Nougat
   path: /about/versions/nougat/index.html
-  - title: Android 7.0 APIs
+  - title: Android 7.0 for Developers
     path: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html
-  - title: Android 7.0 Changes
+  - title: Android 7.0 Behavior Changes
     path: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html
   - title: Android 7.0 Samples
     path: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.html
-  - title: Android 7.0 Testing
-    path: /about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-testing.html
 - title: Marshmallow
   path: /about/versions/marshmallow/index.html
diff --git a/docs/html/about/about_toc.cs b/docs/html/about/about_toc.cs
index a456012..de39620 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/about_toc.cs
+++ b/docs/html/about/about_toc.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
 <ul id="nav">
   <li class="nav-section">
+    <div class="nav-section-header"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/versions/nougat/index.html">
+      <span class="en">Nougat</span></a></div>
+      <ul>
+        <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html">
+        Android 7.0 for Developers</a></li>
+        <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html">
+        Android 7.0 Changes</a></li>
+        <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.html">
+        Android 7.0 Samples</a></li>
+      </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li class="nav-section">
     <div class="nav-section-header"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/versions/marshmallow/index.html">
       <span class="en">Marshmallow</span></a></div>
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/marshmallow/index.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/marshmallow/index.jd
index 35edd72..93d0fec 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/marshmallow/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/about/versions/marshmallow/index.jd
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.jd
index 4f9054c..84a56d0 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.jd
+++ b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.jd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-page.title=Android 7.0 Changes
+page.title=Android 7.0 Behavior Changes
-meta.tags="Android 7.0", "Nougat", "android n", "compatibility"
-page.tags="Android 7.0", "Nougat", "android n", "developer preview"
+meta.tags="Nougat", "android n", "compatibility"
+page.tags="Android 7.0", "Nougat", "android n"
@@ -35,16 +35,14 @@
 <h2>API Differences</h2>
-  <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/api_diff/n-preview-4-incr/changes.html">
-    Preview 3 to API 24</a></li>
   <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/api_diff/24/changes.html">
     API 23 to API 24</a></li>
 <h2>See Also</h2>
-  <li><a href="{@docRoot}preview/api-overview.html">
-    Android 7.0 APIs</a></li>
+  <li><a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html">
+    Android 7.0 for Developers</a></li>
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.jd
index 98f7090..e283a7a 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.jd
+++ b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.jd
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 page.title=Android 7.0 Samples
 page.tags="Android 7.0", "nougat", "samples", "android"
+meta.tags="android n", "Nougat", "android 7.0"
-  The following code samples are provided for Android 7.0. To
+  Use the code samples below to learn about Android 7.0 capabilities and APIs. To
   download the samples in Android Studio, select the <b>File &gt; Import
   Samples</b> menu option.
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-testing.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-testing.jd
deleted file mode 100644
index f30382e..0000000
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-testing.jd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-page.title=Android 7.0 Testing Guide
-meta.tags="preview", "testing"
-page.tags="preview", "developer preview"
-<div id="qv-wrapper">
-  <div id="qv">
-    <h2>In this document</h2>
-      <ol>
-        <li><a href="#runtime-permissions">Testing Permissions</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#doze-standby">Testing Doze and App Standby</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#ids">Auto Backup and Device Identifiers</a></li>
-      </ol>
-  </div>
-  Android 7.0 gives you an opportunity to ensure your apps work with the next
-  version of the platform. This preview includes a number of APIs and behavior changes that can
-  impact your app, as described in the <a href="{@docRoot}preview/api-overview.html">API
-  Overview</a> and <a href="{@docRoot}preview/behavior-changes.html">Behavior Changes</a>. In testing
-  your app with the preview, there are some specific system changes that you should focus on to
-  ensure that users have a good experience.
-  This guide describes the what and how to test preview features with your app. You should
-  prioritize testing of these specific preview features, due to their high potential impact on your
-  app's behavior:
-  <li><a href="#runtime-permissions">Permissions</a>
-  </li>
-  <li><a href="#doze-standby">Doze and App Standby</a>
-  </li>
-  <li><a href="#ids">Auto Backup and Device Identifiers</a></li>
-  For more information about how to set up devices or virtual devices with a preview system image
-  for testing, see <a href="{@docRoot}preview/setup-sdk.html">Set up
-the Android N SDK</a>.
-<h2 id="runtime-permissions">Testing Permissions</h2>
-  The new <a href="{@docRoot}preview/features/runtime-permissions.html">Permissions</a> model
-  changes the way that permissions are allocated to your app by the user. Instead of granting all
-  permissions during the install procedure, your app must ask the user for individual permissions
-  at runtime. For users this behavior provides more granular control over each app’s activities, as
-  well as better context for understanding why the app is requesting a specific permission. Users
-  can grant or revoke the permissions granted to an app individually at any time. This feature of
-  the preview is most likely to have an impact on your app's behavior and may prevent some of your
-  app features from working, or they may work in a degraded state.
-<p class="caution">
-  This change affects all apps running on the new platform, even those not targeting the new
-  platform version. The platform provides a limited compatibility behavior for legacy apps, but you
-  should begin planning your app’s migration to the new permissions model now, with a goal of
-  publishing an updated version of your app at the official platform launch.
-<h3 id="permission-test-tips">Test tips</h3>
-  Use the following test tips to help you plan and execute testing of your app with the new
-  permissions behavior.
-  <li>Identify your app’s current permissions and the related code paths.</li>
-  <li>Test user flows across permission-protected services and data.</li>
-  <li>Test with various combinations of granted/revoked permission.</li>
-  <li>Use the {@code adb} tool to manage permssions from the command line:
-    <ul>
-      <li>List permissions and status by group:
-        <pre>adb shell pm list permissions -d -g</pre>
-      </li>
-      <li>Grant or revoke one or more permissions using the following syntax:<br>
-        <pre>adb shell pm [grant|revoke] &lt;; ...</pre>
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li>Analyze your app for services that use permissions.</li>
-<h3 id="permission-test-strategy">Test strategy</h3>
-  The permissions change affects the structure and design of your app, as well as
-  the user experience and flows you provide to users. You should assess your app’s current
-  permissions use and start planning for the new flows you want to offer. The official release of
-  the platform provides compatibility behavior, but you should plan on updating your app and not
-  rely on these behaviors.
-  Identify the permissions that your app actually needs and uses, and then find the various code
-  paths that use the permission-protected services. You can do this through a combination of
-  testing on the new platform and code analysis. In testing, you should focus on opting in to
-  runtime permissions by changing the app’s {@code targetSdkVersion} to the preview version. For
-  more information, see <a href="{@docRoot}preview/setup-sdk.html#">Set up
-the Android N SDK</a>.
-  Test with various combinations of permissions revoked and added, to highlight the user flows that
-  depend on permissions. Where a dependency is not obvious or logical you should consider
-  refactoring or compartmentalizing that flow to eliminate the dependency or make it clear why the
-  permission is needed.
-  For more information on the behavior of runtime permissions, testing, and best practices, see the
-  <a href="{@docRoot}preview/features/runtime-permissions.html">Permissions</a> developer
-  preview page.
-<h2 id="doze-standby">Testing Doze and App Standby</h2>
-  The power saving features of Doze and App Standby limit the amount of background processing that
-  your app can perform when a device is in an idle state or while your app is not in focus. The
-  restrictions the system may impose on apps include limited or no network access,
-  suspended background tasks, suspended Notifications, ignored wake requests, and alarms. To ensure
-  that your app behaves properly with these power saving optimizations, you should test your app by
-  simulating these low power states.
-<h4 id="doze">Testing your app with Doze</h4>
-<p>To test Doze with your app:</p>
-<li>Configure a hardware device or virtual device with an Android N system image.</li>
-<li>Connect the device to your development machine and install your app.</li>
-<li>Run your app and leave it active.</li>
-<li>Simulate the device going into Doze mode by running the following commands:
-$ adb shell dumpsys battery unplug
-$ adb shell dumpsys deviceidle step
-$ adb shell dumpsys deviceidle -h
-  </li>
-  <li>Observe the behavior of your app when the device is re-activated. Make sure it
-    recovers gracefully when the device exits Doze.</li>
-<h4 id="standby">Testing apps with App Standby</h4>
-<p>To test the App Standby mode with your app:</p>
-  <li>Configure a hardware device or virtual device with an Android N system image.</li>
-  <li>Connect the device to your development machine and install your app.</li>
-  <li>Run your app and leave it active.</li>
-  <li>Simulate the app going into standby mode by running the following commands:
-$ adb shell am broadcast -a android.os.action.DISCHARGING
-$ adb shell am set-idle &lt;packageName&gt; true
-  </li>
-  <li>Simulate waking your app using the following command:
-    <pre>$ adb shell am set-idle &lt;packageName&gt; false</pre>
-  </li>
-  <li>Observe the behavior of your app when it is woken. Make sure it recovers gracefully
-    from standby mode. In particular, you should check if your app's Notifications and background
-    jobs continue to function as expected.</li>
-<h2 id="ids">Auto Backup for Apps and Device-Specific Identifiers</h2>
-<p>If your app is persisting any device-specific identifiers, such as Google
-Cloud Messaging registration ID, in internal storage,
-make sure to follow best practices to exclude the storage
-location from auto-backup, as described in <a href="{@docRoot}preview/backup/index.html">Auto
-Backup for Apps</a>. </p>
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.jd
index 87c8d93..1ca540c 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.jd
+++ b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.jd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-page.title=Android 7.0 APIs
-meta.tags="Android 7.0", "android n", "Nougat"
-page.tags="Android 7.0", "Nougat", "android n", "developer preview"
+page.title=Android 7.0 for Developers
+meta.tags="Nougat", "android n"
+page.tags="Android 7.0", "Nougat", "android n"
@@ -52,16 +52,20 @@
-Android 7.0
-(<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/os/Build.VERSION_CODES.html#N">N</a>) 
-offers new features for users and app developers. This document provides
-an introduction to the most notable APIs. Make sure, also,
-to check out the <href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/behavior.changes.html">
-Behavior Changes</a> to learn about areas where platform changes
-may affect your apps. In addition, the various developer guides
-can provide more information about key features.
+Android 7.0 Nougat introduces a variety of
+new features and capabilities for users and developers.
+This document highlights what's new for developers. </p>
+<p>Make sure check out the
+Android 7.0 behavior changes</a> to learn about areas where platform changes
+may affect your apps.
+<p>To learn more about
+the consumer features of Android 7.0, visit <a
 <h2 id="multi-window_support">Multi-window Support</h2>
diff --git a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/index.jd b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/index.jd
index aaf7e92..bb56d30 100644
--- a/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/index.jd
+++ b/docs/html/about/versions/nougat/index.jd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-page.title=Android N Developer Preview
+page.title=Android 7.0 Nougat
 meta.tags="preview", "android"
@@ -17,44 +17,44 @@
-<section class="dac-expand dac-hero dac-light" style="background-color:#B2DFDB">
+<section class="dac-expand dac-hero dac-light">
   <div class="wrap" style="max-width:1100px;margin-top:0">
+  <a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html">
     <div class="cols dac-hero-content" style="padding-bottom:1em;">
-      <div class="col-7of16 col-push-9of16" style="padding-left:2em">
+      <div class="col-7of16 col-push-8of16" style="padding-left:2em">
         <h1 class="dac-hero-title">Android 7.0 Nougat</h1>
         <p class="dac-hero-description">
-          <strong>Android 7.0 Nougat brings a new crop of sweet features to your Android device.</strong>
-          <strong>Test your apps</strong> on Nexus and other devices. Support new system
+          Android 7.0 brings new features for performance, productivity,
+          and security. <strong>Test your apps</strong> with new system
           behaviors to <strong>save power and memory</strong>.
-          Extend your apps with <strong>multi-window UI</strong>,
+          Take advantage of <strong>multi-window UI</strong>,
           <strong>direct reply notifications</strong> and more.
-        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="{@docRoot}preview/overview.html">
+        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html">
           <span class="dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron"></span>
           Get started
-        </a><!--<br>
-        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="{@docRoot}preview/support.html">
-          <span class="dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron"></span>
-          Update to Android N (final SDK)
-        </a><br>-->
+        </a>
-      <div class="col-9of16 col-pull-7of16 dac-hero-figure" style="margin-top:1.5em;padding-right:1.5em;">
+      <div class="col-7of16 col-pull-6of16 dac-hero-figure" style="margin-top:1.5em;padding-right:1.5em;">
+        <a  href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html">
         <img class="dac-hero-image" src="{@docRoot}images/home/n-preview-hero.png"
              srcset="{@docRoot}images/home/n-preview-hero.png 1x,
-             {@docRoot}images/home/n-preview-hero_2x.png 2x">
+             {@docRoot}images/home/n-preview-hero_2x.png 2x" />
+           </a>
-    </div>
+    </div></a>
     <div class="dac-section dac-small">
       <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-16"
-    </div>
+         </div>
 <div id="useUpdatedTemplates" style="display:none" class="dac-section dac-slim dac-gray dac-expand">
   <div class="wrap dac-offset-parent">
     <a class="dac-fab dac-scroll-button" data-scroll-button href="#latest">
@@ -62,18 +62,12 @@
     <ul class="dac-actions">
       <li class="dac-action">
-        <a class="dac-action-link" href="">
+        <a class="dac-action-link" href="">
           <i class="dac-action-sprite dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron-large"></i>
           Report an issue
       <li class="dac-action">
-        <a class="dac-action-link" href="{@docRoot}preview/support.html">
-          <i class="dac-action-sprite dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron-large"></i>
-          See release notes
-        </a>
-      </li>
-      <li class="dac-action">
         <a class="dac-action-link" href="{@docRoot}preview/dev-community">
           <i class="dac-action-sprite dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron-large"></i>
           Join dev community
@@ -122,7 +116,7 @@
   <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-16"
-    data-query="collection:preview/landing/videos/first,type:youtube+tag:androidn"
+    data-query="collection:nougat/landing/videos/first,type:youtube+tag:androidn"
@@ -139,7 +133,7 @@
   <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-16"
-       data-query="collection:preview/landing/more"
+       data-query="collection:nougat/landing/more"
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index 09dd5f4..373d0a1 100644
--- a/docs/html/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.jd
+++ b/docs/html/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.jd
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+page.tags="notifications", "alerts"
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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@@ -16,34 +16,30 @@
-<section class="dac-expand dac-hero dac-invert" style="background-color:#455A64">
-  <div class="wrap" style="max-width:1100px;margin-top:0">
-    <div class="col-7of16 col-push-9of16" style="padding-left:2em;">
-      <a href="{@docRoot}preview/index.html">
-        <h1 class="dac-hero-title">Android N Developer Preview</h1>
-        <p class="dac-hero-description">
-          <strong>Android N final SDK is now available!</strong>
-          Get ready for the next version of Android!
-          <strong>Test your apps</strong> on Nexus and other devices. Support new system
-          behaviors to <strong>save power and memory</strong>.
+<section class="dac-expand dac-hero" style="background-color:#b2dfdb;">
+  <div class="wrap" style="max-width:1000px;margin-top:0">
+    <div class="col-7of16 col-push-8of16">
+      <a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/index.html">
+        <h1 class="dac-hero-title" style="color:#004d40">Android 7.0 Nougat!</h1>
+        <p class="dac-hero-description" style="color:#004d40">
+          <strong>Android 7.0 Nougat is here!</strong>
+          Get your apps ready for the latest version of Android, with new system
+          behaviors to <strong>save battery and memory</strong>.
           Extend your apps with <strong>multi-window UI</strong>,
           <strong>direct reply notifications</strong> and more.
-        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="/preview/index.html">
-          <span class="dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron"></span>
+        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/index.html" style="color:#004d40">
+          <span class="dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron" style="background-color:#b2dfdb"></span>
           Learn more
-        </a><!--<br>
-        <a class="dac-hero-cta" href="/preview/support.html">
-          <span class="dac-sprite dac-auto-chevron"></span>
-          Update to Developer Preview (final SDK)
-        </a><br>-->
+        </a>
+        </a>
-    <div class="col-9of16 col-pull-7of16 dac-hero-figure" style="margin-top:1.5em;padding-right:1.5em;">
-      <a href="{@docRoot}preview/index.html">
-        <img style="" class="dac-hero-image" src="/images/home/n-preview-hero.png"
-             srcset="/images/home/n-preview-hero.png 1x,
-             /images/home/n-preview-hero_2x.png 2x">
+    <div class="col-6of16 col-pull-6of16 dac-hero-figure" style="padding-left:1em;padding-top:1em;">
+      <a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/nougat/index.html">
+        <img class="dac-hero-image" src="{@docRoot}images/home/nougat_bg.jpg"
+             srcset="{@docRoot}images/home/nougat_bg.jpg 1x,
+             {@docRoot}images/home/nougat_bg_2x.jpg 2x">
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     "title": "",
     "resources": [
-      "about/versions/nougat/api-overview.html",
-      "about/versions/nougat/behavior-changes.html",
-      "about/versions/nougat/samples.html",
+      "about/versions/nougat/android-7.0.html",
+      "about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html",
+      "about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-samples.html",
-  "preview/landing/videos/first": {
+  "nougat/landing/videos/first": {
     "title": "",
     "resources": [
@@ -5583,21 +5583,20 @@
-  "preview/landing/more": {
+  "nougat/landing/more": {
     "title": "",
     "resources": [
-      "preview/features/multi-window.html",
-      "preview/features/notification-updates.html",
-      "preview/features/background-optimization.html",
-      "preview/features/data-saver.html",
-      "preview/features/direct-boot.html",
-      "preview/features/icu4j-framework.html",
-      "preview/features/multilingual-support.html",
-      "preview/features/scoped-folder-access.html",
-      "preview/features/security-config.html",
-      "preview/features/picture-in-picture.html",
-      "preview/features/tv-recording-api.html"
+      "guide/topics/ui/multi-window.html",
+      "guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html",
+      "topic/performance/background-optimization.html",
+      "training/basics/network-ops/data-saver.html",
+      "training/articles/direct-boot.html",
+      "guide/topics/resources/icu4j-framework.html",
+      "guide/topics/resources/multilingual-support.html",
+      "training/articles/scoped-directory-access.html",
+      "training/articles/security-config.html",
+      "training/tv/playback/picture-in-picture.html",
+      "training/tv/tif/content-recording.html"
   "work/landing/primary": {