MCLinker upstream commit e764452.

Change-Id: I5c9ec467ec96a0143e1e67c59365f3b6303e7348
diff --git a/lib/LD/EhFrame.cpp b/lib/LD/EhFrame.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76af403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/LD/EhFrame.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+//===- EhFrame.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The MCLinker Project
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <mcld/LD/EhFrame.h>
+#include <mcld/MC/MCLinker.h>
+#include <mcld/Support/MsgHandling.h>
+#include <mcld/Target/TargetLDBackend.h>
+#include <llvm/Support/Dwarf.h>
+#include <llvm/Support/Host.h>
+using namespace mcld;
+// EhFrame
+ : m_fCanRecognizeAll(true) {
+uint64_t EhFrame::readEhFrame(Layout& pLayout,
+                              const TargetLDBackend& pBackend,
+                              llvm::MCSectionData& pSD,
+                              LDSection& pSection,
+                              MemoryArea& pArea)
+  MemoryRegion* region = pArea.request(pSection.offset(),
+                                       pSection.size());
+  // an empty .eh_frame
+  if (NULL == region) {
+    note(diag::note_ehframe) << "an empty eh_frame";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  ConstAddress eh_start = region->start();
+  ConstAddress eh_end = region->end();
+  ConstAddress p = eh_start;
+  // read the Length filed
+  uint32_t len = readVal(p, pBackend.isLittleEndian());
+  // This CIE is a terminator if the Length field is 0, return 0 to handled it
+  // as an ordinary input.
+  if (0 == len) {
+    note(diag::note_ehframe) << "a terminator";
+    pArea.release(region);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (0xffffffff == len) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "64-bit eh_frame";
+    pArea.release(region);
+    m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // record the order of the CIE and FDE fragments
+  FragListType frag_list;
+  while (p < eh_end) {
+    if (eh_end - p < 4) {
+      debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "CIE or FDE size smaller than 4";
+      m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+      break;
+    }
+    // read the Length field
+    len = readVal(p, pBackend.isLittleEndian());
+    p += 4;
+    // the zero length entry should be the end of the section
+    if (0 == len) {
+      if (p < eh_end) {
+        debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "Non-end entry with zero length";
+        m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if (0xffffffff == len) {
+      debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "64-bit eh_frame";
+      m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (eh_end - p < 4) {
+      debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) <<
+        "CIE:ID field / FDE: CIE Pointer field";
+      m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+      break;
+    }
+    // compute the section offset of this entry
+    uint32_t ent_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(p - eh_start - 4);
+    // get the MemoryRegion for this entry
+    MemoryRegion* ent_region = pArea.request(pSection.offset() + ent_offset,
+                                             len + 4);
+    // create and add a CIE or FDE entry
+    uint32_t id = readVal(p, pBackend.isLittleEndian());
+    // CIE
+    if (0 == id) {
+      if (!addCIE(*ent_region, pBackend, frag_list)) {
+        m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+        pArea.release(ent_region);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // FDE
+    else {
+      if (!addFDE(*ent_region, pBackend, frag_list)) {
+        m_fCanRecognizeAll = false;
+        pArea.release(ent_region);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    p += len;
+  }
+  if (!m_fCanRecognizeAll) {
+    pArea.release(region);
+    deleteFragments(frag_list, pArea);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // append all CIE and FDE fragments to Layout after we successfully read
+  // this eh_frame
+  size_t section_size = 0;
+  for (FragListType::iterator it = frag_list.begin();
+         it != frag_list.end(); ++it)
+    section_size += pLayout.appendFragment(**it, pSD, pSection.align());
+  pArea.release(region);
+  return section_size;
+bool EhFrame::addCIE(MemoryRegion& pRegion,
+                     const TargetLDBackend& pBackend,
+                     FragListType& pFragList)
+  ConstAddress cie_start = pRegion.start();
+  ConstAddress cie_end = pRegion.end();
+  ConstAddress p = cie_start;
+  // skip the Length (4 byte) and CIE ID (4 byte) fields
+  p += 8;
+  // the version should be 1
+  if (1 != *p) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "CIE version";
+    return false;
+  }
+  ++p;
+  // get the Augumentation String
+  ConstAddress aug_str = p;
+  ConstAddress aug_str_end = static_cast<ConstAddress>(
+                               memchr(p, '\0', cie_end - p));
+  // skip the Augumentation String field
+  p = aug_str_end + 1;
+  // skip the Code Alignment Factor
+  if (!skipLEB128(&p, cie_end)) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "unrecognized Code Alignment Factor";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // skip the Data Alignment Factor
+  if (!skipLEB128(&p, cie_end)) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "unrecognized Data Alignment Factor";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // skip the Return Address Register
+  if (cie_end - p < 1) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "unrecognized Return Address Register";
+    return false;
+  }
+  ++p;
+  // the Augmentation String start with 'eh' is a CIE from gcc before 3.0,
+  // in LSB Core Spec 3.0RC1. We do not support it.
+  if (aug_str[0] == 'e' && aug_str[1] == 'h') {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `eh`";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // parse the Augmentation String to get the FDE encodeing if 'z' existed
+  std::string aug_str_data;
+  uint8_t fde_encoding = llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr;
+  if (*aug_str == 'z') {
+    aug_str_data += *aug_str;
+    ++aug_str;
+    // skip the Augumentation Data Length
+    if (!skipLEB128(&p, cie_end)) {
+      debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) <<
+        "unrecognized Augmentation Data Length";
+      return false;
+    }
+    while (aug_str != aug_str_end) {
+      switch (*aug_str) {
+        default:
+          debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string";
+          return false;
+        // LDSA encoding (1 byte)
+        case 'L':
+          if (cie_end - p < 1) {
+            debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `L`";
+            return false;
+          }
+          ++p;
+          break;
+        // Two arguments, the first one represents the encoding of the second
+        // argument (1 byte). The second one is the address of personality
+        // routine.
+        case 'P': {
+          // the first argument
+          if (cie_end - p < 1) {
+            debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `P`";
+            return false;
+          }
+          uint8_t per_encode = *p;
+          ++p;
+          // get the length of the second argument
+          uint32_t per_length = 0;
+          if (0x60 == (per_encode & 0x60)) {
+            debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `P`";
+            return false;
+          }
+          switch (per_encode & 7) {
+            default:
+              debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `P`";
+              return false;
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata2:
+              per_length = 2;
+              break;
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4:
+              per_length = 4;
+              break;
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata8:
+              per_length = 8;
+              break;
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr:
+              per_length = pBackend.bitclass() / 8;
+              break;
+          }
+          // skip the alignment
+          if (llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_aligned == (per_encode & 0xf0)) {
+            uint32_t per_align = p - cie_end;
+            per_align += per_length - 1;
+            per_align &= ~(per_length -1);
+            if (static_cast<uint32_t>(cie_end - p) < per_align) {
+              debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `P`";
+              return false;
+            }
+            p += per_align;
+          }
+          // skip the second argument
+          if (static_cast<uint32_t>(cie_end - p) < per_length) {
+            debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `P`";
+            return false;
+          }
+          p += per_length;
+        }
+        break;
+        // FDE encoding (1 byte)
+        case 'R':
+          if (cie_end - p < 1) {
+            debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "augmentation string `R`";
+            return false;
+          }
+          fde_encoding = *p;
+          switch (fde_encoding & 7) {
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata2:
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4:
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata8:
+            case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr:
+              break;
+            default:
+              debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "FDE encoding";
+              return false;
+          }
+          ++p;
+          break;
+      } // end switch
+      aug_str_data += *aug_str;
+      ++aug_str;
+    } // end while
+  }
+  note(diag::note_eh_cie) << pRegion.size()
+                          << aug_str_data
+                          << (fde_encoding & 7);
+  // create and push back the CIE entry
+  CIE* entry = new CIE(pRegion, fde_encoding);
+  m_CIEs.push_back(entry);
+  pFragList.push_back(static_cast<llvm::MCFragment*>(entry));
+  return true;
+bool EhFrame::addFDE(MemoryRegion& pRegion,
+                     const TargetLDBackend& pBackend,
+                     FragListType& pFragList)
+  ConstAddress fde_start = pRegion.start();
+  ConstAddress fde_end = pRegion.end();
+  ConstAddress p = fde_start;
+  // skip the Length (4 byte) and CIE Pointer (4 byte) fields
+  p += 8;
+  // get the entry offset of the PC Begin
+  if (fde_end - p < 1) {
+    debug(diag::debug_eh_unsupport) << "FDE PC Begin";
+    return false;
+  }
+  FDE::Offset pc_offset = static_cast<FDE::Offset>(p - fde_start);
+  note(diag::note_eh_fde) << pRegion.size() << pc_offset;
+  // create and push back the FDE entry
+  FDE* entry = new FDE(pRegion, **(m_CIEs.end() -1), pc_offset);
+  m_FDEs.push_back(entry);
+  pFragList.push_back(static_cast<llvm::MCFragment*>(entry));
+  return true;
+uint32_t EhFrame::readVal(ConstAddress pAddr, bool pIsTargetLittleEndian)
+  const uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(pAddr);
+  uint32_t val = *p;
+  // byte swapping if the host and target have different endian
+  if (llvm::sys::isLittleEndianHost() != pIsTargetLittleEndian)
+    val = bswap32(val);
+  return val;
+bool EhFrame::skipLEB128(ConstAddress* pp, ConstAddress pend)
+  for (ConstAddress p = *pp; p < pend; ++p) {
+    if (0 == (*p & 0x80)) {
+      *pp = p + 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void EhFrame::deleteFragments(FragListType& pList, MemoryArea& pArea)
+  MCRegionFragment* frag = NULL;
+  for (FragListType::iterator it = pList.begin(); it != pList.end(); ++it) {
+    frag = static_cast<MCRegionFragment*>(*it);
+    pArea.release(&(frag->getRegion()));
+    delete *it;
+  }
+  pList.clear();