| /* Metadata represendations of resources that are outside of the autogenerated |
| local resource lists, or that override local resource representations. |
| |
| Resources listed here are referenced from sitemap sections and collections, |
| matched by url string if there is no resource existing in ALL_RESOURCES. |
| |
| Currently, these articles can override only the generated resources |
| in DISTRIBUTE_RESOURCES. A representation defined here will not be applied |
| when a collection or section specifies a url that's not in DISTRIBUTE_RESOURCEs. |
| Also |
| So if a section url refers to a static doc that's |
| not in a distribute section, you need to create an item for |
| it in this file. Fix is to compare across |
| |
| /* TODO Remove standard resources from here, such as below |
| */ |
| { |
| "title":"Quizlet Developer Story", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Quizlet is an extremely popular online learning tool for students. See how they optimized for the classroom with Android and the power of Google Play for Education.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idu7VcTTXfk", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Idu7VcTTXfk/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"What's New in GPFE", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn about the vision and philosophy behind Google Play for Education", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKhU180eJMo", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/IKhU180eJMo/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Get started with Google Cast", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Build multi-screen experiences, let the user send video and audio content to TVs and speakers.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/ux_guidelines", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["cast", "chromecast", "video", "audio"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cast_2x.jpg", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Android Sender Applications", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Get an overview of how your Android app can act as a Google Cast sender app.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/android_sender", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["cast", "sender"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cast_2x.jpg", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Cast sample apps", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Get example Google Cast applications for both senders and receivers.", |
| "url":"http://www.github.com/googlecast", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["cast", "samples"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cast_2x.jpg", |
| "type":"Samples" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Get Cardboard", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Get your own Cardboard, today. Buy one from a manufacturer or build your own, and start developing.", |
| "url":"https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["carboard","vr"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cardboard_2x.jpg", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Download the Cardboard SDK", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Grab the Cardboard libraries from GitHub and start creating VR apps in your favorite development environment.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/cardboard/android/download", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["carboard","vr"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cardboard_2x.png", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Cardboard design guidelines", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Focus on overall usability and avoiding common VR pitfalls while creating an immersive experience of your own.", |
| "url":"http://www.google.com/design/spec-vr", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["carboard","vr"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-cardboard_2x.png", |
| "type":"Design" |
| }, |
| |
| |
| |
| { |
| "title":"Maps", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Give users the map that more than a billion people use every month.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["maps"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/google/gps-maps.png", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Places API", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"give your users contextual information about where they are, when they’re there.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/places/android/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["places","location", "context"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/card-places_2x.png", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Cloud Messaging", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Send push notifications and pubsub from your server to your users’ devices around the world.", |
| "url":"https://developers.google.com/gcm/android/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["push","gcm"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/gcm/gcm-logo.png", |
| "type":"Guide" |
| }, |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| { |
| "title":"ClassDojo Developer Story", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. See how they optimized for the classroom with Android and the power of Google Play for Education.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iokH4SAIfRw", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/iokH4SAIfRw/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Plan for Success", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"5 tips from developers on creating great EDU apps.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh2adsAyTKc", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
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| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Eh2adsAyTKc/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Optimizing Apps for Education", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn how to optimize your app for teachers and students.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AZ6UcPz-_g", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/_AZ6UcPz-_g/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Ideas and Tools for Building Innovative Education Apps", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Are you hungry to build an awesome app for education but don't quite know where to start? Come hear about apps that teachers want, and the APIs you're going to need to build them! In particular, we'll talk about app ideas that combine APIs for Google Drive, Google Login, Android Single Task Mode and more to build transformative Educational apps that will delight educators and kids in and out of the classroom.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iulXz8QTD1g", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/iulXz8QTD1g/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"DesignBytes: Intro To Material Design", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"These days, UI designers need to be thinking about phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, smartwatches, and beyond. In this DesignByte we talk about how Google designers have been working on making cross-platform and multi-screen design easier. We wanted to build a design system that felt at home on every screen, from the smallest watch to the largest TV.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4gmvHyuZzw", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/p4gmvHyuZzw/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"DesignBytes: Paper and Ink: The Materials that Matter", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Join Rich Fulcher to learn about the materials of material design. See how virtual paper and ink form the foundation of your tactile user interface and master the rules that govern their behaviour.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaG_ljfzeUw", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/YaG_ljfzeUw/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"DesignBytes: Material Design in the Google I/O App", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Roman Nurik shares details on the design process for the Google I/O 2014 app. To check out the app's source code, visit github.com/google/iosched.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOcCOBe8PTc", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/XOcCOBe8PTc/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Battery Drain and Networking", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Let’s take a moment to make something insanely clear: As far as battery is concerned, NETWORKING is the biggest, baddest, dirtiest offender there is. And optimizing performance here isn’t easy. Since the chip isn’t always awake and draining power, means you can optimize how it wakes up, sends traffic, and saves battery.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEEulSk1kNY", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/fEEulSk1kNY/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Batching Background Work Until Later", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Yes, your app is special. But when it comes to battery use, sometimes it’s better to be part of the crowd. Why not spread the battery blame around a bit? Ian Ni-Lewis shows you how ridiculously easy it is to go from battery hog to team player in this video.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3ry8PxcJJA", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/-3ry8PxcJJA/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"The Performance Lifecycle", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Performance problems surface in your application at the least-wanted times (like right before you’re about to ship your first build). But don’t freak out: There’s a simple process that you can follow to help get your performance back under control.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kKTGK-Cb_4", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/_kKTGK-Cb_4/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Introduction to Android Studio", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn why you should migrate your projects to Android Studio now and how it can help you be more productive as a developer. Rich layout editor, handy suggestions and fixes, new Android project view - these are just some of the things you can expect from the IDE, which is built on the successful IntelliJ IDEA.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2dodTXARqc&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc8I9gHTMh5yKkwRRGE8BjbQ", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["studio", "tools"], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/K2dodTXARqc/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Play Services 7.3", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Google Play Services 7.3 brings a ton of great new features to help you BUILD BETTER APPS! This update brings the ability to connect multiple wearables simultaneously to a single phone.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOn64iqlphk&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9Qk1_iCZNbBp6adYnJf9Vf", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["google play services"], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/FOn64iqlphk/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Running a Successful Games Business with Google", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Sure, we all want to make the next great gaming masterpiece. But we also want to feed our families and/or dogs. Join Bob Meese from the Google Play team as he gives you some key pointers on how to make sure you're best taking advantage of Google Play and running a successful games business.", |
| "url":"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDmnGNkTtlE", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/tDmnGNkTtlE/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Introduction to Android TV", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Android TV brings the Android platform to the living room with rich content and entertaining app experiences. In this video, Timothy introduces the design philosophy and developer components that make building TV experiences easier than ever before.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K_jxccHv5M&index=1&list=PLOU2XLYxmsILFBfx66ens76VMLMEPJAB0", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["tv"], |
| "tags": [ |
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| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/6K_jxccHv5M/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Introduction to Android Auto", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Android Auto brings the Android platform to the car in a way that's optimized for the driving experience. It's the same platform you already use for phones, tablets, televisions, wearables, and more. ", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctiaVxgclsg&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9BdE_PSLNIGjXXr3h_orXM", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["auto"], |
| "tags": [ |
| ], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/ctiaVxgclsg/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Developer Registration", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Additional information about the registration process.", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113468", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title": "Google Play Distribution and Seller Countries", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary": "List of countries and territories where you can distribute your apps in Google Play.", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138294", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title": "支持向Google Play用户发布应用的地区", |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary": "支持向Google Play用户发布应用的国家/地区。", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138294?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Play Content Policies", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Details on policies relating to your developer account and app distribution is governed.", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/topic/3453577", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": ["#developersupport"], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["#developersupport #termsandpolicies"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4407611", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": 'images/play_dev.jpg', |
| "title": "Google Play Terms and Policies", |
| "summary": "Developer terms and policies that apply when you distribute apps in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Play Policy Center", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"A central resource for you to learn about Google Play policies and guidelines.", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4430948", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://storage.googleapis.com/support-kms-prod/SNP_712EA2784949DDF085C46E3BE7B1DC618A09_4389397_en_v0", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Play应用政策中心", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"一个方便你了解Google Play政策和指南的中心资源。", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4430948?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://storage.googleapis.com/support-kms-prod/SNP_712EA2784949DDF085C46E3BE7B1DC618A09_4389397_en_v0", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Developer Help Center", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Complete details on getting started, publishing, troubleshooting, and more.", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"开发者帮助中心", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"完整资料帮助开发者新手入手,发布,故障排除,等等", |
| "url":"https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google for Education", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Find out more about how Google can support your work with apps and tablets.", |
| "url":"http://www.google.com/edu/tablets/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"distribute/images/gp-edu-apps-image.jpg", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Keeping Your App Responsive", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"This document describes how the Android system determines whether an application is not responding and provides guidelines for ensuring that your application stays responsive.", |
| "url":"training/articles/perf-anr.html", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Google Play Game Services", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Tools to offer a better game experience.", |
| "url":"google/play-services/games.html", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"", |
| "type":"google" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "versions", "blog", "googleplay" |
| ], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/", |
| "timestamp": 1004884220000, |
| "image": "images/blog.jpg", |
| "title": "Android Developers Blog", |
| "summary": "Follow the latest news on Android design, development, and distribution.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/11/making-android-games-that-play-nice.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Making Android Apps that Play Nice", |
| "summary": "Audio lifecycle and expected audio behaviors for Android apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/07/multithreading-for-performance.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Multithreading for Performance", |
| "summary": "Ways to improve performance through multi-threading.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Developer Program Policies", |
| "summary": "Guidelines acceptable content in Google Play. Please read and understand the policies before publishing.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "google", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/188189", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Rating your application content for Google Play", |
| "summary": "How to choose the appropriate content ratings level for your apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "support", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/188189?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "针对Google Play为你的应用内容分级", |
| "summary": "如何为你的应用内容分级。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "support", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/10/android-market-featured-image.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Play Featured Image Guidelines", |
| "summary": "How to create attractive, effective Featured Images for your apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "support", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113477", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Supporting your users", |
| "summary": "Options for supporting users.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "support", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113477?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "为用户提供支持", |
| "summary": "为用户提供支持的各种选择。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "support", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/practices/screens_support.html#ConfigurationExamples", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Configuration examples", |
| "summary": "How to declare layouts and other resources for specific screen sizes.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "training/design-navigation/multiple-sizes.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Planning for Multiple Touchscreen Sizes", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "training/multiscreen/index.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Designing for Multiple Screens", |
| "summary": "Designing an intuitive, effective navigation for tablets and other devices.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Providing Resources", |
| "summary": "Layouts and drawable resources for specific ranges of device screens.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "training/basics/supporting-devices/screens.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Supporting Different Screens", |
| "summary": "Optimizing the user experience for different screen sizes and densities.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html#MetaData", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Adding the AppWidgetProviderInfo Metadata", |
| "summary": "How to set the height and width dimensions of a widget.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Android API Levels", |
| "summary": "Introduction to API levels and how they relate to compatibility.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/practices/screens_support.html#DeclaringScreenSizeSupport", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Declaring screen size support", |
| "summary": "How to declare support for screen sizes in your app\'s manifest.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html#testing", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Checking for hardware feature requirements", |
| "summary": "Determining an app’s hardware and software requirements.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://play.google.com/apps/publish/", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Google Play Developer Console", |
| "summary": "The tools console for publishing your app.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://play.google.com/apps/publish/?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Google Play 开发者控制台", |
| "summary": "发布应用的开发者控制台", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://youtu.be/SkHHPf3EdzE", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/SkHHPf3EdzE/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "title": "Level Up Your Android Game", |
| "summary": "Learn how to take your game to the next level on Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/share/interactive-post", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": 'images/google/gps-googleplus.png', |
| "title": "Sharing interactive posts to Google+ from your Android app", |
| "summary": "Interactive posts provide an easy and prominent way to allow users to share your site or app with their friends and invite them to take a specific action.", |
| "keywords": ["Interactive", "Google+"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://play.google.com/about/developer-distribution-agreement.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Developer Distribution Agreement", |
| "summary": "Terms for distributing and selling apps and in-app products in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113417", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Inappropriate content in comments and applications", |
| "summary": "More details on what content is appropriate.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/legal/troubleshooter/1114905", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Removing content from Google", |
| "summary": "Find how how to request the removal of content that infringes on your trademark.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://play.google.com/about/developer-distribution-agreement-addendum.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Play for Education Addendum", |
| "summary": "Review the education-specific requirements.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/03/native-rtl-support-in-android-42.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Native RTL Support in Android 4.2", |
| "summary": "Blog post that explains how to support RTL in your UI.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html#Plurals", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Quantity Strings (Plurals)", |
| "summary": "How to work with string plurals according to rules of grammar in a given locale.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "reference/java/util/Locale.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Locale", |
| "summary": "Determine what CLDR data or version of the Unicode spec a particular Android platform version uses.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "String Resources", |
| "summary": "Explains how to use string resources in your UI.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "distribute/tools/localization-checklist.html#strings", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Manage strings for localization", |
| "summary": "Guidance on having your strings translation ready.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "tools/publishing/publishing_overview.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "General Publishing Overview", |
| "summary": "Start here for an overview of publishing options for Android apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "tools/publishing/preparing.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Preparing for Release", |
| "summary": "Developer documentation on how to build the signed, release-ready APK. This process is the same for all Android apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "distribute/googleplay/policies/index.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Play Policies and Guidelines", |
| "summary": "An overview of Google Play policies for spam, intellectual property, and ads, with examples of common problems.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/topic/2364761", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Policy and Best Practices", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing various content policies and processes.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/topic/2364761?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "政策和最佳做法", |
| "summary": "内容政策和流程", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "google/play/expansion-files.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "APK Expansion Files", |
| "summary": "Developer documentation describing APK Expansion Files and how to support them in your app.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "tools/help/proguard.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "ProGuard", |
| "summary": "Developer documentation describing how to use ProGuard to shrink, optimize, and obfuscate your code prior to release.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Dashboards", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"This page provides information about the relative number of devices that share a certain characteristic, such as Android version or screen size. This information may help you prioritize efforts for supporting different devices by revealing which devices…", |
| "url":"about/dashboards/index.html", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["android","dashboard","platforms","versions"], |
| "tags": ["#ecosystem","#versions","#whatsnew"], |
| "image":"http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chl=GL%201.1%20only%7CGL%202.0%7CGL%203.0&chf=bg%2Cs%2C00000000&chd=t%3A0.1%2C93.5%2C6.4&chco=c4df9b%2C6fad0c&chs=400x250&cht=p", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"about" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/wallet/instant-buy/", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "distribute/images/payment-method.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Wallet Instant Buy APIs", |
| "summary": "Developer documentation describing Instant Buy and how to support it in your apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1169947", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Selling Apps in Multiple Currencies", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing how pricing works in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1169947?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "以多种货币销售应用", |
| "summary": "如何在Google Play为应用定价", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138412", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Prices and supported currencies", |
| "summary": "Help Center document listing supported currencies for pricing your apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138412?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "各国家/地区获许定价范围和货币", |
| "summary": "各国家/地区获许定价范围和货币列表", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/112622", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Transaction Fees", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing transaction fees for priced apps and in-app products.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/112622?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "交易费用", |
| "summary": "销售的应用和应用内产品的交易费。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138000", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Specifying tax rates", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing how to set tax rates for different countries.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138000?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "税率", |
| "summary": "如何设置不同国家/地区的税率", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "guide/topics/resources/localization.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Localizing with Resources", |
| "summary": "Developer guide to localizing resources in your app.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113475", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Category types", |
| "summary": "Help Center document listing available categories for apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113475?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "类别", |
| "summary": "应用的类别列表。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113476", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Updates", |
| "summary": "Requirements for app updates in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113476?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "更新应用", |
| "summary": "更新Google Play应用的要求。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1153479", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "In-app Billing", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing how to correctly set up In-app Billing.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1153479?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "应用内结算", |
| "summary": "如何正确设置应用内商品和订阅结算。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gpfe", |
| "#googleplay" |
| ], |
| "url": "http://youtu.be/vzvpcEffvaE", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/vzvpcEffvaE/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "title": "Introducing Tablets with Google Play for Education", |
| "summary": "Schools in Hillsborough, New Jersey were among the first to try out Nexus 7 tablets with Google Play for Education. See the difference it made for students, teachers, and administrators.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "video", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#engagement", |
| ], |
| "url": "http://www.youtube.com/yt/dev/", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "http://www.youtube.com/yt/dev/media/images/yt-dev-home-hero.jpg", |
| "title": "YouTube for Developers", |
| "summary": "The YouTube APIs and Tools enable you to integrate YouTube's video content and functionality into your website, app, or device.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "youtube", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#engagement", |
| ], |
| "url": "http://www.google.com/analytics/mobile/", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Mobile App Analytics", |
| "summary": "Mobile App Analytics measures what matters most at all key stages: from first discovery and download to in-app purchases. ", |
| "keywords": ["analytics,user behavior"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#engagement", |
| ], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/app-indexing/", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/search_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Sign Up for App Indexing", |
| "summary": "Surface your app content in Google seaerch. Deep link direct to your apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gcm", |
| ], |
| "url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y76rjidm8cU", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IF-1-1kA0sg/UYwTidxdi3I/AAAAAAAAAEU/ellLeQ-E1vs/s800/google-io-lockup-2.png", |
| "title": "Google Cloud Messaging at I/O 2013", |
| "summary": "Google Cloud Messaging allows your services to efficiently send data to applications on Android devices. See what's new, and learn how to use GCM to make your apps more efficient.", |
| "keywords": ["gcm"], |
| "type": "youtube", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#googleplus", |
| ], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/people", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "images/google/gps-googleplus.png", |
| "title": "Google Sign In", |
| "summary": "After you let users sign in with Google, you can access their age range, language, public profile information, and people that they have circled.", |
| "keywords": ["googleplus"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#gcm", |
| ], |
| "url": "http://developer.chrome.com/apps/cloudMessagingV2", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "images/kk-chromium-icon.png", |
| "title": "Google Cloud Messaging for Chrome", |
| "summary": "Google Cloud Messaging for Chrome (GCM) is a service for signed-in Chrome users that helps developers send message data from servers to their Chrome apps and extensions.", |
| "keywords": ["gcm"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#sdkupdates" |
| ], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/07/making-beautiful-android-app-icons.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Make Beautiful Android App Icons", |
| "summary": "Follow these in-depth launcher icon tips on the Android Developers blog.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#sdkupdates" |
| ], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/12/localize-your-promotional-graphics-on.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Localize Your Promotional Graphics", |
| "summary": "Learn how to capitalise on international audiences.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "#sdkupdates" |
| ], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/10/making-your-app-content-more-accessible.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Make your App Content more Accessible with App Linking", |
| "summary": "About using search and deep linking to get more users.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "blog", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/share/interactive-post", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": 'images/google/gps-googleplus.png', |
| "title": "Sharing interactive posts to Google+ from your Android app", |
| "summary": "Interactive posts provide an easy and prominent way to allow users to share your site or app with their friends and invite them to take a specific action.", |
| "keywords": ["Interactive", "Google+"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/sign-in", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": 'images/google/gps-googleplus.png', |
| "title": "Sign-in with Google", |
| "summary": "Get users into your app quickly and securely.", |
| "keywords": ["signin", "Google+"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/2528691", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "How to add multiple user accounts to your Developer Console for testing and more.", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/share/deep-link", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Adding deep linking to Google+ posts shared from your Android app", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "google/play/licensing/index.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Application Licensing", |
| "summary": "Information on the features of Google Play to protect your apps’ licences.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "design/style/writing.html", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Writing Style", |
| "summary": "Android Design guidelines for voice and style in your UI.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLIFF", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF)", |
| "summary": "Background information on XLIFF.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1078870", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Graphic Assets for your Application", |
| "summary": "Details about the graphics you can add to your product listing.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/1078870?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": 1194884220000, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "为你的应用的图片资源", |
| "summary": "如何在你的应用的商品详情页面上添加图片资源。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/payments/answer/2741495", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Issuing Refunds", |
| "summary": "Help Center document describing how to issue refunds.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/payments/answer/2741495?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "退回訂單款項", |
| "summary": "如何退还已收取的订单款项。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/11/bring-your-apps-into-classroom-with.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "distribute/images/gp-edu-apps-image.jpg", |
| "title": "Google play for education", |
| "summary": " ", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["localization", "pricing", "developer support"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/table/3541286", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Supported locations for distributing your apps in Google Play", |
| "summary": "Countries and regions where you can distribute your app in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["localization", "pricing", "developer support"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/table/3541286?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "支持向Google Play用户发布应用的地区", |
| "summary": "支持向Google Play用户发布应用的国家/地区。", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["games", "localization", "quality"], |
| "url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkHHPf3EdzE", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://developers.google.com/apps/images/io_2013/google-io-logo.png", |
| "title": "Level Up Your Android Game", |
| "summary": "Learn how to take your game to the next level in this Google I/O session.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["support"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/groups/answer/46601", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Google Groups", |
| "summary": "Create a group for your community.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["support"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/plus/topic/2888488", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Google+ Communities", |
| "summary": "Host a Google+ community for testers or users.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["monetize", "ads"], |
| "url": "http://www.google.com/doubleclick/publishers/small-business/index.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://www.google.com/doubleclick/publishers/small-business/images/define_ad.png", |
| "title": "DoubleClick for Publishers", |
| "summary": "A free ad management solution that helps growing publishers sell, schedule, deliver, and measure all of their digital ad inventory.", |
| "keywords": ["ads"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["monetize", "ads"], |
| "url": "http://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/topic/2985714", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/support-kms-prod/SNP_712EA2784949DDF085C46E3BE7B1DC618A09_4389397_en_v0", |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/play_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Policy Center: Ads", |
| "summary": "Introduction to ads and system interference policies in Google Play", |
| "keywords": ["ads"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["monetize", "giftcards"], |
| "url": "https://play.google.com/about/giftcards/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/gp-balance.png", |
| "title": "Google Play Gift Cards", |
| "summary": "Buy Google Play gift cards online or at a variety of retail stores.", |
| "keywords": ["gift card"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["monetize", "paymentmethods"], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2651410", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Play Accepted Payment Methods", |
| "summary": "Support details on the payment methods supported in Google Play.", |
| "keywords": ["gift card"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["plus", "social"], |
| "url": "https://plus.google.com/+AndroidDevelopers/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/plus.jpg", |
| "title": "+Android Developers", |
| "summary": "Sharing news, ideas, and techniques for success.", |
| "keywords": ["+AndroidDevelopers"], |
| "type": "Google+", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["plus", "social"], |
| "url": "http://plus.google.com/+GooglePlay", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-IKezweZlcXI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAABOvg/uK8Z0jekVE4/s120-c/photo.jpg", |
| "title": "+Google Play", |
| "summary": "News and discussion about Google Play, apps, and other content in Google+.", |
| "keywords": ["+GooglePlay"], |
| "type": "Google+", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["support", "android"], |
| "url": "support.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": null, |
| "title": "Developer Support", |
| "summary": "Links to community and support resources for Android developers.", |
| "keywords": ["support"], |
| "type": "Google+", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Mobile App Analytics", |
| "summary": "Measure everything about your app. Get started with the Google Analytics SDK for Android.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics, user behavior"], |
| "type": "sdk", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/edu/guidelines", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://developer.android.com/distribute/images/edu-guidelines.jpg", |
| "title": "Education Guidelines", |
| "summary": "These guidelines and requirements help you develop great apps for students, which offer compelling content and an intuitive user experience on Android tablets.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "zh-cn", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/edu/guidelines?hl=zh-Hans", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://developer.android.com/distribute/images/edu-guidelines.jpg", |
| "title": "Education Guidelines", |
| "summary": "These guidelines and requirements help you develop great apps for students, which offer compelling content and an intuitive user experience on Android tablets.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/edu/faq", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://developer.android.com/distribute/images/gpfe-faq.jpg", |
| "title": "Education FAQ", |
| "summary": "Answers to common questions you might have about Google Play for Education.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/edu/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://developers.google.com/edu/images/home-android.png", |
| "title": "Chrome Apps in Google Play for Education", |
| "summary": "Find out more about Chrome apps in Google Play for Education.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/edu/tablets/#tablets-family", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.google.com/edu/images/tablets/big-tablet.png", |
| "title": "Google Play for Education Tablets", |
| "summary": "Google Play for Education leverages a diverse set up tablets approved for the classroom which may help inform you how to build educational apps.", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Glu_Deerhunter2014_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Glu_Deerhunter2014_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Deer Hunter 2014 by Glu — Sign-in", |
| "summary": "Glu finds that Google Play Game Services helps improve the user experience which leads to increased player happiness. They also find that Play Games Services signed in users tend to play longer and have a higher lifetime value.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/ConcreteSoftware_PBABowling_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/ConcreteSoftware_PBABowling_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "PBA® Bowling Challenge by Concrete Software — Quests", |
| "summary": "Concrete Software finds that Google Play Game Services' quests are a great way to create new content for users that leads to higher engagement.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Dragonplay_DragonplaySlots_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Dragonplay_DragonplaySlots_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Dragonplay Slots by Dragonplay — Sign-in", |
| "summary": "Dragonplay finds that players who sign in with Google Play Games services tend to be high quality users who were highly engaged. They also tend to be easier to convert to paying users.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Gameloft_Asphalt8_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Gameloft_Asphalt8_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Asphalt 8 by Gameloft — Friends invitations", |
| "summary": "Gameloft finds that Google Play Game Services users are more engaged than the average Android user and more likely to convert to paying players.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Glu_EternityWarriors3_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Glu_EternityWarriors3_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Eternity Warriors 3 by Glu — Gifting", |
| "summary": "Glu finds that Google Play Game Services gifting outperforms other implementations (including those with incentives) because of its seamless flow and consistent performance.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/HotheadGames_RivalsatWar_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/HotheadGames_RivalsatWar_gpgs.jpg", |
| "title": "Rivals at War: Firefight by Hothead Games — Leaderboards", |
| "summary": "Hothead Games is planning to include Google Play Game Services features in all their games going forwards after seeing that players that signed in with Play Games Services tend to show higher retention and a higher average revenue.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/TMSOFT_Compulsive_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/TMSOFT_Compulsive_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Compulsive by TMSOFT — Cross-platform", |
| "summary": "TMSOFT finds that users who authenticate with Play Games Services on Android and iOS play Compulsive twice as much and purchase in-app products over four times as much.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Noodlecake_SuperStickmanGolf2_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Noodlecake_SuperStickmanGolf2_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Super Stickman Golf 2 by Noodlecake Studios — Multiplayer", |
| "summary": "Noodlecake Studios finds that Google Play Game Services’ multiplayer feature helps reduce attrition.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/TinyRebel_DoctorWhoLegacy_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/TinyRebelGames_DrWhoLegacy_pgps.png", |
| "title": "Dr. Doctor Who: Legacy by Tiny Rebel Games — Achievements", |
| "summary": "After integrating achievements and cloud services from Google Play Game Services, Tiny Rebel Games saw a dramatic increase in daily revenues as a result of an increase in daily installs and an increase in the average revenue per install.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Senri_LeosFortune_gpgs.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/stories/Senri_LeosFortune_gpgs.png", |
| "title": "Leo’s Fortune by 1337 & Senri — Saved games", |
| "summary": "1337 + Senri finds that Google Play Game Services is easy to integrate and provides essential game functions like cloud saved games, achievements and leaderboards which have a very large adoption rate amongst players.", |
| "keywords": ["stories"], |
| "type": "Case Study Deck", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "shareables/distribute/play_dev_guide_secrets_en.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "distribute/images/play_dev_guide_b.jpg", |
| "title": "The Secrets to App Success on Google Play", |
| "summary": "A guide to useful features, tips, and best practices that will help you grow a successful app business on Google Play.", |
| "keywords": ["distribute"], |
| "type": "PDF DOWNLOAD (11MB)", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "shareables/auto/AndroidAuto-audio-apps.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "auto/images/assets/icons/media_app_playback.png", |
| "title": "Android Auto Audio Apps UI Guidelines", |
| "summary": "Guidelines for designing audio apps that work with Auto. ", |
| "keywords": ["design", "Auto", "Automotive"], |
| "type": "Design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "shareables/auto/AndroidAuto-messaging-apps.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "auto/images/assets/icons/messaging_app_notifications.png", |
| "title": "Android Auto Messaging Apps UI Guidelines", |
| "summary": "Guidelines for designing messaging apps that work with Auto. ", |
| "keywords": ["design", "Auto", "Automotive"], |
| "type": "Design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "shareables/auto/AndroidAuto-custom-colors.pdf", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "auto/images/ui/gearhead_generic_UI.png", |
| "title": "Android Auto Color Customization UI Guidelines", |
| "summary": "Guidelines for color-customizing apps that work with Auto. ", |
| "keywords": ["design", "Auto", "Automotive"], |
| "type": "Design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/mobile-implementation-guide", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Mobile Analytics Implementation Guide", |
| "summary": "Learn how you can implement additional Google Analytics features to better understand your users and their behavior.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics", "Play", "users"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://www.google.com/tagmanager/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://www.google.com/tagmanager/images/gtm-hero-illustration-small.png", |
| "title": "Google Tag Manager", |
| "summary": "Google Tag Manager enables you to change configuration values in your mobile apps using the Google Tag Manager interface, without having to rebuild and resubmit application binaries to app marketplaces.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics", "tagmanager"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com/course04", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Mobile App Analytics Fundamentals", |
| "summary": "This self-paced online course on mobile app measurement shows you how Google Analytics data can help you make your app more discoverable and profitable.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Open Source Project", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://github.com/googleanalytics/google-analytics-plugin-for-unity", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Analytics Plugin for Unity", |
| "summary": "If you're building games with Unity, you can now implement Analytics once and ship it on multiple platforms automatically.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics", "unity"], |
| "type": "Open Source Project", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/enhanced-ecommerce", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "In-App Purchases & Ecommerce", |
| "summary": "If your app sells virtual or real goods, ecommerce tracking can help you understand what behaviors lead to purchases.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics, ecommerce"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032415", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Goals", |
| "summary": "Track important actions in your app as goals and measure performance against your objectives.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2568874?ref_topic=6012392", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Active Users", |
| "summary": "The active user report displays your 1-day, 7-day, 14-day and 30-day trailing active users next to each other, to help you analyze performance over time.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/events", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Events", |
| "summary": "Events let you measure granular in-app activities and understand user journeys.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/customdimsmets", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Custom Dimensions", |
| "summary": "Custom dimensions enable the association of metadata with hits, users, and sessions in Google Analytics.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/user-id", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "User ID", |
| "summary": "The User ID feature enables Google Analytics to measure user activities that span across devices.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/display-features", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Demographic Reporting", |
| "summary": "By enabling display features, you can see just how different user segments engage and monetize.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3123906", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "User Segmentation", |
| "summary": "Segments let you compare metrics for different subsets of users to identify trends and opportunities for your apps.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Campaign Tracking", |
| "summary": "Measuring campaigns in Google Analytics enables the attribution of campaigns and traffic sources to user activity within your app.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2956981", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/play_dev.jpg", |
| "title": "Google Play Integration", |
| "summary": "By linking Analytics and the Play Developer Console, you can gain additional insights into the acquisition flow.", |
| "keywords": ["play, analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033961", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "AdWords Integration", |
| "summary": "Link Analytics and AdWords to see the entire picture of customer behavior, from ad click or impression through your site to conversion. ", |
| "keywords": ["adwords, analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns#google-play-url-builder", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Campaign URL builder for Google Play", |
| "summary": "Easily create your URLs to track install campaigns.", |
| "keywords": ["play, analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/6003007", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "http://www.google.com/tagmanager/images/gtm-hero-illustration-small.png", |
| "title": "In-App A/B Testing", |
| "summary": "With content experiments in Google Tag Manager you can test multiple variations of your app to find which works best.", |
| "keywords": ["tagmanager"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2785577", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Behavior Flow", |
| "summary": "The Behavior Flow report visualizes the path users traveled from one Screen or Event to the next. This report can help you discover what content keeps users engaged with your app.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1151300", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Custom Reports", |
| "summary": "Custom Reports let you create your own reports in your Google Analytics account.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2611268", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Audience Lists & Remarketing", |
| "summary": "Remarketing with Google Analytics lets you deliver targeted ads to users who've already been to your site or app. You can even base those ads on the behavior those users displayed during their sessions.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/admob/answer/3508177", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "AdMob Integration", |
| "summary": "With Google Analytics in AdMob, you can view Google Analytics data for your linked apps from within your AdMob account.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/mobile-campaign-deep-link", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Deep-Linking", |
| "summary": "Google Analytics gives you a full view of how returning users are interacting with your app, for a holistic view beyond the install.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/admob/answer/3508177", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "AdMob Integration", |
| "summary": "With Google Analytics in AdMob, you can view Google Analytics data for your linked apps from within your AdMob account.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2568874", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/analytics-mobile_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Active User Report", |
| "summary": "Active user report displays your 1-day, 7-day, 14-day and 30-day trailing active users next to each other, to help you run benchmark analyses of their performance over time.", |
| "keywords": ["analytics"], |
| "type": "Guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-animation_2x.png", |
| "title": "Animation", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-style_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Style", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/layout/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-layout_2x.png", |
| "title": "Layout", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-components_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Components", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/patterns/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-patterns_2x.png", |
| "title": "Patterns", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/usability/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-usability_2x.png", |
| "title": "Usability", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/resources/color-palettes.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-color-palette_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Color Palettes", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/resources/layout-templates.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-layout-template_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Layout Templates", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/resources/sticker-sheets-icons.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-sticker-sheet_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Sticker Sheets & Icons", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/spec/resources/roboto-noto-fonts.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/material-typography_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Typography: Roboto and Noto Sans fonts", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "materialdesign", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "icons", |
| "material", |
| "iconography" |
| ], |
| "url": "https://www.google.com/design/icons/index.html", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "images/cards/card-material-icons-16x9_2x.jpg", |
| "title": "Material icon collection", |
| "summary": "", |
| "keywords": ["icons"], |
| "type": "material design", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6032059", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Setting up Mobile App Install Ads", |
| "summary": "With Mobile app installs campaigns on the Search and Display Networks, and TrueView for mobile app promotion on YouTube, you can create custom app install ads that run exclusively on phones and tablets.", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "admob"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6167164", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Best practices for Mobile App Engagement", |
| "summary": "Learn how to market to your user base to drive re-engagement with your app. ", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "admob"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "marketing", |
| "engagement", |
| "adwords1" |
| ], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6032073", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/adwords_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Setting up Mobile App Engagement Ads", |
| "summary": "Mobile app engagement campaigns are a great choice for advertisers focused on connecting with people who already have their app.", |
| "keywords": [ |
| "marketing", |
| "engagement", |
| "adwords" |
| ], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [ |
| "marketing", |
| "engagement" |
| ], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6167162", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/adwords_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Best Practices for Mobile App Installs", |
| "summary": "Getting your mobile app discovered can be challenging. Learn how to drive downloads of your app and grow a valuable user base.", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "adwords"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/admob/topic/2784623", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Set up your AdMob account", |
| "summary": "Guide to setting up your account so that you get the most value.", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "admob"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "http://analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com/mobile-app", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Analytics Academy for Mobile Apps", |
| "summary": "Learn how to use Google Analytics to make your app more discoverable and profitable.", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "analytics"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/download", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Google Mobile Ads SDK", |
| "summary": "Use the Mobile Ads SDK to start showing AdMob ads in your apps.", |
| "keywords": ["marketing", "adwords"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/admob/", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "AdMob Help Center", |
| "summary": "For setup assistance, general info, and fixes for specific problems check out the AdMob Help Center.", |
| "keywords": ["admob"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": [], |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/admob/answer/2753860", |
| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/admob_64dp.png", |
| "title": "AdMob Policy Guidelines", |
| "summary": "Learn about best practices for displaying AdMob ads in your apps to maximize revenue.", |
| "keywords": ["admob"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "en", |
| "group": "", |
| "tags": ["appindexing", "search", "getusers"], |
| "url": "https://developers.google.com/app-indexing/", |
| "timestamp": 1383243492000, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/search_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Set Up App Indexing", |
| "summary": "Learn more about how Google Search can help users discover your app, along with other ways you can integrate with Google Search.", |
| "keywords": ["search"], |
| "type": "guide", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/search_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Verify and Create Deep Links", |
| "summary": "Index your app today by adding deep links and verifying its official web site to ensure it starts appearing in Google Search results.", |
| "keywords": ["search"], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
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| "timestamp": null, |
| "image": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/product/2x/search_64dp.png", |
| "title": "Drive use with Google Search", |
| "summary": "More about how app indexing and deep links can drive users directly to the content in your app. ", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "type": "distribute", |
| "titleFriendly": "" |
| }, |
| // TODO remove this? |
| { |
| "title":"Android Wear Materials", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Drag and drop your way to beautifully designed Android Wear apps.", |
| "url":"design/downloads/index.html#Wear", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["icons","stencils","color swatches"], |
| "tags": ["icons","stencils","colorswatches"], |
| "image":"images/cards/android-wear-materials_2x.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"design" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"UX Design for Mobile Developers", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn how to design a 5-star app.", |
| "url":"https://www.udacity.com/course/ux-design-for-mobile-developers--ud849", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["mobile","ux","design"], |
| "tags": ["courses"], |
| "image":"images/cards/course-ud849.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"online course" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Developing Android Apps", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn Android and build an app!", |
| "url":"https://www.udacity.com/course/developing-android-apps--ud853", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["start","firstapp","sdk"], |
| "tags": ["courses"], |
| "image":"images/cards/course-ud853.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"online course" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Android Performance", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Optimize your apps for speed and usability.", |
| "url":"https://www.udacity.com/course/android-performance--ud825", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["performance","battery"], |
| "tags": ["courses"], |
| "image":"images/cards/course-ud825.png", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"online course" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Watch Faces for Android Wear", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Watch faces let you customize the most prominent UI feature of Android wearables. The API is simple enough for rapid development and flexible enough to build something awesome.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK38PJZmIW8&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc-kIrPiq098QH9dOle-fLef", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["wear", "wearable", "watch face"], |
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| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/AK38PJZmIW8/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Android Support Library", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"These essential components help you build a great app that works on the huge variety of Android devices, faster.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PIc-DuEU2s&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9e0d55YHgJFHXNZbGHEXJX", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["support", "compatibility"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/3PIc-DuEU2s/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"Video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Consistent Design with the AppCompat Support Library", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Getting a great looking app doesn't have to be hard: AppCompat, part of the Android Support Library, gives you a consistent design baseline that works on all Android 2.1 or higher devices.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Be2mJzP-Uw&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9e0d55YHgJFHXNZbGHEXJX", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["support", "compatibility","design-code"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/5Be2mJzP-Uw/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"Video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Introducing Gradle", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Android Studio uses an entirely new and flexible Gradle-based build system. You will be able to create multiple build variants for a single project, manage library dependencies and always be sure that your application builds correctly across different environments.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD7NPxuuXYY&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc8I9gHTMh5yKkwRRGE8BjbQ", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["tools", "studio","gradle"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/cD7NPxuuXYY/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"Video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Android Studio Layout Editor", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Android Studio includes a rich, visual layout editor that helps developers create better user interfaces. It eliminates the need to deploy the APK on a real device with each change, making iterations faster and helping eliminate common errors earlier in the development process.", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLLnhwtDoHw&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc8I9gHTMh5yKkwRRGE8BjbQ", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["tools", "studio","layout"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/JLLnhwtDoHw/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"Video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Debugging and testing in Android Studio", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Learn about new debugger features in Android Studio 1.2: value inlining, quick access to referring objects and a Java .class decompiler, just to name a few. See some new tools and views that let you monitor the CPU and memory performance of your app from within the IDE. ", |
| "url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I6fuD20qlY&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc8I9gHTMh5yKkwRRGE8BjbQ", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": ["tools", "studio","debugging","profiling","performance"], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/2I6fuD20qlY/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"Video" |
| }, |
| { |
| "tags": [ |
| "android", |
| "developerstory", |
| "googleplay", |
| "featured" |
| ], |
| "title": "Android Developer Story: Jelly Button Games — Growing globally through data driven development", |
| "type": "youtube", |
| "url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd49vTkvu0U" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Scale with Google Cloud Platform", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"Build, test, and deploy applications on Google's highly-scalable and reliable infrastructure for your web, mobile and backend solutions.", |
| "url":"https://cloud.google.com/docs/", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/cloud-platform_2x.png", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "title":"Opportunities & Programs", |
| "titleFriendly":"", |
| "summary":"This is a card body place holder text. This is a card body place holder text. This is a card body place holder text.", |
| "url":"distribute/googleplay/index.html#opportunities", |
| "group":"", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image":"images/cards/program-edu_2x.jpg", |
| "lang":"en", |
| "type":"distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Gaming Everywhere", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "東京ゲームショウ 2014 の基調講演より。", |
| "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xelYnWcYkuE", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://img.youtube.com/vi/xelYnWcYkuE/hqdefault.jpg", |
| "type": "youtube" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Playtime Tokyo", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "アプリビジネスのノウハウを各担当者が講演しました。", |
| "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCOC_kP3nqGIHEgwm9mybvA04Vn4Cg9nn", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://img.youtube.com/vi/lJdjY3z6-LY/hqdefault.jpg", |
| "type": "youtube" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Android Wear 関連の動画に日本語字幕が付きました", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevjp.blogspot.jp/2014/12/android-wear.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/4JcDYkgqksY/maxresdefault.jpg", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Android Studio 1.0 をリリースしました", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevjp.blogspot.jp/2014/12/android-studio-10.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1hV3sD1At74/VIaQSWBasUI/AAAAAAAABAU/9vYLJMsmMuQ/s1600/studio-logo.png", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Google Play 開発者サービス 6.5 のご紹介", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevjp.blogspot.jp/2014/12/google-play-65.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4BNREC0Jojo/VGo7ahW35wI/AAAAAAAABAc/9thZl94F6fY/s1600/GMS%2B-%2BRelease%2BBlog%2BNacho%2B-%2BMap%2BToolbar.png", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Alpha and Beta Testing", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "アプリのローンチにまつわるリスクを最小限にするために必須のツールです。[英語コンテンツ]", |
| "url": "intl/ja/distribute/googleplay/developer-console.html#alpha-beta", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "images/gp-dc-ab.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Finding Success on Google Play", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "Google Play での成功の秘訣がこの一冊に。[英語コンテンツ]", |
| "url": "intl/ja/distribute/googleplay/guide.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/play_dev_guide_b.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Core App Quality", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "intl/ja/distribute/essentials/quality/core.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "images/gp-core-quality.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Google Play アプリ ポリシー センター", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4430948?hl=ja", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://storage.googleapis.com/support-kms-prod/SNP_712EA2784949DDF085C46E3BE7B1DC618A09_4389356_en_v0", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Developer Support", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "intl/ja/support.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Wear App Quality", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "いよいよウェアラブルの時代が到来。[英語コンテンツ]", |
| "url": "intl/ja/distribute/essentials/quality/wear.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/gp-wear-quality.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Google Cloud Platform が支える、新感覚リアルタイム RPG ユニゾンリーグ - 株式会社エイチームの GCP 導入事例", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "スケーラブルなバックエンドを実現する Google Cloud Platform の最新導入事例。", |
| "url": "http://googleforwork-japan.blogspot.jp/2014/12/gcp-google-cloud-platform-rpg-gcp.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xp7KoPkbne4/VI_PfoFil3I/AAAAAAAAA3U/-k1UZ0zjCBc/s1600/unison-league.jpeg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ja", |
| "title": "Monetize with Ads", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "アプリ内広告成功のコツがここに。[英語コンテンツ]", |
| "url": "intl/ja/distribute/monetize/ads.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/advertising.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "구글 플레이 2015년 비전", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "G-Star 구글 컨퍼런스", |
| "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X9Ue0Nfdh4&index=2&list=PL_WJkTbDHdBksDBRoqfeyLchEQqBAOlNl", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://img.youtube.com/vi/7X9Ue0Nfdh4/hqdefault.jpg", |
| "type": "youtube" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "구글 플레이 게임", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "게임 프로필, 퀘스트, 세이브드 게임 등의 신기능 소개", |
| "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83FpwuschCQ", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://img.youtube.com/vi/83FpwuschCQ/hqdefault.jpg", |
| "type": "youtube" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "안드로이드 5.0 롤리팝을 맞이하는 개발자를 위한 안내서", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevkr.blogspot.com/2014/11/android50guidefordevelopers.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/0Gx4Ob_WvIgNOMv3hVMuUm4O7KuSWyxCEFIvy39_6fgXh2q2azqjZf3bpZoEk-LMW-K8GwYMfyYfMUAwp38hhPQ6WFNnddhN2E2_GF3-XBQI_qjhISviz10h_mGgDWsZKA", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "안드로이드 앱을 위한 머티리얼 디자인 체크 리스트", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevkr.blogspot.com/2014/10/material-design-on-android-checklist.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/JKoxeDdmsj6gYHV8rmp96U1jHj7FKeMzGBaaFu35kXp5EpJR9Ei9MQFAYghjwJoycdgydw-FZTuFNY8pDx63MWhy37rKC96ajoDXEMzvo9W0sj5yC2-uSYJdhpazVOP2cA", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "App Compat 라이브러리", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "", |
| "url": "http://googledevkr.blogspot.com/2014/10/appcompat-v21-material-design-for-pre.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7fF9ayZ6PgI/U9iFpk5FNEI/AAAAAAAAAs0/4P4SCvdB_4M/s640/image00.png", |
| "type": "blog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Alpha and Beta Testing", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "출시 전에 완벽한 사전 테스트 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/distribute/googleplay/developer-console.html#alpha-beta", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "images/gp-dc-ab.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Finding Success on Google Play", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "구글 플레이에서 성공하는 비결 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/distribute/googleplay/guide.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/play_dev_guide_b.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Core App Quality", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "고품질 안드로이드 앱 개발 가이드 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/distribute/essentials/quality/core.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "images/gp-core-quality.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Policy Guidelines and Practices", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "숙지해야할 중요한 정책 [영문]", |
| "url": "https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4430948?hl=ko", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://storage.googleapis.com/support-kms-prod/SNP_712EA2784949DDF085C46E3BE7B1DC618A09_4389356_en_v0", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Developer Support", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "개발자 지원 센터 활용 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/support.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mGTYed3Uh-E/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAF58/qNYbk4mMhI0/s120-c/photo.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Wear App Quality", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "웨어러블 앱 개발 가이드 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/distribute/essentials/quality/wear.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/gp-wear-quality.png", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Android TV 어플리케이션 개발", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "앱과 게임을 거실에서 가족과 함께 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/tv/index.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "design/tv/images/atv-home.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "구글 플레이 게임 서비스", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "다양한 구글 플레이 게임 서비스 기능 알아보기 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/google/play-services/games.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "https://developers.google.com/games/services/images/gamescreen3.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| }, |
| { |
| "lang": "ko", |
| "title": "Monetize with Ads", |
| "titleFriendly": "", |
| "summary": "광고로 수익 창출하기 [영문]", |
| "url": "intl/ko/distribute/monetize/ads.html", |
| "group": "", |
| "keywords": [], |
| "tags": [], |
| "image": "distribute/images/advertising.jpg", |
| "type": "distribute" |
| } |
| ]); |
| |
| "about/versions/lollipop.html": { |
| "image": "images/home/hero-lollipop_2x.png", |
| "heroColor": "#263238", |
| "heroInvert": true, |
| "title": "Android 5.0 Lollipop", |
| "summary": "The Android 5.0 update adds a variety of new features for your apps, such as notifications on the lock screen, an all-new camera API, OpenGL ES 3.1, the new Material design interface, and much more." |
| }, |
| "distribute/googleplay/families/about.html": { |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-family.jpg", |
| "title": "Designed for Families", |
| "summary": "Introducing a new Google Play section to promote family friendly apps. Your apps in the program can benefit from enhanced discoverability in addition to maintaining their existing categories, rankings, and reviews elsewhere on the Google Play store." |
| }, |
| "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd49vTkvu0U&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9ofd2f-_-xmUi07wIGZa1c": { |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-jelly-button.jpg", |
| "title": "How Jelly Button Games are growing globally through data", |
| "summary": "To really understand their users, Jelly Button Games analyses over 3 billion events each month using Google Analytics and Google BigQuery." |
| }, |
| "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=700gYRkhkLM&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9ofd2f-_-xmUi07wIGZa1c": { |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-outfit7.jpg", |
| "title": "Outfit7 — Building an entertainment company with Google", |
| "summary": "Outfit7, creators of My Talking Tom and My Talking Angela, offer a complete entertainment experience to users spanning mobile apps, user generated and original YouTube content, and a range of toys, clothing, and accessories...." |
| }, |
| "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPnH7h12h0U&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9ofd2f-_-xmUi07wIGZa1c": { |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-haystack.jpg", |
| "summary": "Haystack TV built a scalable business with six employees and Android TV. Two weeks was all it took for them to bring their mobile app to the big screen." |
| }, |
| "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekxABqJeRBc&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9ofd2f-_-xmUi07wIGZa1c": { |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-ginlemon.jpg", |
| "title": "How GinLemon is breaking through with Google Play", |
| "summary": "Meet Vincenzo Colucci, developer and founder of GinLemon, which started as a summer holiday joke and has now become a successful global app business on Google Play based in Manfredonia, southern Italy." |
| }, |
| "distribute/googleplay/guide.html": { |
| "heroColor": "#fcb94e", |
| "image": "images/distribute/hero-g-play-guidebooks_2x.png", |
| "title": "Finding Success on Google Play", |
| "summary": "We’ve created a downloadable guide to help you find success with your app or game business on Google Play. In it, you’ll find features, tips, and best practices to help you build an effective strategy.", |
| "tags": [] |
| } |
| }; |