Kill overscan insets and outsets

Also remove WindowManagerStressTest because that has been replaced
with proper perf test.

Test: Boots
Bug: 143255833
Change-Id: I1d293cda7c82d0aa1c3a6cc694c74bf7d10cc974
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 96be7cc..265ca91 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@
     public int addToDisplay(IWindow window, int seq, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs,
             int viewVisibility, int displayId, Rect outFrame, Rect outContentInsets,
-            Rect outStableInsets, Rect outOutsets,
+            Rect outStableInsets,
             DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper outDisplayCutout, InputChannel outInputChannel,
             InsetsState outInsetsState) {
         return mService.addWindow(this, window, seq, attrs, viewVisibility, displayId, outFrame,
-                outContentInsets, outStableInsets, outOutsets, outDisplayCutout, outInputChannel,
+                outContentInsets, outStableInsets, outDisplayCutout, outInputChannel,
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
             int viewVisibility, int displayId, Rect outContentInsets, Rect outStableInsets,
             InsetsState outInsetsState) {
         return mService.addWindow(this, window, seq, attrs, viewVisibility, displayId,
-                new Rect() /* outFrame */, outContentInsets, outStableInsets, null /* outOutsets */,
+                new Rect() /* outFrame */, outContentInsets, outStableInsets,
                 new DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper() /* cutout */, null /* outInputChannel */,
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
     public int relayout(IWindow window, int seq, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs,
             int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, int viewFlags, int flags, long frameNumber,
-            Rect outFrame, Rect outOverscanInsets, Rect outContentInsets, Rect outVisibleInsets,
-            Rect outStableInsets, Rect outsets, Rect outBackdropFrame,
+            Rect outFrame, Rect outContentInsets, Rect outVisibleInsets,
+            Rect outStableInsets, Rect outBackdropFrame,
             DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper cutout, MergedConfiguration mergedConfiguration,
             SurfaceControl outSurfaceControl, InsetsState outInsetsState) {
         if (false) Slog.d(TAG_WM, ">>>>>> ENTERED relayout from "
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@
         Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, mRelayoutTag);
         int res = mService.relayoutWindow(this, window, seq, attrs,
                 requestedWidth, requestedHeight, viewFlags, flags, frameNumber,
-                outFrame, outOverscanInsets, outContentInsets, outVisibleInsets,
-                outStableInsets, outsets, outBackdropFrame, cutout,
+                outFrame, outContentInsets, outVisibleInsets,
+                outStableInsets, outBackdropFrame, cutout,
                 mergedConfiguration, outSurfaceControl, outInsetsState);
         if (false) Slog.d(TAG_WM, "<<<<<< EXITING relayout to "