Update dumpsys output

After using the new format for a few days, I decided it's better to ahve the auth & acct
info on every row because we will sometimes grep the data and won't see it if the auth/acct
is ommited.

Also added the "time since last sync" to every row. This is also very useful.

Detailed Statistics (Recent history):  31 (# of times) 119s (sync time)
  subscribedfeeds                                             : 8/25%      17s/14%
    aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google                            :   5/16%      16s/13%
    aagmtest1@gmail.com/com.google                            :   3/9%       1s/0%
  com.android.calendar                                        : 5/16%      10s/8%
    aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google                            :   3/9%       0s/0%
    aagmtest1@gmail.com/com.google                            :   2/6%       9s/8%
  com.google.android.apps.books                               : 3/9%       26s/22%
  com.android.contacts                                        : 3/9%       14s/11%
    aagmtest1@gmail.com/com.google                            :   2/6%       9s/7%
    aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google                            :   1/3%       5s/4%
  com.android.browser                                         : 3/9%       12s/10%
  com.google.android.music.MusicContent                       : 3/9%       7s/6%
  gmail-ls                                                    : 2/6%       12s/10%
  com.google.android.apps.plus.content.EsGooglePhotoProvider  : 2/6%       1s/0%
    aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google                            :   1/3%       1s/0%
    aagmtest1@gmail.com/com.google                            :   1/3%       0s/0%
  com.google.android.apps.plus.content.EsProvider             : 1/3%       10s/9%
  com.google.android.gallery3d.GooglePhotoProvider            : 1/3%       5s/5%

Recent Sync History
  #1  : 2011-10-03 13:26:41   SERVER    0.0s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.calendar
  #2  : 2011-10-03 13:26:40    LOCAL    1.8s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  subscribedfeeds
  #3  : 2011-10-03 13:26:40    LOCAL    0.1s            aagmtest1@gmail.com/com.google  subscribedfeeds
  #4  : 2011-10-03 13:26:37   SERVER    0.1s         4  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.calendar
  #5  : 2011-10-03 13:26:37    LOCAL    0.1s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.google.android.apps.books
  #6  : 2011-10-03 13:26:30   SERVER    0.9s         7  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.google.android.apps.books
  #7  : 2011-10-03 13:26:25   SERVER    1.1s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  gmail-ls
  #8  : 2011-10-03 13:26:13   SERVER   11.8s        11  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  gmail-ls
  #9  : 2011-10-03 13:26:08   SERVER    5.0s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.contacts
  #10 : 2011-10-03 13:26:08   SERVER    0.7s        29  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.calendar
  #11 : 2011-10-03 13:26:07   SERVER    0.7s            aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.browser
  #12 : 2011-10-03 13:26:04   SERVER    3.0s         2  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.android.browser
  #13 : 2011-10-03 13:26:04   SERVER   25.9s        25  aagmtest2@gmail.com/com.google  com.google.android.apps.books

Change-Id: I8da004f469d136fd9a86310b262eba61197fd0e7
1 file changed