ApiLint: Allow parsing 2.0 API signature files

Test: tools/apilint/apilint_sha.sh HEAD
Test: python tools/apilint/apilint_test.py
Change-Id: Id2e1792392b3626746f1ec99f481d0cb27e523a1
(cherry picked from commit d170961b02bf67189ddd14f358c9f263009df786)
diff --git a/tools/apilint/apilint.py b/tools/apilint/apilint.py
index 6476abd..847b43b 100644
--- a/tools/apilint/apilint.py
+++ b/tools/apilint/apilint.py
@@ -50,45 +50,37 @@
     return "\033[%sm" % (";".join(codes))
-def ident(raw):
-    """Strips superficial signature changes, giving us a strong key that
-    can be used to identify members across API levels."""
-    raw = raw.replace(" deprecated ", " ")
-    raw = raw.replace(" synchronized ", " ")
-    raw = raw.replace(" final ", " ")
-    raw = re.sub("<.+?>", "", raw)
-    if " throws " in raw:
-        raw = raw[:raw.index(" throws ")]
-    return raw
 class Field():
-    def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame):
+    def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame, sig_format = 1):
         self.clazz = clazz
         self.line = line
         self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
         self.blame = blame
-        # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+        if sig_format == 2:
+            V2LineParser(raw).parse_into_field(self)
+        elif sig_format == 1:
+            # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        raw = raw.split()
-        self.split = list(raw)
+            raw = raw.split()
+            self.split = list(raw)
-        for r in ["field", "volatile", "transient", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated"]:
-            while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
+            for r in ["field", "volatile", "transient", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated"]:
+                while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
-        # ignore annotations for now
-        raw = [ r for r in raw if not r.startswith("@") ]
+            # ignore annotations for now
+            raw = [ r for r in raw if not r.startswith("@") ]
-        self.typ = raw[0]
-        self.name = raw[1].strip(";")
-        if len(raw) >= 4 and raw[2] == "=":
-            self.value = raw[3].strip(';"')
-        else:
-            self.value = None
-        self.ident = ident(self.raw)
+            self.typ = raw[0]
+            self.name = raw[1].strip(";")
+            if len(raw) >= 4 and raw[2] == "=":
+                self.value = raw[3].strip(';"')
+            else:
+                self.value = None
+        self.ident = "-".join((self.typ, self.name, self.value or ""))
     def __hash__(self):
         return hash(self.raw)
@@ -96,48 +88,55 @@
     def __repr__(self):
         return self.raw
 class Method():
-    def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame):
+    def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame, sig_format = 1):
         self.clazz = clazz
         self.line = line
         self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
         self.blame = blame
-        # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+        if sig_format == 2:
+            V2LineParser(raw).parse_into_method(self)
+        elif sig_format == 1:
+            # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        # handle each clause differently
-        raw_prefix, raw_args, _, raw_throws = re.match(r"(.*?)\((.*?)\)( throws )?(.*?);$", raw).groups()
+            # handle each clause differently
+            raw_prefix, raw_args, _, raw_throws = re.match(r"(.*?)\((.*?)\)( throws )?(.*?);$", raw).groups()
-        # parse prefixes
-        raw = re.split("[\s]+", raw_prefix)
-        for r in ["", ";"]:
-            while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
-        self.split = list(raw)
+            # parse prefixes
+            raw = re.split("[\s]+", raw_prefix)
+            for r in ["", ";"]:
+                while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
+            self.split = list(raw)
-        for r in ["method", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated", "abstract", "default", "operator"]:
-            while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
+            for r in ["method", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated", "abstract", "default", "operator", "synchronized"]:
+                while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
-        self.typ = raw[0]
-        self.name = raw[1]
+            self.typ = raw[0]
+            self.name = raw[1]
-        # parse args
-        self.args = []
-        for arg in re.split(",\s*", raw_args):
-            arg = re.split("\s", arg)
-            # ignore annotations for now
-            arg = [ a for a in arg if not a.startswith("@") ]
-            if len(arg[0]) > 0:
-                self.args.append(arg[0])
+            # parse args
+            self.args = []
+            for arg in re.split(",\s*", raw_args):
+                arg = re.split("\s", arg)
+                # ignore annotations for now
+                arg = [ a for a in arg if not a.startswith("@") ]
+                if len(arg[0]) > 0:
+                    self.args.append(arg[0])
-        # parse throws
-        self.throws = []
-        for throw in re.split(",\s*", raw_throws):
-            self.throws.append(throw)
+            # parse throws
+            self.throws = []
+            for throw in re.split(",\s*", raw_throws):
+                self.throws.append(throw)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unknown signature format: " + sig_format)
-        self.ident = ident(self.raw)
+        self.ident = "-".join((self.typ, self.name, "-".join(self.args)))
+    def sig_matches(self, typ, name, args):
+        return typ == self.typ and name == self.name and args == self.args
     def __hash__(self):
         return hash(self.raw)
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@
 class Class():
-    def __init__(self, pkg, line, raw, blame):
+    def __init__(self, pkg, line, raw, blame, sig_format = 1):
         self.pkg = pkg
         self.line = line
         self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
@@ -156,31 +155,44 @@
         self.fields = []
         self.methods = []
-        # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+        if sig_format == 2:
+            V2LineParser(raw).parse_into_class(self)
+        elif sig_format == 1:
+            # drop generics for now; may need multiple passes
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
+            raw = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", raw)
-        raw = raw.split()
-        self.split = list(raw)
-        if "class" in raw:
-            self.fullname = raw[raw.index("class")+1]
-        elif "interface" in raw:
-            self.fullname = raw[raw.index("interface")+1]
-        elif "@interface" in raw:
-            self.fullname = raw[raw.index("@interface")+1]
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Funky class type %s" % (self.raw))
+            raw = raw.split()
+            self.split = list(raw)
+            if "class" in raw:
+                self.fullname = raw[raw.index("class")+1]
+            elif "interface" in raw:
+                self.fullname = raw[raw.index("interface")+1]
+            elif "@interface" in raw:
+                self.fullname = raw[raw.index("@interface")+1]
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Funky class type %s" % (self.raw))
-        if "extends" in raw:
-            self.extends = raw[raw.index("extends")+1]
-            self.extends_path = self.extends.split(".")
+            if "extends" in raw:
+                self.extends = raw[raw.index("extends")+1]
+            else:
+                self.extends = None
+            if "implements" in raw:
+                self.implements = raw[raw.index("implements")+1]
+            else:
+                self.implements = None
-            self.extends = None
-            self.extends_path = []
+            raise ValueError("Unknown signature format: " + sig_format)
         self.fullname = self.pkg.name + "." + self.fullname
         self.fullname_path = self.fullname.split(".")
+        if self.extends is not None:
+            self.extends_path = self.extends.split(".")
+        else:
+            self.extends_path = []
         self.name = self.fullname[self.fullname.rindex(".")+1:]
     def merge_from(self, other):
@@ -208,6 +220,285 @@
     def __repr__(self):
         return self.raw
+class V2Tokenizer():
+    DELIMITER = re.compile(r'\s+|[()@<>;,={}/"]|\[\]')
+    STRING_SPECIAL = re.compile(r'["\\]')
+    def __init__(self, raw):
+        self.raw = raw
+        self.current = 0
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def next(self):
+        if self.current >= len(self.raw):
+            raise StopIteration
+        start = self.current
+        match = V2Tokenizer.DELIMITER.search(self.raw, start)
+        if match:
+            match_start = match.start()
+            if match_start == self.current:
+                end = match.end()
+            else:
+                end = match_start
+        else:
+            end = len(self.raw)
+        token = self.raw[start:end]
+        self.current = end
+        if token.strip() == "":
+            return self.next()
+        if token == "@" and self.raw[start:start+10] == "@interface":
+            return token + self.next()
+        if token == '/' and self.raw[start:start+2] == "//":
+            self.current = len(self.raw)
+            raise StopIteration
+        if token == '"':
+            return token + self.tokenize_string()
+        return token
+    def tokenize_string(self):
+        start = self.current
+        end = len(self.raw)
+        while start < end:
+            match = V2Tokenizer.STRING_SPECIAL.search(self.raw, start)
+            if match:
+                if match.group() == '"':
+                    end = match.end()
+                    break
+                elif match.group() == '\\':
+                    # ignore whatever is after the slash
+                    start += 2
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError("Unexpected match: `%s`" % (match.group()))
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF tokenizing string: `%s`" % (self.raw[self.current - 1:],))
+        token = self.raw[self.current:end]
+        self.current = end
+        return token
+class V2LineParser():
+    MODIFIERS = set("public protected internal private abstract default static final transient volatile synchronized".split())
+    JAVA_LANG_TYPES = set("AbstractMethodError AbstractStringBuilder Appendable ArithmeticException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayStoreException AssertionError AutoCloseable Boolean BootstrapMethodError Byte Character CharSequence Class ClassCastException ClassCircularityError ClassFormatError ClassLoader ClassNotFoundException Cloneable CloneNotSupportedException Comparable Compiler Deprecated Double Enum EnumConstantNotPresentException Error Exception ExceptionInInitializerError Float FunctionalInterface IllegalAccessError IllegalAccessException IllegalArgumentException IllegalMonitorStateException IllegalStateException IllegalThreadStateException IncompatibleClassChangeError IndexOutOfBoundsException InheritableThreadLocal InstantiationError InstantiationException Integer InternalError InterruptedException Iterable LinkageError Long Math NegativeArraySizeException NoClassDefFoundError NoSuchFieldError NoSuchFieldException NoSuchMethodError NoSuchMethodException NullPointerException Number NumberFormatException Object OutOfMemoryError Override Package package-info.java Process ProcessBuilder ProcessEnvironment ProcessImpl Readable ReflectiveOperationException Runnable Runtime RuntimeException RuntimePermission SafeVarargs SecurityException SecurityManager Short StackOverflowError StackTraceElement StrictMath String StringBuffer StringBuilder StringIndexOutOfBoundsException SuppressWarnings System Thread ThreadDeath ThreadGroup ThreadLocal Throwable TypeNotPresentException UNIXProcess UnknownError UnsatisfiedLinkError UnsupportedClassVersionError UnsupportedOperationException VerifyError VirtualMachineError Void".split())
+    def __init__(self, raw):
+        self.tokenized = list(V2Tokenizer(raw))
+        self.current = 0
+    def parse_into_method(self, method):
+        method.split = []
+        kind = self.parse_one_of("ctor", "method")
+        method.split.append(kind)
+        annotations = self.parse_annotations()
+        method.split.extend(self.parse_modifiers())
+        self.parse_matching_paren("<", ">")
+        if "@Deprecated" in annotations:
+            method.split.append("deprecated")
+        if kind == "ctor":
+            method.typ = "ctor"
+        else:
+            method.typ = self.parse_type()
+            method.split.append(method.typ)
+        method.name = self.parse_name()
+        method.split.append(method.name)
+        self.parse_token("(")
+        method.args = self.parse_args()
+        self.parse_token(")")
+        method.throws = self.parse_throws()
+        if "@interface" in method.clazz.split:
+            self.parse_annotation_default()
+        self.parse_token(";")
+        self.parse_eof()
+    def parse_into_class(self, clazz):
+        clazz.split = []
+        annotations = self.parse_annotations()
+        if "@Deprecated" in annotations:
+            clazz.split.append("deprecated")
+        clazz.split.extend(self.parse_modifiers())
+        kind = self.parse_one_of("class", "interface", "@interface", "enum")
+        if kind == "enum":
+            # enums are implicitly final
+            clazz.split.append("final")
+        clazz.split.append(kind)
+        clazz.fullname = self.parse_name()
+        self.parse_matching_paren("<", ">")
+        extends = self.parse_extends()
+        clazz.extends = extends[0] if extends else None
+        implements = self.parse_implements()
+        clazz.implements = implements[0] if implements else None
+        # The checks assume that interfaces are always found in implements, which isn't true for
+        # subinterfaces.
+        if not implements and "interface" in clazz.split:
+            clazz.implements = clazz.extends
+        self.parse_token("{")
+        self.parse_eof()
+    def parse_into_field(self, field):
+        kind = self.parse_token("field")
+        field.split = [kind]
+        annotations = self.parse_annotations()
+        if "@Deprecated" in annotations:
+            field.split.append("deprecated")
+        field.split.extend(self.parse_modifiers())
+        field.typ = self.parse_type()
+        field.split.append(field.typ)
+        field.name = self.parse_name()
+        field.split.append(field.name)
+        if self.parse_if("="):
+            field.value = self.parse_value_stripped()
+        else:
+            field.value = None
+        self.parse_token(";")
+        self.parse_eof()
+    def lookahead(self):
+        return self.tokenized[self.current]
+    def parse_one_of(self, *options):
+        found = self.lookahead()
+        if found not in options:
+            raise ValueError("Parsing failed, expected one of `%s` but found `%s` in %s" % (options, found, repr(self.tokenized)))
+        return self.parse_token()
+    def parse_token(self, tok = None):
+        found = self.lookahead()
+        if tok is not None and found != tok:
+            raise ValueError("Parsing failed, expected `%s` but found `%s` in %s" % (tok, found, repr(self.tokenized)))
+        self.current += 1
+        return found
+    def eof(self):
+        return self.current == len(self.tokenized)
+    def parse_eof(self):
+        if not self.eof():
+            raise ValueError("Parsing failed, expected EOF, but %s has not been parsed in %s" % (self.tokenized[self.current:], self.tokenized))
+    def parse_if(self, tok):
+        if not self.eof() and self.lookahead() == tok:
+            self.parse_token()
+            return True
+        return False
+    def parse_annotations(self):
+        ret = []
+        while self.lookahead() == "@":
+            ret.append(self.parse_annotation())
+        return ret
+    def parse_annotation(self):
+        ret = self.parse_token("@") + self.parse_token()
+        self.parse_matching_paren("(", ")")
+        return ret
+    def parse_matching_paren(self, open, close):
+        start = self.current
+        if not self.parse_if(open):
+            return
+        length = len(self.tokenized)
+        count = 1
+        while count > 0:
+            if self.current == length:
+                raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF looking for closing paren: `%s`" % (self.tokenized[start:],))
+            t = self.parse_token()
+            if t == open:
+                count += 1
+            elif t == close:
+                count -= 1
+        return self.tokenized[start:self.current]
+    def parse_modifiers(self):
+        ret = []
+        while self.lookahead() in V2LineParser.MODIFIERS:
+            ret.append(self.parse_token())
+        return ret
+    def parse_type(self):
+        type = self.parse_token()
+        if type in V2LineParser.JAVA_LANG_TYPES:
+            type = "java.lang." + type
+        self.parse_matching_paren("<", ">")
+        while self.parse_if("[]"):
+            type += "[]"
+        return type
+    def parse_arg_type(self):
+        type = self.parse_type()
+        if self.parse_if("..."):
+            type += "..."
+        return type
+    def parse_name(self):
+        return self.parse_token()
+    def parse_args(self):
+        args = []
+        if self.lookahead() == ")":
+            return args
+        while True:
+            args.append(self.parse_arg())
+            if self.lookahead() == ")":
+                return args
+            self.parse_token(",")
+    def parse_arg(self):
+        self.parse_annotations()
+        return self.parse_arg_type()
+    def parse_throws(self):
+        ret = []
+        if self.parse_if("throws"):
+            ret.append(self.parse_type())
+            while self.parse_if(","):
+                ret.append(self.parse_type())
+        return ret
+    def parse_extends(self):
+        if self.parse_if("extends"):
+            return self.parse_space_delimited_type_list()
+        return []
+    def parse_implements(self):
+        if self.parse_if("implements"):
+            return self.parse_space_delimited_type_list()
+        return []
+    def parse_space_delimited_type_list(self, terminals = ["implements", "{"]):
+        types = []
+        while True:
+            types.append(self.parse_type())
+            if self.lookahead() in terminals:
+                return types
+    def parse_annotation_default(self):
+        if self.parse_if("default"):
+            self.parse_value()
+    def parse_value(self):
+        if self.lookahead() == "{":
+            return " ".join(self.parse_matching_paren("{", "}"))
+        elif self.lookahead() == "(":
+            return " ".join(self.parse_matching_paren("(", ")"))
+        else:
+            return self.parse_token()
+    def parse_value_stripped(self):
+        value = self.parse_value()
+        if value[0] == '"':
+            return value[1:-1]
+        return value
 def _parse_stream(f, clazz_cb=None, base_f=None, out_classes_with_base=None,
@@ -252,6 +543,7 @@
     pkg = None
     clazz = None
     blame = None
+    sig_format = 1
     re_blame = re.compile("^([a-z0-9]{7,}) \(<([^>]+)>.+?\) (.+?)$")
     for raw in f:
@@ -264,16 +556,18 @@
             blame = None
-        if raw.startswith("package"):
+        if line == 1 and raw == "// Signature format: 2.0":
+            sig_format = 2
+        elif raw.startswith("package"):
             pkg = Package(line, raw, blame)
         elif raw.startswith("  ") and raw.endswith("{"):
-            clazz = Class(pkg, line, raw, blame)
+            clazz = Class(pkg, line, raw, blame, sig_format=sig_format)
         elif raw.startswith("    ctor"):
-            clazz.ctors.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame))
+            clazz.ctors.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame, sig_format=sig_format))
         elif raw.startswith("    method"):
-            clazz.methods.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame))
+            clazz.methods.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame, sig_format=sig_format))
         elif raw.startswith("    field"):
-            clazz.fields.append(Field(clazz, line, raw, blame))
+            clazz.fields.append(Field(clazz, line, raw, blame, sig_format=sig_format))
         elif raw.startswith("  }") and clazz:
             yield clazz
@@ -367,7 +661,7 @@
     """Records an API failure to be processed later."""
     global failures
-    sig = "%s-%s-%s" % (clazz.fullname, repr(detail), msg)
+    sig = "%s-%s-%s" % (clazz.fullname, detail.ident if detail else None, msg)
     sig = sig.replace(" deprecated ", " ")
     failures[sig] = Failure(sig, clazz, detail, error, rule, msg)
@@ -408,7 +702,7 @@
 def verify_enums(clazz):
     """Enums are bad, mmkay?"""
-    if "extends java.lang.Enum" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "java.lang.Enum" or "enum" in clazz.split:
         error(clazz, None, "F5", "Enums are not allowed")
@@ -467,7 +761,7 @@
         interface OnFooListener { void onFoo() }"""
     if clazz.name.endswith("Listener"):
-        if " abstract class " in clazz.raw:
+        if "abstract" in clazz.split and "class" in clazz.split:
             error(clazz, None, "L1", "Listeners should be an interface, or otherwise renamed Callback")
         for m in clazz.methods:
@@ -546,16 +840,16 @@
     eq = False
     hc = False
     for m in clazz.methods:
-        if " static " in m.raw: continue
-        if "boolean equals(java.lang.Object)" in m.raw: eq = True
-        if "int hashCode()" in m.raw: hc = True
+        if "static" in m.split: continue
+        if m.sig_matches("boolean", "equals", ["java.lang.Object"]): eq = True
+        if m.sig_matches("int", "hashCode", []): hc = True
     if eq != hc:
         error(clazz, None, "M8", "Must override both equals and hashCode; missing one")
 def verify_parcelable(clazz):
     """Verify that Parcelable objects aren't hiding required bits."""
-    if "implements android.os.Parcelable" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.implements == "android.os.Parcelable":
         creator = [ i for i in clazz.fields if i.name == "CREATOR" ]
         write = [ i for i in clazz.methods if i.name == "writeToParcel" ]
         describe = [ i for i in clazz.methods if i.name == "describeContents" ]
@@ -563,8 +857,7 @@
         if len(creator) == 0 or len(write) == 0 or len(describe) == 0:
             error(clazz, None, "FW3", "Parcelable requires CREATOR, writeToParcel, and describeContents; missing one")
-        if ((" final class " not in clazz.raw) and
-            (" final deprecated class " not in clazz.raw)):
+        if "final" not in clazz.split:
             error(clazz, None, "FW8", "Parcelable classes must be final")
         for c in clazz.ctors:
@@ -684,7 +977,7 @@
     """Verify that helper classes are named consistently with what they extend.
     All developer extendable methods should be named onFoo()."""
     test_methods = False
-    if "extends android.app.Service" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "android.app.Service":
         test_methods = True
         if not clazz.name.endswith("Service"):
             error(clazz, None, "CL4", "Inconsistent class name; should be FooService")
@@ -696,7 +989,7 @@
                 if f.value != clazz.fullname:
                     error(clazz, f, "C4", "Inconsistent interface constant; expected '%s'" % (clazz.fullname))
-    if "extends android.content.ContentProvider" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "android.content.ContentProvider":
         test_methods = True
         if not clazz.name.endswith("Provider"):
             error(clazz, None, "CL4", "Inconsistent class name; should be FooProvider")
@@ -708,12 +1001,12 @@
                 if f.value != clazz.fullname:
                     error(clazz, f, "C4", "Inconsistent interface constant; expected '%s'" % (clazz.fullname))
-    if "extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "android.content.BroadcastReceiver":
         test_methods = True
         if not clazz.name.endswith("Receiver"):
             error(clazz, None, "CL4", "Inconsistent class name; should be FooReceiver")
-    if "extends android.app.Activity" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "android.app.Activity":
         test_methods = True
         if not clazz.name.endswith("Activity"):
             error(clazz, None, "CL4", "Inconsistent class name; should be FooActivity")
@@ -731,7 +1024,7 @@
 def verify_builder(clazz):
     """Verify builder classes.
     Methods should return the builder to enable chaining."""
-    if " extends " in clazz.raw: return
+    if clazz.extends: return
     if not clazz.name.endswith("Builder"): return
     if clazz.name != "Builder":
@@ -759,7 +1052,7 @@
 def verify_aidl(clazz):
     """Catch people exposing raw AIDL."""
-    if "extends android.os.Binder" in clazz.raw or "implements android.os.IInterface" in clazz.raw:
+    if clazz.extends == "android.os.Binder" or clazz.implements == "android.os.IInterface":
         error(clazz, None, None, "Raw AIDL interfaces must not be exposed")
@@ -1168,7 +1461,7 @@
     """Verifies that abstract inner classes are static."""
     if re.match(".+?\.[A-Z][^\.]+\.[A-Z]", clazz.fullname):
-        if " abstract " in clazz.raw and " static " not in clazz.raw:
+        if "abstract" in clazz.split and "static" not in clazz.split:
             warn(clazz, None, None, "Abstract inner classes should be static to improve testability")
@@ -1263,8 +1556,8 @@
 def verify_closable(clazz):
     """Verifies that classes are AutoClosable."""
-    if "implements java.lang.AutoCloseable" in clazz.raw: return
-    if "implements java.io.Closeable" in clazz.raw: return
+    if clazz.implements == "java.lang.AutoCloseable": return
+    if clazz.implements == "java.io.Closeable": return
     for m in clazz.methods:
         if len(m.args) > 0: continue
@@ -1350,6 +1643,9 @@
 def verify_collections_over_arrays(clazz):
     """Warn that [] should be Collections."""
+    if "@interface" in clazz.split:
+        return
     safe = ["java.lang.String[]","byte[]","short[]","int[]","long[]","float[]","double[]","boolean[]","char[]"]
     for m in clazz.methods:
         if m.typ.endswith("[]") and m.typ not in safe:
@@ -1683,11 +1979,11 @@
             del cur[prev_clazz.fullname]
     for clazz in cur.values():
-        if " deprecated " in clazz.raw and not clazz.fullname in prev:
+        if "deprecated" in clazz.split and not clazz.fullname in prev:
             error(clazz, None, None, "Found API deprecation at birth")
         for i in clazz.ctors + clazz.methods + clazz.fields:
-            if " deprecated " in i.raw:
+            if "deprecated" in i.split:
                 error(clazz, i, None, "Found API deprecation at birth")
     print "%s Deprecated at birth %s\n" % ((format(fg=WHITE, bg=BLUE, bold=True),
diff --git a/tools/apilint/apilint_test.py b/tools/apilint/apilint_test.py
index ece69a9..4e3c034 100644
--- a/tools/apilint/apilint_test.py
+++ b/tools/apilint/apilint_test.py
@@ -143,5 +143,133 @@
         self.assertEquals(map(lambda x: x.fullname, classes_with_base), ["android.app.WallpaperColors"])
+class V2TokenizerTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _test(self, raw, expected):
+        self.assertEquals(apilint.V2Tokenizer(raw).tokenize(), expected)
+    def test_simple(self):
+        self._test("  method public some.Type someName(some.Argument arg, int arg);",
+                   ['method', 'public', 'some.Type', 'someName', '(', 'some.Argument',
+                    'arg', ',', 'int', 'arg', ')', ';'])
+        self._test("class Some.Class extends SomeOther {",
+                   ['class', 'Some.Class', 'extends', 'SomeOther', '{'])
+    def test_annotation(self):
+        self._test("method @Nullable public void name();",
+                   ['method', '@', 'Nullable', 'public', 'void', 'name', '(', ')', ';'])
+    def test_annotation_args(self):
+        self._test("@Some(val=1, other=2) class Class {",
+                   ['@', 'Some', '(', 'val', '=', '1', ',', 'other', '=', '2', ')',
+                    'class', 'Class', '{'])
+    def test_comment(self):
+        self._test("some //comment", ['some'])
+    def test_strings(self):
+        self._test(r'"" "foo" "\"" "\\"', ['""', '"foo"', r'"\""', r'"\\"'])
+    def test_at_interface(self):
+        self._test("public @interface Annotation {",
+                   ['public', '@interface', 'Annotation', '{'])
+    def test_array_type(self):
+        self._test("int[][]", ['int', '[]', '[]'])
+    def test_generics(self):
+        self._test("<>foobar<A extends Object>",
+                   ['<', '>', 'foobar', '<', 'A', 'extends', 'Object', '>'])
+class V2ParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _cls(self, raw):
+        pkg = apilint.Package(999, "package pkg {", None)
+        return apilint.Class(pkg, 1, raw, '', sig_format=2)
+    def _method(self, raw, cls=None):
+        if not cls:
+            cls = self._cls("class Class {")
+        return apilint.Method(cls, 1, raw, '', sig_format=2)
+    def _field(self, raw):
+        cls = self._cls("class Class {")
+        return apilint.Field(cls, 1, raw, '', sig_format=2)
+    def test_class(self):
+        cls = self._cls("@Deprecated @IntRange(from=1, to=2) public static abstract class Some.Name extends Super<Class> implements Interface<Class> {")
+        self.assertTrue('deprecated' in cls.split)
+        self.assertTrue('static' in cls.split)
+        self.assertTrue('abstract' in cls.split)
+        self.assertTrue('class' in cls.split)
+        self.assertEquals('Super', cls.extends)
+        self.assertEquals('Interface', cls.implements)
+        self.assertEquals('pkg.Some.Name', cls.fullname)
+    def test_interface(self):
+        cls = self._cls("@Deprecated @IntRange(from=1, to=2) public interface Some.Name extends Interface<Class> {")
+        self.assertTrue('deprecated' in cls.split)
+        self.assertTrue('interface' in cls.split)
+        self.assertEquals('Interface', cls.extends)
+        self.assertEquals('Interface', cls.implements)
+        self.assertEquals('pkg.Some.Name', cls.fullname)
+    def test_at_interface(self):
+        cls = self._cls("@java.lang.annotation.Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE, java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD, java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD, java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER, java.lang.annotation.ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, java.lang.annotation.ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE}) @java.lang.annotation.Retention(java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface SuppressLint {")
+        self.assertTrue('@interface' in cls.split)
+        self.assertEquals('pkg.SuppressLint', cls.fullname)
+    def test_parse_method(self):
+        m = self._method("method @Deprecated public static <T> Class<T>[][] name("
+                         + "Class<T[]>[][], Class<T[][][]>[][]...) throws Exception, T;")
+        self.assertTrue('static' in m.split)
+        self.assertTrue('public' in m.split)
+        self.assertTrue('method' in m.split)
+        self.assertTrue('deprecated' in m.split)
+        self.assertEquals('java.lang.Class[][]', m.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('name', m.name)
+        self.assertEquals(['java.lang.Class[][]', 'java.lang.Class[][]...'], m.args)
+        self.assertEquals(['java.lang.Exception', 'T'], m.throws)
+    def test_ctor(self):
+        m = self._method("ctor @Deprecated <T> ClassName();")
+        self.assertTrue('ctor' in m.split)
+        self.assertTrue('deprecated' in m.split)
+        self.assertEquals('ctor', m.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('ClassName', m.name)
+    def test_parse_annotation_method(self):
+        cls = self._cls("@interface Annotation {")
+        self._method('method abstract String category() default "";', cls=cls)
+        self._method('method abstract boolean deepExport() default false;', cls=cls)
+        self._method('method abstract ViewDebug.FlagToString[] flagMapping() default {};', cls=cls)
+    def test_parse_string_field(self):
+        f = self._field('field @Deprecated public final String SOME_NAME = "value";')
+        self.assertTrue('field' in f.split)
+        self.assertTrue('deprecated' in f.split)
+        self.assertTrue('final' in f.split)
+        self.assertEquals('java.lang.String', f.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('SOME_NAME', f.name)
+        self.assertEquals('value', f.value)
+    def test_parse_field(self):
+        f = self._field('field public Object SOME_NAME;')
+        self.assertTrue('field' in f.split)
+        self.assertEquals('java.lang.Object', f.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('SOME_NAME', f.name)
+        self.assertEquals(None, f.value)
+    def test_parse_int_field(self):
+        f = self._field('field public int NAME = 123;')
+        self.assertTrue('field' in f.split)
+        self.assertEquals('int', f.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('NAME', f.name)
+        self.assertEquals('123', f.value)
+    def test_parse_quotient_field(self):
+        f = self._field('field public int NAME = (0.0/0.0);')
+        self.assertTrue('field' in f.split)
+        self.assertEquals('int', f.typ)
+        self.assertEquals('NAME', f.name)
+        self.assertEquals('( 0.0 / 0.0 )', f.value)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
+    unittest.main()