Fix aapt2 pseudo-translating donottranslate* files

Bug: 126423638

Test: After building android doing this in the 'out' folder:
Test: ./soong/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt d --values resources \
Test:     ./target/product/sailfish/system/product/priv-app/SystemUIGoogle/SystemUIGoogle.apk \
Test:     | less
Test: search for `system_ui_aod_date_pattern` in the output, found this:
Test:           (string8) "[éééḾḾḾð one two]"
Test:           (string8) "<U+200F><U+202E>eeeMMMd<U+202C><U+200F>"
Test: (the en-XA and ar-XB pseudo-translated versions of the string)
Test: After the fix and rebuild the dump only finds the original English string ("eeeMMMd")
Test: Also flashed the image, switched to en-XA, and left the phone around for more than 24 hours.
Change-Id: I2fb7c5b5ee7d3d3200410593346682ed16559056
3 files changed