Use rounded icons in QS

Updates for QS icon resources:
        - Airplane mode
        - Alarm
        - Bluetooth
        - Flashlight
        - Cast
        - Data saver
        - Do not disturb
        - Edit (pencil icon)
        - Nightlight
        - Invert colors
        - Location
        - Settings cog
        - Wifi
        - Hotspot

* also renamed resources to have canonical names (e.g.,
ic_qs_bluetooth.xml instead of ic_qs_bluetooth_enable/disable), because
we are drawing slashes at runtime.

Some resources need animations:
        - Rotation
        - expand/collapse caret
        - Hotspot transient

Test: visual
Change-Id: I342de13757aa378400ceb585d27776e72dc4fa4a
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_qs_wifi_detail_empty.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_qs_wifi_detail_empty.xml
index 7993c80..95345b8 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_qs_wifi_detail_empty.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_qs_wifi_detail_empty.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,14 +14,17 @@
     limitations under the License.
 <vector xmlns:android=""
-        android:width="56dp"
-        android:height="56dp"
-        android:viewportWidth="48.0"
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-        android:pathData="M24.0,4.0C15.0,4.0 6.7,7.0 0.0,12.0l24.0,32.0l24.0,-32.0C41.3,7.0 33.0,4.0 24.0,4.0z"
-        android:fillColor="#FFFFFF" />
+    android:width="56dp"
+    android:height="56dp"
+    android:viewportWidth="25.0"
+    android:viewportHeight="23.5"
+    android:alpha="0.14"
+    android:tint="?android:attr/colorForeground" >
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+        android:translateX="0.51"
+        android:translateY="-1.1">
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+            android:pathData="M23.66,8.11c0.39,-0.48 0.29,-1.19 -0.22,-1.54C21.67,5.36 17.55,3 12,3 6.44,3 2.33,5.36 0.56,6.57c-0.51,0.35 -0.61,1.06 -0.23,1.54L11.16,21.6c0.42,0.53 1.23,0.53 1.66,0L23.66,8.11z"
+            android:fillColor="#FFFFFF"/>
+    </group>