Merge "Spell checking in TextViews"
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index 250f09f..c2c75bb 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -184,21 +184,21 @@
   public static final class R.attr {
     ctor public R.attr();
     field public static final int absListViewStyle = 16842858; // 0x101006a
-    field public static final int accessibilityEventTypes = 16843644; // 0x101037c
-    field public static final int accessibilityFeedbackType = 16843646; // 0x101037e
-    field public static final int accessibilityFlags = 16843648; // 0x1010380
+    field public static final int accessibilityEventTypes = 16843643; // 0x101037b
+    field public static final int accessibilityFeedbackType = 16843645; // 0x101037d
+    field public static final int accessibilityFlags = 16843647; // 0x101037f
     field public static final int accountPreferences = 16843423; // 0x101029f
     field public static final int accountType = 16843407; // 0x101028f
     field public static final int action = 16842797; // 0x101002d
-    field public static final int actionBarDivider = 16843685; // 0x10103a5
-    field public static final int actionBarItemBackground = 16843686; // 0x10103a6
+    field public static final int actionBarDivider = 16843684; // 0x10103a4
+    field public static final int actionBarItemBackground = 16843685; // 0x10103a5
     field public static final int actionBarSize = 16843499; // 0x10102eb
-    field public static final int actionBarSplitStyle = 16843666; // 0x1010392
+    field public static final int actionBarSplitStyle = 16843665; // 0x1010391
     field public static final int actionBarStyle = 16843470; // 0x10102ce
     field public static final int actionBarTabBarStyle = 16843508; // 0x10102f4
     field public static final int actionBarTabStyle = 16843507; // 0x10102f3
     field public static final int actionBarTabTextStyle = 16843509; // 0x10102f5
-    field public static final int actionBarWidgetTheme = 16843681; // 0x10103a1
+    field public static final int actionBarWidgetTheme = 16843680; // 0x10103a0
     field public static final int actionButtonStyle = 16843480; // 0x10102d8
     field public static final int actionDropDownStyle = 16843479; // 0x10102d7
     field public static final int actionLayout = 16843515; // 0x10102fb
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
     field public static final int actionModeCopyDrawable = 16843538; // 0x1010312
     field public static final int actionModeCutDrawable = 16843537; // 0x1010311
     field public static final int actionModePasteDrawable = 16843539; // 0x1010313
-    field public static final int actionModeSelectAllDrawable = 16843642; // 0x101037a
-    field public static final int actionModeSplitBackground = 16843687; // 0x10103a7
-    field public static final int actionModeStyle = 16843678; // 0x101039e
+    field public static final int actionModeSelectAllDrawable = 16843641; // 0x1010379
+    field public static final int actionModeSplitBackground = 16843686; // 0x10103a6
+    field public static final int actionModeStyle = 16843677; // 0x101039d
     field public static final int actionOverflowButtonStyle = 16843510; // 0x10102f6
-    field public static final int actionProviderClass = 16843667; // 0x1010393
+    field public static final int actionProviderClass = 16843666; // 0x1010392
     field public static final int actionViewClass = 16843516; // 0x10102fc
     field public static final int activatedBackgroundIndicator = 16843517; // 0x10102fd
     field public static final int activityCloseEnterAnimation = 16842938; // 0x10100ba
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
     field public static final int alertDialogIcon = 16843605; // 0x1010355
     field public static final int alertDialogStyle = 16842845; // 0x101005d
     field public static final int alertDialogTheme = 16843529; // 0x1010309
-    field public static final int alignmentMode = 16843638; // 0x1010376
+    field public static final int alignmentMode = 16843637; // 0x1010375
     field public static final int allContactsName = 16843468; // 0x10102cc
     field public static final int allowBackup = 16843392; // 0x1010280
     field public static final int allowClearUserData = 16842757; // 0x1010005
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@
     field public static final int background = 16842964; // 0x10100d4
     field public static final int backgroundDimAmount = 16842802; // 0x1010032
     field public static final int backgroundDimEnabled = 16843295; // 0x101021f
-    field public static final int backgroundSplit = 16843669; // 0x1010395
-    field public static final int backgroundStacked = 16843668; // 0x1010394
+    field public static final int backgroundSplit = 16843668; // 0x1010394
+    field public static final int backgroundStacked = 16843667; // 0x1010393
     field public static final int backupAgent = 16843391; // 0x101027f
     field public static final int baseline = 16843548; // 0x101031c
     field public static final int baselineAlignBottom = 16843042; // 0x1010122
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
     field public static final int borderlessButtonStyle = 16843563; // 0x101032b
     field public static final int bottom = 16843184; // 0x10101b0
     field public static final int bottomBright = 16842957; // 0x10100cd
-    field public static final int bottomChevronDrawable = 16843655; // 0x1010387
+    field public static final int bottomChevronDrawable = 16843654; // 0x1010386
     field public static final int bottomDark = 16842953; // 0x10100c9
     field public static final int bottomLeftRadius = 16843179; // 0x10101ab
     field public static final int bottomMedium = 16842958; // 0x10100ce
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
     field public static final int cacheColorHint = 16843009; // 0x1010101
     field public static final int calendarViewShown = 16843596; // 0x101034c
     field public static final int calendarViewStyle = 16843613; // 0x101035d
-    field public static final int canRetrieveWindowContent = 16843649; // 0x1010381
+    field public static final int canRetrieveWindowContent = 16843648; // 0x1010380
     field public static final int candidatesTextStyleSpans = 16843312; // 0x1010230
     field public static final deprecated int capitalize = 16843113; // 0x1010169
     field public static final int centerBright = 16842956; // 0x10100cc
@@ -318,18 +318,18 @@
     field public static final int codes = 16843330; // 0x1010242
     field public static final int collapseColumns = 16843083; // 0x101014b
     field public static final int color = 16843173; // 0x10101a5
-    field public static final int colorActivatedHighlight = 16843674; // 0x101039a
+    field public static final int colorActivatedHighlight = 16843673; // 0x1010399
     field public static final int colorBackground = 16842801; // 0x1010031
     field public static final int colorBackgroundCacheHint = 16843435; // 0x10102ab
-    field public static final int colorFocusedHighlight = 16843673; // 0x1010399
+    field public static final int colorFocusedHighlight = 16843672; // 0x1010398
     field public static final int colorForeground = 16842800; // 0x1010030
     field public static final int colorForegroundInverse = 16843270; // 0x1010206
-    field public static final int colorLongPressedHighlight = 16843672; // 0x1010398
-    field public static final int colorMultiSelectHighlight = 16843675; // 0x101039b
-    field public static final int colorPressedHighlight = 16843671; // 0x1010397
-    field public static final int columnCount = 16843635; // 0x1010373
+    field public static final int colorLongPressedHighlight = 16843671; // 0x1010397
+    field public static final int colorMultiSelectHighlight = 16843674; // 0x101039a
+    field public static final int colorPressedHighlight = 16843670; // 0x1010396
+    field public static final int columnCount = 16843634; // 0x1010372
     field public static final int columnDelay = 16843215; // 0x10101cf
-    field public static final int columnOrderPreserved = 16843636; // 0x1010374
+    field public static final int columnOrderPreserved = 16843635; // 0x1010373
     field public static final int columnWidth = 16843031; // 0x1010117
     field public static final int compatibleWidthLimitDp = 16843621; // 0x1010365
     field public static final int completionHint = 16843122; // 0x1010172
@@ -383,11 +383,11 @@
     field public static final int drawSelectorOnTop = 16843004; // 0x10100fc
     field public static final int drawable = 16843161; // 0x1010199
     field public static final int drawableBottom = 16843118; // 0x101016e
-    field public static final int drawableEnd = 16843677; // 0x101039d
+    field public static final int drawableEnd = 16843676; // 0x101039c
     field public static final int drawableLeft = 16843119; // 0x101016f
     field public static final int drawablePadding = 16843121; // 0x1010171
     field public static final int drawableRight = 16843120; // 0x1010170
-    field public static final int drawableStart = 16843676; // 0x101039c
+    field public static final int drawableStart = 16843675; // 0x101039b
     field public static final int drawableTop = 16843117; // 0x101016d
     field public static final int drawingCacheQuality = 16842984; // 0x10100e8
     field public static final int dropDownAnchor = 16843363; // 0x1010263
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
     field public static final int fastScrollTextColor = 16843609; // 0x1010359
     field public static final int fastScrollThumbDrawable = 16843574; // 0x1010336
     field public static final int fastScrollTrackDrawable = 16843577; // 0x1010339
-    field public static final int feedbackCount = 16843661; // 0x101038d
+    field public static final int feedbackCount = 16843660; // 0x101038c
     field public static final int fillAfter = 16843197; // 0x10101bd
     field public static final int fillBefore = 16843196; // 0x10101bc
     field public static final int fillEnabled = 16843343; // 0x101024f
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
     field public static final int hand_hour = 16843011; // 0x1010103
     field public static final int hand_minute = 16843012; // 0x1010104
     field public static final int handle = 16843354; // 0x101025a
-    field public static final int handleDrawable = 16843651; // 0x1010383
+    field public static final int handleDrawable = 16843650; // 0x1010382
     field public static final int handleProfiling = 16842786; // 0x1010022
     field public static final int hapticFeedbackEnabled = 16843358; // 0x101025e
     field public static final int hardwareAccelerated = 16843475; // 0x10102d3
@@ -506,12 +506,12 @@
     field public static final int headerDividersEnabled = 16843310; // 0x101022e
     field public static final int height = 16843093; // 0x1010155
     field public static final int hint = 16843088; // 0x1010150
-    field public static final int hitRadius = 16843658; // 0x101038a
+    field public static final int hitRadius = 16843657; // 0x1010389
     field public static final int homeAsUpIndicator = 16843531; // 0x101030b
     field public static final int homeLayout = 16843549; // 0x101031d
     field public static final int horizontalDivider = 16843053; // 0x101012d
     field public static final int horizontalGap = 16843327; // 0x101023f
-    field public static final int horizontalOffset = 16843663; // 0x101038f
+    field public static final int horizontalOffset = 16843662; // 0x101038e
     field public static final int horizontalScrollViewStyle = 16843603; // 0x1010353
     field public static final int horizontalSpacing = 16843028; // 0x1010114
     field public static final int host = 16842792; // 0x1010028
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
     field public static final int installLocation = 16843447; // 0x10102b7
     field public static final int interpolator = 16843073; // 0x1010141
     field public static final int isAlwaysSyncable = 16843571; // 0x1010333
-    field public static final int isAuxiliary = 16843643; // 0x101037b
+    field public static final int isAuxiliary = 16843642; // 0x101037a
     field public static final int isDefault = 16843297; // 0x1010221
     field public static final int isIndicator = 16843079; // 0x1010147
     field public static final int isModifier = 16843334; // 0x1010246
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
     field public static final int layout_centerInParent = 16843151; // 0x101018f
     field public static final int layout_centerVertical = 16843153; // 0x1010191
     field public static final int layout_column = 16843084; // 0x101014c
-    field public static final int layout_columnSpan = 16843641; // 0x1010379
+    field public static final int layout_columnSpan = 16843640; // 0x1010378
     field public static final int layout_gravity = 16842931; // 0x10100b3
     field public static final int layout_height = 16842997; // 0x10100f5
     field public static final int layout_margin = 16842998; // 0x10100f6
@@ -618,8 +618,8 @@
     field public static final int layout_marginLeft = 16842999; // 0x10100f7
     field public static final int layout_marginRight = 16843001; // 0x10100f9
     field public static final int layout_marginTop = 16843000; // 0x10100f8
-    field public static final int layout_row = 16843639; // 0x1010377
-    field public static final int layout_rowSpan = 16843640; // 0x1010378
+    field public static final int layout_row = 16843638; // 0x1010376
+    field public static final int layout_rowSpan = 16843639; // 0x1010377
     field public static final int layout_scale = 16843155; // 0x1010193
     field public static final int layout_span = 16843085; // 0x101014d
     field public static final int layout_toLeftOf = 16843138; // 0x1010182
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
     field public static final int layout_x = 16843135; // 0x101017f
     field public static final int layout_y = 16843136; // 0x1010180
     field public static final int left = 16843181; // 0x10101ad
-    field public static final int leftChevronDrawable = 16843652; // 0x1010384
+    field public static final int leftChevronDrawable = 16843651; // 0x1010383
     field public static final int lineSpacingExtra = 16843287; // 0x1010217
     field public static final int lineSpacingMultiplier = 16843288; // 0x1010218
     field public static final int lines = 16843092; // 0x1010154
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@
     field public static final int listDividerAlertDialog = 16843525; // 0x1010305
     field public static final int listPopupWindowStyle = 16843519; // 0x10102ff
     field public static final int listPreferredItemHeight = 16842829; // 0x101004d
-    field public static final int listPreferredItemHeightLarge = 16843664; // 0x1010390
-    field public static final int listPreferredItemHeightSmall = 16843665; // 0x1010391
+    field public static final int listPreferredItemHeightLarge = 16843663; // 0x101038f
+    field public static final int listPreferredItemHeightSmall = 16843664; // 0x1010390
     field public static final int listSelector = 16843003; // 0x10100fb
     field public static final int listSeparatorTextViewStyle = 16843272; // 0x1010208
     field public static final int listViewStyle = 16842868; // 0x1010074
@@ -673,8 +673,8 @@
     field public static final int minHeight = 16843072; // 0x1010140
     field public static final int minLevel = 16843185; // 0x10101b1
     field public static final int minLines = 16843094; // 0x1010156
-    field public static final int minResizeHeight = 16843680; // 0x10103a0
-    field public static final int minResizeWidth = 16843679; // 0x101039f
+    field public static final int minResizeHeight = 16843679; // 0x101039f
+    field public static final int minResizeWidth = 16843678; // 0x101039e
     field public static final int minSdkVersion = 16843276; // 0x101020c
     field public static final int minWidth = 16843071; // 0x101013f
     field public static final int mode = 16843134; // 0x101017e
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
     field public static final int nextFocusUp = 16842979; // 0x10100e3
     field public static final int noHistory = 16843309; // 0x101022d
     field public static final int normalScreens = 16843397; // 0x1010285
-    field public static final int notificationTimeout = 16843647; // 0x101037f
+    field public static final int notificationTimeout = 16843646; // 0x101037e
     field public static final int numColumns = 16843032; // 0x1010118
     field public static final int numStars = 16843076; // 0x1010144
     field public static final deprecated int numeric = 16843109; // 0x1010165
@@ -704,11 +704,11 @@
     field public static final int orderingFromXml = 16843239; // 0x10101e7
     field public static final int orientation = 16842948; // 0x10100c4
     field public static final int outAnimation = 16843128; // 0x1010178
-    field public static final int outerRadius = 16843657; // 0x1010389
+    field public static final int outerRadius = 16843656; // 0x1010388
     field public static final int overScrollFooter = 16843459; // 0x10102c3
     field public static final int overScrollHeader = 16843458; // 0x10102c2
     field public static final int overScrollMode = 16843457; // 0x10102c1
-    field public static final int packageNames = 16843645; // 0x101037d
+    field public static final int packageNames = 16843644; // 0x101037c
     field public static final int padding = 16842965; // 0x10100d5
     field public static final int paddingBottom = 16842969; // 0x10100d9
     field public static final int paddingLeft = 16842966; // 0x10100d6
@@ -793,17 +793,17 @@
     field public static final int restoreAnyVersion = 16843450; // 0x10102ba
     field public static final deprecated int restoreNeedsApplication = 16843421; // 0x101029d
     field public static final int right = 16843183; // 0x10101af
-    field public static final int rightChevronDrawable = 16843653; // 0x1010385
+    field public static final int rightChevronDrawable = 16843652; // 0x1010384
     field public static final int ringtonePreferenceStyle = 16842899; // 0x1010093
     field public static final int ringtoneType = 16843257; // 0x10101f9
     field public static final int rotation = 16843558; // 0x1010326
     field public static final int rotationX = 16843559; // 0x1010327
     field public static final int rotationY = 16843560; // 0x1010328
-    field public static final int rowCount = 16843633; // 0x1010371
+    field public static final int rowCount = 16843632; // 0x1010370
     field public static final int rowDelay = 16843216; // 0x10101d0
     field public static final int rowEdgeFlags = 16843329; // 0x1010241
     field public static final int rowHeight = 16843058; // 0x1010132
-    field public static final int rowOrderPreserved = 16843634; // 0x1010372
+    field public static final int rowOrderPreserved = 16843633; // 0x1010371
     field public static final int saveEnabled = 16842983; // 0x10100e7
     field public static final int scaleGravity = 16843262; // 0x10101fe
     field public static final int scaleHeight = 16843261; // 0x10101fd
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@
     field public static final int smallIcon = 16843422; // 0x101029e
     field public static final int smallScreens = 16843396; // 0x1010284
     field public static final int smoothScrollbar = 16843313; // 0x1010231
-    field public static final int snapMargin = 16843660; // 0x101038c
+    field public static final int snapMargin = 16843659; // 0x101038b
     field public static final int soundEffectsEnabled = 16843285; // 0x1010215
     field public static final int spacing = 16843027; // 0x1010113
     field public static final int spinnerDropDownItemStyle = 16842887; // 0x1010087
@@ -915,11 +915,10 @@
     field public static final int stretchMode = 16843030; // 0x1010116
     field public static final int subtitle = 16843473; // 0x10102d1
     field public static final int subtitleTextStyle = 16843513; // 0x10102f9
-    field public static final int subtypeExtraValue = 16843684; // 0x10103a4
-    field public static final int subtypeLocale = 16843683; // 0x10103a3
+    field public static final int subtypeExtraValue = 16843683; // 0x10103a3
+    field public static final int subtypeLocale = 16843682; // 0x10103a2
     field public static final int suggestActionMsg = 16843228; // 0x10101dc
     field public static final int suggestActionMsgColumn = 16843229; // 0x10101dd
-    field public static final int suggestionsEnabled = 16843632; // 0x1010370
     field public static final int summary = 16843241; // 0x10101e9
     field public static final int summaryColumn = 16843426; // 0x10102a2
     field public static final int summaryOff = 16843248; // 0x10101f0
@@ -936,7 +935,7 @@
     field public static final int tag = 16842961; // 0x10100d1
     field public static final int targetActivity = 16843266; // 0x1010202
     field public static final int targetClass = 16842799; // 0x101002f
-    field public static final int targetDrawables = 16843650; // 0x1010382
+    field public static final int targetDrawables = 16843649; // 0x1010381
     field public static final int targetPackage = 16842785; // 0x1010021
     field public static final int targetSdkVersion = 16843376; // 0x1010270
     field public static final int taskAffinity = 16842770; // 0x1010012
@@ -951,15 +950,15 @@
     field public static final int tension = 16843370; // 0x101026a
     field public static final int testOnly = 16843378; // 0x1010272
     field public static final int text = 16843087; // 0x101014f
-    field public static final int textAllCaps = 16843670; // 0x1010396
+    field public static final int textAllCaps = 16843669; // 0x1010395
     field public static final int textAppearance = 16842804; // 0x1010034
     field public static final int textAppearanceButton = 16843271; // 0x1010207
     field public static final int textAppearanceInverse = 16842805; // 0x1010035
     field public static final int textAppearanceLarge = 16842816; // 0x1010040
     field public static final int textAppearanceLargeInverse = 16842819; // 0x1010043
     field public static final int textAppearanceLargePopupMenu = 16843521; // 0x1010301
-    field public static final int textAppearanceListItem = 16843688; // 0x10103a8
-    field public static final int textAppearanceListItemSmall = 16843689; // 0x10103a9
+    field public static final int textAppearanceListItem = 16843687; // 0x10103a7
+    field public static final int textAppearanceListItemSmall = 16843688; // 0x10103a8
     field public static final int textAppearanceMedium = 16842817; // 0x1010041
     field public static final int textAppearanceMediumInverse = 16842820; // 0x1010044
     field public static final int textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle = 16843424; // 0x10102a0
@@ -1027,7 +1026,7 @@
     field public static final int toYScale = 16843205; // 0x10101c5
     field public static final int top = 16843182; // 0x10101ae
     field public static final int topBright = 16842955; // 0x10100cb
-    field public static final int topChevronDrawable = 16843654; // 0x1010386
+    field public static final int topChevronDrawable = 16843653; // 0x1010385
     field public static final int topDark = 16842951; // 0x10100c7
     field public static final int topLeftRadius = 16843177; // 0x10101a9
     field public static final int topOffset = 16843352; // 0x1010258
@@ -1039,12 +1038,12 @@
     field public static final int translationY = 16843555; // 0x1010323
     field public static final int type = 16843169; // 0x10101a1
     field public static final int typeface = 16842902; // 0x1010096
-    field public static final int uiOptions = 16843682; // 0x10103a2
+    field public static final int uiOptions = 16843681; // 0x10103a1
     field public static final int uncertainGestureColor = 16843382; // 0x1010276
     field public static final int unfocusedMonthDateColor = 16843588; // 0x1010344
     field public static final int unselectedAlpha = 16843278; // 0x101020e
     field public static final int updatePeriodMillis = 16843344; // 0x1010250
-    field public static final int useDefaultMargins = 16843637; // 0x1010375
+    field public static final int useDefaultMargins = 16843636; // 0x1010374
     field public static final int useIntrinsicSizeAsMinimum = 16843536; // 0x1010310
     field public static final int useLevel = 16843167; // 0x101019f
     field public static final int userVisible = 16843409; // 0x1010291
@@ -1058,10 +1057,10 @@
     field public static final int verticalCorrection = 16843322; // 0x101023a
     field public static final int verticalDivider = 16843054; // 0x101012e
     field public static final int verticalGap = 16843328; // 0x1010240
-    field public static final int verticalOffset = 16843662; // 0x101038e
+    field public static final int verticalOffset = 16843661; // 0x101038d
     field public static final int verticalScrollbarPosition = 16843572; // 0x1010334
     field public static final int verticalSpacing = 16843029; // 0x1010115
-    field public static final int vibrationDuration = 16843659; // 0x101038b
+    field public static final int vibrationDuration = 16843658; // 0x101038a
     field public static final int visibility = 16842972; // 0x10100dc
     field public static final int visible = 16843156; // 0x1010194
     field public static final int vmSafeMode = 16843448; // 0x10102b8
@@ -1078,7 +1077,7 @@
     field public static final int wallpaperIntraOpenExitAnimation = 16843416; // 0x1010298
     field public static final int wallpaperOpenEnterAnimation = 16843411; // 0x1010293
     field public static final int wallpaperOpenExitAnimation = 16843412; // 0x1010294
-    field public static final int waveDrawable = 16843656; // 0x1010388
+    field public static final int waveDrawable = 16843655; // 0x1010387
     field public static final int webTextViewStyle = 16843449; // 0x10102b9
     field public static final int webViewStyle = 16842885; // 0x1010085
     field public static final int weekDayTextAppearance = 16843592; // 0x1010348
@@ -20811,6 +20810,7 @@
     method public java.lang.String getLocale();
     method public int getSpanTypeId();
     method public java.lang.String[] getSuggestions();
+    method public void setFlags(int);
     method public void updateDrawState(android.text.TextPaint);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_SUGGESTION_PICKED = "";
@@ -27131,7 +27131,6 @@
     method public void setSingleLine();
     method public void setSingleLine(boolean);
     method public final void setSpannableFactory(android.text.Spannable.Factory);
-    method public void setSuggestionsEnabled(boolean);
     method public final void setText(java.lang.CharSequence);
     method public void setText(java.lang.CharSequence, android.widget.TextView.BufferType);
     method public final void setText(char[], int, int);
diff --git a/core/java/android/text/ b/core/java/android/text/
index 6bde802..5fed775 100644
--- a/core/java/android/text/
+++ b/core/java/android/text/
@@ -16,21 +16,18 @@
 package android.text;
 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
  * This is the class for text whose content and markup can both be changed.
-public class SpannableStringBuilder
-implements CharSequence, GetChars, Spannable, Editable, Appendable,
-           GraphicsOperations
+public class SpannableStringBuilder implements CharSequence, GetChars, Spannable, Editable,
+        Appendable, GraphicsOperations {
      * Create a new SpannableStringBuilder with empty contents
@@ -111,8 +108,7 @@
         if (where < 0) {
             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("charAt: " + where + " < 0");
         } else if (where >= len) {
-            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("charAt: " + where +
-                                                " >= length " + len);
+            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("charAt: " + where + " >= length " + len);
         if (where >= mGapStart)
@@ -266,8 +262,7 @@
         return append(String.valueOf(text));
-    private int change(int start, int end,
-                       CharSequence tb, int tbstart, int tbend) {
+    private int change(int start, int end, CharSequence tb, int tbstart, int tbend) {
         return change(true, start, end, tb, tbstart, tbend);
@@ -277,8 +272,9 @@
         int ret = tbend - tbstart;
         TextWatcher[] recipients = null;
-        if (notify)
+        if (notify) {
             recipients = sendTextWillChange(start, end - start, tbend - tbstart);
+        }
         for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             if ((mSpanFlags[i] & SPAN_PARAGRAPH) == SPAN_PARAGRAPH) {
@@ -353,7 +349,6 @@
         // no need for span fixup on pure insertion
         if (tbend > tbstart && end - start == 0) {
             if (notify) {
-                removeSuggestionSpans(start, end);
                 sendTextChange(recipients, start, end - start, tbend - tbstart);
@@ -388,7 +383,6 @@
             if (mSpanEnds[i] < mSpanStarts[i]) {
-            removeSuggestionSpans(start, end);
         if (notify) {
@@ -399,30 +393,26 @@
         return ret;
-    /**
-     * Removes the SuggestionSpan that overlap the [start, end] range, and that would
-     * not make sense anymore after the change.
-     */
-    private void removeSuggestionSpans(int start, int end) {
-        for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-            final int spanEnd = mSpanEnds[i];
-            final int spanSpart = mSpanStarts[i];
-            if ((mSpans[i] instanceof SuggestionSpan) && (
-                    (spanSpart < start && spanEnd > start) ||
-                    (spanSpart < end && spanEnd > end))) {
-                removeSpan(i);
-            }
-        }
-    }
     private void removeSpan(int i) {
-        // XXX send notification on removal
-        System.arraycopy(mSpans, i + 1, mSpans, i, mSpanCount - (i + 1));
-        System.arraycopy(mSpanStarts, i + 1, mSpanStarts, i, mSpanCount - (i + 1));
-        System.arraycopy(mSpanEnds, i + 1, mSpanEnds, i, mSpanCount - (i + 1));
-        System.arraycopy(mSpanFlags, i + 1, mSpanFlags, i, mSpanCount - (i + 1));
+        Object object = mSpans[i];
+        int start = mSpanStarts[i];
+        int end = mSpanEnds[i];
+        if (start > mGapStart) start -= mGapLength;
+        if (end > mGapStart) end -= mGapLength;
+        int count = mSpanCount - (i + 1);
+        System.arraycopy(mSpans, i + 1, mSpans, i, count);
+        System.arraycopy(mSpanStarts, i + 1, mSpanStarts, i, count);
+        System.arraycopy(mSpanEnds, i + 1, mSpanEnds, i, count);
+        System.arraycopy(mSpanFlags, i + 1, mSpanFlags, i, count);
+        mSpans[mSpanCount] = null;
+        sendSpanRemoved(object, start, end);
     // Documentation from interface
@@ -462,11 +452,10 @@
             TextWatcher[] recipients;
-            recipients = sendTextWillChange(start, end - start,
-                                            tbend - tbstart);
             int origlen = end - start;
+            recipients = sendTextWillChange(start, origlen, tbend - tbstart);
             if (mGapLength < 2)
                 resizeFor(length() + 1);
@@ -486,11 +475,9 @@
                 new Exception("mGapLength < 1").printStackTrace();
-            int oldlen = (end + 1) - start;
             int inserted = change(false, start + 1, start + 1, tb, tbstart, tbend);
             change(false, start, start + 1, "", 0, 0);
-            change(false, start + inserted, start + inserted + oldlen - 1, "", 0, 0);
+            change(false, start + inserted, start + inserted + origlen, "", 0, 0);
              * Special case to keep the cursor in the same position
@@ -515,13 +502,12 @@
                 off = off * inserted / (end - start);
                 selend = (int) off + start;
-                setSpan(false, Selection.SELECTION_END, selend, selend,
-                        Spanned.SPAN_POINT_POINT);
+                setSpan(false, Selection.SELECTION_END, selend, selend, Spanned.SPAN_POINT_POINT);
             sendTextChange(recipients, start, origlen, inserted);
         return this; 
@@ -534,8 +520,7 @@
         setSpan(true, what, start, end, flags);
-    private void setSpan(boolean send,
-                         Object what, int start, int end, int flags) {
+    private void setSpan(boolean send, Object what, int start, int end, int flags) {
         int nstart = start;
         int nend = end;
@@ -546,8 +531,7 @@
                 char c = charAt(start - 1);
                 if (c != '\n')
-                    throw new RuntimeException(
-                            "PARAGRAPH span must start at paragraph boundary");
+                    throw new RuntimeException("PARAGRAPH span must start at paragraph boundary");
@@ -556,23 +540,22 @@
                 char c = charAt(end - 1);
                 if (c != '\n')
-                    throw new RuntimeException(
-                            "PARAGRAPH span must end at paragraph boundary");
+                    throw new RuntimeException("PARAGRAPH span must end at paragraph boundary");
-        if (start > mGapStart)
+        if (start > mGapStart) {
             start += mGapLength;
-        else if (start == mGapStart) {
+        } else if (start == mGapStart) {
             int flag = (flags & START_MASK) >> START_SHIFT;
             if (flag == POINT || (flag == PARAGRAPH && start == length()))
                 start += mGapLength;
-        if (end > mGapStart)
+        if (end > mGapStart) {
             end += mGapLength;
-        else if (end == mGapStart) {
+        } else if (end == mGapStart) {
             int flag = (flags & END_MASK);
             if (flag == POINT || (flag == PARAGRAPH && end == length()))
@@ -637,25 +620,7 @@
     public void removeSpan(Object what) {
         for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             if (mSpans[i] == what) {
-                int ostart = mSpanStarts[i];
-                int oend = mSpanEnds[i];
-                if (ostart > mGapStart)
-                    ostart -= mGapLength;
-                if (oend > mGapStart)
-                    oend -= mGapLength;
-                int count = mSpanCount - (i + 1);
-                System.arraycopy(mSpans, i + 1, mSpans, i, count);
-                System.arraycopy(mSpanStarts, i + 1, mSpanStarts, i, count);
-                System.arraycopy(mSpanEnds, i + 1, mSpanEnds, i, count);
-                System.arraycopy(mSpanFlags, i + 1, mSpanFlags, i, count);
-                mSpanCount--;
-                mSpans[mSpanCount] = null;
-                sendSpanRemoved(what, ostart, oend);
+                removeSpan(i);
@@ -729,6 +694,8 @@
     public <T> T[] getSpans(int queryStart, int queryEnd, Class<T> kind) {
+        if (kind == null) return ArrayUtils.emptyArray(kind);
         int spanCount = mSpanCount;
         Object[] spans = mSpans;
         int[] starts = mSpanStarts;
@@ -742,6 +709,8 @@
         T ret1 = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
+            if (!kind.isInstance(spans[i])) continue;
             int spanStart = starts[i];
             int spanEnd = ends[i];
@@ -766,10 +735,6 @@
-            if (kind != null && !kind.isInstance(spans[i])) {
-                continue;
-            }
             if (count == 0) {
                 // Safe conversion thanks to the isInstance test above
                 ret1 = (T) spans[i];
@@ -909,8 +874,7 @@
         return recip;
-    private void sendTextChange(TextWatcher[] recip, int start, int before,
-                                int after) {
+    private void sendTextChange(TextWatcher[] recip, int start, int before, int after) {
         int n = recip.length;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -945,8 +909,7 @@
     private void sendSpanChanged(Object what, int s, int e, int st, int en) {
-        SpanWatcher[] recip = getSpans(Math.min(s, st), Math.max(e, en),
-                                  SpanWatcher.class);
+        SpanWatcher[] recip = getSpans(Math.min(s, st), Math.max(e, en), SpanWatcher.class);
         int n = recip.length;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
diff --git a/core/java/android/text/method/ b/core/java/android/text/method/
index af524ee..0433ec4 100644
--- a/core/java/android/text/method/
+++ b/core/java/android/text/method/
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@
+    public void forceUpdate() {
+        mCurrentDirty = true;
+    }
     public void setCharSequence(CharSequence incoming) {
         // When incoming is different object, move listeners to new sequence
         // and mark as dirty so we reload contents.
diff --git a/core/java/android/text/style/ b/core/java/android/text/style/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b23177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/android/text/style/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * A SpellCheckSpan is an internal data structure created by the TextView's SpellChecker to
+ * annotate portions of the text that are about to or currently being spell checked. They are
+ * automatically removed once the spell check is completed.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class SpellCheckSpan {
+    private boolean mSpellCheckInProgress;
+    public SpellCheckSpan() {
+        mSpellCheckInProgress = false;
+    }
+    public void setSpellCheckInProgress() {
+        mSpellCheckInProgress = true;
+    }
+    public boolean isSpellCheckInProgress() {
+        return mSpellCheckInProgress;
+    }
diff --git a/core/java/android/text/style/ b/core/java/android/text/style/
index fb94bc7..ea57f91 100644
--- a/core/java/android/text/style/
+++ b/core/java/android/text/style/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
  * These spans should typically be created by the input method to provide correction and alternates
  * for the text.
- * @see TextView#setSuggestionsEnabled(boolean)
+ * @see TextView#isSuggestionsEnabled()
 public class SuggestionSpan extends CharacterStyle implements ParcelableSpan {
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
      * And the current IME might want to specify any IME as the target IME including other IMEs.
-    private final int mFlags;
+    private int mFlags;
     private final String[] mSuggestions;
     private final String mLocaleString;
     private final String mNotificationTargetClassName;
@@ -134,8 +134,7 @@
         } else {
             mNotificationTargetClassName = "";
-        mHashCode = hashCodeInternal(
-                mFlags, mSuggestions, mLocaleString, mNotificationTargetClassName);
+        mHashCode = hashCodeInternal(mSuggestions, mLocaleString, mNotificationTargetClassName);
@@ -211,6 +210,10 @@
         return mFlags;
+    public void setFlags(int flags) {
+        mFlags = flags;
+    }
     public int describeContents() {
         return 0;
@@ -247,10 +250,10 @@
         return mHashCode;
-    private static int hashCodeInternal(int flags, String[] suggestions,String locale,
+    private static int hashCodeInternal(String[] suggestions, String locale,
             String notificationTargetClassName) {
-        return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), flags, suggestions, locale,
-                notificationTargetClassName});
+        return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {Long.valueOf(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()), suggestions,
+                locale, notificationTargetClassName});
     public static final Parcelable.Creator<SuggestionSpan> CREATOR =
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/textservice/ b/core/java/android/view/textservice/
index ed0f89d..62a06b9 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/textservice/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/textservice/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 package android.view.textservice;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@
  * This class contains a metadata of suggestions from the text service
 public final class SuggestionsInfo implements Parcelable {
-    private static final String[] EMPTY = new String[0];
+    private static final String[] EMPTY = ArrayUtils.emptyArray(String.class);
      * Flag of the attributes of the suggestions that can be obtained by
diff --git a/core/java/android/widget/ b/core/java/android/widget/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e3b956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/android/widget/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+package android.widget;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.text.Editable;
+import android.text.Selection;
+import android.text.Spanned;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession;
+import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession.SpellCheckerSessionListener;
+import android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo;
+import android.view.textservice.TextInfo;
+import android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager;
+import java.util.Locale;
+ * Helper class for TextView. Bridge between the TextView and the Dictionnary service.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class SpellChecker implements SpellCheckerSessionListener {
+    private static final String LOG_TAG = "SpellChecker";
+    private static final boolean DEBUG_SPELL_CHECK = false;
+    private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_SPELL_CHECK = 400; // milliseconds
+    private final TextView mTextView;
+    final SpellCheckerSession spellCheckerSession;
+    final int mCookie;
+    // Paired arrays for the (id, spellCheckSpan) pair. mIndex is the next available position
+    private int[] mIds;
+    private SpellCheckSpan[] mSpellCheckSpans;
+    // The actual current number of used slots in the above arrays
+    private int mLength;
+    private int mSpanSequenceCounter = 0;
+    private Runnable mChecker;
+    public SpellChecker(TextView textView) {
+        mTextView = textView;
+        final TextServicesManager textServicesManager = (TextServicesManager) textView.getContext().
+                getSystemService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE);
+        spellCheckerSession = textServicesManager.newSpellCheckerSession(
+                null /* not currently used by the textServicesManager */, Locale.getDefault(),
+                this, true /* means use the languages defined in Settings */);
+        mCookie = hashCode();
+        // Arbitrary: 4 simultaneous spell check spans. Will automatically double size on demand
+        final int size = ArrayUtils.idealObjectArraySize(4);
+        mIds = new int[size];
+        mSpellCheckSpans = new SpellCheckSpan[size];
+        mLength = 0;
+    }
+    public void addSpellCheckSpan(SpellCheckSpan spellCheckSpan) {
+        int length = mIds.length;
+        if (mLength >= length) {
+            final int newSize = length * 2;
+            int[] newIds = new int[newSize];
+            SpellCheckSpan[] newSpellCheckSpans = new SpellCheckSpan[newSize];
+            System.arraycopy(mIds, 0, newIds, 0, length);
+            System.arraycopy(mSpellCheckSpans, 0, newSpellCheckSpans, 0, length);
+            mIds = newIds;
+            mSpellCheckSpans = newSpellCheckSpans;
+        }
+        mIds[mLength] = mSpanSequenceCounter++;
+        mSpellCheckSpans[mLength] = spellCheckSpan;
+        mLength++;
+        if (DEBUG_SPELL_CHECK) {
+            final Editable mText = (Editable) mTextView.getText();
+            int start = mText.getSpanStart(spellCheckSpan);
+            int end = mText.getSpanEnd(spellCheckSpan);
+            if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
+                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Schedule check " + mText.subSequence(start, end));
+            } else {
+                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Schedule check   EMPTY!");
+            }
+        }
+        scheduleSpellCheck();
+    }
+    public void removeSpellCheckSpan(SpellCheckSpan spellCheckSpan) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < mLength; i++) {
+            if (mSpellCheckSpans[i] == spellCheckSpan) {
+                removeAtIndex(i);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void removeAtIndex(int i) {
+        System.arraycopy(mIds, i + 1, mIds, i, mLength - i - 1);
+        System.arraycopy(mSpellCheckSpans, i + 1, mSpellCheckSpans, i, mLength - i - 1);
+        mLength--;
+    }
+    public void onSelectionChanged() {
+        scheduleSpellCheck();
+    }
+    private void scheduleSpellCheck() {
+        if (mLength == 0) return;
+        if (mChecker != null) {
+            mTextView.removeCallbacks(mChecker);
+        }
+        if (mChecker == null) {
+            mChecker = new Runnable() {
+                public void run() {
+                  spellCheck();
+                }
+            };
+        }
+        mTextView.postDelayed(mChecker, DELAY_BEFORE_SPELL_CHECK);
+    }
+    private void spellCheck() {
+        final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText();
+        final int selectionStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(editable);
+        final int selectionEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(editable);
+        TextInfo[] textInfos = new TextInfo[mLength];
+        int textInfosCount = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < mLength; i++) {
+            SpellCheckSpan spellCheckSpan = mSpellCheckSpans[i];
+            if (spellCheckSpan.isSpellCheckInProgress()) continue;
+            final int start = editable.getSpanStart(spellCheckSpan);
+            final int end = editable.getSpanEnd(spellCheckSpan);
+            // Do not check this word if the user is currently editing it
+            if (start >= 0 && end >= 0 && (selectionEnd < start || selectionStart > end)) {
+                final String word = editable.subSequence(start, end).toString();
+                spellCheckSpan.setSpellCheckInProgress();
+                textInfos[textInfosCount++] = new TextInfo(word, mCookie, mIds[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (textInfosCount > 0) {
+            if (textInfosCount < mLength) {
+                TextInfo[] textInfosCopy = new TextInfo[textInfosCount];
+                System.arraycopy(textInfos, 0, textInfosCopy, 0, textInfosCount);
+                textInfos = textInfosCopy;
+            }
+            spellCheckerSession.getSuggestions(textInfos, SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTIONS_MAX_SIZE,
+                    false /* TODO Set sequentialWords to true for initial spell check */);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onGetSuggestions(SuggestionsInfo[] results) {
+        final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText();
+        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+            SuggestionsInfo suggestionsInfo = results[i];
+            if (suggestionsInfo.getCookie() != mCookie) continue;
+            final int sequenceNumber = suggestionsInfo.getSequence();
+            // Starting from the end, to limit the number of array copy while removing
+            for (int j = mLength - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+                if (sequenceNumber == mIds[j]) {
+                    SpellCheckSpan spellCheckSpan = mSpellCheckSpans[j];
+                    final int attributes = suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionsAttributes();
+                    boolean isInDictionary =
+                            ((attributes & SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_IN_THE_DICTIONARY) > 0);
+                    boolean looksLikeTypo =
+                            ((attributes & SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_LOOKS_LIKE_TYPO) > 0);
+                    if (DEBUG_SPELL_CHECK) {
+                        final int start = editable.getSpanStart(spellCheckSpan);
+                        final int end = editable.getSpanEnd(spellCheckSpan);
+                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Result sequence=" + suggestionsInfo.getSequence() + " " +
+                                editable.subSequence(start, end) +
+                                "\t" + (isInDictionary?"IN_DICT" : "NOT_DICT") +
+                                "\t" + (looksLikeTypo?"TYPO" : "NOT_TYPO"));
+                    }
+                    if (!isInDictionary && looksLikeTypo) {
+                        String[] suggestions = getSuggestions(suggestionsInfo);
+                        if (suggestions.length > 0) {
+                            SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan = new SuggestionSpan(
+                                    mTextView.getContext(), suggestions,
+                                    SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT |
+                                    SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED);
+                            final int start = editable.getSpanStart(spellCheckSpan);
+                            final int end = editable.getSpanEnd(spellCheckSpan);
+                            editable.setSpan(suggestionSpan, start, end,
+                                    Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
+                            // TODO limit to the word rectangle region
+                            mTextView.invalidate();
+                            if (DEBUG_SPELL_CHECK) {
+                                String suggestionsString = "";
+                                for (String s : suggestions) { suggestionsString += s + "|"; }
+                                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "  Suggestions for " + sequenceNumber + " " +
+                                    editable.subSequence(start, end)+ "  " + suggestionsString);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    editable.removeSpan(spellCheckSpan);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static String[] getSuggestions(SuggestionsInfo suggestionsInfo) {
+        final int len = Math.max(0, suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionsCount());
+        String[] suggestions = new String[len];
+        for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
+            suggestions[j] = suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionAt(j);
+        }
+        return suggestions;
+    }
diff --git a/core/java/android/widget/ b/core/java/android/widget/
index 662b964..683a984 100644
--- a/core/java/android/widget/
+++ b/core/java/android/widget/
@@ -61,11 +61,6 @@
 import android.text.StaticLayout;
 import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristic;
 import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics.AnyStrong;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics.CharCount;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics.FirstStrong;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics.TextDirectionAlgorithm;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics.TextDirectionHeuristicImpl;
 import android.text.TextPaint;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import android.text.TextWatcher;
@@ -88,6 +83,7 @@
 import android.text.method.WordIterator;
@@ -220,7 +216,6 @@
  * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionLabel
  * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionId
  * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_editorExtras
- * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_suggestionsEnabled
 public class TextView extends View implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
@@ -334,7 +329,6 @@
     private int mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout;
     private SuggestionsPopupWindow mSuggestionsPopupWindow;
     private SuggestionRangeSpan mSuggestionRangeSpan;
-    private boolean mSuggestionsEnabled = true;
     private int mCursorDrawableRes;
     private final Drawable[] mCursorDrawable = new Drawable[2];
@@ -356,6 +350,8 @@
     private WordIterator mWordIterator;
+    private SpellChecker mSpellChecker;
     // The alignment to pass to Layout, or null if not resolved.
     private Layout.Alignment mLayoutAlignment;
@@ -826,10 +822,6 @@
                 mTextIsSelectable = a.getBoolean(attr, false);
-            case
-                mSuggestionsEnabled = a.getBoolean(attr, true);
-                break;
                 allCaps = a.getBoolean(attr, false);
@@ -3100,18 +3092,19 @@
         boolean needEditableForNotification = false;
+        boolean startSpellCheck = false;
         if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() != 0) {
             needEditableForNotification = true;
-        if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || mInput != null ||
-            needEditableForNotification) {
+        if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || mInput != null || needEditableForNotification) {
             Editable t = mEditableFactory.newEditable(text);
             text = t;
             setFilters(t, mFilters);
             InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
             if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
+            startSpellCheck = true;
         } else if (type == BufferType.SPANNABLE || mMovement != null) {
             text = mSpannableFactory.newSpannable(text);
         } else if (!(text instanceof CharWrapper)) {
@@ -3200,6 +3193,10 @@
         sendOnTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);
         onTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);
+        if (startSpellCheck) {
+            updateSpellCheckSpans(0, textLength);
+        }
         if (needEditableForNotification) {
             sendAfterTextChanged((Editable) text);
@@ -7113,8 +7110,9 @@
      * to turn off ellipsizing.
      * If {@link #setMaxLines} has been used to set two or more lines,
-     * {@link TextUtils.TruncateAt#END} and {@link TextUtils.TruncateAt#MARQUEE}
-     * are only supported (other ellipsizing types will not do anything).
+     * {@link android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt#END} and
+     * {@link android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt#MARQUEE}* are only supported
+     * (other ellipsizing types will not do anything).
      * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_ellipsize
@@ -7376,7 +7374,7 @@
      * @param lengthAfter The length of the replacement modified text
     protected void onTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int lengthBefore, int lengthAfter) {
-        // intentionally empty
+        // intentionally empty, template pattern method can be overridden by subclasses
@@ -7388,6 +7386,9 @@
     protected void onSelectionChanged(int selStart, int selEnd) {
+        if (mSpellChecker != null) {
+            mSpellChecker.onSelectionChanged();
+        }
@@ -7422,8 +7423,7 @@
-    private void sendBeforeTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before,
-                                   int after) {
+    private void sendBeforeTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before, int after) {
         if (mListeners != null) {
             final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
             final int count = list.size();
@@ -7431,14 +7431,32 @@
                 list.get(i).beforeTextChanged(text, start, before, after);
+        // The spans that are inside or intersect the modified region no longer make sense
+        removeIntersectingSpans(start, start + before, SpellCheckSpan.class);
+        removeIntersectingSpans(start, start + before, SuggestionSpan.class);
+    }
+    // Removes all spans that are inside or actually overlap the start..end range
+    private <T> void removeIntersectingSpans(int start, int end, Class<T> type) {
+        if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) return;
+        Editable text = (Editable) mText;
+        T[] spans = text.getSpans(start, end, type);
+        final int length = spans.length;
+        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+            final int s = text.getSpanStart(spans[i]);
+            final int e = text.getSpanEnd(spans[i]);
+            if (e == start || s == end) break;
+            text.removeSpan(spans[i]);
+        }
      * Not private so it can be called from an inner class without going
      * through a thunk.
-    void sendOnTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before,
-                                   int after) {
+    void sendOnTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before, int after) {
         if (mListeners != null) {
             final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
             final int count = list.size();
@@ -7486,6 +7504,11 @@
         sendOnTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
         onTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
+        // The WordIterator text change listener may be called after this one.
+        // Make sure this changed text is rescanned before the iterator is used on it.
+        getWordIterator().forceUpdate();
+        updateSpellCheckSpans(start, start + after);
         // Hide the controllers if the amount of content changed
         if (before != after) {
@@ -7573,7 +7596,7 @@
         if (what instanceof ParcelableSpan) {
             // If this is a span that can be sent to a remote process,
             // the current extract editor would be interested in it.
@@ -7603,10 +7626,102 @@
+        if (what instanceof SpellCheckSpan) {
+            if (newStart < 0) {
+                getSpellChecker().removeSpellCheckSpan((SpellCheckSpan) what);
+            } else if (oldStart < 0) {
+                getSpellChecker().addSpellCheckSpan((SpellCheckSpan) what);
+            }
+        }
+        if (what instanceof SuggestionSpan) {
+            if (newStart < 0) {
+                Log.d("spellcheck", "REMOVE suggspan " + mText.subSequence(oldStart, oldEnd));
+            }
+        }
-    private class ChangeWatcher
-    implements TextWatcher, SpanWatcher {
+    /**
+     * Create new SpellCheckSpans on the modified region.
+     */
+    private void updateSpellCheckSpans(int start, int end) {
+        if (!(mText instanceof Editable) || !isSuggestionsEnabled()) return;
+        Editable text = (Editable) mText;
+        WordIterator wordIterator = getWordIterator();
+        wordIterator.setCharSequence(text);
+        // Move back to the beginning of the current word, if any
+        int wordStart = wordIterator.preceding(start);
+        int wordEnd;
+        if (wordStart == BreakIterator.DONE) {
+            wordEnd = wordIterator.following(start);
+            if (wordEnd != BreakIterator.DONE) {
+                wordStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(wordEnd);
+            }
+        } else {
+            wordEnd = wordIterator.getEnd(wordStart);
+        }
+        if (wordEnd == BreakIterator.DONE) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Iterate over the newly added text and schedule new SpellCheckSpans
+        while (wordStart <= end) {
+            if (wordEnd >= start) {
+                // A word across the interval boundaries must remove boundary edition spans
+                if (wordStart < start && wordEnd > start) {
+                    removeEditionSpansAt(start, text);
+                }
+                if (wordStart < end && wordEnd > end) {
+                    removeEditionSpansAt(end, text);
+                }
+                // Do not create new boundary spans if they already exist
+                boolean createSpellCheckSpan = true;
+                if (wordEnd == start) {
+                    SpellCheckSpan[] spellCheckSpans = text.getSpans(start, start,
+                            SpellCheckSpan.class);
+                    if (spellCheckSpans.length > 0) createSpellCheckSpan = false;
+                }
+                if (wordStart == end) {
+                    SpellCheckSpan[] spellCheckSpans = text.getSpans(end, end,
+                            SpellCheckSpan.class);
+                    if (spellCheckSpans.length > 0) createSpellCheckSpan = false;
+                }
+                if (createSpellCheckSpan) {
+                    text.setSpan(new SpellCheckSpan(), wordStart, wordEnd,
+                            Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
+                }
+            }
+            // iterate word by word
+            wordEnd = wordIterator.following(wordEnd);
+            if (wordEnd == BreakIterator.DONE) return;
+            wordStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(wordEnd);
+            if (wordStart == BreakIterator.DONE) {
+                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to find word beginning from " + wordEnd + "in " + mText);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static void removeEditionSpansAt(int offset, Editable text) {
+        SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = text.getSpans(offset, offset, SuggestionSpan.class);
+        for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) {
+            text.removeSpan(suggestionSpans[i]);
+        }
+        SpellCheckSpan[] spellCheckSpans = text.getSpans(offset, offset, SpellCheckSpan.class);
+        for (int i = 0; i < spellCheckSpans.length; i++) {
+            text.removeSpan(spellCheckSpans[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    private class ChangeWatcher implements TextWatcher, SpanWatcher {
         private CharSequence mBeforeText;
@@ -7631,8 +7746,7 @@
             TextView.this.handleTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
             if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled() &&
-                    (isFocused() || isSelected() &&
-                    isShown())) {
+                    (isFocused() || isSelected() && isShown())) {
                 sendAccessibilityEventTypeViewTextChanged(mBeforeText, start, before, after);
                 mBeforeText = null;
@@ -7642,8 +7756,7 @@
             if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "afterTextChanged: " + buffer);
-            if (MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer,
-                                 MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING) != 0) {
+            if (MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer, MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING) != 0) {
                 MetaKeyKeyListener.stopSelecting(TextView.this, buffer);
@@ -7841,17 +7954,20 @@
             if (mInputContentType != null) {
                 mInputContentType.enterDown = false;
-            removeAllSuggestionSpans();
+            removeSpans(0, mText.length(), SuggestionSpan.class);
+            removeSpans(0, mText.length(), SpellCheckSpan.class);
-    private void removeAllSuggestionSpans() {
+    private void removeSpans(int start, int end, Class<?> type) {
         if (mText instanceof Editable) {
             Editable editable = ((Editable) mText);
-            SuggestionSpan[] spans = editable.getSpans(0, mText.length(), SuggestionSpan.class);
+            Object[] spans = editable.getSpans(start, end, type);
             final int length = spans.length;
             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
@@ -7969,6 +8085,8 @@
+                handled = true;
             if (handled) {
@@ -7980,11 +8098,22 @@
+     * @return <code>true</code> if the cursor/current selection overlaps a {@link SuggestionSpan}.
+     */
+    private boolean isCursorInsideSuggestionSpan() {
+        if (!(mText instanceof Spannable)) return false;
+        SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = ((Spannable) mText).getSpans(getSelectionStart(),
+                getSelectionEnd(), SuggestionSpan.class);
+        return (suggestionSpans.length > 0);
+    }
+    /**
      * @return <code>true</code> if the cursor is inside an {@link SuggestionSpan} with
      * {@link SuggestionSpan#FLAG_EASY_CORRECT} set.
     private boolean isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan() {
-        Spannable spannable = (Spannable) TextView.this.mText;
+        Spannable spannable = (Spannable) mText;
         SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(getSelectionStart(),
                 getSelectionEnd(), SuggestionSpan.class);
         for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) {
@@ -8445,16 +8574,14 @@
             selectionStart = ((Spanned) mText).getSpanStart(url);
             selectionEnd = ((Spanned) mText).getSpanEnd(url);
         } else {
-            if (mWordIterator == null) {
-                mWordIterator = new WordIterator();
-            }
-            // WordIerator handles text changes, this is a no-op if text in unchanged.
-            mWordIterator.setCharSequence(mText);
+            WordIterator wordIterator = getWordIterator();
+            // WordIterator handles text changes, this is a no-op if text in unchanged.
+            wordIterator.setCharSequence(mText);
-            selectionStart = mWordIterator.getBeginning(minOffset);
+            selectionStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(minOffset);
             if (selectionStart == BreakIterator.DONE) return false;
-            selectionEnd = mWordIterator.getEnd(maxOffset);
+            selectionEnd = wordIterator.getEnd(maxOffset);
             if (selectionEnd == BreakIterator.DONE) return false;
@@ -8462,6 +8589,20 @@
         return true;
+    WordIterator getWordIterator() {
+        if (mWordIterator == null) {
+            mWordIterator = new WordIterator();
+        }
+        return mWordIterator;
+    }
+    private SpellChecker getSpellChecker() {
+        if (mSpellChecker == null) {
+            mSpellChecker = new SpellChecker(this);
+        }
+        return mSpellChecker;
+    }
     private long getLastTouchOffsets() {
         int minOffset, maxOffset;
@@ -8790,7 +8931,7 @@
             final int offset = getOffsetForPosition(mLastDownPositionX, mLastDownPositionY);
             Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText, offset);
-            getInsertionController().showImmediately();
+            getInsertionController().showWithActionPopup();
             handled = true;
@@ -9067,10 +9208,12 @@
     private class SuggestionsPopupWindow extends PinnedPopupWindow implements OnClickListener {
-        private static final int MAX_NUMBER_SUGGESTIONS = 5;
+        private static final int MAX_NUMBER_SUGGESTIONS = SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTIONS_MAX_SIZE;
         private static final int NO_SUGGESTIONS = -1;
+        private static final float AVERAGE_HIGHLIGHTS_PER_SUGGESTION = 1.4f;
         private WordIterator mSuggestionWordIterator;
-        private TextAppearanceSpan[] mHighlightSpans = new TextAppearanceSpan[0];
+        private TextAppearanceSpan[] mHighlightSpans = new TextAppearanceSpan
         protected void createPopupWindow() {
@@ -9149,9 +9292,10 @@
         public void show() {
             if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) return;
-            updateSuggestions();
-  ;
+            if (updateSuggestions()) {
+      ;
+            }
@@ -9179,7 +9323,7 @@
-        private void updateSuggestions() {
+        private boolean updateSuggestions() {
             Spannable spannable = (Spannable)TextView.this.mText;
             SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = getSuggestionSpans();
@@ -9217,22 +9361,15 @@
-            if (totalNbSuggestions == 0) {
-                // TODO Replace by final text, use a dedicated layout, add a fade out timer...
-                TextView textView = (TextView) mContentView.getChildAt(0);
-                textView.setText("No suggestions available");
-                SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo = (SuggestionInfo) textView.getTag();
-                suggestionInfo.spanStart = NO_SUGGESTIONS;
-                totalNbSuggestions++;
-            } else {
-                if (mSuggestionRangeSpan == null) mSuggestionRangeSpan = new SuggestionRangeSpan();
-                ((Editable) mText).setSpan(mSuggestionRangeSpan, spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd,
-                        Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
+            if (totalNbSuggestions == 0) return false;
-                for (int i = 0; i < totalNbSuggestions; i++) {
-                    final TextView textView = (TextView) mContentView.getChildAt(i);
-                    highlightTextDifferences(textView, spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd);
-                }
+            if (mSuggestionRangeSpan == null) mSuggestionRangeSpan = new SuggestionRangeSpan();
+            ((Editable) mText).setSpan(mSuggestionRangeSpan, spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd,
+                    Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
+            for (int i = 0; i < totalNbSuggestions; i++) {
+                final TextView textView = (TextView) mContentView.getChildAt(i);
+                highlightTextDifferences(textView, spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd);
             for (int i = 0; i < totalNbSuggestions; i++) {
@@ -9241,6 +9378,27 @@
             for (int i = totalNbSuggestions; i < MAX_NUMBER_SUGGESTIONS; i++) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        private void onDictionarySuggestionsReceived(String[] suggestions) {
+            if (suggestions.length == 0) {
+                // TODO Actual implementation of this feature
+                suggestions = new String[] {"Add to dictionary"};
+            }
+            WordIterator wordIterator = getWordIterator();
+            wordIterator.setCharSequence(mText);
+            final int pos = getSelectionStart();
+            int wordStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(pos);
+            int wordEnd = wordIterator.getEnd(pos);
+            SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan = new SuggestionSpan(getContext(), suggestions, 0);
+            ((Editable) mText).setSpan(suggestionSpan, wordStart, wordEnd,
+                    Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
+            show();
         private long[] getWordLimits(CharSequence text) {
@@ -9422,6 +9580,15 @@
                     final String originalText = mText.subSequence(spanStart, spanEnd).toString();
                     ((Editable) mText).replace(spanStart, spanEnd, suggestion);
+                    // A replacement on a misspelled text removes the misspelled flag.
+                    // TODO restore the flag if the misspelled word is selected back?
+                    int suggestionSpanFlags = suggestionInfo.suggestionSpan.getFlags();
+                    if ((suggestionSpanFlags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) > 0) {
+                        suggestionSpanFlags &= ~(SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED);
+                        suggestionSpanFlags &= ~(SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT);
+                        suggestionInfo.suggestionSpan.setFlags(suggestionSpanFlags);
+                    }
                     // Notify source IME of the suggestion pick. Do this before swaping texts.
                     if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(
                             suggestionInfo.suggestionSpan.getNotificationTargetClassName())) {
@@ -9471,53 +9638,46 @@
     boolean areSuggestionsShown() {
         return mSuggestionsPopupWindow != null && mSuggestionsPopupWindow.isShowing();
-    } 
+    }
+    void onDictionarySuggestionsReceived(String[] suggestions) {
+        if (mSuggestionsPopupWindow != null) {
+            mSuggestionsPopupWindow.onDictionarySuggestionsReceived(suggestions);
+        }
+    }
-     * Some parts of the text can have alternate suggestion text attached. This is typically done by
-     * the IME by adding {@link SuggestionSpan}s to the text.
+     * Return whether or not suggestions are enabled on this TextView. The suggestions are generated
+     * by the IME or by the spell checker as the user types. This is done by adding
+     * {@link SuggestionSpan}s to the text.
      * When suggestions are enabled (default), this list of suggestions will be displayed when the
-     * user double taps on these parts of the text. No suggestions are displayed when this value is
-     * false. Use {@link #setSuggestionsEnabled(boolean)} to change this value.
+     * user asks for them on these parts of the text. This value depends on the inputType of this
+     * TextView.
-     * Note that suggestions are only enabled for a subset of input types. In addition to setting
-     * this flag to <code>true</code> using {@link #setSuggestionsEnabled(boolean)} or the
-     * <code>android:suggestionsEnabled</code> xml attribute, this method will return
-     * <code>true</code> only if the class of your input type is {@link InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}.
-     * In addition, the type variation must also be one of
+     * The class of the input type must be {@link InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}.
+     *
+     * In addition, the type variation must be one of
      * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL},
      * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE} or
      * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT}.
-     * @return true if the suggestions popup window is enabled.
+     * And finally, the {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS} flag must <i>not</i> be set.
-     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_suggestionsEnabled
+     * @return true if the suggestions popup window is enabled, based on the inputType.
     public boolean isSuggestionsEnabled() {
-        if (!mSuggestionsEnabled) return false;
         if ((mInputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) != InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) return false;
+        if ((mInputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS) > 0) return false;
         final int variation = mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION;
-        if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL ||
+        return (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL ||
                 variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT ||
                 variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_LONG_MESSAGE ||
                 variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE ||
-                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT) return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enables or disables the suggestion popup. See {@link #isSuggestionsEnabled()}.
-     *
-     * @param enabled Whether or not suggestions are enabled.
-     *
-     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_suggestionsEnabled
-     */
-    public void setSuggestionsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
-        mSuggestionsEnabled = enabled;
+                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT);
@@ -9787,11 +9947,11 @@
         public void show() {
             boolean canPaste = canPaste();
-            boolean suggestionsEnabled = isSuggestionsEnabled();
+            boolean canSuggest = isSuggestionsEnabled() && isCursorInsideSuggestionSpan();
             mPasteTextView.setVisibility(canPaste ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
-            mReplaceTextView.setVisibility(suggestionsEnabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
+            mReplaceTextView.setVisibility(canSuggest ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
-            if (!canPaste && !suggestionsEnabled) return;
+            if (!canPaste && !canSuggest) return;
@@ -9802,6 +9962,9 @@
             } else if (view == mReplaceTextView) {
+                final int middle = (getSelectionStart() + getSelectionEnd()) / 2;
+                stopSelectionActionMode();
+                Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText, middle);
@@ -10133,17 +10296,18 @@
         public void show() {
-            hideAfterDelay();
-        }
-        public void show(int delayBeforeShowActionPopup) {
-            show();
             final long durationSinceCutOrCopy = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - sLastCutOrCopyTime;
             if (durationSinceCutOrCopy < RECENT_CUT_COPY_DURATION) {
-                delayBeforeShowActionPopup = 0;
+                showActionPopupWindow(0);
-            showActionPopupWindow(delayBeforeShowActionPopup);
+            hideAfterDelay();
+        }
+        public void showWithActionPopup() {
+            show();
+            showActionPopupWindow(0);
         private void hideAfterDelay() {
@@ -10194,7 +10358,7 @@
                                 // Tapping on the handle dismisses the displayed action popup
                             } else {
-                                show(0);
+                                showWithActionPopup();
@@ -10349,16 +10513,14 @@
     private class InsertionPointCursorController implements CursorController {
-        private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_PASTE_ACTION = 1600;
         private InsertionHandleView mHandle;
         public void show() {
-            getHandle().show(DELAY_BEFORE_PASTE_ACTION);
+            getHandle().show();
-        public void showImmediately() {
-            getHandle().show(0);
+        public void showWithActionPopup() {
+            getHandle().showWithActionPopup();
         public void hide() {
@@ -10390,7 +10552,7 @@
     private class SelectionModifierCursorController implements CursorController {
-        private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_REPLACE_ACTION = 1200;
+        private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_REPLACE_ACTION = 200; // milliseconds
         // The cursor controller handles, lazily created when shown.
         private SelectionStartHandleView mStartHandle;
         private SelectionEndHandleView mEndHandle;
@@ -10879,8 +11041,8 @@
     private int                     mAutoLinkMask;
     private boolean                 mLinksClickable = true;
-    private float                   mSpacingMult = 1;
-    private float                   mSpacingAdd = 0;
+    private float                   mSpacingMult = 1.0f;
+    private float                   mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;
     private boolean                 mTextIsSelectable = false;
     private static final int        LINES = 1;
diff --git a/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark.png b/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark.png
index 5579443..b161361 100644
--- a/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark.png
+++ b/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light.png b/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light.png
index 6674914..0a7b364 100644
--- a/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light.png
+++ b/core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_landscape.xml b/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_landscape.xml
index bc86ab7..12df99e 100644
--- a/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_landscape.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_landscape.xml
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@
-            android:suggestionsEnabled="false"
         <ImageView android:id="@+id/switch_ime_button"
diff --git a/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_portrait.xml b/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_portrait.xml
index 994c439..6145e47 100644
--- a/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_portrait.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_password_portrait.xml
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
-            android:suggestionsEnabled="false"/>
+            />
         <ImageView android:id="@+id/switch_ime_button"
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
index bb61c72..a536961 100755
--- a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
@@ -881,10 +881,6 @@
      Default value is false. EditText content is always selectable. -->
     <attr name="textIsSelectable" format="boolean" />
-    <!-- When true, IME suggestions will be displayed when the user double taps on editable text.
-     The default value is true. -->
-    <attr name="suggestionsEnabled" format="boolean" />
     <!-- Where to ellipsize text. -->
     <attr name="ellipsize">
         <enum name="none" value="0" />
@@ -3148,8 +3144,6 @@
         <!-- Indicates that the content of a non-editable text can be selected. -->
         <attr name="textIsSelectable" />
-        <!-- Suggestions will be displayed when the user double taps on editable text. -->
-        <attr name="suggestionsEnabled" />
         <!-- Present the text in ALL CAPS. This may use a small-caps form when available. -->
         <attr name="textAllCaps" />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/public.xml b/core/res/res/values/public.xml
index a6bf1e0..b9d05fd 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/public.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/public.xml
@@ -1717,8 +1717,6 @@
   <public type="attr" name="textSuggestionsWindowStyle" />
   <public type="attr" name="textEditSuggestionItemLayout" />
-  <public type="attr" name="suggestionsEnabled" />
   <public type="attr" name="rowCount" />
   <public type="attr" name="rowOrderPreserved" />
   <public type="attr" name="columnCount" />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
index 8eaac8c..9455124 100755
--- a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -2470,7 +2470,7 @@
     <string name="paste">Paste</string>
     <!-- Item on EditText context menu. This action is used to replace the current word by other suggested words, suggested by the IME or the spell checker -->
-    <string name="replace">Replace</string>
+    <string name="replace">Replace\u2026</string>
     <!-- Item on EditText context menu. This action is used to copy a URL from the edit field into the clipboard. -->
     <string name="copyUrl">Copy URL</string>