Implementation of RcsMessageStore APIs [base]

This change adds the implementation of RcsMessageStore. Please see the
bug for the design and one-pager

Test: Added unit tests

Bug: 109759350
Change-Id: I6049dcf74ef9e19a38ce58148a89497992bc1c98
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/provider/ b/telephony/java/android/provider/
index fb8f3e7..ac34cea 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/provider/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/provider/
@@ -2054,6 +2054,608 @@
+     * Columns for the "rcs_*" tables used by {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessageStore} classes.
+     *
+     * @hide - not meant for public use
+     */
+    public interface RcsColumns {
+        /**
+         * The authority for the content provider
+         */
+        String AUTHORITY = "rcs";
+        /**
+         * The URI to start building upon to use {@link}
+         */
+        Uri CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY);
+        /**
+         * The value to be used whenever a transaction that expects an integer to be returned
+         * failed.
+         */
+        int TRANSACTION_FAILED = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+        /**
+         * The value that denotes a timestamp was not set before (e.g. a message that is not
+         * delivered yet will not have a DELIVERED_TIMESTAMP)
+         */
+        long TIMESTAMP_NOT_SET = 0;
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsThread} gets persisted to
+         */
+        interface RcsThreadColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsThread}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String RCS_THREAD_URI_PART = "thread";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsThread} via the content
+             * provider.
+             */
+            /**
+             * The unique identifier of an {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsThread}
+             */
+            String RCS_THREAD_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_thread_id";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.Rcs1To1Thread} gets persisted to
+         */
+        interface Rcs1To1ThreadColumns extends RcsThreadColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.Rcs1To1Thread}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String RCS_1_TO_1_THREAD_URI_PART = "p2p_thread";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.Rcs1To1Thread}s via the
+             * content provider
+             */
+            Uri RCS_1_TO_1_THREAD_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    RCS_1_TO_1_THREAD_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The SMS/MMS thread to fallback to in case of an RCS outage
+             */
+            String FALLBACK_THREAD_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_fallback_thread_id";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThread} gets persisted to
+         */
+        interface RcsGroupThreadColumns extends RcsThreadColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThread}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String RCS_GROUP_THREAD_URI_PART = "group_thread";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThread}s via the
+             * content provider
+             */
+            Uri RCS_GROUP_THREAD_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    RCS_GROUP_THREAD_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The owner/admin of the {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThread}
+             */
+            String OWNER_PARTICIPANT_COLUMN = "owner_participant";
+            /**
+             * The user visible name of the group
+             */
+            String GROUP_NAME_COLUMN = "group_name";
+            /**
+             * The user visible icon of the group
+             */
+            String GROUP_ICON_COLUMN = "group_icon";
+            /**
+             * The RCS conference URI for this group
+             */
+            String CONFERENCE_URI_COLUMN = "conference_uri";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The view that enables polling from all types of RCS threads at once
+         */
+        interface RcsUnifiedThreadColumns extends RcsThreadColumns, Rcs1To1ThreadColumns,
+                RcsGroupThreadColumns {
+            /**
+             * The type of this {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsThread}
+             */
+            String THREAD_TYPE_COLUMN = "thread_type";
+            /**
+             * Integer returned as a result from a database query that denotes the thread is 1 to 1
+             */
+            int THREAD_TYPE_1_TO_1 = 0;
+            /**
+             * Integer returned as a result from a database query that denotes the thread is 1 to 1
+             */
+            int THREAD_TYPE_GROUP = 1;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipant} gets persisted to
+         */
+        interface RcsParticipantColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipant}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String RCS_PARTICIPANT_URI_PART = "participant";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipant}s via the
+             * content provider
+             */
+            Uri RCS_PARTICIPANT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    RCS_PARTICIPANT_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The unique identifier of the entry in the database
+             */
+            String RCS_PARTICIPANT_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_participant_id";
+            /**
+             * A foreign key on canonical_address table, also used by SMS/MMS
+             */
+            String CANONICAL_ADDRESS_ID_COLUMN = "canonical_address_id";
+            /**
+             * The user visible RCS alias for this participant.
+             */
+            String RCS_ALIAS_COLUMN = "rcs_alias";
+        }
+        /**
+         * Additional constants to enable access to {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipant}
+         * related data
+         */
+        interface RcsParticipantHelpers extends RcsParticipantColumns {
+            /**
+             * The view that unifies "rcs_participant" and "canonical_addresses" tables for easy
+             * access to participant address.
+             */
+            String RCS_PARTICIPANT_WITH_ADDRESS_VIEW = "rcs_participant_with_address_view";
+            /**
+             * The view that unifies "rcs_participant", "canonical_addresses" and
+             * "rcs_thread_participant" junction table to get full information on participants that
+             * contribute to threads.
+             */
+            String RCS_PARTICIPANT_WITH_THREAD_VIEW = "rcs_participant_with_thread_view";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessage} gets persisted to
+         */
+        interface RcsMessageColumns {
+            /**
+             * Denotes the type of this message (i.e.
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsIncomingMessage} or
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage}
+             */
+            String MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN = "rcs_message_type";
+            /**
+             * The unique identifier for the message in the database - i.e. the primary key.
+             */
+            String MESSAGE_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_message_row_id";
+            /**
+             * The globally unique RCS identifier for the message. Please see - GSMA
+             * RCC.53 (RCS Device API 1.6 Specification)
+             */
+            String GLOBAL_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_message_global_id";
+            /**
+             * The subscription where this message was sent from/to.
+             */
+            String SUB_ID_COLUMN = "sub_id";
+            /**
+             * The sending status of the message.
+             * @see android.telephony.ims.RcsMessage.RcsMessageStatus
+             */
+            String STATUS_COLUMN = "status";
+            /**
+             * The creation timestamp of the message.
+             */
+            String ORIGINATION_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "origination_timestamp";
+            /**
+             * The text content of the message.
+             */
+            String MESSAGE_TEXT_COLUMN = "rcs_text";
+            /**
+             * The latitude content of the message, if it contains a location.
+             */
+            String LATITUDE_COLUMN = "latitude";
+            /**
+             * The longitude content of the message, if it contains a location.
+             */
+            String LONGITUDE_COLUMN = "longitude";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that additional information of {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsIncomingMessage}
+         * gets persisted to.
+         */
+        interface RcsIncomingMessageColumns extends RcsMessageColumns {
+            /**
+             The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsIncomingMessage}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String INCOMING_MESSAGE_URI_PART = "incoming_message";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query incoming messages through
+             * {@link}
+             */
+            Uri INCOMING_MESSAGE_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    INCOMING_MESSAGE_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The ID of the {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipant} that sent this message
+             */
+            String SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID_COLUMN = "sender_participant";
+            /**
+             * The timestamp of arrival for this message.
+             */
+            String ARRIVAL_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "arrival_timestamp";
+            /**
+             * The time when the recipient has read this message.
+             */
+            String SEEN_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "seen_timestamp";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that additional information of {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage}
+         * gets persisted to.
+         */
+        interface RcsOutgoingMessageColumns extends RcsMessageColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String OUTGOING_MESSAGE_URI_PART = "outgoing_message";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage}s via the
+             * content provider
+             */
+            Uri OUTGOING_MESSAGE_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    OUTGOING_MESSAGE_URI_PART);
+        }
+        /**
+         * The delivery information of an {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage}
+         */
+        interface RcsMessageDeliveryColumns extends RcsOutgoingMessageColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessageDelivery}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String DELIVERY_URI_PART = "delivery";
+            /**
+             * The timestamp of delivery of this message.
+             */
+            String DELIVERED_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "delivered_timestamp";
+            /**
+             * The time when the recipient has read this message.
+             */
+            String SEEN_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "seen_timestamp";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The views that allow querying {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsIncomingMessage} and
+         * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsOutgoingMessage} at the same time.
+         */
+        interface RcsUnifiedMessageColumns extends RcsIncomingMessageColumns,
+                RcsOutgoingMessageColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that is used to query all {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessage} in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String UNIFIED_MESSAGE_URI_PART = "message";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query all types of {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessage}s
+             */
+            Uri UNIFIED_MESSAGE_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    UNIFIED_MESSAGE_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The name of the view that unites rcs_message and rcs_incoming_message tables.
+             */
+            String UNIFIED_INCOMING_MESSAGE_VIEW = "unified_incoming_message_view";
+            /**
+             * The name of the view that unites rcs_message and rcs_outgoing_message tables.
+             */
+            String UNIFIED_OUTGOING_MESSAGE_VIEW = "unified_outgoing_message_view";
+            /**
+             * The column that shows from which table the message entry came from.
+             */
+            String MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN = "message_type";
+            /**
+             * Integer returned as a result from a database query that denotes that the message is
+             * an incoming message
+             */
+            int MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMING = 1;
+            /**
+             * Integer returned as a result from a database query that denotes that the message is
+             * an outgoing message
+             */
+            int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTGOING = 0;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsFileTransferPart} gets persisted to.
+         */
+        interface RcsFileTransferColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsFileTransferPart}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String FILE_TRANSFER_URI_PART = "file_transfer";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query or modify {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsFileTransferPart}s via the
+             * content provider
+             */
+            Uri FILE_TRANSFER_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    FILE_TRANSFER_URI_PART);
+            /**
+             * The globally unique file transfer ID for this RCS file transfer.
+             */
+            String FILE_TRANSFER_ID_COLUMN = "rcs_file_transfer_id";
+            /**
+             * The RCS session ID for this file transfer. The ID is implementation dependent but
+             * should be unique.
+             */
+            String SESSION_ID_COLUMN = "session_id";
+            /**
+             * The URI that points to the content of this file transfer
+             */
+            String CONTENT_URI_COLUMN = "content_uri";
+            /**
+             * The file type of this file transfer in bytes. The validity of types is not enforced
+             * in {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessageStore} APIs.
+             */
+            String CONTENT_TYPE_COLUMN = "content_type";
+            /**
+             * The size of the file transfer in bytes.
+             */
+            String FILE_SIZE_COLUMN = "file_size";
+            /**
+             * Number of bytes that was successfully transmitted for this file transfer
+             */
+            String SUCCESSFULLY_TRANSFERRED_BYTES = "transfer_offset";
+            /**
+             * The status of this file transfer
+             * @see android.telephony.ims.RcsFileTransferPart.RcsFileTransferStatus
+             */
+            String TRANSFER_STATUS_COLUMN = "transfer_status";
+            /**
+             * The on-screen width of the file transfer, if it contains multi-media
+             */
+            String WIDTH_COLUMN = "width";
+            /**
+             * The on-screen height of the file transfer, if it contains multi-media
+             */
+            String HEIGHT_COLUMN = "height";
+            /**
+             * The duration of the content in milliseconds if this file transfer contains
+             * multi-media
+             */
+            String DURATION_MILLIS_COLUMN = "duration";
+            /**
+             * The URI to the preview of the content of this file transfer
+             */
+            String PREVIEW_URI_COLUMN = "preview_uri";
+            /**
+             * The type of the preview of the content of this file transfer. The validity of types
+             * is not enforced in {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsMessageStore} APIs.
+             */
+            String PREVIEW_TYPE_COLUMN = "preview_type";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that holds the information for
+         * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadEvent} and its subclasses.
+         */
+        interface RcsThreadEventColumns {
+            /**
+             * The string used in the {@link} URI to
+             * refer to participant joined events (example URI:
+             * {@code content://rcs/group_thread/3/participant_joined_event})
+             */
+            String PARTICIPANT_JOINED_URI_PART = "participant_joined_event";
+            /**
+             * The string used in the {@link} URI to
+             * refer to participant left events. (example URI:
+             * {@code content://rcs/group_thread/3/participant_left_event/4})
+             */
+            String PARTICIPANT_LEFT_URI_PART = "participant_left_event";
+            /**
+             * The string used in the {@link} URI to
+             * refer to name changed events. (example URI:
+             * {@code content://rcs/group_thread/3/name_changed_event})
+             */
+            String NAME_CHANGED_URI_PART = "name_changed_event";
+            /**
+             * The string used in the {@link} URI to
+             * refer to icon changed events. (example URI:
+             * {@code content://rcs/group_thread/3/icon_changed_event})
+             */
+            String ICON_CHANGED_URI_PART = "icon_changed_event";
+            /**
+             * The unique ID of this event in the database, i.e. the primary key
+             */
+            String EVENT_ID_COLUMN = "event_id";
+            /**
+             * The type of this event
+             *
+             * @see RcsEventTypes
+             */
+            String EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN = "event_type";
+            /**
+             * The timestamp in milliseconds of when this event happened
+             */
+            String TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "origination_timestamp";
+            /**
+             * The participant that generated this event
+             */
+            String SOURCE_PARTICIPANT_ID_COLUMN = "source_participant";
+            /**
+             * The receiving participant of this event if this was an
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadParticipantJoinedEvent} or
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadParticipantLeftEvent}
+             */
+            String DESTINATION_PARTICIPANT_ID_COLUMN = "destination_participant";
+            /**
+             * The URI for the new icon of the group thread if this was an
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadIconChangedEvent}
+             */
+            String NEW_ICON_URI_COLUMN = "new_icon_uri";
+            /**
+             * The URI for the new name of the group thread if this was an
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadNameChangedEvent}
+             */
+            String NEW_NAME_COLUMN = "new_name";
+        }
+        /**
+         * The table that {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipantAliasChangedEvent} gets
+         * persisted to
+         */
+        interface RcsParticipantEventColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipantAliasChangedEvent}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String ALIAS_CHANGE_EVENT_URI_PART = "alias_change_event";
+            /**
+             * The new alias of the participant
+             */
+            String NEW_ALIAS_COLUMN = "new_alias";
+        }
+        /**
+         * These values are used in {@link} to determine
+         * what kind of event is present in the storage.
+         */
+        interface RcsEventTypes {
+            /**
+             * Integer constant that is stored in the
+             * {@link} database that denotes the event
+             * is of type {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsParticipantAliasChangedEvent}
+             */
+            /**
+             * Integer constant that is stored in the
+             * {@link} database that denotes the event
+             * is of type {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadParticipantJoinedEvent}
+             */
+            /**
+             * Integer constant that is stored in the
+             * {@link} database that denotes the event
+             * is of type {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadParticipantLeftEvent}
+             */
+            int PARTICIPANT_LEFT_EVENT_TYPE = 4;
+            /**
+             * Integer constant that is stored in the
+             * {@link} database that denotes the event
+             * is of type {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadIconChangedEvent}
+             */
+            int ICON_CHANGED_EVENT_TYPE = 8;
+            /**
+             * Integer constant that is stored in the
+             * {@link} database that denotes the event
+             * is of type {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsGroupThreadNameChangedEvent}
+             */
+            int NAME_CHANGED_EVENT_TYPE = 16;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The view that allows unified querying across all events
+         */
+        interface RcsUnifiedEventHelper extends RcsParticipantEventColumns, RcsThreadEventColumns {
+            /**
+             * The path that should be used for referring to
+             * {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsEvent}s in
+             * {@link} URIs.
+             */
+            String RCS_EVENT_QUERY_URI_PATH = "event";
+            /**
+             * The URI to query {@link android.telephony.ims.RcsEvent}s via the content provider.
+             */
+            Uri RCS_EVENT_QUERY_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_AND_AUTHORITY,
+                    RCS_EVENT_QUERY_URI_PATH);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Contains all MMS messages.
     public static final class Mms implements BaseMmsColumns {