docs: Fixed option for \\"launchMode\\" within Android manifest doc. am: 7ce51cf350
am: 22be9b1a87

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+description: "Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device."
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+description: "The most visited store in the world for Android apps. Cloud-connected and always synced, it's never been easier for users to find and download your apps."
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+home_url: /distribute/analyze/
+description: "Understanding what your users do inside your app is the key to engaging and monetizing them."
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+name: "Engage & Retain"
+home_url: /distribute/engage/
+description: "Engaging and retaining active users are the keys to success. Here are some resources to help you build an active user base."
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+home_url: /distribute/essentials/
+description: "A focus on quality should be part of your entire app delivery process: from initial concept through app and UI design, coding and testing and onto a process of monitoring feedback and making improvement after launch."
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+home_url: /distribute/googleplay/
+description: "The premier store for distributing Android apps and games, with global reach and tools to help you gain traction in the marketplace."
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+home_url: /distribute/monetize/
+description: "There are many ways to make money with your apps on Google Play, and we offer a variety of tools to make it easy."
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+home_url: /distribute/stories/
+description: "Android developers, their apps, and their successes with Android and Google Play."
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+name: "Tools & Reference"
+home_url: /distribute/tools/
+description: "Here you'll find resources to help you publish your apps and games, acquire users, and monetize your investment."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Get Users"
+home_url: /distribute/users/
+description: "There are some common themes from successful Google Play developers. These best practices are critical to your app or game's success."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Google Services"
+home_url: /google/
+description: "Take advantage of the latest Google technologies through a single set of APIs, delivered across Android devices worldwide as part of Google Play services."
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+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "API Guides"
+home_url: /guide/
+description: "Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Preview"
+home_url: /preview/
+description: "Android N final SDK is now available."
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+home_url: /reference/
+description: "API Reference packages and classes."
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+name: "Samples"
+home_url: /samples/
+description: "Welcome to code samples where you can browse sample code and learn how to build different components for your applications."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Android Instant Apps"
+home_url: /topic/instant-apps/
+description: "An evolution in app sharing and discovery, Android Instant Apps enables Android apps to run instantly, without requiring installation."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Android Libraries"
+home_url: /topic/libraries/
+description: "This section describes several useful Android libraries that are not included with the Android Framework."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Performance"
+home_url: /topic/performance/
+description: "Improve your app's performance by learning how to optimize power consumption, launch times, and other important areas of performance."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
+parent_project_metadata_path: /develop/_project.yaml
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+name: "Training"
+home_url: /training/
+description: "Android Training provides a collection of classes that aim to help you build great apps for Android."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
+parent_project_metadata_path: /develop/_project.yaml
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@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
 {@code ActivityTestRule}</a> to reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to write. By using
 <a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/support/test/rule/ActivityTestRule.html">
 {@code ActivityTestRule}</a>, the testing framework launches the activity under test
-before each test method annotated with {@code &#64;Test} and before any method annotated with
-{@code &#64;Before}. The framework handles shutting down the activity after the test finishes
-and all methods annotated with {@code &#64;After} are run.</p>
+before each test method annotated with <code>&#64;Test</code> and before any method annotated with
+<code>&#64;Before</code>. The framework handles shutting down the activity after the test finishes
+and all methods annotated with <code>&#64;After</code> are run.</p>
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+name: "Wear"
+home_url: /wear/
+description: "Small, powerful devices, worn on the body. Useful information when you need it most."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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+name: "Work"
+home_url: /work/
+description: "Develop apps for Android for Work to take advantage of security and management features built into Android."
+content_license: cc3-apache2
+buganizer_id: 30209417
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--- a/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
+++ b/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
@@ -1202,6 +1202,11 @@
                 restriction = UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_VPN;
+            case Settings.Global.SAFE_BOOT_DISALLOWED:
+                if ("1".equals(value)) return false;
+                restriction = UserManager.DISALLOW_SAFE_BOOT;
+                break;
                 if (setting != null && setting.startsWith(Settings.Global.DATA_ROAMING)) {
                     if ("0".equals(value)) return false;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index 38a3f42..1f1c6f8 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -330,6 +330,9 @@
         // set, and in that case even if the restriction is lifted, changing it to ON would be
         // wrong.  So just don't do anything in such a case.  If the user hopes to enable location
         // later, they can do it on the Settings UI.
+        // WARNING: Remember that Settings.Global and Settings.Secure are changeable via adb.
+        // To prevent this from happening for a given user restriction, you have to add a check to
+        // SettingsProvider.isGlobalOrSecureSettingRestrictedForUser.
         final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
         final long id = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();