Initial check-in of variable speed playback library.

Contains an implementation of time-domain audio scaler, for
pitch-invariant speed up and slow-down of audio.

Contains wrapper library using OpenSLES to pump audio from
encoded stream (mp3 file etc) through audio decoder then
through time scaler and out to media player.

This is written as a jni library with jni hooks to allow
driving of this from the Java side.

The other part of this cl is the Java wrapper.  There is a
new interface MediaPlayerProxy, containing a subset of the
methods found on the MediaPlayer.  The VariableSpeed class
provides a concrete implementation of this interface
adapting to the jni code.

Change-Id: I518d8bf703488628c00730241a08ebfb67588ca6
diff --git a/variablespeed/jni/ b/variablespeed/jni/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49eddbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variablespeed/jni/
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <variablespeed.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sola_time_scaler.h>
+#include <ring_buffer.h>
+#include <hlogging.h>
+#include <vector>
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Constants, utility methods, structures and other miscellany used throughout
+// this file.
+namespace {
+// These variables are used to determine the size of the buffer queue used by
+// the decoder.
+// This is not the same as the large buffer used to hold the uncompressed data
+// - for that see the member variable decodeBuffer_.
+// The choice of 1152 corresponds to the number of samples per mp3 frame, so is
+// a good choice of size for a decoding buffer in the absence of other
+// information (we don't know exactly what formats we will be working with).
+const size_t kNumberOfBuffersInQueue = 4;
+const size_t kNumberOfSamplesPerBuffer = 1152;
+const size_t kBufferSizeInBytes = 2 * kNumberOfSamplesPerBuffer;
+const size_t kSampleSizeInBytes = 4;
+// When calculating play buffer size before pushing to audio player.
+const size_t kNumberOfBytesPerInt16 = 2;
+// How long to sleep during the main play loop and the decoding callback loop.
+// In due course this should be replaced with the better signal and wait on
+// condition rather than busy-looping.
+const int kSleepTimeMicros = 1000;
+// Used in detecting errors with the OpenSL ES framework.
+const SLuint32 kPrefetchErrorCandidate =
+// Structure used when we perform a decoding callback.
+typedef struct CallbackContext_ {
+    SLPlayItf decoderPlay;
+    // Pointer to local storage buffers for decoded audio data.
+    int8_t* pDataBase;
+    // Pointer to the current buffer within local storage.
+    int8_t* pData;
+} CallbackContext;
+// Local storage for decoded audio data.
+int8_t pcmData[kNumberOfBuffersInQueue * kBufferSizeInBytes];
+#define CheckSLResult(message, result) \
+    CheckSLResult_Real(message, result, __LINE__)
+// Helper function for debugging - checks the OpenSL result for success.
+void CheckSLResult_Real(const char* message, SLresult result, int line) {
+  // This can be helpful when debugging.
+  // LOGD("sl result %d for %s", result, message);
+  if (SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
+    LOGE("slresult was %d at %s file variablespeed line %d",
+        static_cast<int>(result), message, line);
+  }
+}  // namespace
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Static instance of audio engine, and methods for getting, setting and
+// deleting it.
+// The single global audio engine instance.
+AudioEngine* AudioEngine::audioEngine_ = NULL;
+android::Mutex publishEngineLock_;
+AudioEngine* AudioEngine::GetEngine() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(publishEngineLock_);
+  if (audioEngine_ == NULL) {
+    LOGE("you haven't initialized the audio engine");
+    CHECK(false);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return audioEngine_;
+void AudioEngine::SetEngine(AudioEngine* engine) {
+  if (audioEngine_ != NULL) {
+    LOGE("you have already set the audio engine");
+    CHECK(false);
+    return;
+  }
+  audioEngine_ = engine;
+void AudioEngine::DeleteEngine() {
+  if (audioEngine_ == NULL) {
+    LOGE("you haven't initialized the audio engine");
+    CHECK(false);
+    return;
+  }
+  delete audioEngine_;
+  audioEngine_ = NULL;
+// ****************************************************************************
+// The callbacks from the engine require static callback functions.
+// Here are the static functions - they just delegate to instance methods on
+// the engine.
+static void PlayingBufferQueueCb(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf, void*) {
+  AudioEngine::GetEngine()->PlayingBufferQueueCallback();
+static void PrefetchEventCb(SLPrefetchStatusItf caller, void*, SLuint32 event) {
+  AudioEngine::GetEngine()->PrefetchEventCallback(caller, event);
+static void DecodingBufferQueueCb(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf queueItf,
+    void *context) {
+  AudioEngine::GetEngine()->DecodingBufferQueueCallback(queueItf, context);
+static void DecodingEventCb(SLPlayItf caller, void*, SLuint32 event) {
+  AudioEngine::GetEngine()->DecodingEventCallback(caller, event);
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Static utility methods.
+static void PausePlaying(SLPlayItf playItf) {
+  SLresult result = (*playItf)->SetPlayState(playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED);
+  CheckSLResult("pause playing", result);
+static void StartPlaying(SLPlayItf playItf) {
+  SLresult result = (*playItf)->SetPlayState(playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING);
+  CheckSLResult("start playing", result);
+static void StopPlaying(SLPlayItf playItf) {
+  SLresult result = (*playItf)->SetPlayState(playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED);
+  CheckSLResult("stop playing", result);
+static void ExtractMetadataFromDecoder(SLObjectItf decoder) {
+  SLMetadataExtractionItf decoderMetadata;
+  SLresult result = (*decoder)->GetInterface(decoder,
+      SL_IID_METADATAEXTRACTION, &decoderMetadata);
+  CheckSLResult("getting metadata interface", result);
+  SLuint32 itemCount;
+  result = (*decoderMetadata)->GetItemCount(decoderMetadata, &itemCount);
+  CheckSLResult("getting item count", result);
+  SLuint32 i, keySize, valueSize;
+  SLMetadataInfo *keyInfo, *value;
+  for (i = 0; i < itemCount ; ++i) {
+    keyInfo = NULL;
+    keySize = 0;
+    value = NULL;
+    valueSize = 0;
+    result = (*decoderMetadata)->GetKeySize(decoderMetadata, i, &keySize);
+    CheckSLResult("get key size", result);
+    keyInfo = static_cast<SLMetadataInfo*>(malloc(keySize));
+    if (keyInfo) {
+      result = (*decoderMetadata)->GetKey(
+          decoderMetadata, i, keySize, keyInfo);
+      CheckSLResult("get key", result);
+      if (keyInfo->encoding == SL_CHARACTERENCODING_ASCII
+          || keyInfo->encoding == SL_CHARACTERENCODING_UTF8) {
+        result = (*decoderMetadata)->GetValueSize(
+            decoderMetadata, i, &valueSize);
+        CheckSLResult("get value size", result);
+        value = static_cast<SLMetadataInfo*>(malloc(valueSize));
+        if (value) {
+          result = (*decoderMetadata)->GetValue(
+              decoderMetadata, i, valueSize, value);
+          CheckSLResult("get value", result);
+          if (value->encoding == SL_CHARACTERENCODING_BINARY) {
+            LOGD("key[%d] size=%d, name=%s value size=%d value=%d",
+                i, keyInfo->size, keyInfo->data, value->size,
+                *(reinterpret_cast<SLuint32*>(value->data)));
+          }
+          free(value);
+        }
+      }
+      free(keyInfo);
+    }
+  }
+static void SeekToPosition(SLSeekItf seekItf, size_t startPositionMillis) {
+  SLresult result = (*seekItf)->SetPosition(
+      seekItf, startPositionMillis, SL_SEEKMODE_ACCURATE);
+  CheckSLResult("seek to position", result);
+static void RegisterCallbackContextAndAddEnqueueBuffersToDecoder(
+    SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf decoderQueue, SLPlayItf player,
+    android::Mutex &callbackLock) {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(callbackLock);
+  // Initialize the callback structure, used during the decoding.
+  // Then register a callback on the decoder queue, so that we will be called
+  // throughout the decoding process (and can then extract the decoded audio
+  // for the next bit of the pipeline).
+  CallbackContext cntxt;
+  cntxt.decoderPlay = player;
+  cntxt.pDataBase = pcmData;
+  cntxt.pData = pcmData;
+  {
+    SLresult result = (*decoderQueue)->RegisterCallback(
+        decoderQueue, DecodingBufferQueueCb, &cntxt);
+    CheckSLResult("decode callback", result);
+  }
+  // Enqueue buffers to map the region of memory allocated to store the
+  // decoded data.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfBuffersInQueue; i++) {
+    SLresult result = (*decoderQueue)->Enqueue(
+        decoderQueue, cntxt.pData, kBufferSizeInBytes);
+    CheckSLResult("enqueue something", result);
+    cntxt.pData += kBufferSizeInBytes;
+  }
+  cntxt.pData = cntxt.pDataBase;
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Constructor and Destructor.
+AudioEngine::AudioEngine(size_t channels, size_t sampleRate,
+    size_t targetFrames, float windowDuration, float windowOverlapDuration,
+    size_t maxPlayBufferCount, float initialRate, size_t decodeInitialSize,
+    size_t decodeMaxSize, size_t startPositionMillis)
+    : decodeBuffer_(decodeInitialSize, decodeMaxSize),
+      playingBuffers_(), freeBuffers_(), timeScaler_(NULL),
+      floatBuffer_(NULL), injectBuffer_(NULL),
+      channels_(channels), sampleRate_(sampleRate), slSampleRate_(0),
+      slOutputChannels_(0),
+      targetFrames_(targetFrames),
+      windowDuration_(windowDuration),
+      windowOverlapDuration_(windowOverlapDuration),
+      maxPlayBufferCount_(maxPlayBufferCount), initialRate_(initialRate),
+      startPositionMillis_(startPositionMillis),
+      totalDurationMs_(0), startRequested_(false),
+      stopRequested_(false), finishedDecoding_(false) {
+  if (sampleRate_ == 44100) {
+    slSampleRate_ = SL_SAMPLINGRATE_44_1;
+  } else if (sampleRate_ == 8000) {
+    slSampleRate_ = SL_SAMPLINGRATE_8;
+  } else if (sampleRate_ == 11025) {
+    slSampleRate_ = SL_SAMPLINGRATE_11_025;
+  } else {
+    LOGE("unknown sample rate, not changing");
+    CHECK(false);
+  }
+  if (channels_ == 2) {
+  } else if (channels_ == 1) {
+    slOutputChannels_ = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT;
+  } else {
+    LOGE("unknown channels, not changing");
+  }
+AudioEngine::~AudioEngine() {
+  // destroy the time scaler
+  if (timeScaler_ != NULL) {
+    delete timeScaler_;
+    timeScaler_ = NULL;
+  }
+  // delete all outstanding playing and free buffers
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+  while (playingBuffers_.size() > 0) {
+    delete[] playingBuffers_.front();
+    playingBuffers_.pop();
+  }
+  while (freeBuffers_.size() > 0) {
+    delete[];
+    freeBuffers_.pop();
+  }
+  delete[] floatBuffer_;
+  floatBuffer_ = NULL;
+  delete[] injectBuffer_;
+  injectBuffer_ = NULL;
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Regular AudioEngine class methods.
+void AudioEngine::SetVariableSpeed(float speed) {
+  GetTimeScaler()->set_speed(speed);
+void AudioEngine::RequestStart() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  startRequested_ = true;
+void AudioEngine::ClearRequestStart() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  startRequested_ = false;
+bool AudioEngine::GetWasStartRequested() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  return startRequested_;
+void AudioEngine::RequestStop() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  stopRequested_ = true;
+int AudioEngine::GetCurrentPosition() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+  double result = decodeBuffer_.GetTotalAdvancedCount();
+  return static_cast<int>(
+      (result * 1000) / sampleRate_ / channels_ + startPositionMillis_);
+int AudioEngine::GetTotalDuration() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  return static_cast<int>(totalDurationMs_);
+video_editing::SolaTimeScaler* AudioEngine::GetTimeScaler() {
+  if (timeScaler_ == NULL) {
+    timeScaler_ = new video_editing::SolaTimeScaler();
+    timeScaler_->Init(sampleRate_, channels_, initialRate_, windowDuration_,
+        windowOverlapDuration_);
+  }
+  return timeScaler_;
+void AudioEngine::PrefetchDurationSampleRateAndChannels(
+    SLPlayItf playItf, SLPrefetchStatusItf prefetchItf) {
+  // Set play state to pause, to begin the prefetching.
+  PausePlaying(playItf);
+  // Wait until the data has been prefetched.
+  // TODO(hugohudson): 0. Not dealing with error just yet.
+  {
+    SLuint32 prefetchStatus = SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_UNDERFLOW;
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(prefetchLock_);
+    while (prefetchStatus != SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_SUFFICIENTDATA) {
+      LOGI("waiting for condition");
+      // prefetchCondition_.waitRelative(prefetchLock, 1000 * 1000 * 10);
+      usleep(10 * 1000);
+      LOGI("getting the value");
+      (*prefetchItf)->GetPrefetchStatus(prefetchItf, &prefetchStatus);
+    }
+    LOGI("done with wait");
+  }
+  SLmillisecond durationInMsec = SL_TIME_UNKNOWN;
+  SLresult result = (*playItf)->GetDuration(playItf, &durationInMsec);
+  CheckSLResult("getting duration", result);
+  CHECK(durationInMsec != SL_TIME_UNKNOWN);
+  LOGD("duration: %d", static_cast<int>(durationInMsec));
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  totalDurationMs_ = durationInMsec;
+bool AudioEngine::EnqueueNextBufferOfAudio(
+    SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf audioPlayerQueue) {
+  size_t frameSizeInBytes = kSampleSizeInBytes * channels_;
+  size_t frameCount = 0;
+  while (frameCount < targetFrames_) {
+    size_t framesLeft = targetFrames_ - frameCount;
+    // If there is data already in the time scaler, retrieve it.
+    if (GetTimeScaler()->available() > 0) {
+      size_t retrieveCount = min(GetTimeScaler()->available(), framesLeft);
+      int count = GetTimeScaler()->RetrieveSamples(
+          floatBuffer_ + frameCount * channels_, retrieveCount);
+      if (count <= 0) {
+        LOGD("ERROR: Count was %d", count);
+        break;
+      }
+      frameCount += count;
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If there is no data in the time scaler, then feed some into it.
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+    size_t framesInDecodeBuffer =
+        decodeBuffer_.GetSizeInBytes() / frameSizeInBytes;
+    size_t framesScalerCanHandle = GetTimeScaler()->input_limit();
+    size_t framesToInject = min(framesInDecodeBuffer,
+        min(targetFrames_, framesScalerCanHandle));
+    if (framesToInject <= 0) {
+      // No more frames left to inject.
+      break;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < framesToInject * channels_ ; ++i) {
+      injectBuffer_[i] = decodeBuffer_.GetAtIndex(i);
+    }
+    int count = GetTimeScaler()->InjectSamples(injectBuffer_, framesToInject);
+    if (count <= 0) {
+      LOGD("ERROR: Count was %d", count);
+      break;
+    }
+    decodeBuffer_.AdvanceHeadPointerShorts(count * channels_);
+  }
+  if (frameCount <= 0) {
+    // We must have finished playback.
+    if (GetEndOfDecoderReached()) {
+      // If we've finished decoding, clear the buffer - so we will terminate.
+      ClearDecodeBuffer();
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Get a free playing buffer.
+  int16* playBuffer;
+  {
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+    if (freeBuffers_.size() > 0) {
+      // If we have a free buffer, recycle it.
+      playBuffer =;
+      freeBuffers_.pop();
+    } else {
+      // Otherwise allocate a new one.
+      playBuffer = new int16[targetFrames_ * channels_];
+    }
+  }
+  // Try to play the buffer.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount * channels_ ; ++i) {
+    playBuffer[i] = floatBuffer_[i];
+  }
+  size_t sizeOfPlayBufferInBytes =
+      frameCount * channels_ * kNumberOfBytesPerInt16;
+  SLresult result = (*audioPlayerQueue)->Enqueue(audioPlayerQueue, playBuffer,
+      sizeOfPlayBufferInBytes);
+  CheckSLResult("enqueue prebuilt audio", result);
+  if (result == SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+    playingBuffers_.push(playBuffer);
+  } else {
+    LOGE("could not enqueue audio buffer");
+    delete[] playBuffer;
+  }
+  return (result == SL_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+bool AudioEngine::GetEndOfDecoderReached() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  return finishedDecoding_;
+void AudioEngine::SetEndOfDecoderReached() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  finishedDecoding_ = true;
+bool AudioEngine::PlayFileDescriptor(int fd, int64 offset, int64 length) {
+  SLDataLocator_AndroidFD loc_fd = {
+      SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDFD, fd, offset, length };
+  SLDataFormat_MIME format_mime = {
+  SLDataSource audioSrc = { &loc_fd, &format_mime };
+  return PlayFromThisSource(audioSrc);
+bool AudioEngine::PlayUri(const char* uri) {
+  // Source of audio data for the decoding
+  SLDataLocator_URI decUri = { SL_DATALOCATOR_URI,
+      const_cast<SLchar*>(reinterpret_cast<const SLchar*>(uri)) };
+  SLDataFormat_MIME decMime = {
+  SLDataSource decSource = { &decUri, &decMime };
+  return PlayFromThisSource(decSource);
+bool AudioEngine::IsDecodeBufferEmpty() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+  return decodeBuffer_.GetSizeInBytes() <= 0;
+void AudioEngine::ClearDecodeBuffer() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+  decodeBuffer_.Clear();
+bool AudioEngine::PlayFromThisSource(const SLDataSource& audioSrc) {
+  ClearDecodeBuffer();
+  floatBuffer_ = new float[targetFrames_ * channels_];
+  injectBuffer_ = new float[targetFrames_ * channels_];
+  // Create the engine.
+  SLEngineOption EngineOption[] = { {
+  SLObjectItf engine;
+  SLresult result = slCreateEngine(&engine, 1, EngineOption, 0, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("create engine", result);
+  result = (*engine)->Realize(engine, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+  CheckSLResult("realise engine", result);
+  SLEngineItf engineInterface;
+  result = (*engine)->GetInterface(engine, SL_IID_ENGINE, &engineInterface);
+  CheckSLResult("get interface", result);
+  // Create the output mix for playing.
+  SLObjectItf outputMix;
+  result = (*engineInterface)->CreateOutputMix(
+      engineInterface, &outputMix, 0, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("create output mix", result);
+  result = (*outputMix)->Realize(outputMix, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+  CheckSLResult("realize", result);
+  // Define the source and sink for the audio player: comes from a buffer queue
+  // and goes to the output mix.
+  SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq = {
+  SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm = {SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM, channels_, slSampleRate_,
+      slOutputChannels_, SL_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN};
+  SLDataSource playingSrc = {&loc_bufq, &format_pcm};
+  SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = {SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, outputMix};
+  SLDataSink audioSnk = {&loc_outmix, NULL};
+  // Create the audio player, which will play from the buffer queue and send to
+  // the output mix.
+  const size_t playerInterfaceCount = 1;
+  const SLInterfaceID iids[playerInterfaceCount] = {
+  const SLboolean reqs[playerInterfaceCount] = { SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE };
+  SLObjectItf audioPlayer;
+  result = (*engineInterface)->CreateAudioPlayer(engineInterface, &audioPlayer,
+      &playingSrc, &audioSnk, playerInterfaceCount, iids, reqs);
+  CheckSLResult("create audio player", result);
+  result = (*audioPlayer)->Realize(audioPlayer, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+  CheckSLResult("realize buffer queue", result);
+  // Get the play interface from the player, as well as the buffer queue
+  // interface from its source.
+  // Register for callbacks during play.
+  SLPlayItf audioPlayerPlay;
+  result = (*audioPlayer)->GetInterface(
+      audioPlayer, SL_IID_PLAY, &audioPlayerPlay);
+  CheckSLResult("get interface", result);
+  SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf audioPlayerQueue;
+  result = (*audioPlayer)->GetInterface(audioPlayer,
+  CheckSLResult("get interface again", result);
+  result = (*audioPlayerQueue)->RegisterCallback(
+      audioPlayerQueue, PlayingBufferQueueCb, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("register callback", result);
+  // Define the source and sink for the decoding player: comes from the source
+  // this method was called with, is sent to another buffer queue.
+  SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue decBuffQueue;
+  decBuffQueue.numBuffers = kNumberOfBuffersInQueue;
+  // A valid value seems required here but is currently ignored.
+  SLDataFormat_PCM pcm = {SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM, 1, slSampleRate_,
+  SLDataSink decDest = { &decBuffQueue, &pcm };
+  // Create the decoder with the given source and sink.
+  const size_t decoderInterfaceCount = 4;
+  SLObjectItf decoder;
+  const SLInterfaceID decodePlayerInterfaces[decoderInterfaceCount] = {
+  const SLboolean decodePlayerRequired[decoderInterfaceCount] = {
+  SLDataSource sourceCopy(audioSrc);
+  result = (*engineInterface)->CreateAudioPlayer(engineInterface, &decoder,
+      &sourceCopy, &decDest, decoderInterfaceCount, decodePlayerInterfaces,
+      decodePlayerRequired);
+  CheckSLResult("create audio player", result);
+  result = (*decoder)->Realize(decoder, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+  CheckSLResult("realize in sync mode", result);
+  // Get the play interface from the decoder, and register event callbacks.
+  // Get the buffer queue, prefetch and seek interfaces.
+  SLPlayItf decoderPlay;
+  result = (*decoder)->GetInterface(decoder, SL_IID_PLAY, &decoderPlay);
+  CheckSLResult("get play interface, implicit", result);
+  result = (*decoderPlay)->SetCallbackEventsMask(
+      decoderPlay, SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND);
+  CheckSLResult("set the event mask", result);
+  result = (*decoderPlay)->RegisterCallback(
+      decoderPlay, DecodingEventCb, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("register decoding event callback", result);
+  SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf decoderQueue;
+  result = (*decoder)->GetInterface(
+      decoder, SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &decoderQueue);
+  CheckSLResult("get decoder buffer queue", result);
+  SLPrefetchStatusItf decoderPrefetch;
+  result = (*decoder)->GetInterface(
+      decoder, SL_IID_PREFETCHSTATUS, &decoderPrefetch);
+  CheckSLResult("get prefetch status interface", result);
+  SLSeekItf decoderSeek;
+  result = (*decoder)->GetInterface(decoder, SL_IID_SEEK, &decoderSeek);
+  CheckSLResult("get seek interface", result);
+  RegisterCallbackContextAndAddEnqueueBuffersToDecoder(
+      decoderQueue, decoderPlay, callbackLock_);
+  // Initialize the callback for prefetch errors, if we can't open the
+  // resource to decode.
+  result = (*decoderPrefetch)->SetCallbackEventsMask(
+      decoderPrefetch, kPrefetchErrorCandidate);
+  CheckSLResult("set prefetch callback mask", result);
+  result = (*decoderPrefetch)->RegisterCallback(
+      decoderPrefetch, PrefetchEventCb, &decoderPrefetch);
+  CheckSLResult("set prefetch callback", result);
+  SeekToPosition(decoderSeek, startPositionMillis_);
+  PrefetchDurationSampleRateAndChannels(decoderPlay, decoderPrefetch);
+  ExtractMetadataFromDecoder(decoder);
+  StartPlaying(decoderPlay);
+  // The main loop - until we're told to stop: if there is audio data coming
+  // out of the decoder, feed it through the time scaler.
+  // As it comes out of the time scaler, feed it into the audio player.
+  while (!Finished()) {
+    if (GetWasStartRequested()) {
+      ClearRequestStart();
+      StartPlaying(audioPlayerPlay);
+    }
+    EnqueueMoreAudioIfNecessary(audioPlayerQueue);
+    usleep(kSleepTimeMicros);
+  }
+  StopPlaying(audioPlayerPlay);
+  StopPlaying(decoderPlay);
+  // Delete the audio player.
+  result = (*audioPlayerQueue)->Clear(audioPlayerQueue);
+  CheckSLResult("clear audio player queue", result);
+  result = (*audioPlayerQueue)->RegisterCallback(audioPlayerQueue, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("clear callback", result);
+  (*audioPlayer)->AbortAsyncOperation(audioPlayer);
+  audioPlayerPlay = NULL;
+  audioPlayerQueue = NULL;
+  (*audioPlayer)->Destroy(audioPlayer);
+  // Delete the decoder.
+  result = (*decoderPrefetch)->RegisterCallback(decoderPrefetch, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("clearing prefetch error callback", result);
+  // TODO(hugohudson): 0. This is returning slresult 13 if I do no playback.
+  // Repro is to comment out all before this line, and all after enqueueing
+  // my buffers.
+  // result = (*decoderQueue)->Clear(decoderQueue);
+  // CheckSLResult("clearing decode buffer queue", result);
+  result = (*decoderQueue)->RegisterCallback(decoderQueue, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("clearing decode callback", result);
+  decoderSeek = NULL;
+  decoderPrefetch = NULL;
+  decoderQueue = NULL;
+  result = (*decoderPlay)->RegisterCallback(decoderPlay, NULL, NULL);
+  CheckSLResult("clear decoding event callback", result);
+  (*decoder)->AbortAsyncOperation(decoder);
+  decoderPlay = NULL;
+  (*decoder)->Destroy(decoder);
+  // Delete the output mix, then the engine.
+  (*outputMix)->Destroy(outputMix);
+  engineInterface = NULL;
+  (*engine)->Destroy(engine);
+  return true;
+bool AudioEngine::Finished() {
+  if (GetWasStopRequested()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+  return playingBuffers_.size() <= 0 &&
+      IsDecodeBufferEmpty() &&
+      GetEndOfDecoderReached();
+bool AudioEngine::GetWasStopRequested() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(lock_);
+  return stopRequested_;
+bool AudioEngine::GetHasReachedPlayingBuffersLimit() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+  return playingBuffers_.size() >= maxPlayBufferCount_;
+void AudioEngine::EnqueueMoreAudioIfNecessary(
+    SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf audioPlayerQueue) {
+  bool keepEnqueueing = true;
+  while (!GetWasStopRequested() &&
+         !IsDecodeBufferEmpty() &&
+         !GetHasReachedPlayingBuffersLimit() &&
+         keepEnqueueing) {
+    keepEnqueueing = EnqueueNextBufferOfAudio(audioPlayerQueue);
+  }
+bool AudioEngine::DecodeBufferTooFull() {
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+  return decodeBuffer_.IsTooLarge();
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Code for handling the static callbacks.
+void AudioEngine::PlayingBufferQueueCallback() {
+  // The head playing buffer is done, move it to the free list.
+  android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(playBufferLock_);
+  if (playingBuffers_.size() > 0) {
+    freeBuffers_.push(playingBuffers_.front());
+    playingBuffers_.pop();
+  }
+void AudioEngine::PrefetchEventCallback(
+    SLPrefetchStatusItf caller, SLuint32 event) {
+  // If there was a problem during decoding, then signal the end.
+  LOGI("in the prefetch callback");
+  SLpermille level = 0;
+  SLresult result = (*caller)->GetFillLevel(caller, &level);
+  CheckSLResult("get fill level", result);
+  SLuint32 status;
+  result = (*caller)->GetPrefetchStatus(caller, &status);
+  CheckSLResult("get prefetch status", result);
+  if ((kPrefetchErrorCandidate == (event & kPrefetchErrorCandidate)) &&
+      (level == 0) &&
+    LOGI("PrefetchEventCallback error while prefetching data");
+    SetEndOfDecoderReached();
+  }
+    LOGI("looks like our event...");
+    // android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(prefetchLock_);
+    // prefetchCondition_.broadcast();
+    LOGI("just sent a broadcast");
+  }
+void AudioEngine::DecodingBufferQueueCallback(
+    SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf queueItf, void *context) {
+  if (GetWasStopRequested()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  CallbackContext *pCntxt;
+  {
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(callbackLock_);
+    pCntxt = reinterpret_cast<CallbackContext*>(context);
+  }
+  {
+    android::Mutex::Autolock autoLock(decodeBufferLock_);
+    decodeBuffer_.AddData(pCntxt->pDataBase, kBufferSizeInBytes);
+  }
+  // Increase data pointer by buffer size
+  pCntxt->pData += kBufferSizeInBytes;
+  if (pCntxt->pData >= pCntxt->pDataBase +
+      (kNumberOfBuffersInQueue * kBufferSizeInBytes)) {
+    pCntxt->pData = pCntxt->pDataBase;
+  }
+  SLresult result = (*queueItf)->Enqueue(
+      queueItf, pCntxt->pDataBase, kBufferSizeInBytes);
+  CheckSLResult("enqueue something else", result);
+  // If we get too much data into the decoder,
+  // sleep until the playback catches up.
+  while (!GetWasStopRequested() && DecodeBufferTooFull()) {
+    usleep(kSleepTimeMicros);
+  }
+void AudioEngine::DecodingEventCallback(SLPlayItf, SLuint32 event) {
+  if (SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND & event) {
+    SetEndOfDecoderReached();
+  }