Snapshot Task with the app window crop for Recents

Snapshot a specific task and its children instead of taking a snapshot
of the whole screen with max and min layer values. This makes it clear
what the desired screenshot is instead of trying to determine what the
max and min z layers should be.

In the process of updating the snapshot code, I split the code that
captures a layer from the code that captures the whole screen. This
simplified the code so the capture screen doesn't need to invoke the
frame calculations since it will be capturing the whole screen anyway.

Test: Recents snapshots work correctly without the IME, status, and
navigation bar

Change-Id: I8776c1ddb9cd8a23a482b045720960702796fd5f
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index aa2f1c1..3d01ec2 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
             Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer,
             boolean allLayers, boolean useIdentityTransform);
     private static native void nativeCaptureLayers(IBinder layerHandleToken, Surface consumer,
-            int rotation);
+            Rect sourceCrop, float frameScale);
+    private static native GraphicBuffer nativeCaptureLayers(IBinder layerHandleToken,
+            Rect sourceCrop, float frameScale);
     private static native long nativeCreateTransaction();
     private static native long nativeGetNativeTransactionFinalizer();
@@ -1177,14 +1179,24 @@
      * Captures a layer and its children into the provided {@link Surface}.
      * @param layerHandleToken The root layer to capture.
-     * @param consumer The {@link Surface} to capture the layer into.
-     * @param rotation Apply a custom clockwise rotation to the screenshot, i.e.
-     *                 Surface.ROTATION_0,90,180,270. Surfaceflinger will always capture in its
-     *                 native portrait orientation by default, so this is useful for returning
-     *                 captures that are independent of device orientation.
+     * @param consumer         The {@link Surface} to capture the layer into.
+     * @param sourceCrop       The portion of the root surface to capture; caller may pass in 'new
+     *                         Rect()' or null if no cropping is desired.
+     * @param frameScale       The desired scale of the returned buffer; the raw
+     *                         screen will be scaled up/down.
-    public static void captureLayers(IBinder layerHandleToken, Surface consumer, int rotation) {
-        nativeCaptureLayers(layerHandleToken, consumer, rotation);
+    public static void captureLayers(IBinder layerHandleToken, Surface consumer, Rect sourceCrop,
+            float frameScale) {
+        nativeCaptureLayers(layerHandleToken, consumer, sourceCrop, frameScale);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Same as {@link #captureLayers(IBinder, Surface, Rect, float)} except this
+     * captures to a {@link GraphicBuffer} instead of a {@link Surface}.
+     */
+    public static GraphicBuffer captureLayersToBuffer(IBinder layerHandleToken, Rect sourceCrop,
+            float frameScale) {
+        return nativeCaptureLayers(layerHandleToken, sourceCrop, frameScale);
     public static class Transaction implements Closeable {
diff --git a/core/jni/android_view_SurfaceControl.cpp b/core/jni/android_view_SurfaceControl.cpp
index bb1bfad..f77e6c4 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_view_SurfaceControl.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_view_SurfaceControl.cpp
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
 static void nativeCaptureLayers(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject layerHandleToken,
-        jobject surfaceObj, int rotation) {
+        jobject surfaceObj, jobject sourceCropObj, jfloat frameScale) {
     sp<IBinder> layerHandle = ibinderForJavaObject(env, layerHandleToken);
     if (layerHandle == NULL) {
@@ -303,7 +303,42 @@
-    ScreenshotClient::captureLayers(layerHandle, consumer->getIGraphicBufferProducer(), rotation);
+    Rect sourceCrop;
+    if (sourceCropObj != NULL) {
+        sourceCrop = rectFromObj(env, sourceCropObj);
+    }
+    ScreenshotClient::captureLayers(layerHandle, consumer->getIGraphicBufferProducer(), sourceCrop,
+            frameScale);
+static jobject nativeCaptureLayersToBuffer(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject layerHandleToken,
+        jobject sourceCropObj, jfloat frameScale) {
+    sp<IBinder> layerHandle = ibinderForJavaObject(env, layerHandleToken);
+    if (layerHandle == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    Rect sourceCrop;
+    if (sourceCropObj != NULL) {
+        sourceCrop = rectFromObj(env, sourceCropObj);
+    }
+    sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer;
+    status_t res = ScreenshotClient::captureLayersToBuffer(layerHandle, sourceCrop, frameScale,
+            &buffer);
+    if (res != NO_ERROR) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return env->CallStaticObjectMethod(gGraphicBufferClassInfo.clazz,
+                                       gGraphicBufferClassInfo.builder,
+                                       buffer->getWidth(),
+                                       buffer->getHeight(),
+                                       buffer->getPixelFormat(),
+                                       (jint)buffer->getUsage(),
+                                       (jlong)buffer.get());
 static void nativeApplyTransaction(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong transactionObj, jboolean sync) {
@@ -975,8 +1010,10 @@
      (void*)nativeScreenshotToBuffer },
-    {"nativeCaptureLayers", "(Landroid/os/IBinder;Landroid/view/Surface;I)V",
+    {"nativeCaptureLayers", "(Landroid/os/IBinder;Landroid/view/Surface;Landroid/graphics/Rect;F)V",
             (void*)nativeCaptureLayers },
+    {"nativeCaptureLayers", "(Landroid/os/IBinder;Landroid/graphics/Rect;F)Landroid/graphics/GraphicBuffer;",
+            (void*)nativeCaptureLayersToBuffer },
 int register_android_view_SurfaceControl(JNIEnv* env)
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 56e5922..41348ba 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -2969,227 +2969,30 @@
      * Takes a snapshot of the display.  In landscape mode this grabs the whole screen.
      * In portrait mode, it grabs the full screenshot.
-     * @param width the width of the target bitmap
-     * @param height the height of the target bitmap
-     * @param includeFullDisplay true if the screen should not be cropped before capture
-     * @param frameScale the scale to apply to the frame, only used when width = -1 and height = -1
      * @param config of the output bitmap
      * @param wallpaperOnly true if only the wallpaper layer should be included in the screenshot
-     * @param includeDecor whether to include window decors, like the status or navigation bar
-     *                     background of the window
-    Bitmap screenshotApplications(IBinder appToken, int width, int height,
-            boolean includeFullDisplay, float frameScale, Bitmap.Config config,
-            boolean wallpaperOnly, boolean includeDecor) {
-        Bitmap bitmap = screenshotApplications(appToken, width, height, includeFullDisplay,
-                frameScale, wallpaperOnly, includeDecor, SurfaceControl::screenshot);
-        if (bitmap == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
-            // TEST IF IT's ALL BLACK
-            int[] buffer = new int[bitmap.getWidth() * bitmap.getHeight()];
-            bitmap.getPixels(buffer, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(),
-                    bitmap.getHeight());
-            boolean allBlack = true;
-            final int firstColor = buffer[0];
-            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
-                if (buffer[i] != firstColor) {
-                    allBlack = false;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (allBlack) {
-                final WindowState appWin = mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin;
-                final int maxLayer = mScreenshotApplicationState.maxLayer;
-                final int minLayer = mScreenshotApplicationState.minLayer;
-                Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Screenshot " + appWin + " was monochrome(" +
-                        Integer.toHexString(firstColor) + ")! mSurfaceLayer=" +
-                        (appWin != null ?
-                                appWin.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController.getLayer() : "null") +
-                        " minLayer=" + minLayer + " maxLayer=" + maxLayer);
-            }
-        }
-        // Create a copy of the screenshot that is immutable and backed in ashmem.
-        // This greatly reduces the overhead of passing the bitmap between processes.
-        Bitmap ret = bitmap.createAshmemBitmap(config);
-        bitmap.recycle();
-        return ret;
-    }
-    GraphicBuffer screenshotApplicationsToBuffer(IBinder appToken, int width, int height,
-            boolean includeFullDisplay, float frameScale, boolean wallpaperOnly,
-            boolean includeDecor) {
-        return screenshotApplications(appToken, width, height, includeFullDisplay, frameScale,
-                wallpaperOnly, includeDecor, SurfaceControl::screenshotToBuffer);
-    }
-    private <E> E screenshotApplications(IBinder appToken, int width, int height,
-            boolean includeFullDisplay, float frameScale, boolean wallpaperOnly,
-            boolean includeDecor, Screenshoter<E> screenshoter) {
-        int dw = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth;
-        int dh = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight;
-        if (dw == 0 || dh == 0) {
-            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Screenshot of " + appToken
-                    + ": returning null. logical widthxheight=" + dw + "x" + dh);
-            return null;
-        }
-        E bitmap;
-        mScreenshotApplicationState.reset(appToken == null && !wallpaperOnly);
-        final Rect frame = new Rect();
-        final Rect stackBounds = new Rect();
-        final int aboveAppLayer = (mService.mPolicy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_APPLICATION) + 1)
-        final MutableBoolean mutableIncludeFullDisplay = new MutableBoolean(includeFullDisplay);
-        synchronized(mService.mWindowMap) {
+    Bitmap screenshotDisplay(Bitmap.Config config, boolean wallpaperOnly) {
+        synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) {
             if (!mService.mPolicy.isScreenOn()) {
-                if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Attempted to take screenshot while display"
-                        + " was off.");
-                return null;
-            }
-            // Figure out the part of the screen that is actually the app.
-            mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin = null;
-            forAllWindows(w -> {
-                if (!w.mHasSurface) {
-                    return false;
+                if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
+                    Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Attempted to take screenshot while display was off.");
-                if (w.mLayer >= aboveAppLayer) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                if (wallpaperOnly && !w.mIsWallpaper) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                if (w.mIsImWindow) {
-                    return false;
-                } else if (w.mIsWallpaper) {
-                    // If this is the wallpaper layer and we're only looking for the wallpaper layer
-                    // then the target window state is this one.
-                    if (wallpaperOnly) {
-                        mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin = w;
-                    }
-                    if (mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin == null) {
-                        // We have not ran across the target window yet, so it is probably behind
-                        // the wallpaper. This can happen when the keyguard is up and all windows
-                        // are moved behind the wallpaper. We don't want to include the wallpaper
-                        // layer in the screenshot as it will cover-up the layer of the target
-                        // window.
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    // Fall through. The target window is in front of the wallpaper. For this
-                    // case we want to include the wallpaper layer in the screenshot because
-                    // the target window might have some transparent areas.
-                } else if (appToken != null) {
-                    if (w.mAppToken == null || w.mAppToken.token != appToken) {
-                        // This app window is of no interest if it is not associated with the
-                        // screenshot app.
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin = w;
-                }
-                // Include this window.
-                final WindowStateAnimator winAnim = w.mWinAnimator;
-                // Don't include wallpaper in bounds calculation
-                if (!w.mIsWallpaper && !mutableIncludeFullDisplay.value) {
-                    if (includeDecor) {
-                        final Task task = w.getTask();
-                        if (task != null) {
-                            task.getBounds(frame);
-                        } else {
-                            // No task bounds? Too bad! Ain't no screenshot then.
-                            return true;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        final Rect wf = w.mFrame;
-                        final Rect cr = w.mContentInsets;
-                        int left = wf.left + cr.left;
-                        int top = +;
-                        int right = wf.right - cr.right;
-                        int bottom = wf.bottom - cr.bottom;
-                        frame.union(left, top, right, bottom);
-                        w.getVisibleBounds(stackBounds);
-                        if (!Rect.intersects(frame, stackBounds)) {
-                            // Set frame empty if there's no intersection.
-                            frame.setEmpty();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                final boolean foundTargetWs =
-                        (w.mAppToken != null && w.mAppToken.token == appToken)
-                                || (mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin != null && wallpaperOnly);
-                if (foundTargetWs && winAnim.getShown() && winAnim.mLastAlpha > 0f) {
-                    mScreenshotApplicationState.screenshotReady = true;
-                }
-                if (w.isObscuringDisplay()){
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }, true /* traverseTopToBottom */);
-            final WindowState appWin = mScreenshotApplicationState.appWin;
-            final boolean screenshotReady = mScreenshotApplicationState.screenshotReady;
-            if (appToken != null && appWin == null) {
-                // Can't find a window to snapshot.
-                if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM,
-                        "Screenshot: Couldn't find a surface matching " + appToken);
                 return null;
-            if (!screenshotReady) {
-                Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Failed to capture screenshot of " + appToken +
-                        " appWin=" + (appWin == null ? "null" : (appWin + " drawState=" +
-                        appWin.mWinAnimator.mDrawState)));
+            if (wallpaperOnly && !shouldScreenshotWallpaper()) {
                 return null;
-            // Screenshot is ready to be taken. Everything from here below will continue
-            // through the bottom of the loop and return a value. We only stay in the loop
-            // because we don't want to release the mWindowMap lock until the screenshot is
-            // taken.
+            int dw = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth;
+            int dh = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight;
-            if (!mutableIncludeFullDisplay.value) {
-                // Constrain frame to the screen size.
-                if (!frame.intersect(0, 0, dw, dh)) {
-                    frame.setEmpty();
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Caller just wants entire display.
-                frame.set(0, 0, dw, dh);
-            }
-            if (frame.isEmpty()) {
+            if (dw <= 0 || dh <= 0) {
                 return null;
-            if (width < 0) {
-                width = (int) (frame.width() * frameScale);
-            }
-            if (height < 0) {
-                height = (int) (frame.height() * frameScale);
-            }
-            // Tell surface flinger what part of the image to crop. Take the top
-            // right part of the application, and crop the larger dimension to fit.
-            Rect crop = new Rect(frame);
-            if (width / (float) frame.width() < height / (float) frame.height()) {
-                int cropWidth = (int)((float)width / (float)height * frame.height());
-                crop.right = crop.left + cropWidth;
-            } else {
-                int cropHeight = (int)((float)height / (float)width * frame.width());
-                crop.bottom = + cropHeight;
-            }
+            final Rect frame = new Rect(0, 0, dw, dh);
             // The screenshot API does not apply the current screen rotation.
             int rot = mDisplay.getRotation();
@@ -3198,43 +3001,52 @@
                 rot = (rot == ROTATION_90) ? ROTATION_270 : ROTATION_90;
-            // Surfaceflinger is not aware of orientation, so convert our logical
-            // crop to surfaceflinger's portrait orientation.
-            convertCropForSurfaceFlinger(crop, rot, dw, dh);
-            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
-                forAllWindows(w -> {
-                    final WindowSurfaceController controller = w.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController;
-                    Slog.i(TAG_WM, w + ": " + w.mLayer
-                            + " animLayer=" + w.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer
-                            + " surfaceLayer=" + ((controller == null)
-                            ? "null" : controller.getLayer()));
-                }, false /* traverseTopToBottom */);
-            }
+            // SurfaceFlinger is not aware of orientation, so convert our logical
+            // crop to SurfaceFlinger's portrait orientation.
+            convertCropForSurfaceFlinger(frame, rot, dw, dh);
             final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =
             final boolean inRotation = screenRotationAnimation != null &&
-            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT && inRotation) Slog.v(TAG_WM,
-                    "Taking screenshot while rotating");
-            // We force pending transactions to flush before taking
-            // the screenshot by pushing an empty synchronous transaction.
-            SurfaceControl.openTransaction();
-            SurfaceControl.closeTransactionSync();
+            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT && inRotation) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Taking screenshot while rotating");
             // TODO(b/68392460): We should screenshot Task controls directly
             // but it's difficult at the moment as the Task doesn't have the
             // correct size set.
-            bitmap = screenshoter.screenshot(crop, width, height, 0, 1,
-                    inRotation, rot);
+            final Bitmap bitmap = SurfaceControl.screenshot(frame, dw, dh, 0, 1, inRotation, rot);
             if (bitmap == null) {
                 Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Failed to take screenshot");
                 return null;
+            // Create a copy of the screenshot that is immutable and backed in ashmem.
+            // This greatly reduces the overhead of passing the bitmap between processes.
+            final Bitmap ret = bitmap.createAshmemBitmap(config);
+            bitmap.recycle();
+            return ret;
-        return bitmap;
+    }
+    private boolean shouldScreenshotWallpaper() {
+        MutableBoolean screenshotReady = new MutableBoolean(false);
+        forAllWindows(w -> {
+            if (!w.mIsWallpaper) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            // Found the wallpaper window
+            final WindowStateAnimator winAnim = w.mWinAnimator;
+            if (winAnim.getShown() && winAnim.mLastAlpha > 0f) {
+                screenshotReady.value = true;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }, true /* traverseTopToBottom */);
+        return screenshotReady.value;
     // TODO: Can this use createRotationMatrix()?
@@ -3848,15 +3660,6 @@
-    /**
-     * Interface to screenshot into various types, i.e. {@link Bitmap} and {@link GraphicBuffer}.
-     */
-    @FunctionalInterface
-    private interface Screenshoter<E> {
-        E screenshot(Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, int minLayer, int maxLayer,
-                boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation);
-    }
     SurfaceControl.Builder makeSurface(SurfaceSession s) {
         return mService.makeSurfaceBuilder(s)
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index e644417..84e475a 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 import android.util.Slog;
 import android.view.DisplayListCanvas;
 import android.view.RenderNode;
+import android.view.SurfaceControl;
 import android.view.ThreadedRenderer;
 import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams;
@@ -210,11 +211,28 @@
         if (mainWindow == null) {
             return null;
+        if (!mService.mPolicy.isScreenOn()) {
+            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
+                Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Attempted to take screenshot while display was off.");
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        if (task.getSurfaceControl() == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
         final boolean isLowRamDevice = ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic();
         final float scaleFraction = isLowRamDevice ? REDUCED_SCALE : 1f;
-        final GraphicBuffer buffer = top.mDisplayContent.screenshotApplicationsToBuffer(top.token,
-                -1, -1, false, scaleFraction, false, true);
+        final Rect taskFrame = new Rect();
+        task.getBounds(taskFrame);
+        final GraphicBuffer buffer = SurfaceControl.captureLayersToBuffer(
+                task.getSurfaceControl().getHandle(), taskFrame, scaleFraction);
         if (buffer == null || buffer.getWidth() <= 1 || buffer.getHeight() <= 1) {
+            if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
+                Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Failed to take screenshot");
+            }
             return null;
         return new TaskSnapshot(buffer, top.getConfiguration().orientation,
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 1cd4080..82f842c 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -3691,9 +3691,8 @@
         try {
             Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "screenshotWallpaper");
-            return screenshotApplications(null /* appToken */, DEFAULT_DISPLAY, -1 /* width */,
-                    -1 /* height */, true /* includeFullDisplay */, 1f /* frameScale */,
-                    Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true /* wallpaperOnly */, false /* includeDecor */);
+            return screenshotApplications(DEFAULT_DISPLAY, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,
+                    true /* wallpaperOnly */);
         } finally {
@@ -3712,10 +3711,8 @@
         FgThread.getHandler().post(() -> {
-            Bitmap bm = screenshotApplications(null /* appToken */, DEFAULT_DISPLAY,
-                    -1 /* width */, -1 /* height */, true /* includeFullDisplay */,
-                    1f /* frameScale */, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, false /* wallpaperOnly */,
-                    false /* includeDecor */);
+            Bitmap bm = screenshotApplications(DEFAULT_DISPLAY, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,
+                    false /* wallpaperOnly */);
             try {
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
@@ -3749,29 +3746,21 @@
      * In portrait mode, it grabs the full screenshot.
      * @param displayId the Display to take a screenshot of.
-     * @param width the width of the target bitmap
-     * @param height the height of the target bitmap
-     * @param includeFullDisplay true if the screen should not be cropped before capture
-     * @param frameScale the scale to apply to the frame, only used when width = -1 and height = -1
      * @param config of the output bitmap
      * @param wallpaperOnly true if only the wallpaper layer should be included in the screenshot
-     * @param includeDecor whether to include window decors, like the status or navigation bar
-     *                     background of the window
-    private Bitmap screenshotApplications(IBinder appToken, int displayId, int width,
-            int height, boolean includeFullDisplay, float frameScale, Bitmap.Config config,
-            boolean wallpaperOnly, boolean includeDecor) {
+    private Bitmap screenshotApplications(int displayId, Bitmap.Config config,
+            boolean wallpaperOnly) {
         final DisplayContent displayContent;
         synchronized(mWindowMap) {
             displayContent = mRoot.getDisplayContentOrCreate(displayId);
             if (displayContent == null) {
-                if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Screenshot of " + appToken
-                        + ": returning null. No Display for displayId=" + displayId);
+                if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Screenshot returning null. No Display for "
+                        + "displayId=" + displayId);
                 return null;
-        return displayContent.screenshotApplications(appToken, width, height,
-                includeFullDisplay, frameScale, config, wallpaperOnly, includeDecor);
+        return displayContent.screenshotDisplay(config, wallpaperOnly);
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/AndroidManifest.xml b/services/tests/servicestests/AndroidManifest.xml
index 9a5ebed..0499bf0 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER" />
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER" />
     <!-- Uses API introduced in O (26) -->
     <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="1"