Surfaces are now destroyed properly in SurfaceFlinger.

First, the window manager tells us when a surface is no longer needed. At this point, several things happen:
- the surface is removed from the active/visible list
- it is added to a purgatory list, where it waits for all clients to release their reference
- it destroys all data/state that can be spared

Later, when all clients are done, the remains of the Surface are disposed off: it is removed from the purgatory and destroyed.
In particular its gralloc buffers are destroyed at that point (when we're sure nobody is using them anymore).
diff --git a/libs/surfaceflinger/Layer.h b/libs/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
index 3f3953f..e16d9f4 100644
--- a/libs/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
+++ b/libs/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@
     status_t resize(int32_t index, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const char* what);
     Region post(uint32_t* oldState, bool& recomputeVisibleRegions);
     sp<SurfaceBuffer> peekBuffer();
+    void destroy();
     class SurfaceLayer : public LayerBaseClient::Surface