Merge "wifi.proto: Add metrics for radio mode change" into pi-dev am: e04b69bec4
am: 0fb2edcb7d
Change-Id: I17f97ddd3fe74312aa0665618e2347bfee8a21f6
diff --git a/proto/src/wifi.proto b/proto/src/wifi.proto
index 0598b16..8fa6b3e 100644
--- a/proto/src/wifi.proto
+++ b/proto/src/wifi.proto
@@ -438,6 +438,18 @@
// Flag which indicates if Connected MAC Randomization is enabled
optional bool is_mac_randomization_on = 111 [default = false];
+ // Number of radio mode changes to MCC (Multi channel concurrency).
+ optional int32 num_radio_mode_change_to_mcc = 112;
+ // Number of radio mode changes to SCC (Single channel concurrency).
+ optional int32 num_radio_mode_change_to_scc = 113;
+ // Number of radio mode changes to SBS (Single band simultaneous).
+ optional int32 num_radio_mode_change_to_sbs = 114;
+ // Number of radio mode changes to DBS (Dual band simultaneous).
+ optional int32 num_radio_mode_change_to_dbs = 115;
// Information that gets logged for every WiFi connection.