Merge "More light grey APIs." into pi-dev
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/ b/core/java/android/app/
index 1ea93a4..c22a43e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/
@@ -2767,7 +2767,6 @@
     private void fixDuplicateExtras() {
         if (extras != null) {
-            fixDuplicateExtra(mSmallIcon, EXTRA_SMALL_ICON);
             fixDuplicateExtra(mLargeIcon, EXTRA_LARGE_ICON);
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
index 87c64cd..32c6898 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
@@ -2365,13 +2365,25 @@
      * {@link CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION android.scaler.cropRegion}, is defined relative to the active array rectangle given in
      * this field, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left of this rectangle.</p>
      * <p>The active array may be smaller than the full pixel array, since the full array may
-     * include black calibration pixels or other inactive regions, and geometric correction
-     * resulting in scaling or cropping may have been applied.</p>
+     * include black calibration pixels or other inactive regions.</p>
+     * <p>For devices that do not support {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the active
+     * array must be the same as {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
+     * <p>For devices that support {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the active array must
+     * be enclosed by {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}. The difference between
+     * pre-correction active array and active array accounts for scaling or cropping caused
+     * by lens geometric distortion correction.</p>
+     * <p>In general, application should always refer to active array size for controls like
+     * metering regions or crop region. Two exceptions are when the application is dealing with
+     * RAW image buffers (RAW_SENSOR, RAW10, RAW12 etc), or when application explicitly set
+     * {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} to OFF. In these cases, application should refer
+     * to {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
      * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates on the image sensor</p>
      * <p>This key is available on all devices.</p>
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PIXEL_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<> SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE =
@@ -2616,9 +2628,9 @@
      * <ol>
      * <li>{@link CameraCharacteristics#LENS_DISTORTION android.lens.distortion}.</li>
      * </ol>
-     * <p>If all of the geometric distortion fields are no-ops, this rectangle will be the same
-     * as the post-distortion-corrected rectangle given in
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
+     * <p>If the camera device doesn't support geometric distortion correction, or all of the
+     * geometric distortion fields are no-ops, this rectangle will be the same as the
+     * post-distortion-corrected rectangle given in {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
      * <p>This rectangle is defined relative to the full pixel array; (0,0) is the top-left of
      * the full pixel array, and the size of the full pixel array is given by
      * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PIXEL_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
index 411a97e..aca77a5 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
@@ -1269,11 +1269,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE android.control.maxRegionsAe}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must be within <code>[0, 1000]</code>, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -1289,15 +1304,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata.  If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AE_REGIONS =
@@ -1443,11 +1463,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of focus areas supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF android.control.maxRegionsAf}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must be within <code>[0, 1000]</code>, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -1464,15 +1499,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata. If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AF_REGIONS =
@@ -1612,11 +1652,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB android.control.maxRegionsAwb}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must range from 0 to 1000, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -1632,15 +1687,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata.  If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS =
@@ -2433,9 +2493,17 @@
      * <p>The desired region of the sensor to read out for this capture.</p>
      * <p>This control can be used to implement digital zoom.</p>
-     * <p>The crop region coordinate system is based off
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being the
-     * top-left corner of the sensor active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being
+     * the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
      * <p>Output streams use this rectangle to produce their output,
      * cropping to a smaller region if necessary to maintain the
      * stream's aspect ratio, then scaling the sensor input to
@@ -2454,20 +2522,30 @@
      * outputs will crop horizontally (pillarbox), and 16:9
      * streams will match exactly. These additional crops will
      * be centered within the crop region.</p>
-     * <p>The width and height of the crop region cannot
-     * be set to be smaller than
+     * <p>If the coordinate system is, the width and height
+     * of the crop region cannot be set to be smaller than
      * <code>floor( activeArraySize.width / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code> and
      * <code>floor( activeArraySize.height / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>, respectively.</p>
+     * <p>If the coordinate system is {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, the width
+     * and height of the crop region cannot be set to be smaller than
+     * <code>floor( preCorrectionActiveArraySize.width / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>
+     * and
+     * <code>floor( preCorrectionActiveArraySize.height / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>,
+     * respectively.</p>
      * <p>The camera device may adjust the crop region to account
      * for rounding and other hardware requirements; the final
      * crop region used will be included in the output capture
      * result.</p>
      * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates relative to
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on distortion correction
+     * capability and mode</p>
      * <p>This key is available on all devices.</p>
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<> SCALER_CROP_REGION =
@@ -3186,15 +3264,14 @@
      * any correction at all would slow down capture rate.  Every output stream will have a
      * similar amount of enhancement applied.</p>
      * <p>The correction only applies to processed outputs such as YUV, JPEG, or DEPTH16; it is not
-     * applied to any RAW output.  Metadata coordinates such as face rectangles or metering
+     * applied to any RAW output. Metadata coordinates such as face rectangles or metering
      * regions are also not affected by correction.</p>
-     * <p>Applications enabling distortion correction need to pay extra attention when converting
-     * image coordinates between corrected output buffers and the sensor array. For example, if
-     * the app supports tap-to-focus and enables correction, it then has to apply the distortion
-     * model described in {@link CameraCharacteristics#LENS_DISTORTION android.lens.distortion} to the image buffer tap coordinates to properly
-     * calculate the tap position on the sensor active array to be used with
-     * {@link CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AF_REGIONS android.control.afRegions}. The same applies in reverse to detected face rectangles if
-     * they need to be drawn on top of the corrected output buffers.</p>
+     * <p>This control will be on by default on devices that support this control. Applications
+     * disabling distortion correction need to pay extra attention with the coordinate system of
+     * metering regions, crop region, and face rectangles. When distortion correction is OFF,
+     * metadata coordinates follow the coordinate system of
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}. When distortion is not OFF, metadata
+     * coordinates follow the coordinate system of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
      * <p><b>Possible values:</b>
      * <ul>
      *   <li>{@link #DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE_OFF OFF}</li>
@@ -3205,9 +3282,10 @@
      * {@link CameraCharacteristics#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES android.distortionCorrection.availableModes}</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
-     * @see CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AF_REGIONS
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#LENS_DISTORTION
+     * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
index 6439338..75c27f5 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
@@ -730,11 +730,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE android.control.maxRegionsAe}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must be within <code>[0, 1000]</code>, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -750,15 +765,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata.  If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AE_REGIONS =
@@ -1152,11 +1172,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of focus areas supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF android.control.maxRegionsAf}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must be within <code>[0, 1000]</code>, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -1173,15 +1208,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata. If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AF_REGIONS =
@@ -1730,11 +1770,26 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB android.control.maxRegionsAwb}.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
-     * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with (0,0) being
+     * the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the
-     * bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array.</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right
+     * pixel in the pre-correction active pixel array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array, and
+     * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.width - 1,
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.height - 1) being the bottom-right pixel in the
+     * active pixel array.</p>
      * <p>The weight must range from 0 to 1000, and represents a weight
      * for every pixel in the area. This means that a large metering area
      * with the same weight as a smaller area will have more effect in
@@ -1750,15 +1805,20 @@
      * region and output only the intersection rectangle as the metering region in the result
      * metadata.  If the region is entirely outside the crop region, it will be ignored and
      * not reported in the result metadata.</p>
-     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates within {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on
+     * distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Range of valid values:</b><br>
      * Coordinates must be between <code>[(0,0), (width, height))</code> of
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}
+     * depending on distortion correction capability and mode</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CaptureRequest#SCALER_CROP_REGION
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle[]> CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS =
@@ -3099,9 +3159,17 @@
      * <p>The desired region of the sensor to read out for this capture.</p>
      * <p>This control can be used to implement digital zoom.</p>
-     * <p>The crop region coordinate system is based off
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being the
-     * top-left corner of the sensor active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being
+     * the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
      * <p>Output streams use this rectangle to produce their output,
      * cropping to a smaller region if necessary to maintain the
      * stream's aspect ratio, then scaling the sensor input to
@@ -3120,20 +3188,30 @@
      * outputs will crop horizontally (pillarbox), and 16:9
      * streams will match exactly. These additional crops will
      * be centered within the crop region.</p>
-     * <p>The width and height of the crop region cannot
-     * be set to be smaller than
+     * <p>If the coordinate system is, the width and height
+     * of the crop region cannot be set to be smaller than
      * <code>floor( activeArraySize.width / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code> and
      * <code>floor( activeArraySize.height / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>, respectively.</p>
+     * <p>If the coordinate system is {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, the width
+     * and height of the crop region cannot be set to be smaller than
+     * <code>floor( preCorrectionActiveArraySize.width / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>
+     * and
+     * <code>floor( preCorrectionActiveArraySize.height / {@link CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom} )</code>,
+     * respectively.</p>
      * <p>The camera device may adjust the crop region to account
      * for rounding and other hardware requirements; the final
      * crop region used will be included in the output capture
      * result.</p>
      * <p><b>Units</b>: Pixel coordinates relative to
-     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}</p>
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} or
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} depending on distortion correction
+     * capability and mode</p>
      * <p>This key is available on all devices.</p>
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
     public static final Key<> SCALER_CROP_REGION =
@@ -3624,12 +3702,23 @@
      * <p>List of landmarks for detected
      * faces.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being
+     * the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
      * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
      * <p>Only available if {@link CaptureRequest#STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE android.statistics.faceDetectMode} == FULL
      * This key is available on all devices.</p>
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
      * @see CaptureRequest#STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE
      * @hide
@@ -3639,12 +3728,23 @@
      * <p>List of the bounding rectangles for detected
      * faces.</p>
-     * <p>The coordinate system is that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <p>For devices not supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system always follows that of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being
+     * the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
+     * <p>For devices supporting {@link CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE android.distortionCorrection.mode} control, the coordinate
+     * system depends on the mode being set.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
+     * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the pre-correction active array.
+     * When the distortion correction mode is not OFF, the coordinate system follows
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}, with
      * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
      * <p>Only available if {@link CaptureRequest#STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE android.statistics.faceDetectMode} != OFF
      * This key is available on all devices.</p>
+     * @see CaptureRequest#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
      * @see CaptureRequest#STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE
      * @hide
@@ -4478,15 +4578,14 @@
      * any correction at all would slow down capture rate.  Every output stream will have a
      * similar amount of enhancement applied.</p>
      * <p>The correction only applies to processed outputs such as YUV, JPEG, or DEPTH16; it is not
-     * applied to any RAW output.  Metadata coordinates such as face rectangles or metering
+     * applied to any RAW output. Metadata coordinates such as face rectangles or metering
      * regions are also not affected by correction.</p>
-     * <p>Applications enabling distortion correction need to pay extra attention when converting
-     * image coordinates between corrected output buffers and the sensor array. For example, if
-     * the app supports tap-to-focus and enables correction, it then has to apply the distortion
-     * model described in {@link CameraCharacteristics#LENS_DISTORTION android.lens.distortion} to the image buffer tap coordinates to properly
-     * calculate the tap position on the sensor active array to be used with
-     * {@link CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AF_REGIONS android.control.afRegions}. The same applies in reverse to detected face rectangles if
-     * they need to be drawn on top of the corrected output buffers.</p>
+     * <p>This control will be on by default on devices that support this control. Applications
+     * disabling distortion correction need to pay extra attention with the coordinate system of
+     * metering regions, crop region, and face rectangles. When distortion correction is OFF,
+     * metadata coordinates follow the coordinate system of
+     * {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}. When distortion is not OFF, metadata
+     * coordinates follow the coordinate system of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE}.</p>
      * <p><b>Possible values:</b>
      * <ul>
      *   <li>{@link #DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE_OFF OFF}</li>
@@ -4497,9 +4596,10 @@
      * {@link CameraCharacteristics#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES android.distortionCorrection.availableModes}</p>
      * <p><b>Optional</b> - This value may be {@code null} on some devices.</p>
-     * @see CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AF_REGIONS
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES
      * @see CameraCharacteristics#LENS_DISTORTION
+     * @see CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
diff --git a/core/java/android/provider/ b/core/java/android/provider/
index 0510418..68c3111 100644
--- a/core/java/android/provider/
+++ b/core/java/android/provider/
@@ -7529,9 +7529,6 @@
         public static final String ASSIST_GESTURE_SENSITIVITY = "assist_gesture_sensitivity";
-        private static final Validator ASSIST_GESTURE_SENSITIVITY_VALIDATOR =
-                new SettingsValidators.InclusiveFloatRangeValidator(0.0f, 1.0f);
          * Whether the assist gesture should silence alerts.
@@ -7561,8 +7558,6 @@
         public static final String ASSIST_GESTURE_SETUP_COMPLETE = "assist_gesture_setup_complete";
          * Control whether Night display is currently activated.
          * @hide
@@ -8018,8 +8013,6 @@
@@ -8158,8 +8151,6 @@
diff --git a/core/java/android/widget/ b/core/java/android/widget/
index 6df76fa..e6f948f 100644
--- a/core/java/android/widget/
+++ b/core/java/android/widget/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import android.content.DialogInterface;
@@ -590,7 +591,8 @@
     private void addPermToList(List<MyPermissionInfo> permList,
             MyPermissionInfo pInfo) {
         if (pInfo.mLabel == null) {
-            pInfo.mLabel = pInfo.loadLabel(mPm);
+            pInfo.mLabel = pInfo.loadSafeLabel(mPm, 20000, PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_TRIM
+                    | PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_FIRST_LINE);
         int idx = Collections.binarySearch(permList, pInfo, mPermComparator);
         if(localLOGV) Log.i(TAG, "idx="+idx+", list.size="+permList.size());
@@ -611,7 +613,9 @@
                 MyPermissionGroupInfo group = mPermGroups.get(;
                 if (group != null) {
-                    pInfo.mLabel = pInfo.loadLabel(mPm);
+                    pInfo.mLabel = pInfo.loadSafeLabel(mPm, 20000,
+                            PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_TRIM
+                            | PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_FIRST_LINE);
                     addPermToList(group.mAllPermissions, pInfo);
                     if (pInfo.mNew) {
                         addPermToList(group.mNewPermissions, pInfo);
@@ -622,14 +626,18 @@
         for (MyPermissionGroupInfo pgrp : mPermGroups.values()) {
             if (pgrp.labelRes != 0 || pgrp.nonLocalizedLabel != null) {
-                pgrp.mLabel = pgrp.loadLabel(mPm);
+                pgrp.mLabel = pgrp.loadSafeLabel(mPm, 20000, PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_TRIM
+                        | PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_FIRST_LINE);
             } else {
                 ApplicationInfo app;
                 try {
                     app = mPm.getApplicationInfo(pgrp.packageName, 0);
-                    pgrp.mLabel = app.loadLabel(mPm);
+                    pgrp.mLabel = app.loadSafeLabel(mPm, 20000, PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_TRIM
+                            | PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_FIRST_LINE);
                 } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
-                    pgrp.mLabel = pgrp.loadLabel(mPm);
+                    pgrp.mLabel = pgrp.loadSafeLabel(mPm, 20000,
+                            PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_TRIM
+                            | PackageItemInfo.SAFE_LABEL_FLAG_FIRST_LINE);
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/hardware/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/hardware/
index 26fb6b64..07bb453 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/hardware/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/hardware/
@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@
 public class AmbientDisplayConfiguration {
     private final Context mContext;
+    private final boolean mAlwaysOnByDefault;
     public AmbientDisplayConfiguration(Context context) {
         mContext = context;
+        mAlwaysOnByDefault = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_dozeAlwaysOnEnabled);
     public boolean enabled(int user) {
@@ -101,8 +103,8 @@
     public boolean alwaysOnEnabled(int user) {
-        return boolSettingDefaultOn(Settings.Secure.DOZE_ALWAYS_ON, user) && alwaysOnAvailable()
-                && !accessibilityInversionEnabled(user);
+        return boolSetting(Settings.Secure.DOZE_ALWAYS_ON, user, mAlwaysOnByDefault ? 1 : 0)
+                && alwaysOnAvailable() && !accessibilityInversionEnabled(user);
     public boolean alwaysOnAvailable() {
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
index 0fd6109..4ba93bc 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@
 public class MessagingLayout extends FrameLayout {
     private static final float COLOR_SHIFT_AMOUNT = 60;
+    /**
+     *  Pattren for filter some ingonable characters.
+     *  p{Z} for any kind of whitespace or invisible separator.
+     *  p{C} for any kind of punctuation character.
+     */
+    private static final Pattern IGNORABLE_CHAR_PATTERN
+            = Pattern.compile("[\\p{C}\\p{Z}]");
     private static final Pattern SPECIAL_CHAR_PATTERN
             = Pattern.compile ("[!@#$%&*()_+=|<>?{}\\[\\]~-]");
     private static final Consumer<MessagingMessage> REMOVE_MESSAGE
@@ -233,7 +240,10 @@
             if (!uniqueNames.containsKey(senderName)) {
-                char c = senderName.charAt(0);
+                // Only use visible characters to get uniqueNames
+                String pureSenderName = IGNORABLE_CHAR_PATTERN
+                        .matcher(senderName).replaceAll("" /* replacement */);
+                char c = pureSenderName.charAt(0);
                 if (uniqueCharacters.containsKey(c)) {
                     // this character was already used, lets make it more unique. We first need to
                     // resolve the existing character if it exists
@@ -245,7 +255,7 @@
                     uniqueNames.put(senderName, findNameSplit((String) senderName));
                 } else {
                     uniqueNames.put(senderName, Character.toString(c));
-                    uniqueCharacters.put(c, senderName);
+                    uniqueCharacters.put(c, pureSenderName);
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
index 0b5dd7e..78436ad 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
@@ -491,13 +491,21 @@
          Note also: the order of this is important. The first upstream type
          for which a satisfying network exists is used.
-      -->
+    -->
     <integer-array translatable="false" name="config_tether_upstream_types">
+    <!-- When true, the tethering upstream network follows the current default
+         Internet network (except when the current default network is mobile,
+         in which case a DUN network will be used if required).
+         When true, overrides the config_tether_upstream_types setting above.
+    -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_tether_upstream_automatic">false</bool>
     <!-- If the DUN connection for this CDMA device supports more than just DUN -->
     <!-- traffic you should list them here. -->
     <!-- If this device is not CDMA this is ignored.  If this list is empty on -->
@@ -659,9 +667,27 @@
     <!-- Boolean indicating that wifi only link configuratios that have exact same credentials (i.e PSK) -->
     <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_only_link_same_credential_configurations">true</bool>
-    <!-- Boolean indicating whether framework needs to set the tx power limit for meeting SAR requirements
-         during voice calls -->
-    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_voice_call_sar_tx_power_limit">false</bool>
+    <!-- Boolean indicating whether framework needs to set the tx power limit for meeting SAR requirements -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_sar_tx_power_limit">false</bool>
+    <!-- Boolean indicating whether framework needs to use body proximity to set the tx power limit
+         for meeting SAR requirements -->
+    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_body_proximity_sar_tx_power_limit">false</bool>
+    <!-- String for the sensor type for body/head proximity for SAR -->
+    <string translatable="false" name="config_wifi_sar_sensor_type"></string>
+    <!-- Integer indicating event id by sar sensor for free space -->
+    <integer translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_free_space_event_id">1</integer>
+    <!-- Integer indicating event id by sar sensor for near hand -->
+    <integer translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_hand_event_id">2</integer>
+    <!-- Integer indicating event id by sar sensor for near head -->
+    <integer translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_head_event_id">3</integer>
+    <!-- Integer indicating event id by sar sensor for near body -->
+    <integer translatable="false" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_body_event_id">4</integer>
     <!-- Wifi driver supports batched scan -->
     <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported">false</bool>
@@ -2085,6 +2111,10 @@
          states. -->
     <bool name="config_dozeAlwaysOnDisplayAvailable">false</bool>
+    <!-- Control whether the always on display mode is enabled by default. This value will be used
+         during initialization when the setting is still null. -->
+    <bool name="config_dozeAlwaysOnEnabled">true</bool>
     <!-- Whether the display blanks itself when transitioning from a doze to a non-doze state -->
     <bool name="config_displayBlanksAfterDoze">false</bool>
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml b/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
index f80abc1..da78fa2 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
@@ -336,7 +336,13 @@
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_framework_use_single_radio_chain_scan_results_network_selection" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_only_link_same_credential_configurations" />
-  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_voice_call_sar_tx_power_limit" />
+  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_sar_tx_power_limit" />
+  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_framework_enable_body_proximity_sar_tx_power_limit" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="config_wifi_sar_sensor_type" />
+  <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_free_space_event_id" />
+  <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_hand_event_id" />
+  <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_head_event_id" />
+  <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_wifi_framework_sar_near_body_event_id" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_enable_disconnection_debounce" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_revert_country_code_on_cellular_loss" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_enable_wifi_firmware_debugging" />
@@ -1822,6 +1828,7 @@
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_bluetooth_regexs" />
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_dhcp_range" />
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_upstream_types" />
+  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_tether_upstream_automatic" />
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_apndata" />
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_usb_regexs" />
   <java-symbol type="array" name="config_tether_wifi_regexs" />
@@ -3231,6 +3238,7 @@
   <java-symbol type="dimen" name="config_inCallNotificationVolume" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="config_inCallNotificationSound" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_dozeAlwaysOnDisplayAvailable" />
+  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_dozeAlwaysOnEnabled" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_displayBlanksAfterDoze" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_displayBrightnessBucketsInDoze" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_storageManagerDaystoRetainDefault" />
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
index fc00f1b..cad0b85 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
@@ -507,6 +507,8 @@
+                 Settings.Secure.ASSIST_GESTURE_SENSITIVITY,
+                 Settings.Secure.ASSIST_GESTURE_SETUP_COMPLETE,
diff --git a/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/ b/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
index 54358e3..e397ed9 100644
--- a/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
+++ b/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
+import dalvik.annotation.optimization.FastNative;
 import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
 import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
@@ -64,7 +66,6 @@
 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import dalvik.annotation.optimization.FastNative;
  * This class animates properties of a {@link} with
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@
  * </p>
  * Below is an example of a VectorDrawable defined in vectordrawable.xml. This VectorDrawable is
  * referred to by its file name (not including file suffix) in the
- * <a href="AVDExample">AnimatedVectorDrawable XML example</a>.
+ * <a href="#AVDExample">AnimatedVectorDrawable XML example</a>.
  * <pre>
  * &lt;vector xmlns:android=&quot;;
  *     android:height=&quot;64dp&quot;
diff --git a/media/java/android/media/ b/media/java/android/media/
index aae1f51..6bf52bd 100644
--- a/media/java/android/media/
+++ b/media/java/android/media/
@@ -323,8 +323,10 @@
         try {
-            if (offset != mCurrentOffset) {
-                seekTo(offset);
+            synchronized(this) {
+                if (offset != mCurrentOffset) {
+                    seekTo(offset);
+                }
             int n =, 0, size);
@@ -366,7 +368,7 @@
-    public long getSize() {
+    public synchronized long getSize() {
         if (mConnection == null) {
             try {
@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@
-    public String getMIMEType() {
+    public synchronized String getMIMEType() {
         if (mConnection == null) {
             try {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
index 41df196..225f7fc 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
     private ArraySet<View> mVisibleInDoze;
     private boolean mPulsing;
+    private boolean mWasPulsing;
     private float mDarkAmount = 0;
     private int mTextColor;
     private float mWidgetPadding;
@@ -224,7 +225,8 @@
         boolean hasHeader = mKeyguardSlice.hasHeader();
         boolean smallClock = hasHeader || mPulsing;
         long duration = KeyguardSliceView.DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION;
-        long delay = smallClock ? 0 : duration / 4;
+        long delay = smallClock || mWasPulsing ? 0 : duration / 4;
+        mWasPulsing = false;
         boolean shouldAnimate = mKeyguardSlice.getLayoutTransition() != null
                 && mKeyguardSlice.getLayoutTransition().isRunning();
@@ -448,6 +450,12 @@
     public void setPulsing(boolean pulsing, boolean animate) {
+        if (mPulsing == pulsing) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (mPulsing) {
+            mWasPulsing = true;
+        }
         mPulsing = pulsing;
         mKeyguardSlice.setPulsing(pulsing, animate);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
index 62cd13b..ef3aa42 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
@@ -1589,6 +1589,10 @@
+    public boolean isKeyguardVisible() {
+        return mKeyguardIsVisible;
+    }
      * Notifies that the visibility state of Keyguard has changed.
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
index 65826b9..194679c 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 import android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener;
 import android.view.ViewGroup;
 import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
+import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
 import android.view.WindowManager;
 import android.widget.FrameLayout;
 import android.widget.ImageView;
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
     private int mRotation;
     private DisplayCutoutView mCutoutTop;
     private DisplayCutoutView mCutoutBottom;
+    private boolean mPendingRotationChange;
     public void start() {
@@ -124,6 +126,22 @@
             public void onDisplayChanged(int displayId) {
+                if (mOverlay != null && mBottomOverlay != null
+                        && mRotation != RotationUtils.getExactRotation(mContext)) {
+                    // We cannot immediately update the orientation. Otherwise
+                    // WindowManager is still deferring layout until it has finished dispatching
+                    // the config changes, which may cause divergence between what we draw
+                    // (new orientation), and where we are placed on the screen (old orientation).
+                    // Instead we wait until either:
+                    // - we are trying to redraw. This because WM resized our window and told us to.
+                    // - the config change has been dispatched, so WM is no longer deferring layout.
+                    mPendingRotationChange = true;
+                    mOverlay.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(
+                            new RestartingPreDrawListener(mOverlay));
+                    mBottomOverlay.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(
+                            new RestartingPreDrawListener(mBottomOverlay));
+                }
@@ -138,12 +156,12 @@
         mOverlay = LayoutInflater.from(mContext)
                 .inflate(R.layout.rounded_corners, null);
         mCutoutTop = new DisplayCutoutView(mContext, true,
-                this::updateWindowVisibilities);
+                this::updateWindowVisibilities, this);
         mBottomOverlay = LayoutInflater.from(mContext)
                 .inflate(R.layout.rounded_corners, null);
         mCutoutBottom = new DisplayCutoutView(mContext, false,
-                this::updateWindowVisibilities);
+                this::updateWindowVisibilities, this);
@@ -201,6 +219,7 @@
     protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
+        mPendingRotationChange = false;
         if (shouldDrawCutout() && mOverlay == null) {
@@ -208,6 +227,9 @@
     protected void updateOrientation() {
+        if (mPendingRotationChange) {
+            return;
+        }
         int newRotation = RotationUtils.getExactRotation(mContext);
         if (newRotation != mRotation) {
             mRotation = newRotation;
@@ -423,15 +445,17 @@
         private final int[] mLocation = new int[2];
         private final boolean mInitialStart;
         private final Runnable mVisibilityChangedListener;
+        private final ScreenDecorations mDecorations;
         private int mColor = Color.BLACK;
         private boolean mStart;
         private int mRotation;
         public DisplayCutoutView(Context context, boolean start,
-                Runnable visibilityChangedListener) {
+                Runnable visibilityChangedListener, ScreenDecorations decorations) {
             mInitialStart = start;
             mVisibilityChangedListener = visibilityChangedListener;
+            mDecorations = decorations;
@@ -494,10 +518,10 @@
         private void update() {
-            mStart = isStart();
-            if (!isAttachedToWindow()) {
+            if (!isAttachedToWindow() || mDecorations.mPendingRotationChange) {
+            mStart = isStart();
@@ -660,4 +684,28 @@
         return rotation == RotationUtils.ROTATION_LANDSCAPE || rotation ==
+    /**
+     * A pre-draw listener, that cancels the draw and restarts the traversal with the updated
+     * window attributes.
+     */
+    private class RestartingPreDrawListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
+        private final View mView;
+        private RestartingPreDrawListener(View view) {
+            mView = view;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean onPreDraw() {
+            mPendingRotationChange = false;
+            mView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
+            // This changes the window attributes - we need to restart the traversal for them to
+            // take effect.
+            updateOrientation();
+            mView.invalidate();
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
index 9a43d9e..3c8a461 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
-import android.os.Trace;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.view.Display;
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@
 public class SysuiColorExtractor extends ColorExtractor implements Dumpable {
     private static final String TAG = "SysuiColorExtractor";
     private boolean mWallpaperVisible;
-    private boolean mMediaBackdropVisible;
+    private boolean mHasBackdrop;
     // Colors to return when the wallpaper isn't visible
     private final GradientColors mWpHiddenColors;
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@
                 return mWpHiddenColors;
         } else {
-            if (mMediaBackdropVisible) {
+            if (mHasBackdrop) {
                 return mWpHiddenColors;
             } else {
                 return super.getColors(which, type);
@@ -181,9 +180,9 @@
-    public void setMediaBackdropVisible(boolean visible) {
-        if (mMediaBackdropVisible != visible) {
-            mMediaBackdropVisible = visible;
+    public void setHasBackdrop(boolean hasBackdrop) {
+        if (mHasBackdrop != hasBackdrop) {
+            mHasBackdrop = hasBackdrop;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/
index 8d8e206..ce9d7e1 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
                 x, -mNavBarHeight / 2,
-                WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL,
+                WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY,
         lp.privateFlags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
index 39485c3..29e0eda 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
@@ -178,11 +178,7 @@
      * @param translationX how to translate the horizontal position
     public void setPanelTranslation(float translationX) {
-        if (isLayoutRtl()) {
-            setTranslationX(translationX + mCutOutInset);
-        } else {
-            setTranslationX(translationX - mCutOutInset);
-        }
+        setTranslationX(translationX);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 409a783..4e7f4f3 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+import android.view.DisplayCutout;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.view.WindowInsets;
@@ -159,8 +160,15 @@
         WindowInsets windowInset = mStackScroller.getRootWindowInsets();
-        return windowInset.getSystemWindowInsetLeft() + mStackScroller.getRight()
-                + windowInset.getSystemWindowInsetRight() - realDisplaySize;
+        DisplayCutout cutout = (windowInset != null) ? windowInset.getDisplayCutout() : null;
+        int sysWinLeft = (windowInset != null) ? windowInset.getStableInsetLeft() : 0;
+        int sysWinRight = (windowInset != null) ? windowInset.getStableInsetRight() : 0;
+        int cutoutLeft = (cutout != null) ? cutout.getSafeInsetLeft() : 0;
+        int cutoutRight = (cutout != null) ? cutout.getSafeInsetRight() : 0;
+        int leftInset = Math.max(sysWinLeft, cutoutLeft);
+        int rightInset = Math.max(sysWinRight, cutoutRight);
+        return leftInset + mStackScroller.getRight() + rightInset - realDisplaySize;
     public void updatePanelTranslation() {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 44d666e..2bfdfeb 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
     private final Rect mTintArea = new Rect();
     private NotificationStackScrollLayout mNotificationScrollLayout;
     private Context mContext;
+    private boolean mFullyDark;
+    private boolean mHasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark;
     public NotificationIconAreaController(Context context, StatusBar statusBar) {
         mStatusBar = statusBar;
@@ -173,13 +175,40 @@
     public void updateNotificationIcons() {
-        updateIconsForLayout(entry -> entry.expandedIcon, mShelfIcons,
-                NotificationShelf.SHOW_AMBIENT_ICONS, false /* hideDismissed */,
-                false /* hideRepliedMessages */);
+        updateShelfIcons();
+        updateHasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark();
+    private void updateHasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark() {
+        boolean hasIconsWhenFullyDark = false;
+        for (int i = 0; i < mNotificationScrollLayout.getChildCount(); i++) {
+            View view = mNotificationScrollLayout.getChildAt(i);
+            if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
+                NotificationData.Entry ent = ((ExpandableNotificationRow) view).getEntry();
+                if (shouldShowNotificationIcon(ent,
+                        NotificationShelf.SHOW_AMBIENT_ICONS /* showAmbient */,
+                        false /* hideDismissed */,
+                        true /* hideReplied */)) {
+                    hasIconsWhenFullyDark = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        mHasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark = hasIconsWhenFullyDark;
+    }
+    public boolean hasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark() {
+        return mHasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark;
+    }
+    private void updateShelfIcons() {
+        updateIconsForLayout(entry -> entry.expandedIcon, mShelfIcons,
+                NotificationShelf.SHOW_AMBIENT_ICONS, false /* hideDismissed */,
+                mFullyDark /* hideRepliedMessages */);
+    }
     public void updateStatusBarIcons() {
         updateIconsForLayout(entry -> entry.icon, mNotificationIcons,
                 false /* showAmbient */, true /* hideDismissed */, true /* hideRepliedMessages */);
@@ -320,6 +349,11 @@
+    public void setFullyDark(boolean fullyDark) {
+        mFullyDark = fullyDark;
+        updateShelfIcons();
+    }
     public void setDark(boolean dark) {
         mNotificationIcons.setDark(dark, false, 0);
         mShelfIcons.setDark(dark, false, 0);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 2f18aad9..95ae2c4 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -2736,13 +2736,14 @@
     public void setPulsing(boolean pulsing) {
         mPulsing = pulsing;
-        final boolean canAnimatePulse =
-                !DozeParameters.getInstance(mContext).getDisplayNeedsBlanking();
-        if (canAnimatePulse) {
+        DozeParameters dozeParameters = DozeParameters.getInstance(mContext);
+        final boolean animatePulse = !dozeParameters.getDisplayNeedsBlanking()
+                && dozeParameters.getAlwaysOn();
+        if (animatePulse) {
             mAnimateNextPositionUpdate = true;
-        mNotificationStackScroller.setPulsing(pulsing, canAnimatePulse);
-        mKeyguardStatusView.setPulsing(pulsing, canAnimatePulse);
+        mNotificationStackScroller.setPulsing(pulsing, animatePulse);
+        mKeyguardStatusView.setPulsing(pulsing, animatePulse);
     public void setAmbientIndicationBottomPadding(int ambientIndicationBottomPadding) {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 5477f88..075883a 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -331,30 +331,25 @@
         // or letterboxing from the right or left sides.
         FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
-        if (mDisplayCutout == null) {
+        if (mDisplayCutout == null || mDisplayCutout.isEmpty()
+                || mLastOrientation != ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT || cornerCutoutMargins == null) {
             lp.leftMargin = 0;
             lp.rightMargin = 0;
-        lp.leftMargin = mDisplayCutout.getSafeInsetLeft();
-        lp.rightMargin = mDisplayCutout.getSafeInsetRight();
+        lp.leftMargin = Math.max(lp.leftMargin, cornerCutoutMargins.first);
+        lp.rightMargin = Math.max(lp.rightMargin, cornerCutoutMargins.second);
-        if (cornerCutoutMargins != null) {
-            lp.leftMargin = Math.max(lp.leftMargin, cornerCutoutMargins.first);
-            lp.rightMargin = Math.max(lp.rightMargin, cornerCutoutMargins.second);
-            // If we're already inset enough (e.g. on the status bar side), we can have 0 margin
-            WindowInsets insets = getRootWindowInsets();
-            int leftInset = insets.getSystemWindowInsetLeft();
-            int rightInset = insets.getSystemWindowInsetRight();
-            if (lp.leftMargin <= leftInset) {
-                lp.leftMargin = 0;
-            }
-            if (lp.rightMargin <= rightInset) {
-                lp.rightMargin = 0;
-            }
+        // If we're already inset enough (e.g. on the status bar side), we can have 0 margin
+        WindowInsets insets = getRootWindowInsets();
+        int leftInset = insets.getSystemWindowInsetLeft();
+        int rightInset = insets.getSystemWindowInsetRight();
+        if (lp.leftMargin <= leftInset) {
+            lp.leftMargin = 0;
+        }
+        if (lp.rightMargin <= rightInset) {
+            lp.rightMargin = 0;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 279ede9..482cffa 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
 import android.os.Trace;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.MathUtils;
-import android.view.Choreographer;
 import android.view.View;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
 import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
 import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
@@ -43,12 +41,11 @@
@@ -482,21 +479,13 @@
         // Make sure we have the right gradients and their opacities will satisfy GAR.
         if (mNeedsDrawableColorUpdate) {
             mNeedsDrawableColorUpdate = false;
-            final GradientColors currentScrimColors;
-            if (mState == ScrimState.KEYGUARD || mState == ScrimState.BOUNCER_SCRIMMED
-                    || mState == ScrimState.BOUNCER) {
-                // Always animate color changes if we're seeing the keyguard
-                mScrimInFront.setColors(mLockColors, true /* animated */);
-                mScrimBehind.setColors(mLockColors, true /* animated */);
-                currentScrimColors = mLockColors;
-            } else {
-                // Only animate scrim color if the scrim view is actually visible
-                boolean animateScrimInFront = mScrimInFront.getViewAlpha() != 0;
-                boolean animateScrimBehind = mScrimBehind.getViewAlpha() != 0;
-                mScrimInFront.setColors(mSystemColors, animateScrimInFront);
-                mScrimBehind.setColors(mSystemColors, animateScrimBehind);
-                currentScrimColors = mSystemColors;
-            }
+            boolean isKeyguard = mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.isKeyguardVisible() && !mKeyguardOccluded;
+            GradientColors currentScrimColors = isKeyguard ? mLockColors : mSystemColors;
+            // Only animate scrim color if the scrim view is actually visible
+            boolean animateScrimInFront = mScrimInFront.getViewAlpha() != 0 && !mBlankScreen;
+            boolean animateScrimBehind = mScrimBehind.getViewAlpha() != 0 && !mBlankScreen;
+            mScrimInFront.setColors(currentScrimColors, animateScrimInFront);
+            mScrimBehind.setColors(currentScrimColors, animateScrimBehind);
             // Calculate minimum scrim opacity for white or black text.
             int textColor = currentScrimColors.supportsDarkText() ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;
@@ -899,6 +888,13 @@
+    public void setHasBackdrop(boolean hasBackdrop) {
+        ScrimState[] states = ScrimState.values();
+        for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
+            states[i].setHasBackdrop(hasBackdrop);
+        }
+    }
     public interface Callback {
         default void onStart() {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 713356b..ec6ada4 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 import android.os.Trace;
 import android.util.MathUtils;
@@ -106,8 +105,7 @@
         public void prepare(ScrimState previousState) {
             final boolean alwaysOnEnabled = mDozeParameters.getAlwaysOn();
             mBlankScreen = mDisplayRequiresBlanking;
-            mCurrentBehindAlpha = mWallpaperSupportsAmbientMode
-                    && !mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.hasLockscreenWallpaper() ? 0f : 1f;
+            mCurrentBehindAlpha = mWallpaperSupportsAmbientMode && !mHasBackdrop ? 0f : 1f;
             mCurrentInFrontAlpha = alwaysOnEnabled ? mAodFrontScrimAlpha : 1f;
             mCurrentInFrontTint = Color.BLACK;
             mCurrentBehindTint = Color.BLACK;
@@ -131,8 +129,7 @@
         public void prepare(ScrimState previousState) {
             mCurrentInFrontAlpha = 0;
             mCurrentInFrontTint = Color.BLACK;
-            mCurrentBehindAlpha = mWallpaperSupportsAmbientMode
-                    && !mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.hasLockscreenWallpaper() ? 0f : 1f;
+            mCurrentBehindAlpha = mWallpaperSupportsAmbientMode && !mHasBackdrop ? 0f : 1f;
             mCurrentBehindTint = Color.BLACK;
             mBlankScreen = mDisplayRequiresBlanking;
@@ -178,8 +175,8 @@
     DozeParameters mDozeParameters;
     boolean mDisplayRequiresBlanking;
     boolean mWallpaperSupportsAmbientMode;
-    KeyguardUpdateMonitor mKeyguardUpdateMonitor;
     int mIndex;
+    boolean mHasBackdrop;
     ScrimState(int index) {
         mIndex = index;
@@ -190,7 +187,6 @@
         mScrimBehind = scrimBehind;
         mDozeParameters = dozeParameters;
         mDisplayRequiresBlanking = dozeParameters.getDisplayNeedsBlanking();
-        mKeyguardUpdateMonitor = KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getInstance(scrimInFront.getContext());
     public void prepare(ScrimState previousState) {
@@ -256,4 +252,8 @@
     public boolean isLowPowerState() {
         return false;
+    public void setHasBackdrop(boolean hasBackdrop) {
+        mHasBackdrop = hasBackdrop;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 7bdeab0a..e02cec3 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -829,6 +829,7 @@
                 .createNotificationIconAreaController(context, this);
+        mStackScroller.setIconAreaController(mNotificationIconAreaController);
                 .addTagListener(CollapsedStatusBarFragment.TAG, (tag, fragment) -> {
@@ -1651,8 +1652,12 @@
                 && mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isOccluded();
         final boolean hasArtwork = artworkDrawable != null;
+        mColorExtractor.setHasBackdrop(hasArtwork);
+        if (mScrimController != null) {
+            mScrimController.setHasBackdrop(hasArtwork);
+        }
-        if ((hasArtwork || DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK) && !mDozing
+        if ((hasArtwork || DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK)
                 && (mState != StatusBarState.SHADE || allowWhenShade)
                 && mFingerprintUnlockController.getMode()
                         != FingerprintUnlockController.MODE_WAKE_AND_UNLOCK_PULSING
@@ -1668,7 +1673,6 @@
-                mColorExtractor.setMediaBackdropVisible(true);
                 metaDataChanged = true;
                 if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
                     Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Fading in album artwork");
@@ -1720,7 +1724,6 @@
                 if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
                     Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Fading out album artwork");
-                mColorExtractor.setMediaBackdropVisible(false);
                 boolean cannotAnimateDoze = mDozing && !ScrimState.AOD.getAnimateChange();
                 if (mFingerprintUnlockController.getMode()
                         == FingerprintUnlockController.MODE_WAKE_AND_UNLOCK_PULSING
@@ -3852,7 +3855,7 @@
      * Switches theme from light to dark and vice-versa.
     protected void updateTheme() {
-        final boolean inflated = mStackScroller != null;
+        final boolean inflated = mStackScroller != null && mStatusBarWindowManager != null;
         // The system wallpaper defines if QS should be light or dark.
         WallpaperColors systemColors = mColorExtractor
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 5001d4f..b49ad46 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
                 || mStatusBar.isFullScreenUserSwitcherState()) {
         } else if (mShowing && !mDozing) {
-            if (!isWakeAndUnlocking()) {
+            if (!isWakeAndUnlocking() && !mStatusBar.isInLaunchTransition()) {
             if (expansion != KeyguardBouncer.EXPANSION_HIDDEN && tracking
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 0390f60..237ca25 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import android.os.SystemClock;
 import android.util.AttributeSet;
 import android.view.ActionMode;
+import android.view.DisplayCutout;
 import android.view.InputDevice;
 import android.view.InputQueue;
 import android.view.KeyEvent;
@@ -118,10 +119,21 @@
             boolean paddingChanged = != getPaddingTop()
                     || insets.bottom != getPaddingBottom();
+            int rightCutout = 0;
+            int leftCutout = 0;
+            DisplayCutout displayCutout = getRootWindowInsets().getDisplayCutout();
+            if (displayCutout != null) {
+                leftCutout = displayCutout.getSafeInsetLeft();
+                rightCutout = displayCutout.getSafeInsetRight();
+            }
+            int targetLeft = Math.max(insets.left, leftCutout);
+            int targetRight = Math.max(insets.right, rightCutout);
             // Super-special right inset handling, because scrims and backdrop need to ignore it.
-            if (insets.right != mRightInset || insets.left != mLeftInset) {
-                mRightInset = insets.right;
-                mLeftInset = insets.left;
+            if (targetRight != mRightInset || targetLeft != mLeftInset) {
+                mRightInset = targetRight;
+                mLeftInset = targetLeft;
             // Drop top inset, and pass through bottom inset.
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index 2031b27..59b376f 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -113,10 +113,6 @@
     public void addCallback(Callback callback) {
-        if (callback == null) {
-            Slog.e(TAG, "Attempted to add a null callback.");
-            return;
-        }
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
index c26568e..e80f483 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@
                 // to look nice
                 customDelay = StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DELAY_HEADS_UP_CLICKED
                         + StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DELAY_HEADS_UP;
+            } else if (ev.animationType == NotificationStackScrollLayout.AnimationEvent
+                    .ANIMATION_TYPE_PULSE_APPEAR || ev.animationType ==
+                    NotificationStackScrollLayout.AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_PULSE_DISAPPEAR) {
+                customDelay = StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_PULSE_APPEAR / 2;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
index 9c26c69..01ee7f1 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
@@ -140,7 +141,6 @@
     private boolean mSwipingInProgress;
     private int mCurrentStackHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
     private final Paint mBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
-    private final Path mBackgroundPath = new Path();
     private final boolean mShouldDrawNotificationBackground;
     private float mExpandedHeight;
@@ -376,6 +376,11 @@
     private View mForcedScroll;
     private View mNeedingPulseAnimation;
     private float mDarkAmount = 0f;
+    /**
+     * How fast the background scales in the X direction as a factor of the Y expansion.
+     */
+    private float mBackgroundXFactor = 1f;
     private static final Property<NotificationStackScrollLayout, Float> DARK_AMOUNT =
             new FloatProperty<NotificationStackScrollLayout>("darkAmount") {
@@ -416,6 +421,7 @@
     private ArrayList<BiConsumer<Float, Float>> mExpandedHeightListeners = new ArrayList<>();
     private int mHeadsUpInset;
     private HeadsUpAppearanceController mHeadsUpAppearanceController;
+    private NotificationIconAreaController mIconAreaController;
     public NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context) {
         this(context, null);
@@ -532,10 +538,16 @@
         final int lockScreenRight = getWidth() - mSidePaddings;
         final int lockScreenTop =;
         final int lockScreenBottom = mCurrentBounds.bottom;
-        final int darkLeft = getWidth() / 2 - mSeparatorWidth / 2;
-        final int darkRight = darkLeft + mSeparatorWidth;
-        final int darkTop = (int) (mRegularTopPadding + mSeparatorThickness / 2f);
-        final int darkBottom = darkTop + mSeparatorThickness;
+        int separatorWidth = 0;
+        int separatorThickness = 0;
+        if (mIconAreaController.hasShelfIconsWhenFullyDark()) {
+            separatorThickness = mSeparatorThickness;
+            separatorWidth = mSeparatorWidth;
+        }
+        final int darkLeft = getWidth() / 2 - separatorWidth / 2;
+        final int darkRight = darkLeft + separatorWidth;
+        final int darkTop = (int) (mRegularTopPadding + separatorThickness / 2f);
+        final int darkBottom = darkTop + separatorThickness;
         if (mAmbientState.hasPulsingNotifications()) {
             // No divider, we have a notification icon instead
@@ -548,7 +560,7 @@
             float inverseDark = 1 - mDarkAmount;
             float yProgress = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN.getInterpolation(inverseDark);
             float xProgress = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN
-                    .getInterpolation(inverseDark * 2f);
+                    .getInterpolation(inverseDark * mBackgroundXFactor);
                     (int) MathUtils.lerp(darkLeft, lockScreenLeft, xProgress),
@@ -2041,11 +2053,9 @@
     private int getScrollRange() {
-        int contentHeight = getContentHeight();
-        int scrollRange = Math.max(0, contentHeight - mMaxLayoutHeight);
+        int scrollRange = Math.max(0, mContentHeight - mMaxLayoutHeight);
         int imeInset = getImeInset();
-        scrollRange += Math.min(imeInset, Math.max(0,
-                getContentHeight() - (getHeight() - imeInset)));
+        scrollRange += Math.min(imeInset, Math.max(0, mContentHeight - (getHeight() - imeInset)));
         return scrollRange;
@@ -2146,10 +2156,6 @@
         return count;
-    public int getContentHeight() {
-        return mContentHeight;
-    }
     private void updateContentHeight() {
         int height = 0;
         float previousPaddingRequest = mPaddingBetweenElements;
@@ -2213,7 +2219,11 @@
         mIntrinsicContentHeight = height;
-        mContentHeight = height + mTopPadding + mBottomMargin;
+        // We don't want to use the toppadding since that might be interpolated and we want
+        // to take the final value of the animation.
+        int topPadding = mAmbientState.isFullyDark() ? mDarkTopPadding : mRegularTopPadding;
+        mContentHeight = height + topPadding + mBottomMargin;
@@ -4011,12 +4021,16 @@
         mDarkAmount = darkAmount;
         boolean wasFullyDark = mAmbientState.isFullyDark();
-        if (mAmbientState.isFullyDark() != wasFullyDark) {
+        boolean nowFullyDark = mAmbientState.isFullyDark();
+        if (nowFullyDark != wasFullyDark) {
             DozeParameters dozeParameters = DozeParameters.getInstance(mContext);
-            if (mAmbientState.isFullyDark() && dozeParameters.shouldControlScreenOff()) {
+            if (nowFullyDark && dozeParameters.shouldControlScreenOff()) {
+            if (mIconAreaController != null) {
+                mIconAreaController.setFullyDark(nowFullyDark);
+            }
@@ -4028,21 +4042,37 @@
         return mDarkAmount;
+    /**
+     * Cancel any previous dark animations - to avoid race conditions - and creates a new one.
+     * This function also sets {@code mBackgroundXFactor} based on the current {@code mDarkAmount}.
+     */
     private void startDarkAmountAnimation() {
-        ObjectAnimator darkAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, DARK_AMOUNT, mDarkAmount,
-                mAmbientState.isDark() ? 1f : 0);
-        darkAnimator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_WAKEUP);
-        darkAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.ALPHA_IN);
-        darkAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
+        boolean dark = mAmbientState.isDark();
+        if (mDarkAmountAnimator != null) {
+            mDarkAmountAnimator.cancel();
+        }
+        long duration = StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_WAKEUP;
+        // Longer animation when sleeping with more than 1 notification
+        if (dark && getNotGoneChildCount() > 2) {
+            duration *= 1.2f;
+        }
+        mDarkAmountAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, DARK_AMOUNT, mDarkAmount,
+                dark ? 1f : 0);
+        // We only swap the scaling factor if we're fully dark or fully awake to avoid
+        // interpolation issues when playing with the power button.
+        if (mDarkAmount == 0 || mDarkAmount == 1) {
+            mBackgroundXFactor = dark ? 2.5f : 1.5f;
+        }
+        mDarkAmountAnimator.setDuration(duration);
+        mDarkAmountAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.LINEAR);
+        mDarkAmountAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
             public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                 mDarkAmountAnimator = null;
-        if (mDarkAmountAnimator != null) {
-            mDarkAmountAnimator.cancel();
-        }
-        mDarkAmountAnimator = darkAnimator;
@@ -4618,6 +4648,10 @@
         mHeadsUpAppearanceController = headsUpAppearanceController;
+    public void setIconAreaController(NotificationIconAreaController controller) {
+        mIconAreaController = controller;
+    }
      * A listener that is notified when the empty space below the notifications is clicked on
@@ -5031,11 +5065,13 @@
                 new AnimationFilter()
+                        .hasDelays()
                 new AnimationFilter()
+                        .hasDelays()
@@ -5099,10 +5135,10 @@
-                KeyguardSliceView.DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION,
+                StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_PULSE_APPEAR,
-                KeyguardSliceView.DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION / 2,
+                StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_PULSE_APPEAR / 2,
         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD = 0;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
index a75d40f..b83a09d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/stack/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import android.view.ViewGroup;
 import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
                     * HeadsUpAppearInterpolator.getFractionUntilOvershoot());
     public static final int ANIMATION_DURATION_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR = 300;
+    public static final int ANIMATION_DURATION_PULSE_APPEAR =
+            KeyguardSliceView.DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION;
     public static final int ANIMATION_DURATION_BLOCKING_HELPER_FADE = 240;
     public static final int ANIMATION_DELAY_PER_ELEMENT_INTERRUPTING = 80;
     public static final int ANIMATION_DELAY_PER_ELEMENT_MANUAL = 32;
@@ -430,15 +433,26 @@
             } else if (event.animationType == NotificationStackScrollLayout
                     .AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_PULSE_APPEAR) {
                 ExpandableViewState viewState = finalState.getViewStateForView(changingView);
-                mTmpState.copyFrom(viewState);
-                mTmpState.yTranslation += mPulsingAppearingTranslation;
-                mTmpState.alpha = 0;
-                mTmpState.applyToView(changingView);
+                if (viewState != null) {
+                    mTmpState.copyFrom(viewState);
+                    mTmpState.yTranslation += mPulsingAppearingTranslation;
+                    mTmpState.alpha = 0;
+                    mTmpState.applyToView(changingView);
+                }
             } else if (event.animationType == NotificationStackScrollLayout
                     .AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_PULSE_DISAPPEAR) {
                 ExpandableViewState viewState = finalState.getViewStateForView(changingView);
-                viewState.yTranslation += mPulsingAppearingTranslation;
-                viewState.alpha = 0;
+                if (viewState != null) {
+                    viewState.alpha = 0;
+                    // We want to animate the alpha away before the view starts translating,
+                    // otherwise everything will overlap and look xtra ugly.
+                    float originalYTranslation = viewState.yTranslation;
+                    viewState.yTranslation = changingView.getTranslationY();
+                    mAnimationFilter.animateAlpha = true;
+                    mAnimationProperties.duration = ANIMATION_DURATION_PULSE_APPEAR / 2;
+                    viewState.animateTo(changingView, mAnimationProperties);
+                    viewState.yTranslation = originalYTranslation;
+                }
             } else if (event.animationType == NotificationStackScrollLayout
                     .AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_APPEAR) {
                 // This item is added, initialize it's properties.
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/util/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/util/
index eca6127..6812410 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/util/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/util/
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@
      * Allows lambda iteration over a list. It is done in reverse order so it is safe
-     * to add or remove items during the iteration.
+     * to add or remove items during the iteration.  Skips over null items.
     public static <T> void safeForeach(List<T> list, Consumer<T> c) {
         for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-            c.accept(list.get(i));
+            T item = list.get(i);
+            if (item != null) {
+                c.accept(item);
+            }
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
index 8153953..13dc36d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/colorextraction/
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
         SysuiColorExtractor extractor = getTestableExtractor(colors);
-        extractor.setMediaBackdropVisible(true);
+        extractor.setHasBackdrop(true);
         ColorExtractor.GradientColors fallbackColors = extractor.getFallbackColors();
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/doze/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/doze/
index 64507be..bb67d6e 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/doze/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/doze/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.provider.Settings;
@@ -42,14 +42,15 @@
-    public void alwaysOn_onByDefault() throws Exception {
+    public void alwaysOn_followsConfigByDefault() throws Exception {
         if (!mDozeConfig.alwaysOnAvailable()) {
         Settings.Secure.putString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.DOZE_ALWAYS_ON,
-        assertTrue(mDozeConfig.alwaysOnEnabled(UserHandle.USER_CURRENT));
+        boolean defaultValue = mContext.getResources()
+                .getBoolean(;
+        assertEquals(mDozeConfig.alwaysOnEnabled(UserHandle.USER_CURRENT), defaultValue);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index e95702c..89d562a 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
@@ -94,6 +93,7 @@
                     mScrimInFrontColor = scrimInFrontColor;
                 visible -> mScrimVisibility = visible, mDozeParamenters, mAlarmManager);
+        mScrimController.setHasBackdrop(false);
@@ -140,12 +140,7 @@
     public void transitionToAod_withAodWallpaperAndLockScreenWallpaper() {
-        ScrimState.AOD.mKeyguardUpdateMonitor = new KeyguardUpdateMonitor(getContext()) {
-            @Override
-            public boolean hasLockscreenWallpaper() {
-                return true;
-            }
-        };
+        mScrimController.setHasBackdrop(true);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 85135ac..94ab9d2 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -177,6 +177,14 @@
         verify(mBouncer, never()).setExpansion(anyFloat());
+    @Test
+    public void onPanelExpansionChanged_neverTranslatesBouncerWhenLaunchingApp() {
+        when(mStatusBar.isInLaunchTransition()).thenReturn(true);
+        mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.onPanelExpansionChanged(KeyguardBouncer.EXPANSION_VISIBLE,
+                false /* tracking */);
+        verify(mBouncer, never()).setExpansion(anyFloat());
+    }
     private class TestableStatusBarKeyguardViewManager extends StatusBarKeyguardViewManager {
         public TestableStatusBarKeyguardViewManager(Context context,
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index c995c1e..18b695f 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -925,6 +925,10 @@
             public boolean isTetheringSupported() {
                 return ConnectivityService.this.isTetheringSupported();
+            @Override
+            public NetworkRequest getDefaultNetworkRequest() {
+                return mDefaultRequest;
+            }
         return new Tethering(mContext, mNetd, mStatsService, mPolicyManager,
                 IoThread.get().getLooper(), new MockableSystemProperties(),
@@ -942,7 +946,7 @@
     private NetworkRequest createDefaultInternetRequestForTransport(
             int transportType, NetworkRequest.Type type) {
-        NetworkCapabilities netCap = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        final NetworkCapabilities netCap = new NetworkCapabilities();
         if (transportType > -1) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
index 692d606..d8d6392 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
@@ -2207,6 +2207,9 @@
+                // We have to clean up the RemoteCallbackList here, because otherwise it will
+                // needlessly hold the enclosed callbacks until the remote process dies.
+                callbacks.kill();
             } break;
             case UPDATE_TIME_ZONE: {
                 synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
index db5f7ed..13de652 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@
     private static final int MSG_PERSIST_RINGER_MODE = 3;
     private static final int MSG_AUDIO_SERVER_DIED = 4;
     private static final int MSG_PLAY_SOUND_EFFECT = 5;
-    private static final int MSG_BTA2DP_DOCK_TIMEOUT = 6;
     private static final int MSG_LOAD_SOUND_EFFECTS = 7;
     private static final int MSG_SET_FORCE_USE = 8;
     private static final int MSG_BT_HEADSET_CNCT_FAILED = 9;
@@ -268,6 +267,7 @@
     private static final int MSG_A2DP_DEVICE_CONFIG_CHANGE = 103;
     private static final int MSG_DISABLE_AUDIO_FOR_UID = 104;
     private static final int MSG_SET_HEARING_AID_CONNECTION_STATE = 105;
+    private static final int MSG_BTA2DP_DOCK_TIMEOUT = 106;
     // end of messages handled under wakelock
     private static final int BTA2DP_DOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 8000;
@@ -4512,13 +4512,21 @@
         synchronized (mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime) {
             long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + delay;
-            handler.sendMessageAtTime(handler.obtainMessage(msg, arg1, arg2, obj), time);
-            if (msg == MSG_SET_WIRED_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATE ||
-                    msg == MSG_SET_A2DP_SRC_CONNECTION_STATE ||
-                    msg == MSG_SET_A2DP_SINK_CONNECTION_STATE ||
-                    msg == MSG_SET_HEARING_AID_CONNECTION_STATE) {
+            if (msg == MSG_SET_A2DP_SRC_CONNECTION_STATE ||
+                msg == MSG_SET_A2DP_SINK_CONNECTION_STATE ||
+                msg == MSG_SET_HEARING_AID_CONNECTION_STATE ||
+                msg == MSG_SET_WIRED_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATE ||
+                msg == MSG_A2DP_DEVICE_CONFIG_CHANGE ||
+                msg == MSG_BTA2DP_DOCK_TIMEOUT) {
+                if (mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime >= time) {
+                  // add a little delay to make sure messages are ordered as expected
+                  time = mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime + 30;
+                }
                 mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime = time;
+            handler.sendMessageAtTime(handler.obtainMessage(msg, arg1, arg2, obj), time);
@@ -4680,6 +4688,13 @@
             } else {
                 delay = 0;
+            if (DEBUG_DEVICES) {
+                Log.d(TAG, "setBluetoothA2dpDeviceConnectionStateInt device: " + device
+                      + " state: " + state + " delay(ms): " + delay
+                      + " suppressNoisyIntent: " + suppressNoisyIntent);
+            }
                     (profile == BluetoothProfile.A2DP ?
@@ -5588,6 +5603,7 @@
                     synchronized (mConnectedDevices) {
                         makeA2dpDeviceUnavailableNow( (String) msg.obj );
+                    mAudioEventWakeLock.release();
                 case MSG_SET_FORCE_USE:
@@ -5818,6 +5834,9 @@
     // must be called synchronized on mConnectedDevices
     private void makeA2dpDeviceUnavailableNow(String address) {
+        if (address == null) {
+            return;
+        }
         synchronized (mA2dpAvrcpLock) {
             mAvrcpAbsVolSupported = false;
@@ -5827,6 +5846,9 @@
                 makeDeviceListKey(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP, address));
         // Remove A2DP routes as well
+        if (mDockAddress == address) {
+            mDockAddress = null;
+        }
     // must be called synchronized on mConnectedDevices
@@ -5838,9 +5860,12 @@
                 makeDeviceListKey(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP, address));
         // send the delayed message to make the device unavailable later
-        Message msg = mAudioHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_BTA2DP_DOCK_TIMEOUT, address);
-        mAudioHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMs);
+        queueMsgUnderWakeLock(mAudioHandler,
+            0,
+            0,
+            address,
+            delayMs);
     // must be called synchronized on mConnectedDevices
@@ -5912,7 +5937,8 @@
     private void onSetA2dpSinkConnectionState(BluetoothDevice btDevice, int state, int a2dpVolume)
         if (DEBUG_DEVICES) {
-            Log.d(TAG, "onSetA2dpSinkConnectionState btDevice=" + btDevice+"state=" + state);
+            Log.d(TAG, "onSetA2dpSinkConnectionState btDevice= " + btDevice+" state= " + state
+                + " is dock: "+btDevice.isBluetoothDock());
         if (btDevice == null) {
@@ -5949,7 +5975,7 @@
                 } else {
                     // this could be a connection of another A2DP device before the timeout of
                     // a dock: cancel the dock timeout, and make the dock unavailable now
-                    if(hasScheduledA2dpDockTimeout()) {
+                    if (hasScheduledA2dpDockTimeout() && mDockAddress != null) {
@@ -6168,17 +6194,6 @@
-        if (mAudioHandler.hasMessages(MSG_SET_A2DP_SRC_CONNECTION_STATE) ||
-                mAudioHandler.hasMessages(MSG_SET_A2DP_SINK_CONNECTION_STATE) ||
-                mAudioHandler.hasMessages(MSG_SET_HEARING_AID_CONNECTION_STATE) ||
-                mAudioHandler.hasMessages(MSG_SET_WIRED_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATE)) {
-            synchronized (mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime) {
-                long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
-                if (mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime > time) {
-                    delay = (int)(mLastDeviceConnectMsgTime - time) + 30;
-                }
-            }
-        }
         return delay;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index df6a6f8..5105941 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -1350,8 +1350,11 @@
             // do not currently know how to watch for changes in DUN settings.
-            final NetworkState ns = mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.selectPreferredUpstreamType(
-                    mConfig.preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes);
+            final TetheringConfiguration config = mConfig;
+            final NetworkState ns = (config.chooseUpstreamAutomatically)
+                    ? mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.getCurrentPreferredUpstream()
+                    : mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.selectPreferredUpstreamType(
+                            config.preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes);
             if (ns == null) {
                 if (tryCell) {
@@ -1380,9 +1383,7 @@
             if (ns != null && pertainsToCurrentUpstream(ns)) {
-                // If we already have NetworkState for this network examine
-                // it immediately, because there likely will be no second
-                // EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE (it was already received).
+                // If we already have NetworkState for this network update it immediately.
             } else if (mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet == null) {
                 // There are no available upstream networks.
@@ -1498,15 +1499,6 @@
             switch (arg1) {
-                case UpstreamNetworkMonitor.EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE:
-                    // The default network changed, or DUN connected
-                    // before this callback was processed. Updates
-                    // for the current NetworkCapabilities and
-                    // LinkProperties have been requested (default
-                    // request) or are being sent shortly (DUN). Do
-                    // nothing until they arrive; if no updates
-                    // arrive there's nothing to do.
-                    break;
                 case UpstreamNetworkMonitor.EVENT_ON_CAPABILITIES:
@@ -1539,7 +1531,7 @@
-                mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.start();
+                mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.start(mDeps.getDefaultNetworkRequest());
                 // TODO: De-duplicate with updateUpstreamWanted() below.
                 if (upstreamWanted()) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 454c579..dd9fe05 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import android.content.Context;
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@
     public final String[] tetherableBluetoothRegexs;
     public final int dunCheck;
     public final boolean isDunRequired;
+    public final boolean chooseUpstreamAutomatically;
     public final Collection<Integer> preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes;
     public final String[] dhcpRanges;
     public final String[] defaultIPv4DNS;
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@
         dunCheck = checkDunRequired(ctx);
         configLog.log("DUN check returned: " + dunCheckString(dunCheck));
+        chooseUpstreamAutomatically = getResourceBoolean(ctx, config_tether_upstream_automatic);
         preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes = getUpstreamIfaceTypes(ctx, dunCheck);
         isDunRequired = preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes.contains(TYPE_MOBILE_DUN);
@@ -142,6 +145,8 @@
         pw.print("isDunRequired: ");
+        pw.print("chooseUpstreamAutomatically: ");
+        pw.println(chooseUpstreamAutomatically);
         dumpStringArray(pw, "preferredUpstreamIfaceTypes",
@@ -160,6 +165,7 @@
         sj.add(String.format("isDunRequired:%s", isDunRequired));
+        sj.add(String.format("chooseUpstreamAutomatically:%s", chooseUpstreamAutomatically));
         sj.add(String.format("provisioningApp:%s", makeString(provisioningApp)));
@@ -286,6 +292,14 @@
+    private static boolean getResourceBoolean(Context ctx, int resId) {
+        try {
+            return ctx.getResources().getBoolean(resId);
+        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e404) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
     private static String[] getResourceStringArray(Context ctx, int resId) {
         try {
             final String[] strArray = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(resId);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 0ac7a36..605ee9c 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import android.content.Context;
@@ -64,4 +65,8 @@
     public boolean isTetheringSupported() {
         return true;
+    public NetworkRequest getDefaultNetworkRequest() {
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 3413291..f488be7 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Handler;
@@ -74,14 +77,13 @@
     private static final boolean DBG = false;
     private static final boolean VDBG = false;
-    public static final int EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE      = 1;
-    public static final int EVENT_ON_CAPABILITIES   = 2;
-    public static final int EVENT_ON_LINKPROPERTIES = 3;
-    public static final int EVENT_ON_LOST           = 4;
+    public static final int EVENT_ON_CAPABILITIES   = 1;
+    public static final int EVENT_ON_LINKPROPERTIES = 2;
+    public static final int EVENT_ON_LOST           = 3;
     public static final int NOTIFY_LOCAL_PREFIXES   = 10;
     private static final int CALLBACK_LISTEN_ALL = 1;
-    private static final int CALLBACK_TRACK_DEFAULT = 2;
+    private static final int CALLBACK_DEFAULT_INTERNET = 2;
     private static final int CALLBACK_MOBILE_REQUEST = 3;
     private final Context mContext;
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@
         mCM = cm;
-    public void start() {
+    public void start(NetworkRequest defaultNetworkRequest) {
         final NetworkRequest listenAllRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
@@ -125,8 +127,16 @@
         mListenAllCallback = new UpstreamNetworkCallback(CALLBACK_LISTEN_ALL);
         cm().registerNetworkCallback(listenAllRequest, mListenAllCallback, mHandler);
-        mDefaultNetworkCallback = new UpstreamNetworkCallback(CALLBACK_TRACK_DEFAULT);
-        cm().registerDefaultNetworkCallback(mDefaultNetworkCallback, mHandler);
+        if (defaultNetworkRequest != null) {
+            // This is not really a "request", just a way of tracking the system default network.
+            // It's guaranteed not to actually bring up any networks because it's the same request
+            // as the ConnectivityService default request, and thus shares fate with it. We can't
+            // use registerDefaultNetworkCallback because it will not track the system default
+            // network if there is a VPN that applies to our UID.
+            final NetworkRequest trackDefaultRequest = new NetworkRequest(defaultNetworkRequest);
+            mDefaultNetworkCallback = new UpstreamNetworkCallback(CALLBACK_DEFAULT_INTERNET);
+            cm().requestNetwork(trackDefaultRequest, mDefaultNetworkCallback, mHandler);
+        }
     public void stop() {
@@ -225,6 +235,20 @@
         return typeStatePair.ns;
+    // Returns null if no current upstream available.
+    public NetworkState getCurrentPreferredUpstream() {
+        final NetworkState dfltState = (mDefaultInternetNetwork != null)
+                ? mNetworkMap.get(mDefaultInternetNetwork)
+                : null;
+        if (!mDunRequired) return dfltState;
+        if (isNetworkUsableAndNotCellular(dfltState)) return dfltState;
+        // Find a DUN network. Note that code in Tethering causes a DUN request
+        // to be filed, but this might be moved into this class in future.
+        return findFirstDunNetwork(mNetworkMap.values());
+    }
     public void setCurrentUpstream(Network upstream) {
         mTetheringUpstreamNetwork = upstream;
@@ -233,72 +257,16 @@
         return (Set<IpPrefix>) mLocalPrefixes.clone();
-    private void handleAvailable(int callbackType, Network network) {
-        if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE for " + network);
+    private void handleAvailable(Network network) {
+        if (mNetworkMap.containsKey(network)) return;
-        if (!mNetworkMap.containsKey(network)) {
-            mNetworkMap.put(network,
-                    new NetworkState(null, null, null, network, null, null));
-        }
-        // Always request whatever extra information we can, in case this
-        // was already up when start() was called, in which case we would
-        // not have been notified of any information that had not changed.
-        switch (callbackType) {
-            case CALLBACK_LISTEN_ALL:
-                break;
-            case CALLBACK_TRACK_DEFAULT:
-                if (mDefaultNetworkCallback == null) {
-                    // The callback was unregistered in the interval between
-                    // ConnectivityService enqueueing onAvailable() and our
-                    // handling of it here on the mHandler thread.
-                    //
-                    // Clean-up of this network entry is deferred to the
-                    // handling of onLost() by other callbacks.
-                    //
-                    // These request*() calls can be deleted post oag/339444.
-                    return;
-                }
-                mDefaultInternetNetwork = network;
-                break;
-            case CALLBACK_MOBILE_REQUEST:
-                if (mMobileNetworkCallback == null) {
-                    // The callback was unregistered in the interval between
-                    // ConnectivityService enqueueing onAvailable() and our
-                    // handling of it here on the mHandler thread.
-                    //
-                    // Clean-up of this network entry is deferred to the
-                    // handling of onLost() by other callbacks.
-                    return;
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-        // Requesting updates for mListenAllCallback is not currently possible
-        // because it's a "listen". Two possible solutions to getting updates
-        // about networks without waiting for a change (which might never come)
-        // are:
-        //
-        //     [1] extend request{NetworkCapabilities,LinkProperties}() to
-        //         take a Network argument and have ConnectivityService do
-        //         what's required (if the network satisfies the request)
-        //
-        //     [2] explicitly file a NetworkRequest for each connectivity type
-        //         listed as a preferred upstream and wait for these callbacks
-        //         to be notified (requires tracking many more callbacks).
-        //
-        // Until this is addressed, networks that exist prior to the "listen"
-        // registration and which do not subsequently change will not cause
-        // us to learn their NetworkCapabilities nor their LinkProperties.
-        // TODO: If sufficient information is available to select a more
-        // preferable upstream, do so now and notify the target.
-        notifyTarget(EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE, network);
+        if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "onAvailable for " + network);
+        mNetworkMap.put(network, new NetworkState(null, null, null, network, null, null));
-    private void handleNetCap(Network network, NetworkCapabilities newNc) {
+    private void handleNetCap(int callbackType, Network network, NetworkCapabilities newNc) {
+        if (callbackType == CALLBACK_DEFAULT_INTERNET) mDefaultInternetNetwork = network;
         final NetworkState prev = mNetworkMap.get(network);
         if (prev == null || newNc.equals(prev.networkCapabilities)) {
             // Ignore notifications about networks for which we have not yet
@@ -360,13 +328,17 @@
     private void handleLost(int callbackType, Network network) {
-        if (callbackType == CALLBACK_TRACK_DEFAULT) {
+        if (network.equals(mDefaultInternetNetwork)) {
             mDefaultInternetNetwork = null;
-            // Receiving onLost() for a default network does not necessarily
-            // mean the network is gone.  We wait for a separate notification
-            // on either the LISTEN_ALL or MOBILE_REQUEST callbacks before
-            // clearing all state.
-            return;
+            // There are few TODOs within ConnectivityService's rematching code
+            // pertaining to spurious onLost() notifications.
+            //
+            // TODO: simplify this, probably if favor of code that:
+            //     - selects a new upstream if mTetheringUpstreamNetwork has
+            //       been lost (by any callback)
+            //     - deletes the entry from the map only when the LISTEN_ALL
+            //       callback gets  notified.
+            if (callbackType == CALLBACK_DEFAULT_INTERNET) return;
         if (!mNetworkMap.containsKey(network)) {
@@ -416,17 +388,19 @@
         public void onAvailable(Network network) {
-            handleAvailable(mCallbackType, network);
+            handleAvailable(network);
         public void onCapabilitiesChanged(Network network, NetworkCapabilities newNc) {
-            handleNetCap(network, newNc);
+            handleNetCap(mCallbackType, network, newNc);
         public void onLinkPropertiesChanged(Network network, LinkProperties newLp) {
             handleLinkProp(network, newLp);
+            // TODO(b/110335330): reduce the number of times this is called by
+            // only recomputing on the LISTEN_ALL callback.
@@ -443,6 +417,8 @@
         public void onLost(Network network) {
             handleLost(mCallbackType, network);
+            // TODO(b/110335330): reduce the number of times this is called by
+            // only recomputing on the LISTEN_ALL callback.
@@ -509,4 +485,31 @@
         if (nc == null || !nc.hasSignalStrength()) return "unknown";
         return Integer.toString(nc.getSignalStrength());
+    private static boolean isCellular(NetworkState ns) {
+        return (ns != null) && isCellular(ns.networkCapabilities);
+    }
+    private static boolean isCellular(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
+        return (nc != null) && nc.hasTransport(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) &&
+               nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_VPN);
+    }
+    private static boolean hasCapability(NetworkState ns, int netCap) {
+        return (ns != null) && (ns.networkCapabilities != null) &&
+               ns.networkCapabilities.hasCapability(netCap);
+    }
+    private static boolean isNetworkUsableAndNotCellular(NetworkState ns) {
+        return (ns != null) && (ns.networkCapabilities != null) && (ns.linkProperties != null) &&
+               !isCellular(ns.networkCapabilities);
+    }
+    private static NetworkState findFirstDunNetwork(Iterable<NetworkState> netStates) {
+        for (NetworkState ns : netStates) {
+            if (isCellular(ns) && hasCapability(ns, NET_CAPABILITY_DUN)) return ns;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
index 4f53ed4..33525fd 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
  * <p>
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
     // The layer for the electron beam surface.
     // This is currently hardcoded to be one layer above the boot animation.
-    private static final int COLOR_FADE_LAYER = 0x40000001;
+    private static final int COLOR_FADE_LAYER = WindowManagerPolicy.COLOR_FADE_LAYER;
     // The number of frames to draw when preparing the animation so that it will
     // be ready to run smoothly.  We use 3 frames because we are triple-buffered.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
index 8d730b4..0ec1f9c 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     // 1 second, or 1 Hz frequency.
     private static final long LOCATION_UPDATE_MIN_TIME_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000;
     // Default update duration in milliseconds for REQUEST_LOCATION.
-    private static final long LOCATION_UPDATE_DURATION_MILLIS = 0;
+    private static final long LOCATION_UPDATE_DURATION_MILLIS = 10 * 1000;
     /** simpler wrapper for ProviderRequest + Worksource */
     private static class GpsRequest {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
index 0f3f44e..39d0bf5 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
     static final boolean DBG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
     private static final int MAX_LOGTAG_LENGTH = 35;
     final StatusBarNotification sbn;
+    IActivityManager mAm;
     final int mTargetSdkVersion;
     final int mOriginalFlags;
     private final Context mContext;
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
         this.sbn = sbn;
         mTargetSdkVersion = LocalServices.getService(PackageManagerInternal.class)
+        mAm = ActivityManager.getService();
         mOriginalFlags = sbn.getNotification().flags;
         mRankingTimeMs = calculateRankingTimeMs(0L);
         mCreationTimeMs = sbn.getPostTime();
@@ -1036,16 +1038,17 @@
      * Collect all {@link Uri} that should have permission granted to whoever
      * will be rendering it.
-    private void calculateGrantableUris() {
+    protected void calculateGrantableUris() {
         final Notification notification = getNotification();
         notification.visitUris((uri) -> {
-            visitGrantableUri(uri);
+            visitGrantableUri(uri, false);
         if (notification.getChannelId() != null) {
             NotificationChannel channel = getChannel();
             if (channel != null) {
-                visitGrantableUri(channel.getSound());
+                visitGrantableUri(channel.getSound(), (channel.getUserLockedFields()
+                        & NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_SOUND) != 0);
@@ -1058,18 +1061,17 @@
      * {@link #mGrantableUris}. Otherwise, this will either log or throw
      * {@link SecurityException} depending on target SDK of enqueuing app.
-    private void visitGrantableUri(Uri uri) {
+    private void visitGrantableUri(Uri uri, boolean userOverriddenUri) {
         if (uri == null || !ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(uri.getScheme())) return;
         // We can't grant Uri permissions from system
         final int sourceUid = sbn.getUid();
         if (sourceUid == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID) return;
-        final IActivityManager am = ActivityManager.getService();
         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
             // This will throw SecurityException if caller can't grant
-            am.checkGrantUriPermission(sourceUid, null,
+            mAm.checkGrantUriPermission(sourceUid, null,
                     ContentProvider.getUserIdFromUri(uri, UserHandle.getUserId(sourceUid)));
@@ -1081,10 +1083,12 @@
         } catch (RemoteException ignored) {
             // Ignored because we're in same process
         } catch (SecurityException e) {
-            if (mTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
-                throw e;
-            } else {
-                Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring " + uri + " from " + sourceUid + ": " + e.getMessage());
+            if (!userOverriddenUri) {
+                if (mTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
+                    throw e;
+                } else {
+                    Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring " + uri + " from " + sourceUid + ": " + e.getMessage());
+                }
         } finally {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
index a02ee22..e11b642 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@
     /** Need to recompute animations */
     int FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM = 0x0008;
+    /** Layer for the screen off animation */
+    int COLOR_FADE_LAYER = 0x40000001;
      * Register shortcuts for window manager to dispatch.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 08d0ae9..fa6079c 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@
             setAppLayoutChanges(FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM, "checkAppWindowsReadyToShow");
             // We can now show all of the drawn windows!
-            if (!mService.mOpeningApps.contains(this)) {
+            if (!mService.mOpeningApps.contains(this) && canShowWindows()) {
@@ -2270,4 +2271,21 @@
     boolean isClosingOrEnteringPip() {
         return (isAnimating() && hiddenRequested) || mWillCloseOrEnterPip;
+    /**
+     * @return Whether we are allowed to show non-starting windows at the moment. We disallow
+     *         showing windows during transitions in case we have windows that have wide-color-gamut
+     *         color mode set to avoid jank in the middle of the transition.
+     */
+    boolean canShowWindows() {
+        return allDrawn && !(isReallyAnimating() && hasNonDefaultColorWindow());
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return true if we have a window that has a non-default color mode set; false otherwise.
+     */
+    private boolean hasNonDefaultColorWindow() {
+        return forAllWindows(ws -> ws.mAttrs.getColorMode() != COLOR_MODE_DEFAULT,
+                true /* topToBottom */);
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index b0e6208..47dbccb 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
         WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = w.mWinAnimator;
         final AppWindowToken atoken = w.mAppToken;
         if (winAnimator.mDrawState == READY_TO_SHOW) {
-            if (atoken == null || atoken.allDrawn) {
+            if (atoken == null || atoken.canShowWindows()) {
                 if (w.performShowLocked()) {
                     pendingLayoutChanges |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM;
                     if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) {
@@ -1106,11 +1106,12 @@
+        forAllWindows(w -> {
+            w.forceSeamlesslyRotateIfAllowed(oldRotation, rotation);
+        }, true /* traverseTopToBottom */);
         if (rotateSeamlessly) {
-            forAllWindows(w -> {
-                    w.mWinAnimator.seamlesslyRotateWindow(getPendingTransaction(),
-                            oldRotation, rotation);
-            }, true /* traverseTopToBottom */);
+            seamlesslyRotate(getPendingTransaction(), oldRotation, rotation);
@@ -3538,7 +3539,14 @@
                 // docked or freeform stack is visible...except for the home stack/task if the
                 // docked stack is minimized and it actually set something.
                 if (mHomeStack != null && mHomeStack.isVisible()
-                        && mDividerControllerLocked.isMinimizedDock()) {
+                        && mDividerControllerLocked.isMinimizedDock()
+                        // TODO(b/110159357): Work around to unblock the release for failing test
+                        // ActivityManagerAppConfigurationTests#testSplitscreenPortraitAppOrientationRequests
+                        // which shouldn't be failing since home stack shouldn't be visible. We need
+                        // to dig deeper to see why it is failing. NOTE: Not failing on current
+                        // master...
+                        && !(mDividerControllerLocked.isHomeStackResizable()
+                            && mHomeStack.matchParentBounds())) {
                     final int orientation = mHomeStack.getOrientation();
                     if (orientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET) {
                         return orientation;
@@ -3694,6 +3702,19 @@
+        SurfaceControl.Builder makeChildSurface(WindowContainer child) {
+            final SurfaceControl.Builder builder = super.makeChildSurface(child);
+            if (child instanceof WindowToken && ((WindowToken) child).mRoundedCornerOverlay) {
+                // To draw above the ColorFade layer during the screen off transition, the
+                // rounded corner overlays need to be at the root of the surface hierarchy.
+                // TODO: move the ColorLayer into the display overlay layer such that this is not
+                // necessary anymore.
+                builder.setParent(null);
+            }
+            return builder;
+        }
+        @Override
         void assignChildLayers(SurfaceControl.Transaction t) {
             assignChildLayers(t, null /* imeContainer */);
@@ -3709,6 +3730,10 @@
                     wt.assignRelativeLayer(t, mTaskStackContainers.getSplitScreenDividerAnchor(), 1);
+                if (wt.mRoundedCornerOverlay) {
+                    wt.assignLayer(t, WindowManagerPolicy.COLOR_FADE_LAYER + 1);
+                    continue;
+                }
                 wt.assignLayer(t, j);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3218e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270;
+import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90;
+import android.view.DisplayInfo;
+ * Helper class for forced seamless rotation.
+ *
+ * Works by transforming the window token back into the old display rotation.
+ *
+ * Uses deferTransactionUntil instead of latching on the buffer size to allow for seamless 180
+ * degree rotations.
+ */
+public class ForcedSeamlessRotator {
+    private final Matrix mTransform = new Matrix();
+    private final float[] mFloat9 = new float[9];
+    public ForcedSeamlessRotator(int oldRotation, int newRotation, DisplayInfo info) {
+        final boolean flipped = info.rotation == ROTATION_90 || info.rotation == ROTATION_270;
+        final int h = flipped ? info.logicalWidth : info.logicalHeight;
+        final int w = flipped ? info.logicalHeight : info.logicalWidth;
+        final Matrix tmp = new Matrix();
+        CoordinateTransforms.transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(oldRotation, w, h, mTransform);
+        CoordinateTransforms.transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(newRotation, w, h, tmp);
+        mTransform.postConcat(tmp);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Applies a transform to the window token's surface that undoes the effect of the global
+     * display rotation.
+     */
+    public void unrotate(WindowToken token) {
+        token.getPendingTransaction().setMatrix(token.getSurfaceControl(), mTransform, mFloat9);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the transform to the window token's surface that undoes the effect of the global
+     * display rotation.
+     *
+     * Removing the transform and the result of the WindowState's layout are both tied to the
+     * WindowState's next frame, such that they apply at the same time the client draws the
+     * window in the new orientation.
+     */
+    public void finish(WindowToken token, WindowState win) {
+        mTransform.reset();
+        token.getPendingTransaction().setMatrix(token.mSurfaceControl, mTransform, mFloat9);
+        token.getPendingTransaction().deferTransactionUntil(token.mSurfaceControl,
+                win.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController.mSurfaceControl.getHandle(),
+                win.getFrameNumber());
+        win.getPendingTransaction().deferTransactionUntil(win.mSurfaceControl,
+                win.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController.mSurfaceControl.getHandle(),
+                win.getFrameNumber());
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 19c5a3d..8fe7063 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -736,6 +736,20 @@
+     * Seamlessly rotates the container, by recomputing the location in the new
+     * rotation, and rotating buffers until they are updated for the new rotation.
+     *
+     * @param t the transaction to perform the seamless rotation in
+     * @param oldRotation the rotation we are rotating from
+     * @param newRotation the rotation we are rotating to
+     */
+    void seamlesslyRotate(Transaction t, int oldRotation, int newRotation) {
+        for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+            mChildren.get(i).seamlesslyRotate(t, oldRotation, newRotation);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns true if this container is opaque and fills all the space made available by its parent
      * container.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 7a2c28b..ef74586 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -1883,6 +1883,12 @@
+            if (win.mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate != null && !mWaitingForConfig) {
+                win.mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate.finish(win.mToken, win);
+                win.mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate = null;
+            }
             int attrChanges = 0;
             int flagChanges = 0;
             if (attrs != null) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index bee70a0..a7f432d 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import android.annotation.CallSuper;
@@ -278,6 +280,13 @@
     private boolean mDragResizing;
     private boolean mDragResizingChangeReported = true;
     private int mResizeMode;
+    /**
+     * Special mode that is intended only for the rounded corner overlay: during rotation
+     * transition, we un-rotate the window token such that the window appears as it did before the
+     * rotation.
+     */
+    final boolean mForceSeamlesslyRotate;
+    ForcedSeamlessRotator mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate;
     private RemoteCallbackList<IWindowFocusObserver> mFocusCallbacks;
@@ -667,6 +676,14 @@
     private static final float DEFAULT_DIM_AMOUNT_DEAD_WINDOW = 0.5f;
+    void forceSeamlesslyRotateIfAllowed(int oldRotation, int rotation) {
+        if (mForceSeamlesslyRotate) {
+            mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate = new ForcedSeamlessRotator(
+                    oldRotation, rotation, getDisplayInfo());
+            mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate.unrotate(this.mToken);
+        }
+    }
     interface PowerManagerWrapper {
         void wakeUp(long time, String reason);
@@ -713,6 +730,7 @@
         mSeq = seq;
         mEnforceSizeCompat = (mAttrs.privateFlags & PRIVATE_FLAG_COMPATIBLE_WINDOW) != 0;
         mPowerManagerWrapper = powerManagerWrapper;
+        mForceSeamlesslyRotate = token.mRoundedCornerOverlay;
         if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
             TAG, "Window " + this + " client=" + c.asBinder()
             + " token=" + token + " (" + mAttrs.token + ")" + " params=" + a);
@@ -1811,7 +1829,8 @@
                 && (mAttrs.privateFlags & PRIVATE_FLAG_NO_MOVE_ANIMATION) == 0
                 && !isDragResizing() && !adjustedForMinimizedDockOrIme
                 && getWindowConfiguration().hasMovementAnimations()
-                && !mWinAnimator.mLastHidden) {
+                && !mWinAnimator.mLastHidden
+                && !mSeamlesslyRotated) {
             startMoveAnimation(left, top);
@@ -4697,7 +4716,10 @@
         transformFrameToSurfacePosition(mFrame.left,, mSurfacePosition);
-        if (!mSurfaceAnimator.hasLeash() && !mLastSurfacePosition.equals(mSurfacePosition)) {
+        // Freeze position while we're unrotated, so the surface remains at the position it was
+        // prior to the rotation.
+        if (!mSurfaceAnimator.hasLeash() && mPendingForcedSeamlessRotate == null &&
+                !mLastSurfacePosition.equals(mSurfacePosition)) {
             t.setPosition(mSurfaceControl, mSurfacePosition.x, mSurfacePosition.y);
             mLastSurfacePosition.set(mSurfacePosition.x, mSurfacePosition.y);
             if (surfaceInsetsChanging() && mWinAnimator.hasSurface()) {
@@ -4850,6 +4872,31 @@
         mFrameNumber = frameNumber;
+    @Override
+    void seamlesslyRotate(Transaction t, int oldRotation, int newRotation) {
+        // Invisible windows, the wallpaper, and force seamlessly rotated windows do not participate
+        // in the regular seamless rotation animation.
+        if (!isVisibleNow() || mIsWallpaper || mForceSeamlesslyRotate) {
+            return;
+        }
+        final Matrix transform = mTmpMatrix;
+        mService.markForSeamlessRotation(this, true);
+        // We rotated the screen, but have not performed a new layout pass yet. In the mean time,
+        // we recompute the coordinates of mFrame in the new orientation, so the surface can be
+        // properly placed.
+        transformToRotation(oldRotation, newRotation, getDisplayInfo(), transform);
+        transformRect(transform, mFrame, null /* tmpRectF */);
+        updateSurfacePosition(t);
+        mWinAnimator.seamlesslyRotate(t, oldRotation, newRotation);
+        // Dispatch to children only after mFrame has been updated, as it's needed in the
+        // child's updateSurfacePosition.
+        super.seamlesslyRotate(t, oldRotation, newRotation);
+    }
     private final class MoveAnimationSpec implements AnimationSpec {
         private final long mDuration;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 3eef125..a05e04d 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
-import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Debug;
 import android.os.Trace;
@@ -366,7 +366,8 @@
         mDrawState = READY_TO_SHOW;
         boolean result = false;
         final AppWindowToken atoken = mWin.mAppToken;
-        if (atoken == null || atoken.allDrawn || mWin.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) {
+        if (atoken == null || atoken.canShowWindows()
+                || mWin.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) {
             result = mWin.performShowLocked();
         return result;
@@ -685,8 +686,11 @@
         final int displayId = mWin.getDisplayId();
         final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =
-        final boolean screenAnimation =
-                screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating();
+        final boolean windowParticipatesInScreenRotationAnimation =
+                !mWin.mForceSeamlesslyRotate;
+        final boolean screenAnimation = screenRotationAnimation != null
+                && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating()
+                && windowParticipatesInScreenRotationAnimation;
         if (screenAnimation) {
             // cache often used attributes locally
@@ -798,6 +802,13 @@
             return false;
+        // During forced seamless rotation, the surface bounds get updated with the crop in the
+        // new rotation, which is not compatible with showing the surface in the old rotation.
+        // To work around that we disable cropping for such windows, as it is not necessary anyways.
+        if (w.mForceSeamlesslyRotate) {
+            return false;
+        }
         // If we're animating, the wallpaper should only
         // be updated at the end of the animation.
         if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) {
@@ -1492,40 +1503,14 @@
-    void seamlesslyRotateWindow(SurfaceControl.Transaction t,
-            int oldRotation, int newRotation) {
+    void seamlesslyRotate(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, int oldRotation, int newRotation) {
         final WindowState w = mWin;
-        if (!w.isVisibleNow() || w.mIsWallpaper) {
-            return;
-        }
-        final Rect cropRect = mService.mTmpRect;
-        final Rect displayRect = mService.mTmpRect2;
-        final RectF frameRect = mService.mTmpRectF;
+        // We rotated the screen, but have not received a new buffer with the correct size yet. In
+        // the mean time, we rotate the buffer we have to the new orientation.
         final Matrix transform = mService.mTmpTransform;
-        final float x = w.mFrame.left;
-        final float y =;
-        final float width = w.mFrame.width();
-        final float height = w.mFrame.height();
-        mService.getDefaultDisplayContentLocked().getBounds(displayRect);
-        final float displayWidth = displayRect.width();
-        final float displayHeight = displayRect.height();
-        // Compute a transform matrix to undo the coordinate space transformation,
-        // and present the window at the same physical position it previously occupied.
-        final int deltaRotation = DisplayContent.deltaRotation(newRotation, oldRotation);
-        DisplayContent.createRotationMatrix(deltaRotation, x, y, displayWidth, displayHeight,
+        transformToRotation(oldRotation, newRotation, w.mFrame.width(), w.mFrame.height(),
-        // We just need to apply a rotation matrix to the window. For example
-        // if we have a portrait window and rotate to landscape, the window is still portrait
-        // and now extends off the bottom of the screen (and only halfway across). Essentially we
-        // apply a transform to display the current buffer at it's old position
-        // (in the new coordinate space). We then freeze layer updates until the resize
-        // occurs, at which point we undo, them.
-        mService.markForSeamlessRotation(w, true);
         float DsDx = mService.mTmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index b97460a..e411c0a 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -270,12 +270,6 @@
         mDisplayContent = dc;
-        // The rounded corner overlay should not be rotated. We ensure that by moving it outside
-        // the windowing layer.
-        if (mRoundedCornerOverlay) {
-            mDisplayContent.reparentToOverlay(mPendingTransaction, mSurfaceControl);
-        }
         // TODO(b/36740756): One day this should perhaps be hooked
         // up with goodToGo, so we don't move a window
         // to another display before the window behind
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/utils/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/utils/
index 09d7b5d..a2f37a5 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/utils/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/utils/
@@ -22,7 +22,11 @@
 import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90;
 import android.annotation.Dimension;
+import android.annotation.Nullable;
+import android.view.DisplayInfo;
 import android.view.Surface.Rotation;
 public class CoordinateTransforms {
@@ -59,4 +63,93 @@
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rotation: " + rotation);
+    /**
+     * Sets a matrix such that given a rotation, it transforms that rotation's logical coordinates
+     * to physical coordinates.
+     *
+     * @param rotation the rotation to which the matrix should transform
+     * @param out      the matrix to be set
+     */
+    public static void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(@Rotation int rotation,
+            @Dimension int physicalWidth, @Dimension int physicalHeight, Matrix out) {
+        switch (rotation) {
+            case ROTATION_0:
+                out.reset();
+                break;
+            case ROTATION_90:
+                out.setRotate(90);
+                out.preTranslate(0, -physicalWidth);
+                break;
+            case ROTATION_180:
+                out.setRotate(180);
+                out.preTranslate(-physicalWidth, -physicalHeight);
+                break;
+            case ROTATION_270:
+                out.setRotate(270);
+                out.preTranslate(-physicalHeight, 0);
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rotation: " + rotation);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a matrix such that given a two rotations, that it transforms coordinates given in the
+     * old rotation to coordinates that refer to the same physical location in the new rotation.
+     *
+     * @param oldRotation the rotation to transform from
+     * @param newRotation the rotation to transform to
+     * @param info the display info
+     * @param out a matrix that will be set to the transform
+     */
+    public static void transformToRotation(@Rotation int oldRotation,
+            @Rotation int newRotation, DisplayInfo info, Matrix out) {
+        final boolean flipped = info.rotation == ROTATION_90 || info.rotation == ROTATION_270;
+        final int h = flipped ? info.logicalWidth : info.logicalHeight;
+        final int w = flipped ? info.logicalHeight : info.logicalWidth;
+        final Matrix tmp = new Matrix();
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(oldRotation, w, h, out);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(newRotation, w, h, tmp);
+        out.postConcat(tmp);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a matrix such that given a two rotations, that it transforms coordinates given in the
+     * old rotation to coordinates that refer to the same physical location in the new rotation.
+     *
+     * @param oldRotation the rotation to transform from
+     * @param newRotation the rotation to transform to
+     * @param newWidth the width of the area to transform, in the new rotation
+     * @param newHeight the height of the area to transform, in the new rotation
+     * @param out a matrix that will be set to the transform
+     */
+    public static void transformToRotation(@Rotation int oldRotation,
+            @Rotation int newRotation, int newWidth, int newHeight, Matrix out) {
+        final boolean flipped = newRotation == ROTATION_90 || newRotation == ROTATION_270;
+        final int h = flipped ? newWidth : newHeight;
+        final int w = flipped ? newHeight : newWidth;
+        final Matrix tmp = new Matrix();
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(oldRotation, w, h, out);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(newRotation, w, h, tmp);
+        out.postConcat(tmp);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms a rect using a transformation matrix
+     *
+     * @param transform the transformation to apply to the rect
+     * @param inOutRect the rect to transform
+     * @param tmp a temporary value, if null the function will allocate its own.
+     */
+    public static void transformRect(Matrix transform, Rect inOutRect, @Nullable RectF tmp) {
+        if (tmp == null) {
+            tmp = new RectF();
+        }
+        tmp.set(inOutRect);
+        transform.mapRect(tmp);
+        inOutRect.set((int) tmp.left, (int), (int) tmp.right, (int) tmp.bottom);
+    }
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
index 85e846d..9f113ad 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
+import android.view.SurfaceControl;
 import android.view.WindowManager;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@@ -29,6 +31,8 @@
 import static;
 import static;
+import static android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration.ROTATION_90;
+import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_0;
 import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW;
 import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM;
 import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE;
@@ -48,8 +52,10 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.reset;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
@@ -349,6 +355,32 @@
         assertThat(app.getDisplayId(), is(mDisplayContent.getDisplayId()));
+    @Test
+    public void testSeamlesslyRotateWindow() {
+        final WindowState app = createWindow(null, TYPE_APPLICATION, "app");
+        final SurfaceControl.Transaction t = mock(SurfaceControl.Transaction.class);
+        app.mHasSurface = true;
+        app.mSurfaceControl = mock(SurfaceControl.class);
+        app.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController = mock(WindowSurfaceController.class);
+        try {
+            app.mFrame.set(10, 20, 60, 80);
+            app.seamlesslyRotate(t, ROTATION_0, ROTATION_90);
+            assertTrue(app.mSeamlesslyRotated);
+            assertEquals(new Rect(20, mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth - 60,
+                    80, mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth - 10), app.mFrame);
+            verify(t).setPosition(app.mSurfaceControl, app.mFrame.left,;
+            verify(app.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController).setPosition(t, 0, 50, false);
+            verify(app.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController).setMatrix(t, 0, -1, 1, 0, false);
+        } finally {
+            app.mSurfaceControl = null;
+            app.mHasSurface = false;
+        }
+    }
     private void testPrepareWindowToDisplayDuringRelayout(boolean wasVisible) {
         final WindowState root = createWindow(null, TYPE_APPLICATION, "root");
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/utils/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/utils/
index 40a10e0..f82b012 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/utils/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/utils/
@@ -21,14 +21,19 @@
 import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270;
 import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90;
+import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import android.view.DisplayInfo;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Rule;
@@ -41,6 +46,7 @@
     private static final int H = 400;
     private final Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix();
+    private final Matrix mMatrix2 = new Matrix();
     public final ErrorCollector mErrorCollector = new ErrorCollector();
@@ -48,39 +54,140 @@
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
         mMatrix.setTranslate(0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef);
+        mMatrix2.setTranslate(0xbeefdead, 0xbeefdead);
-    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot0() throws Exception {
+    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot0() {
         transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_0, W, H, mMatrix);
         assertThat(mMatrix, is(Matrix.IDENTITY_MATRIX));
-    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot90() throws Exception {
+    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot90() {
         transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_90, W, H, mMatrix);
-        checkDevicePoint(0, 0).mapsToLogicalPoint(0, W);
-        checkDevicePoint(W, H).mapsToLogicalPoint(H, 0);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(0, W);
+        checkPoint(W, H).transformsTo(H, 0);
-    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot180() throws Exception {
+    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot180() {
         transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_180, W, H, mMatrix);
-        checkDevicePoint(0, 0).mapsToLogicalPoint(W, H);
-        checkDevicePoint(W, H).mapsToLogicalPoint(0, 0);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(W, H);
+        checkPoint(W, H).transformsTo(0, 0);
-    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot270() throws Exception {
+    public void transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates_rot270() {
         transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_270, W, H, mMatrix);
-        checkDevicePoint(0, 0).mapsToLogicalPoint(H, 0);
-        checkDevicePoint(W, H).mapsToLogicalPoint(0, W);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(H, 0);
+        checkPoint(W, H).transformsTo(0, W);
-    private DevicePointAssertable checkDevicePoint(int x, int y) {
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates_rot0() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_0, W, H, mMatrix);
+        assertThat(mMatrix, is(Matrix.IDENTITY_MATRIX));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates_rot90() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_90, W, H, mMatrix);
+        checkPoint(0, W).transformsTo(0, 0);
+        checkPoint(H, 0).transformsTo(W, H);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates_rot180() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_180, W, H, mMatrix);
+        checkPoint(W, H).transformsTo(0, 0);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(W, H);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates_rot270() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_270, W, H, mMatrix);
+        checkPoint(H, 0).transformsTo(0, 0);
+        checkPoint(0, W).transformsTo(W, H);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinatesIsInverse_rot0() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_0, W, H, mMatrix);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_0, W, H, mMatrix2);
+        assertMatricesAreInverses(mMatrix, mMatrix2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinatesIsInverse_rot90() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_90, W, H, mMatrix);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_90, W, H, mMatrix2);
+        assertMatricesAreInverses(mMatrix, mMatrix2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinatesIsInverse_rot180() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_180, W, H, mMatrix);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_180, W, H, mMatrix2);
+        assertMatricesAreInverses(mMatrix, mMatrix2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinatesIsInverse_rot270() {
+        transformLogicalToPhysicalCoordinates(ROTATION_270, W, H, mMatrix);
+        transformPhysicalToLogicalCoordinates(ROTATION_270, W, H, mMatrix2);
+        assertMatricesAreInverses(mMatrix, mMatrix2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformBetweenRotations_rot180_rot270() {
+        // W,H are flipped, because they need to be given in the new orientation, i.e. ROT_270.
+        transformToRotation(ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270, H, W, mMatrix);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(0, W);
+        checkPoint(W, H).transformsTo(H, 0);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformBetweenRotations_rot90_rot0() {
+        transformToRotation(ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270, W, H, mMatrix);
+        checkPoint(0, 0).transformsTo(0, H);
+        // H,W is bottom right in ROT_90
+        checkPoint(H, W).transformsTo(W, 0);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void transformBetweenRotations_displayInfo() {
+        final DisplayInfo di = new DisplayInfo();
+        di.rotation = ROTATION_90;
+        di.logicalWidth = H;  // dimensions are flipped in ROT_90
+        di.logicalHeight = W;
+        transformToRotation(ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270, di, mMatrix);
+        // W,H are flipped, because they need to be given in the new orientation, i.e. ROT_270.
+        transformToRotation(ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270, H, W, mMatrix2);
+        assertEquals(mMatrix2, mMatrix);
+    }
+    private void assertMatricesAreInverses(Matrix matrix, Matrix matrix2) {
+        final Matrix concat = new Matrix();
+        concat.setConcat(matrix, matrix2);
+        assertTrue("expected identity, but was: " + concat, concat.isIdentity());
+    }
+    private TransformPointAssertable checkPoint(int x, int y) {
         final Point devicePoint = new Point(x, y);
         final float[] fs = new float[] {x, y};
@@ -92,7 +199,7 @@
-    public interface DevicePointAssertable {
-        void mapsToLogicalPoint(int x, int y);
+    public interface TransformPointAssertable {
+        void transformsTo(int x, int y);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/ b/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/
index 345c1d7..eec852b 100644
--- a/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
     protected static final String PKG_N_MR1 = "com.example.n_mr1";
     protected static final String PKG_O = "com.example.o";
+    protected static final String PKG_P = "com.example.p";
     public final TestableContext mContext =
@@ -57,6 +58,8 @@
                             return Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1;
                         case PKG_O:
                             return Build.VERSION_CODES.O;
+                        case PKG_P:
+                            return Build.VERSION_CODES.P;
                             return Build.VERSION_CODES.CUR_DEVELOPMENT;
diff --git a/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/notification/ b/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/notification/
index c1868e7..e286991 100644
--- a/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/notification/
+++ b/services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/notification/
@@ -29,9 +29,17 @@
 import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;
 import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
@@ -44,12 +52,14 @@
 import android.metrics.LogMaker;
 import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.service.notification.Adjustment;
 import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
 import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+import android.util.Slog;
@@ -58,7 +68,6 @@
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 import org.mockito.Mock;
-import org.mockito.Mockito;
 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
 import java.util.Objects;
@@ -67,7 +76,7 @@
 public class NotificationRecordTest extends UiServiceTestCase {
-    private final Context mMockContext = Mockito.mock(Context.class);
+    private final Context mMockContext = mock(Context.class);
     @Mock PackageManager mPm;
     private final String pkg = PKG_N_MR1;
@@ -93,8 +102,6 @@
             new NotificationChannel(NotificationChannel.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ID, "test",
     private android.os.UserHandle mUser = UserHandle.of(ActivityManager.getCurrentUser());
-    final ApplicationInfo legacy = new ApplicationInfo();
-    final ApplicationInfo upgrade = new ApplicationInfo();
     private static final long[] CUSTOM_VIBRATION = new long[] {
             300, 400, 300, 400, 300, 400, 300, 400, 300, 400, 300, 400,
@@ -115,12 +122,12 @@
+        when(mMockContext.getApplicationInfo()).thenReturn(new ApplicationInfo());
-    private StatusBarNotification getNotification(boolean preO, boolean noisy, boolean defaultSound,
+    private StatusBarNotification getNotification(String pkg, boolean noisy, boolean defaultSound,
             boolean buzzy, boolean defaultVibration, boolean lights, boolean defaultLights,
             String group) {
-        when(mMockContext.getApplicationInfo()).thenReturn(preO ? legacy : upgrade);
         final Builder builder = new Builder(mMockContext)
@@ -159,22 +166,14 @@
-        if (!preO) {
-            builder.setChannelId(channelId);
-        }
+        builder.setChannelId(channelId);
         if(group != null) {
         Notification n =;
-        if (preO) {
-            return new StatusBarNotification(pkg, pkg, id1, tag1, uid, uid, n,
-                    mUser, null, uid);
-        } else {
-            return new StatusBarNotification(pkg2, pkg2, id2, tag2, uid2, uid2, n,
-                    mUser, null, uid2);
-        }
+        return new StatusBarNotification(pkg, pkg, id1, tag1, uid, uid, n, mUser, null, uid);
@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@
     public void testSound_default_preUpgradeUsesNotification() throws Exception {
         defaultChannel.setSound(null, null);
         // pre upgrade, default sound.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@
     public void testSound_custom_preUpgradeUsesNotification() throws Exception {
         defaultChannel.setSound(null, null);
         // pre upgrade, custom sound.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -212,7 +211,7 @@
         defaultChannel.setSound(CUSTOM_SOUND, CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES);
         // pre upgrade, default sound.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@
     public void testSound_noSound_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
         // pre upgrade, default sound.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@
     public void testSound_default_upgradeUsesChannel() throws Exception {
         channel.setSound(CUSTOM_SOUND, CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES);
         // post upgrade, default sound.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@
     public void testVibration_default_preUpgradeUsesNotification() throws Exception {
         // pre upgrade, default vibration.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, true /* buzzy */, true /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -262,7 +261,7 @@
     public void testVibration_custom_preUpgradeUsesNotification() throws Exception {
         // pre upgrade, custom vibration.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, true /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -275,7 +274,7 @@
         // pre upgrade, custom vibration.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, true /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -287,7 +286,7 @@
     public void testVibration_custom_upgradeUsesChannel() throws Exception {
         // post upgrade, custom vibration.
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, true /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@
     public void testImportance_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, defaultChannel);
@@ -308,7 +307,7 @@
     public void testImportance_locked_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@
     public void testImportance_locked_unspecified_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -330,7 +329,7 @@
     public void testImportance_upgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@
     public void testLights_preUpgrade_noLight() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, defaultChannel);
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@
     public void testLights_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 true /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, defaultChannel);
@@ -360,7 +359,7 @@
     public void testLights_locked_preUpgrade() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(true /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_N_MR1, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 true /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
@@ -379,7 +378,7 @@
         NotificationRecord.Light expected = new NotificationRecord.Light(
                 defaultLightColor, defaultLightOn, defaultLightOff);
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 true /* lights */, true /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -395,7 +394,7 @@
         NotificationRecord.Light expected = new NotificationRecord.Light(
                 Color.BLUE, defaultLightOn, defaultLightOff);
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 true /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -404,7 +403,7 @@
     public void testLights_upgrade_noLight() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, defaultChannel);
@@ -413,7 +412,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerShortChannel() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -426,7 +425,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerLongChannel() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
         true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
         false /* lights */, false /*defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channelLongId);
@@ -437,7 +436,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerNoGroup() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /*defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -446,7 +445,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerShortGroup() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*reO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -456,7 +455,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerLongGroup() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupIdLong /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -467,7 +466,7 @@
     public void testLogmakerOverrideGroup() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -483,7 +482,7 @@
     public void testNotificationStats() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -526,7 +525,7 @@
     public void testUserSentiment() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -544,7 +543,7 @@
     public void testUserSentiment_appImportanceUpdatesSentiment() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -556,7 +555,7 @@
     public void testUserSentiment_appImportanceBlocksNegativeSentimentUpdate() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -573,7 +572,7 @@
     public void testUserSentiment_userLocked() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -591,7 +590,7 @@
     public void testAppImportance_returnsCorrectly() throws Exception {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, true /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, true /* noisy */,
                 true /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, groupId /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -605,7 +604,7 @@
     public void testIsInterruptive_textChanged_notSeen() {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -618,7 +617,7 @@
     public void testIsInterruptive_textChanged_seen() {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -632,7 +631,7 @@
     public void testIsInterruptive_textNotChanged_seen() {
-        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(false /*preO */, false /* noisy */,
+        StatusBarNotification sbn = getNotification(PKG_O, false /* noisy */,
                 false /* defaultSound */, false /* buzzy */, false /* defaultBuzz */,
                 false /* lights */, false /* defaultLights */, null /* group */);
         NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
@@ -643,4 +642,59 @@
         assertEquals(false, record.isInterruptive());
+    @Test
+    public void testCalculateGrantableUris_PappProvided() throws RemoteException {
+        IActivityManager am = mock(IActivityManager.class);
+        when(am.checkGrantUriPermission(anyInt(), eq(null), any(),
+                anyInt(), anyInt())).thenThrow(new SecurityException());
+        Notification n = mock(Notification.class);
+        when(n.getChannelId()).thenReturn(channel.getId());
+        StatusBarNotification sbn =
+                new StatusBarNotification(PKG_P, PKG_P, id1, tag1, uid, uid, n, mUser, null, uid);
+        NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
+        record.mAm = am;
+        try {
+            record.calculateGrantableUris();
+            fail("App provided uri for p targeting app should throw exception");
+        } catch (SecurityException e) {
+            // expected
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCalculateGrantableUris_PuserOverridden() throws RemoteException {
+        IActivityManager am = mock(IActivityManager.class);
+        when(am.checkGrantUriPermission(anyInt(), eq(null), any(),
+                anyInt(), anyInt())).thenThrow(SecurityException.class);
+        channel.lockFields(NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_SOUND);
+        Notification n = mock(Notification.class);
+        when(n.getChannelId()).thenReturn(channel.getId());
+        StatusBarNotification sbn =
+                new StatusBarNotification(PKG_P, PKG_P, id1, tag1, uid, uid, n, mUser, null, uid);
+        NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
+        record.mAm = am;
+        record.calculateGrantableUris();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCalculateGrantableUris_prePappProvided() throws RemoteException {
+        IActivityManager am = mock(IActivityManager.class);
+        when(am.checkGrantUriPermission(anyInt(), eq(null), any(),
+                anyInt(), anyInt())).thenThrow(SecurityException.class);
+        Notification n = mock(Notification.class);
+        when(n.getChannelId()).thenReturn(channel.getId());
+        StatusBarNotification sbn =
+                new StatusBarNotification(PKG_O, PKG_O, id1, tag1, uid, uid, n, mUser, null, uid);
+        NotificationRecord record = new NotificationRecord(mMockContext, sbn, channel);
+        record.mAm = am;
+        record.calculateGrantableUris();
+        // should not throw
+    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 487490c..446e5a5 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -5436,23 +5436,6 @@
-     * @return true if the IMS resolver is busy resolving a binding and should not be considered
-     * available, false if the IMS resolver is idle.
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public boolean isResolvingImsBinding() {
-        try {
-            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
-            if (telephony != null) {
-                return telephony.isResolvingImsBinding();
-            }
-        } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            Rlog.e(TAG, "isResolvingImsBinding, RemoteException: " + e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
      * Set IMS registration state
      * @param Registration state
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
index 639dd74..60422d1 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
@@ -823,12 +823,6 @@
     IImsConfig getImsConfig(int slotId, int feature);
-     * @return true if the IMS resolver is busy resolving a binding and should not be considered
-     * available, false if the IMS resolver is idle.
-     */
-    boolean isResolvingImsBinding();
-    /**
     *  @return true if the ImsService to bind to for the slot id specified was set, false otherwise.
     boolean setImsService(int slotId, boolean isCarrierImsService, String packageName);
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index f0f3f2c..4d6ea42 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
@@ -128,6 +129,10 @@
     private static final String TEST_USB_IFNAME = "test_rndis0";
     private static final String TEST_WLAN_IFNAME = "test_wlan0";
+    // Actual contents of the request don't matter for this test. The lack of
+    // any specific TRANSPORT_* is sufficient to identify this request.
+    private static final NetworkRequest mDefaultRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder().build();
     @Mock private ApplicationInfo mApplicationInfo;
     @Mock private Context mContext;
     @Mock private INetworkManagementService mNMService;
@@ -238,6 +243,11 @@
             return true;
+        @Override
+        public NetworkRequest getDefaultNetworkRequest() {
+            return mDefaultRequest;
+        }
     private static NetworkState buildMobileUpstreamState(boolean withIPv4, boolean withIPv6,
@@ -305,6 +315,8 @@
                 .thenReturn(new String[0]);
                 .thenReturn(new int[0]);
+        when(mResources.getBoolean(
+                .thenReturn(false);
                 .thenReturn(new String[] {
@@ -458,6 +470,7 @@
     private void prepareUsbTethering(NetworkState upstreamState) {
+        when(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.getCurrentPreferredUpstream()).thenReturn(upstreamState);
@@ -519,7 +532,7 @@
                 TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_LOCAL_ONLY);
         verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_ACTIVE_LOCAL_ONLY);
-        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start();
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start(any(NetworkRequest.class));
         // TODO: Figure out why this isn't exactly once, for sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast().
         assertTrue(1 <= mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
@@ -652,6 +665,24 @@
+    public void configTetherUpstreamAutomaticIgnoresConfigTetherUpstreamTypes() throws Exception {
+        when(mResources.getBoolean(
+                .thenReturn(true);
+        sendConfigurationChanged();
+        // Setup IPv6
+        final NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileIPv6UpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        // UpstreamNetworkMonitor should choose upstream automatically
+        // (in this specific case: choose the default network).
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).getCurrentPreferredUpstream();
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, never()).selectPreferredUpstreamType(any());
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).setCurrentUpstream(;
+    }
+    @Test
     public void workingLocalOnlyHotspotEnrichedApBroadcastWithIfaceChanged() throws Exception {
@@ -714,7 +745,7 @@
                 TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
         verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER);
-        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start();
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start(any(NetworkRequest.class));
         // In tethering mode, in the default configuration, an explicit request
         // for a mobile network is also made.
         verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).registerMobileNetworkRequest();
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 9661dc2..3e21a2c 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyInt;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyString;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.reset;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -84,6 +86,10 @@
     private static final boolean INCLUDES = true;
     private static final boolean EXCLUDES = false;
+    // Actual contents of the request don't matter for this test. The lack of
+    // any specific TRANSPORT_* is sufficient to identify this request.
+    private static final NetworkRequest mDefaultRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder().build();
     @Mock private Context mContext;
     @Mock private IConnectivityManager mCS;
     @Mock private SharedLog mLog;
@@ -113,6 +119,13 @@
+    public void testStopWithoutStartIsNonFatal() {
+        mUNM.stop();
+        mUNM.stop();
+        mUNM.stop();
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testDoesNothingBeforeStarted() {
@@ -127,7 +140,7 @@
     public void testDefaultNetworkIsTracked() throws Exception {
         assertEquals(0, mCM.trackingDefault.size());
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         assertEquals(1, mCM.trackingDefault.size());
@@ -138,7 +151,7 @@
     public void testListensForAllNetworks() throws Exception {
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
@@ -148,9 +161,11 @@
     public void testCallbacksRegistered() {
-        mUNM.start();
-        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(any(), any(), any());
-        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerDefaultNetworkCallback(any(), any());
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(
+                any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).requestNetwork(
+                eq(mDefaultRequest), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
         verify(mCM, times(2)).unregisterNetworkCallback(any(NetworkCallback.class));
@@ -161,7 +176,7 @@
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
@@ -184,17 +199,17 @@
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
-        mUNM.start();
-        verify(mCM, Mockito.times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(
                 any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
-        verify(mCM, Mockito.times(1)).registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
-                any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).requestNetwork(
+                eq(mDefaultRequest), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
-        verify(mCM, Mockito.times(1)).requestNetwork(
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).requestNetwork(
                 any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), anyInt(), anyInt(),
@@ -222,7 +237,7 @@
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
@@ -242,7 +257,7 @@
     public void testUpdateMobileRequiresDun() throws Exception {
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         // Test going from no-DUN to DUN correctly re-registers callbacks.
@@ -270,7 +285,7 @@
         final Collection<Integer> preferredTypes = new ArrayList<>();
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         // There are no networks, so there is nothing to select.
         assertSatisfiesLegacyType(TYPE_NONE, mUNM.selectPreferredUpstreamType(preferredTypes));
@@ -334,8 +349,47 @@
+    public void testGetCurrentPreferredUpstream() throws Exception {
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
+        mUNM.updateMobileRequiresDun(false);
+        // [0] Mobile connects, DUN not required -> mobile selected.
+        final TestNetworkAgent cellAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
+        cellAgent.fakeConnect();
+        mCM.makeDefaultNetwork(cellAgent);
+        assertEquals(cellAgent.networkId, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream().network);
+        // [1] WiFi connects but not validated/promoted to default -> mobile selected.
+        final TestNetworkAgent wifiAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_WIFI);
+        wifiAgent.fakeConnect();
+        assertEquals(cellAgent.networkId, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream().network);
+        // [2] WiFi validates and is promoted to the default network -> WiFi selected.
+        mCM.makeDefaultNetwork(wifiAgent);
+        assertEquals(wifiAgent.networkId, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream().network);
+        // [3] DUN required, no other changes -> WiFi still selected
+        mUNM.updateMobileRequiresDun(true);
+        assertEquals(wifiAgent.networkId, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream().network);
+        // [4] WiFi no longer validated, mobile becomes default, DUN required -> null selected.
+        mCM.makeDefaultNetwork(cellAgent);
+        assertEquals(null, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream());
+        // TODO: make sure that a DUN request has been filed. This is currently
+        // triggered by code over in Tethering, but once that has been moved
+        // into UNM we should test for this here.
+        // [5] DUN network arrives -> DUN selected
+        final TestNetworkAgent dunAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
+        dunAgent.networkCapabilities.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_DUN);
+        dunAgent.networkCapabilities.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        dunAgent.fakeConnect();
+        assertEquals(dunAgent.networkId, mUNM.getCurrentPreferredUpstream().network);
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testLocalPrefixes() throws Exception {
-        mUNM.start();
+        mUNM.start(mDefaultRequest);
         // [0] Test minimum set of local prefixes.
         Set<IpPrefix> local = mUNM.getLocalPrefixes();
@@ -345,7 +399,7 @@
         // [1] Pretend Wi-Fi connects.
         final TestNetworkAgent wifiAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_WIFI);
-        final LinkProperties wifiLp = new LinkProperties();
+        final LinkProperties wifiLp = wifiAgent.linkProperties;
         final String[] WIFI_ADDRS = {
                 "fe80::827a:bfff:fe6f:374d", "",
@@ -358,7 +412,7 @@
             wifiLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(addrStr + cidr));
-        wifiAgent.sendLinkProperties(wifiLp);
+        wifiAgent.sendLinkProperties();
         local = mUNM.getLocalPrefixes();
         assertPrefixSet(local, INCLUDES, alreadySeen);
@@ -372,7 +426,7 @@
         // [2] Pretend mobile connects.
         final TestNetworkAgent cellAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
-        final LinkProperties cellLp = new LinkProperties();
+        final LinkProperties cellLp = cellAgent.linkProperties;
         final String[] CELL_ADDRS = {
                 "", "2001:db8:0:1:b50e:70d9:10c9:433d",
@@ -382,7 +436,7 @@
             cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(addrStr + cidr));
-        cellAgent.sendLinkProperties(cellLp);
+        cellAgent.sendLinkProperties();
         local = mUNM.getLocalPrefixes();
         assertPrefixSet(local, INCLUDES, alreadySeen);
@@ -394,17 +448,18 @@
         // [3] Pretend DUN connects.
         final TestNetworkAgent dunAgent = new TestNetworkAgent(mCM, TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
-        final LinkProperties dunLp = new LinkProperties();
+        dunAgent.networkCapabilities.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        final LinkProperties dunLp = dunAgent.linkProperties;
         final String[] DUN_ADDRS = {
                 "", "2001:db8:1:2:b50e:70d9:10c9:433d",
         for (String addrStr : DUN_ADDRS) {
             final String cidr = addrStr.contains(":") ? "/64" : "/27";
-            cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(addrStr + cidr));
+            dunLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(addrStr + cidr));
-        dunAgent.sendLinkProperties(dunLp);
+        dunAgent.sendLinkProperties();
         local = mUNM.getLocalPrefixes();
         assertPrefixSet(local, INCLUDES, alreadySeen);
@@ -442,6 +497,7 @@
     public static class TestConnectivityManager extends ConnectivityManager {
         public Map<NetworkCallback, Handler> allCallbacks = new HashMap<>();
         public Set<NetworkCallback> trackingDefault = new HashSet<>();
+        public TestNetworkAgent defaultNetwork = null;
         public Map<NetworkCallback, NetworkRequest> listening = new HashMap<>();
         public Map<NetworkCallback, NetworkRequest> requested = new HashMap<>();
         public Map<NetworkCallback, Integer> legacyTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
@@ -483,12 +539,34 @@
         int getNetworkId() { return ++mNetworkId; }
+        void makeDefaultNetwork(TestNetworkAgent agent) {
+            if (Objects.equals(defaultNetwork, agent)) return;
+            final TestNetworkAgent formerDefault = defaultNetwork;
+            defaultNetwork = agent;
+            for (NetworkCallback cb : trackingDefault) {
+                if (defaultNetwork != null) {
+                    cb.onAvailable(defaultNetwork.networkId);
+                    cb.onCapabilitiesChanged(
+                            defaultNetwork.networkId, defaultNetwork.networkCapabilities);
+                    cb.onLinkPropertiesChanged(
+                            defaultNetwork.networkId, defaultNetwork.linkProperties);
+                }
+            }
+        }
         public void requestNetwork(NetworkRequest req, NetworkCallback cb, Handler h) {
             allCallbacks.put(cb, h);
-            assertFalse(requested.containsKey(cb));
-            requested.put(cb, req);
+            if (mDefaultRequest.equals(req)) {
+                assertFalse(trackingDefault.contains(cb));
+                trackingDefault.add(cb);
+            } else {
+                assertFalse(requested.containsKey(cb));
+                requested.put(cb, req);
+            }
@@ -524,10 +602,7 @@
         public void registerDefaultNetworkCallback(NetworkCallback cb, Handler h) {
-            assertFalse(allCallbacks.containsKey(cb));
-            allCallbacks.put(cb, h);
-            assertFalse(trackingDefault.contains(cb));
-            trackingDefault.add(cb);
+            fail("Should never be called.");
@@ -561,6 +636,7 @@
         public final Network networkId;
         public final int transportType;
         public final NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilities;
+        public final LinkProperties linkProperties;
         public TestNetworkAgent(TestConnectivityManager cm, int transportType) {
    = cm;
@@ -569,12 +645,14 @@
             networkCapabilities = new NetworkCapabilities();
+            linkProperties = new LinkProperties();
         public void fakeConnect() {
             for (NetworkCallback cb : cm.listening.keySet()) {
                 cb.onCapabilitiesChanged(networkId, copy(networkCapabilities));
+                cb.onLinkPropertiesChanged(networkId, copy(linkProperties));
@@ -584,11 +662,16 @@
-        public void sendLinkProperties(LinkProperties lp) {
+        public void sendLinkProperties() {
             for (NetworkCallback cb : cm.listening.keySet()) {
-                cb.onLinkPropertiesChanged(networkId, lp);
+                cb.onLinkPropertiesChanged(networkId, copy(linkProperties));
+        @Override
+        public String toString() {
+            return String.format("TestNetworkAgent: %s %s", networkId, networkCapabilities);
+        }
     public static class TestStateMachine extends StateMachine {
@@ -618,6 +701,10 @@
         return new NetworkCapabilities(nc);
+    static LinkProperties copy(LinkProperties lp) {
+        return new LinkProperties(lp);
+    }
     static void assertPrefixSet(Set<IpPrefix> prefixes, boolean expectation, String... expected) {
         final Set<String> expectedSet = new HashSet<>();
         Collections.addAll(expectedSet, expected);