implement: "Add an ANativeWindow API for SurfaceFlinger to suggest an optimal buffer orientation"

Bug: 4487161
Change-Id: I883f34efe542c2a566d04966f873374f40c50092
diff --git a/include/gui/ISurfaceTexture.h b/include/gui/ISurfaceTexture.h
index 37a9b4a..e764425 100644
--- a/include/gui/ISurfaceTexture.h
+++ b/include/gui/ISurfaceTexture.h
@@ -78,7 +78,12 @@
     // client for this buffer. The timestamp is measured in nanoseconds, and
     // must be monotonically increasing. Its other properties (zero point, etc)
     // are client-dependent, and should be documented by the client.
-    virtual status_t queueBuffer(int slot, int64_t timestamp) = 0;
+    //
+    // outWidth, outHeight and outTransform are filed with the default width
+    // default height of the window and current transform applied to buffers,
+    // respectively.
+    virtual status_t queueBuffer(int slot, int64_t timestamp,
+            uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outTransform) = 0;
     // cancelBuffer indicates that the client does not wish to fill in the
     // buffer associated with slot and transfers ownership of the slot back to