Fixing implementation of View.requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect, boolean).

1. The implementation was not taking into account the transformation
   matrices if the views.

2. The rectangle that was passed as an argument to
   ViewParent.requestChildRectangleOnScreen was modified by
   some implementations - now care is taken to prevent it.

3. The scroll of child was used when a rectangle of its coordinate
   system was mapped to one in the parent system. However, the
   scroll shows how much a parent has scrolled its descendants, so
   the scroll of the parent has to be used not the child.


Change-Id: I5b09eb7f105047e95282f74308968d5465831c84
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index 236adab..7567d88 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
-import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
 import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.Handler;
@@ -4275,25 +4274,42 @@
      * @return Whether any parent scrolled.
     public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) {
+        if (mAttachInfo == null) {
+            return false;
+        }
         View child = this;
+        RectF position = mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect;
+        position.set(rectangle);
         ViewParent parent = mParent;
         boolean scrolled = false;
         while (parent != null) {
+            rectangle.set((int) position.left, (int),
+                    (int) position.right, (int) position.bottom);
             scrolled |= parent.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child,
                     rectangle, immediate);
-            // offset rect so next call has the rectangle in the
-            // coordinate system of its direct child.
-            rectangle.offset(child.getLeft(), child.getTop());
-            rectangle.offset(-child.getScrollX(), -child.getScrollY());
+            if (!child.hasIdentityMatrix()) {
+                child.getMatrix().mapRect(position);
+            }
+            position.offset(child.mLeft, child.mTop);
             if (!(parent instanceof View)) {
-            child = (View) parent;
+            View parentView = (View) parent;
+            position.offset(-parentView.getScrollX(), -parentView.getScrollY());
+            child = parentView;
             parent = child.getParent();
         return scrolled;