This cl formats incidentd and makes it easier for debugging.

Bug: 72755317
Test: clang-format -type=file -i <files>
Change-Id: Ide91227f26c6b1db6d2e5fe8117ca5cc4cf77fd3
diff --git a/cmds/incidentd/src/Section.cpp b/cmds/incidentd/src/Section.cpp
index 3c76298..2e4e980 100644
--- a/cmds/incidentd/src/Section.cpp
+++ b/cmds/incidentd/src/Section.cpp
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
-#define LOG_TAG "incidentd"
+#include "Log.h"
 #include "Section.h"
@@ -26,20 +25,21 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <mutex>
+#include <android-base/file.h>
 #include <android/util/protobuf.h>
 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
 #include <log/log_event_list.h>
-#include <log/logprint.h>
 #include <log/log_read.h>
+#include <log/logprint.h>
 #include <private/android_logger.h>
 #include "FdBuffer.h"
-#include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/util/log.proto.h"
-#include "io_util.h"
 #include "Privacy.h"
 #include "PrivacyBuffer.h"
-#include "section_list.h"
+#include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/util/log.proto.h"
+#include "incidentd_util.h"
+using namespace android::base;
 using namespace android::util;
 using namespace std;
@@ -48,21 +48,18 @@
 // incident section parameters
-const int   WAIT_MAX = 5;
+const int WAIT_MAX = 5;
 const struct timespec WAIT_INTERVAL_NS = {0, 200 * 1000 * 1000};
 const char INCIDENT_HELPER[] = "/system/bin/incident_helper";
-static pid_t
-fork_execute_incident_helper(const int id, const char* name, Fpipe& p2cPipe, Fpipe& c2pPipe)
-    const char* ihArgs[] { INCIDENT_HELPER, "-s", String8::format("%d", id).string(), NULL };
+static pid_t fork_execute_incident_helper(const int id, const char* name, Fpipe& p2cPipe,
+                                          Fpipe& c2pPipe) {
+    const char* ihArgs[]{INCIDENT_HELPER, "-s", String8::format("%d", id).string(), NULL};
     // fork used in multithreaded environment, avoid adding unnecessary code in child process
     pid_t pid = fork();
     if (pid == 0) {
-        if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(p2cPipe.readFd(),  STDIN_FILENO))  != 0
-            || !p2cPipe.close()
-            || TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(c2pPipe.writeFd(), STDOUT_FILENO)) != 1
-            || !c2pPipe.close()) {
+        if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(p2cPipe.readFd(), STDIN_FILENO)) != 0 || !p2cPipe.close() ||
+            TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(c2pPipe.writeFd(), STDOUT_FILENO)) != 1 || !c2pPipe.close()) {
             ALOGW("%s can't setup stdin and stdout for incident helper", name);
@@ -73,7 +70,7 @@
         execv(INCIDENT_HELPER, const_cast<char**>(ihArgs));
         ALOGW("%s failed in incident helper process: %s", name, strerror(errno));
-        _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // always exits with failure if any
+        _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  // always exits with failure if any
     // close the fds used in incident helper
@@ -84,18 +81,18 @@
 // ================================================================================
 static status_t statusCode(int status) {
     if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
-      ALOGD("return by signal: %s", strerror(WTERMSIG(status)));
-      return -WTERMSIG(status);
+        VLOG("return by signal: %s", strerror(WTERMSIG(status)));
+        return -WTERMSIG(status);
     } else if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) > 0) {
-      ALOGD("return by exit: %s", strerror(WEXITSTATUS(status)));
-      return -WEXITSTATUS(status);
+        VLOG("return by exit: %s", strerror(WEXITSTATUS(status)));
+        return -WEXITSTATUS(status);
     return NO_ERROR;
 static status_t kill_child(pid_t pid) {
     int status;
-    ALOGD("try to kill child process %d", pid);
+    VLOG("try to kill child process %d", pid);
     kill(pid, SIGKILL);
     if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) return -1;
     return statusCode(status);
@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@
     int status;
     bool died = false;
     // wait for child to report status up to 1 seconds
-    for(int loop = 0; !died && loop < WAIT_MAX; loop++) {
+    for (int loop = 0; !died && loop < WAIT_MAX; loop++) {
         if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == pid) died = true;
         // sleep for 0.2 second
         nanosleep(&WAIT_INTERVAL_NS, NULL);
@@ -114,38 +111,14 @@
     return statusCode(status);
 // ================================================================================
-static const Privacy*
-get_privacy_of_section(int id)
-    int l = 0;
-    int r = PRIVACY_POLICY_COUNT - 1;
-    while (l <= r) {
-        int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
-        const Privacy* p = PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST[mid];
-        if (p->field_id < (uint32_t)id) {
-            l = mid + 1;
-        } else if (p->field_id > (uint32_t)id) {
-            r = mid - 1;
-        } else {
-            return p;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-// ================================================================================
-static status_t
-write_section_header(int fd, int sectionId, size_t size)
+static status_t write_section_header(int fd, int sectionId, size_t size) {
     uint8_t buf[20];
-    uint8_t *p = write_length_delimited_tag_header(buf, sectionId, size);
-    return write_all(fd, buf, p-buf);
+    uint8_t* p = write_length_delimited_tag_header(buf, sectionId, size);
+    return WriteFully(fd, buf, p - buf) ? NO_ERROR : -errno;
-static status_t
-write_report_requests(const int id, const FdBuffer& buffer, ReportRequestSet* requests)
+static status_t write_report_requests(const int id, const FdBuffer& buffer,
+                                      ReportRequestSet* requests) {
     status_t err = -EBADF;
     EncodedBuffer::iterator data =;
     PrivacyBuffer privacyBuffer(get_privacy_of_section(id), data);
@@ -171,18 +144,24 @@
     for (auto mit = requestsBySpec.begin(); mit != requestsBySpec.end(); mit++) {
         PrivacySpec spec = mit->first;
         err = privacyBuffer.strip(spec);
-        if (err != NO_ERROR) return err; // it means the privacyBuffer data is corrupted.
+        if (err != NO_ERROR) return err;  // it means the privacyBuffer data is corrupted.
         if (privacyBuffer.size() == 0) continue;
         for (auto it = mit->second.begin(); it != mit->second.end(); it++) {
             sp<ReportRequest> request = *it;
             err = write_section_header(request->fd, id, privacyBuffer.size());
-            if (err != NO_ERROR) { request->err = err; continue; }
+            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
+                request->err = err;
+                continue;
+            }
             err = privacyBuffer.flush(request->fd);
-            if (err != NO_ERROR) { request->err = err; continue; }
+            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
+                request->err = err;
+                continue;
+            }
-            ALOGD("Section %d flushed %zu bytes to fd %d with spec %d", id,
-                  privacyBuffer.size(), request->fd, spec.dest);
+            VLOG("Section %d flushed %zu bytes to fd %d with spec %d", id, privacyBuffer.size(),
+                 request->fd, spec.dest);
@@ -191,16 +170,22 @@
     if (requests->mainFd() >= 0) {
         PrivacySpec spec = PrivacySpec::new_spec(requests->mainDest());
         err = privacyBuffer.strip(spec);
-        if (err != NO_ERROR) return err; // the buffer data is corrupted.
+        if (err != NO_ERROR) return err;  // the buffer data is corrupted.
         if (privacyBuffer.size() == 0) goto DONE;
         err = write_section_header(requests->mainFd(), id, privacyBuffer.size());
-        if (err != NO_ERROR) { requests->setMainFd(-1); goto DONE; }
+        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
+            requests->setMainFd(-1);
+            goto DONE;
+        }
         err = privacyBuffer.flush(requests->mainFd());
-        if (err != NO_ERROR) { requests->setMainFd(-1); goto DONE; }
+        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
+            requests->setMainFd(-1);
+            goto DONE;
+        }
-        ALOGD("Section %d flushed %zu bytes to dropbox %d with spec %d", id,
-              privacyBuffer.size(), requests->mainFd(), spec.dest);
+        VLOG("Section %d flushed %zu bytes to dropbox %d with spec %d", id, privacyBuffer.size(),
+             requests->mainFd(), spec.dest);
@@ -210,40 +195,28 @@
 // ================================================================================
-Section::Section(int i, const int64_t timeoutMs)
-    :id(i),
-     timeoutMs(timeoutMs)
+Section::Section(int i, const int64_t timeoutMs) : id(i), timeoutMs(timeoutMs) {}
+Section::~Section() {}
 // ================================================================================
+HeaderSection::HeaderSection() : Section(FIELD_ID_INCIDENT_HEADER, 0) {}
+HeaderSection::~HeaderSection() {}
-HeaderSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const
-    for (ReportRequestSet::iterator it=requests->begin(); it!=requests->end(); it++) {
+status_t HeaderSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const {
+    for (ReportRequestSet::iterator it = requests->begin(); it != requests->end(); it++) {
         const sp<ReportRequest> request = *it;
         const vector<vector<uint8_t>>& headers = request->args.headers();
-        for (vector<vector<uint8_t>>::const_iterator buf=headers.begin(); buf!=headers.end(); buf++) {
+        for (vector<vector<uint8_t>>::const_iterator buf = headers.begin(); buf != headers.end();
+             buf++) {
             if (buf->empty()) continue;
             // So the idea is only requests with negative fd are written to dropbox file.
             int fd = request->fd >= 0 ? request->fd : requests->mainFd();
             write_section_header(fd, id, buf->size());
-            write_all(fd, (uint8_t const*)buf->data(), buf->size());
+            WriteFully(fd, (uint8_t const*)buf->data(), buf->size());
             // If there was an error now, there will be an error later and we will remove
             // it from the list then.
@@ -251,54 +224,49 @@
     return NO_ERROR;
 // ================================================================================
+MetadataSection::MetadataSection() : Section(FIELD_ID_INCIDENT_METADATA, 0) {}
+MetadataSection::~MetadataSection() {}
-MetadataSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const
+status_t MetadataSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const {
     std::string metadataBuf;
-    for (ReportRequestSet::iterator it=requests->begin(); it!=requests->end(); it++) {
+    for (ReportRequestSet::iterator it = requests->begin(); it != requests->end(); it++) {
         const sp<ReportRequest> request = *it;
         if (metadataBuf.empty() || request->fd < 0 || request->err != NO_ERROR) {
         write_section_header(request->fd, id, metadataBuf.size());
-        write_all(request->fd, (uint8_t const*), metadataBuf.size());
+        if (!WriteFully(request->fd, (uint8_t const*), metadataBuf.size())) {
+            ALOGW("Failed to write metadata to fd %d", request->fd);
+            // we don't fail if we can't write to a single request's fd.
+        }
     if (requests->mainFd() >= 0 && !metadataBuf.empty()) {
         write_section_header(requests->mainFd(), id, metadataBuf.size());
-        write_all(requests->mainFd(), (uint8_t const*), metadataBuf.size());
+        if (!WriteFully(requests->mainFd(), (uint8_t const*), metadataBuf.size())) {
+            ALOGW("Failed to write metadata to dropbox fd %d", requests->mainFd());
+            return -1;
+        }
     return NO_ERROR;
 // ================================================================================
 FileSection::FileSection(int id, const char* filename, const int64_t timeoutMs)
-    :Section(id, timeoutMs),
-     mFilename(filename)
+    : Section(id, timeoutMs), mFilename(filename) {
     name = filename;
     mIsSysfs = strncmp(filename, "/sys/", 5) == 0;
 FileSection::~FileSection() {}
-FileSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const
+status_t FileSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const {
     // read from mFilename first, make sure the file is available
     // add O_CLOEXEC to make sure it is closed when exec incident helper
     int fd = open(mFilename, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
     if (fd == -1) {
-       ALOGW("FileSection '%s' failed to open file", this->name.string());
-       return -errno;
+        ALOGW("FileSection '%s' failed to open file", this->name.string());
+        return -errno;
     FdBuffer buffer;
@@ -318,22 +286,23 @@
     // parent process
     status_t readStatus = buffer.readProcessedDataInStream(fd, p2cPipe.writeFd(), c2pPipe.readFd(),
-            this->timeoutMs, mIsSysfs);
+                                                           this->timeoutMs, mIsSysfs);
     if (readStatus != NO_ERROR || buffer.timedOut()) {
         ALOGW("FileSection '%s' failed to read data from incident helper: %s, timedout: %s",
-            this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false");
+              this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false");
         return readStatus;
     status_t ihStatus = wait_child(pid);
     if (ihStatus != NO_ERROR) {
-        ALOGW("FileSection '%s' abnormal child process: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-ihStatus));
+        ALOGW("FileSection '%s' abnormal child process: %s", this->name.string(),
+              strerror(-ihStatus));
         return ihStatus;
-    ALOGD("FileSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", this->name.string(), buffer.size(),
-            (int)buffer.durationMs());
+    VLOG("FileSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", this->name.string(), buffer.size(),
+         (int)buffer.durationMs());
     status_t err = write_report_requests(this->id, buffer, requests);
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         ALOGW("FileSection '%s' failed writing: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-err));
@@ -344,8 +313,7 @@
 // ================================================================================
-struct WorkerThreadData : public virtual RefBase
+struct WorkerThreadData : public virtual RefBase {
     const WorkerThreadSection* section;
     int fds[2];
@@ -362,31 +330,19 @@
 WorkerThreadData::WorkerThreadData(const WorkerThreadSection* sec)
-    :section(sec),
-     workerDone(false),
-     workerError(NO_ERROR)
+    : section(sec), workerDone(false), workerError(NO_ERROR) {
     fds[0] = -1;
     fds[1] = -1;
+WorkerThreadData::~WorkerThreadData() {}
 // ================================================================================
-WorkerThreadSection::WorkerThreadSection(int id)
-    :Section(id)
+WorkerThreadSection::WorkerThreadSection(int id) : Section(id) {}
+WorkerThreadSection::~WorkerThreadSection() {}
-static void*
-worker_thread_func(void* cookie)
+static void* worker_thread_func(void* cookie) {
     WorkerThreadData* data = (WorkerThreadData*)cookie;
     status_t err = data->section->BlockingCall(data->writeFd());
@@ -402,9 +358,7 @@
     return NULL;
-WorkerThreadSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const
+status_t WorkerThreadSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const {
     status_t err = NO_ERROR;
     pthread_t thread;
     pthread_attr_t attr;
@@ -447,7 +401,7 @@
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         // TODO: Log this error into the incident report.
         ALOGW("WorkerThreadSection '%s' reader failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(),
-                strerror(-err));
+              strerror(-err));
     // Done with the read fd. The worker thread closes the write one so
@@ -466,7 +420,7 @@
                 err = data->workerError;
                 // TODO: Log this error into the incident report.
                 ALOGW("WorkerThreadSection '%s' worker failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(),
-                        strerror(-err));
+                      strerror(-err));
@@ -484,13 +438,13 @@
     // just exit with a log messasge.
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         ALOGW("WorkerThreadSection '%s' failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(),
-                strerror(-err));
+              strerror(-err));
         return NO_ERROR;
     // Write the data that was collected
-    ALOGD("WorkerThreadSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", name.string(), buffer.size(),
-            (int)buffer.durationMs());
+    VLOG("WorkerThreadSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", name.string(), buffer.size(),
+         (int)buffer.durationMs());
     err = write_report_requests(this->id, buffer, requests);
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         ALOGW("WorkerThreadSection '%s' failed writing: '%s'", this->name.string(), strerror(-err));
@@ -501,14 +455,12 @@
 // ================================================================================
-CommandSection::init(const char* command, va_list args)
+void CommandSection::init(const char* command, va_list args) {
     va_list copied_args;
     int numOfArgs = 0;
     va_copy(copied_args, args);
-    while(va_arg(copied_args, const char*) != NULL) {
+    while (va_arg(copied_args, const char*) != NULL) {
@@ -518,41 +470,33 @@
     mCommand[0] = command;
     name = command;
-    for (int i=0; i<numOfArgs; i++) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < numOfArgs; i++) {
         const char* arg = va_arg(args, const char*);
-        mCommand[i+1] = arg;
+        mCommand[i + 1] = arg;
         name += " ";
         name += arg;
-    mCommand[numOfArgs+1] = NULL;
+    mCommand[numOfArgs + 1] = NULL;
 CommandSection::CommandSection(int id, const int64_t timeoutMs, const char* command, ...)
-    :Section(id, timeoutMs)
+    : Section(id, timeoutMs) {
     va_list args;
     va_start(args, command);
     init(command, args);
-CommandSection::CommandSection(int id, const char* command, ...)
-    :Section(id)
+CommandSection::CommandSection(int id, const char* command, ...) : Section(id) {
     va_list args;
     va_start(args, command);
     init(command, args);
-    free(mCommand);
+CommandSection::~CommandSection() { free(mCommand); }
-CommandSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const
+status_t CommandSection::Execute(ReportRequestSet* requests) const {
     FdBuffer buffer;
     Fpipe cmdPipe;
     Fpipe ihPipe;
@@ -571,13 +515,15 @@
     if (cmdPid == 0) {
         // replace command's stdout with ihPipe's write Fd
         if (dup2(cmdPipe.writeFd(), STDOUT_FILENO) != 1 || !ihPipe.close() || !cmdPipe.close()) {
-            ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed to set up stdout: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(errno));
+            ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed to set up stdout: %s", this->name.string(),
+                  strerror(errno));
-        execvp(this->mCommand[0], (char *const *) this->mCommand);
-        int err = errno; // record command error code
-        ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed in executing command: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(errno));
-        _exit(err); // exit with command error code
+        execvp(this->mCommand[0], (char* const*)this->mCommand);
+        int err = errno;  // record command error code
+        ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed in executing command: %s", this->name.string(),
+              strerror(errno));
+        _exit(err);  // exit with command error code
     pid_t ihPid = fork_execute_incident_helper(this->id, this->name.string(), cmdPipe, ihPipe);
     if (ihPid == -1) {
@@ -589,24 +535,26 @@
     status_t readStatus =, this->timeoutMs);
     if (readStatus != NO_ERROR || buffer.timedOut()) {
         ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed to read data from incident helper: %s, timedout: %s",
-            this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false");
+              this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false");
         return readStatus;
-    // TODO: wait for command here has one trade-off: the failed status of command won't be detected until
+    // TODO: wait for command here has one trade-off: the failed status of command won't be detected
+    // until
     //       buffer timeout, but it has advatage on starting the data stream earlier.
     status_t cmdStatus = wait_child(cmdPid);
-    status_t ihStatus  = wait_child(ihPid);
+    status_t ihStatus = wait_child(ihPid);
     if (cmdStatus != NO_ERROR || ihStatus != NO_ERROR) {
-        ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' abnormal child processes, return status: command: %s, incident helper: %s",
-            this->name.string(), strerror(-cmdStatus), strerror(-ihStatus));
+        ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' abnormal child processes, return status: command: %s, incident "
+              "helper: %s",
+              this->name.string(), strerror(-cmdStatus), strerror(-ihStatus));
         return cmdStatus != NO_ERROR ? cmdStatus : ihStatus;
-    ALOGD("CommandSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", this->name.string(), buffer.size(),
-            (int)buffer.durationMs());
+    VLOG("CommandSection '%s' wrote %zd bytes in %d ms", this->name.string(), buffer.size(),
+         (int)buffer.durationMs());
     status_t err = write_report_requests(this->id, buffer, requests);
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         ALOGW("CommandSection '%s' failed writing: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-err));
@@ -617,9 +565,7 @@
 // ================================================================================
 DumpsysSection::DumpsysSection(int id, const char* service, ...)
-    :WorkerThreadSection(id),
-     mService(service)
+    : WorkerThreadSection(id), mService(service) {
     name = "dumpsys ";
     name += service;
@@ -637,13 +583,9 @@
+DumpsysSection::~DumpsysSection() {}
-DumpsysSection::BlockingCall(int pipeWriteFd) const
+status_t DumpsysSection::BlockingCall(int pipeWriteFd) const {
     // checkService won't wait for the service to show up like getService will.
     sp<IBinder> service = defaultServiceManager()->checkService(mService);
@@ -667,30 +609,23 @@
 // initialization only once in Section.cpp.
 map<log_id_t, log_time> LogSection::gLastLogsRetrieved;
-LogSection::LogSection(int id, log_id_t logID)
-    :WorkerThreadSection(id),
-     mLogID(logID)
+LogSection::LogSection(int id, log_id_t logID) : WorkerThreadSection(id), mLogID(logID) {
     name += "logcat ";
     name += android_log_id_to_name(logID);
     switch (logID) {
-    case LOG_ID_EVENTS:
-    case LOG_ID_STATS:
-    case LOG_ID_SECURITY:
-        mBinary = true;
-        break;
-    default:
-        mBinary = false;
+        case LOG_ID_EVENTS:
+        case LOG_ID_STATS:
+        case LOG_ID_SECURITY:
+            mBinary = true;
+            break;
+        default:
+            mBinary = false;
+LogSection::~LogSection() {}
-static size_t
-trimTail(char const* buf, size_t len)
+static size_t trimTail(char const* buf, size_t len) {
     while (len > 0) {
         char c = buf[len - 1];
         if (c == '\0' || c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ':') {
@@ -706,17 +641,15 @@
     return src[0] | (src[1] << 8) | (src[2] << 16) | (src[3] << 24);
-LogSection::BlockingCall(int pipeWriteFd) const
+status_t LogSection::BlockingCall(int pipeWriteFd) const {
     status_t err = NO_ERROR;
     // Open log buffer and getting logs since last retrieved time if any.
     unique_ptr<logger_list, void (*)(logger_list*)> loggers(
-        gLastLogsRetrieved.find(mLogID) == gLastLogsRetrieved.end() ?
-        android_logger_list_alloc(ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK, 0, 0) :
-        android_logger_list_alloc_time(ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK,
-            gLastLogsRetrieved[mLogID], 0),
-        android_logger_list_free);
+            gLastLogsRetrieved.find(mLogID) == gLastLogsRetrieved.end()
+                    ? android_logger_list_alloc(ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK, 0, 0)
+                    : android_logger_list_alloc_time(ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK,
+                                                     gLastLogsRetrieved[mLogID], 0),
+            android_logger_list_free);
     if (android_logger_open(loggers.get(), mLogID) == NULL) {
         ALOGW("LogSection %s: Can't get logger.", this->name.string());
@@ -727,7 +660,7 @@
     log_time lastTimestamp(0);
     ProtoOutputStream proto;
-    while (true) { // keeps reading until logd buffer is fully read.
+    while (true) {  // keeps reading until logd buffer is fully read.
         status_t err = android_logger_list_read(loggers.get(), &msg);
         // err = 0 - no content, unexpected connection drop or EOF.
         // err = +ive number - size of retrieved data from logger
@@ -742,7 +675,8 @@
         if (mBinary) {
             // remove the first uint32 which is tag's index in event log tags
             android_log_context context = create_android_log_parser(msg.msg() + sizeof(uint32_t),
-                    msg.len() - sizeof(uint32_t));;
+                                                                    msg.len() - sizeof(uint32_t));
+            ;
             android_log_list_element elem;
             lastTimestamp.tv_sec = msg.entry_v1.sec;
@@ -752,38 +686,46 @@
             long long token = proto.start(LogProto::BINARY_LOGS);
             proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::SEC, msg.entry_v1.sec);
             proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::NANOSEC, msg.entry_v1.nsec);
-            proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::UID, (int) msg.entry_v4.uid);
+            proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::UID, (int)msg.entry_v4.uid);
             proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::TID, msg.entry_v1.tid);
-            proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::TAG_INDEX, get4LE(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(msg.msg())));
+            proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::TAG_INDEX,
+                        get4LE(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(msg.msg())));
             do {
                 elem = android_log_read_next(context);
                 long long elemToken = proto.start(BinaryLogEntry::ELEMS);
                 switch (elem.type) {
                     case EVENT_TYPE_INT:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_INT);
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT32, (int);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_INT);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT32, (int);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_LONG:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LONG);
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT64, (long long);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LONG);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT64, (long long);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_STRING:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_STRING);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_STRING);
                         proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_STRING,, elem.len);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_FLOAT:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_FLOAT);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_FLOAT);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_LIST:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_LIST_STOP:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST_STOP);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST_STOP);
                     case EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
-                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+                        proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE,
+                                    BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
@@ -811,7 +753,8 @@
             proto.write(TextLogEntry::TID, entry.tid);
             proto.write(TextLogEntry::TAG, entry.tag, trimTail(entry.tag, entry.tagLen));
-            proto.write(TextLogEntry::LOG, entry.message, trimTail(entry.message, entry.messageLen));
+            proto.write(TextLogEntry::LOG, entry.message,
+                        trimTail(entry.message, entry.messageLen));