Camera2: Clarify LEVEL_3 requirements.

Bug: 25114814
Change-Id: I0d7e0c17c8860e443cded79506e9144db25fe10b
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
index 28bb22a..6aacc9c 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/
@@ -575,14 +575,16 @@
      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3 LEVEL_3}) devices
      * support at least the following stream combinations for creating a reprocessable capture
      * session in addition to those for
-     * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL} devices. Note that targets in the "Reprocess-only target" column may only be
-     * used as an output target for a reprocess capture request, not as an output to a regular capture request.
+     * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL} devices. Note that while
+     * the second configuration allows for configuring {@code MAXIMUM} {@code YUV} and {@code JPEG}
+     * outputs at the same time, that configuration is not listed for regular capture sessions, and
+     * therefore simultaneous output to both targets is not allowed.
      * <table>
      * <tr><th colspan="13">LEVEL-3 additional guaranteed configurations for creating a reprocessable capture session<br>({@code PRIV} input is guaranteed only if PRIVATE reprocessing is supported. {@code YUV} input is always guaranteed.</th></tr>
-     * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Input</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 4</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Reprocess-only target</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
+     * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Input</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 4</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 5</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
-     * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code 640x480}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>In-app viewfinder analysis with ZSL and RAW.</td> </tr>
+     * <tr> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code 640x480}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>In-app viewfinder analysis with ZSL and RAW.</td> </tr>
      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code 640x480}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td><td>In-app viewfinder analysis with ZSL, RAW, and JPEG reprocessing output.</td> </tr>
      * </table><br>
      * </p>