Device or profile owner can let another app manage app restrictions

The device or profile owner can allow another
package to set app restrictions for any app in that user

Similar to the way it can give permission to access
CA certificate related APIs from M.

Bug: 22541936
Change-Id: I0c1b0804ad300dfa4fbdc1c7721c5d8653d77861
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/devicepolicy/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
index 565ef4b..7747fd9 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
@@ -944,6 +944,88 @@
         assertEquals(0, dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(admin1, "pkg2").size());
+    public void testApplicationRestrictionsManagingApp() throws Exception {
+        setAsProfileOwner(admin1);
+        final String appRestrictionsManagerPackage = "";
+        final int appRestrictionsManagerAppId = 20987;
+        final int appRestrictionsManagerUid = UserHandle.getUid(
+                DpmMockContext.CALLER_USER_HANDLE, appRestrictionsManagerAppId);
+        doReturn(appRestrictionsManagerUid).when(mContext.packageManager).getPackageUid(
+                eq(appRestrictionsManagerPackage),
+                eq(DpmMockContext.CALLER_USER_HANDLE));
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = appRestrictionsManagerUid;
+        // appRestrictionsManager package shouldn't be able to manage restrictions as the PO hasn't
+        // delegated that permission yet.
+        assertFalse(dpm.isCallerApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage());
+        Bundle rest = new Bundle();
+        rest.putString("KEY_STRING", "Foo1");
+        try {
+            dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1", rest);
+            fail("Didn't throw expected SecurityException");
+        } catch (SecurityException expected) {
+            MoreAsserts.assertContainsRegex(
+                    "caller cannot manage application restrictions", expected.getMessage());
+        }
+        try {
+            dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1");
+            fail("Didn't throw expected SecurityException");
+        } catch (SecurityException expected) {
+            MoreAsserts.assertContainsRegex(
+                    "caller cannot manage application restrictions", expected.getMessage());
+        }
+        // Check via the profile owner that no restrictions were set.
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = DpmMockContext.CALLER_UID;
+        assertEquals(0, dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(admin1, "pkg1").size());
+        // Let appRestrictionsManagerPackage manage app restrictions
+        dpm.setApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage(admin1, appRestrictionsManagerPackage);
+        assertEquals(appRestrictionsManagerPackage,
+                dpm.getApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage(admin1));
+        // Now that package should be able to set and retrieve app restrictions.
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = appRestrictionsManagerUid;
+        assertTrue(dpm.isCallerApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage());
+        dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1", rest);
+        Bundle returned = dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1");
+        assertEquals(1, returned.size(), 1);
+        assertEquals("Foo1", returned.get("KEY_STRING"));
+        // The same app running on a separate user shouldn't be able to manage app restrictions.
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = UserHandle.getUid(
+                UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, appRestrictionsManagerAppId);
+        assertFalse(dpm.isCallerApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage());
+        try {
+            dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1", rest);
+            fail("Didn't throw expected SecurityException");
+        } catch (SecurityException expected) {
+            MoreAsserts.assertContainsRegex(
+                    "caller cannot manage application restrictions", expected.getMessage());
+        }
+        // The DPM is still able to manage app restrictions, even if it allowed another app to do it
+        // too.
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = DpmMockContext.CALLER_UID;
+        assertEquals(returned, dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(admin1, "pkg1"));
+        dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(admin1, "pkg1", null);
+        assertEquals(0, dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(admin1, "pkg1").size());
+        // Removing the ability for the package to manage app restrictions.
+        dpm.setApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage(admin1, null);
+        assertNull(dpm.getApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage(admin1));
+        mContext.binder.callingUid = appRestrictionsManagerUid;
+        assertFalse(dpm.isCallerApplicationRestrictionsManagingPackage());
+        try {
+            dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(null, "pkg1", null);
+            fail("Didn't throw expected SecurityException");
+        } catch (SecurityException expected) {
+            MoreAsserts.assertContainsRegex(
+                    "caller cannot manage application restrictions", expected.getMessage());
+        }
+    }
     public void testSetUserRestriction_asDo() throws Exception {