Remove the VR compositor from the framework.

Remove the VR compositor framework and enable out-of-process VR composition
in VrCore.

This CL seems large due to the ripple effect of changing the VrFlinger
API and protocol types. There are three major modules that require
concurrent changes:
  1. Protocol definitions and low-level VrFlinger API in libdisplay.
     * Additional changes needed to keep old interfaces working for
       a short time while replacing the dependent code (dvrGraphics*).
  2. VrFlinger service implementation changes to support VrCore compositor
     and the removal of the internal compositor.
  3. Changes to libdvr platform library API due to changes in #1 and #2.

Because of the nature of the interdependence of types and other defs it is
difficult to break this CL into smaller chunks. However, review of the three
major modules (libdisplay, libdvr, and libvrflinger) may be done separately
to ease the mental burden on reviewers.

Change Summary:
- Remove obsolete screenshot service. VR screenshots will be implemented
  by VrCore.
- Update display protocol definitions for changes in VrFlinger service
  requirements. The majority of the changes in libdisplay are a
  consequence of these protocol and service changes.
- Update VrFlinger to support two kinds of surfaces:
    1. Application - use by VR apps.
    2. Direct - used by VrCore (protected by permission check).
- Remove VrFlinger internal compositor and GL context.
- Remove obsolete debug console.
- Update VrFlinger hardware composer interface to handle direct
  surfaces only, removing the concept of GPU (compositor) layers.
- Update display manager to expose access to application surface info
  to VrCore (protected by permission check).
- Update libdvr platform library interfaces for changes to VrFlinger
  API / protocol.
- Clean up libdvr API struct setup using a common include.
- Add C++ header-only helpers for DVR platform library opaque types.

Bug: 36401174
Test: Build; run VrFlinger display test tool.
Change-Id: I15abfde5f72dbb3725a3f58621486afba6b64902
diff --git a/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h b/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h
index e570cb6..5a75f42 100644
--- a/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h
+++ b/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-#include <log/log.h>
-#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
-#include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/hwcomposer2.h>
+#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
+#include "DisplayHardware/ComposerHal.h"
+#include "hwc_types.h"
-#include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
-#include <private/dvr/sync_util.h>
+#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
+#include <log/log.h>
 #include <array>
 #include <condition_variable>
@@ -17,17 +16,16 @@
 #include <tuple>
 #include <vector>
+#include <dvr/pose_client.h>
 #include <pdx/file_handle.h>
+#include <pdx/rpc/variant.h>
 #include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
 #include <private/dvr/frame_time_history.h>
 #include <private/dvr/sync_util.h>
 #include "acquired_buffer.h"
-#include "compositor.h"
 #include "display_surface.h"
-#include "DisplayHardware/ComposerHal.h"
 // Hardware composer HAL doesn't define HWC_TRANSFORM_NONE as of this writing.
 #define HWC_TRANSFORM_NONE static_cast<hwc_transform_t>(0)
@@ -53,29 +51,28 @@
 // source supplying buffers for the layer's contents.
 class Layer {
-  Layer();
+  Layer() {}
-  // Sets the hardware composer layer and display metrics that this Layer should
-  // use each Prepare cycle. This class does not own either of these pointers,
-  // which MUST remain valid for its lifetime. This method MUST be called once
-  // in the life of the instance before any other method is valid to call.
-  void Initialize(Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl, HWCDisplayMetrics* metrics);
+  // Sets up the global state used by all Layer instances. This must be called
+  // before using any Layer methods.
+  static void InitializeGlobals(Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl,
+                                const HWCDisplayMetrics* metrics);
   // Releases any shared pointers and fence handles held by this instance.
   void Reset();
   // Sets up the layer to use a display surface as its content source. The Layer
-  // will automatically handle ACQUIRE/RELEASE phases for the surface's buffer
-  // train every frame.
+  // automatically handles ACQUIRE/RELEASE phases for the surface's buffer train
+  // every frame.
   // |blending| receives HWC_BLENDING_* values.
   // |transform| receives HWC_TRANSFORM_* values.
   // |composition_type| receives either HWC_FRAMEBUFFER for most layers or
   // HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET (unless you know what you are doing).
-  // |index| is the index of this surface in the DisplaySurface array.
-  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>& surface,
-             hwc2_blend_mode_t blending, hwc_transform_t transform,
-             hwc2_composition_t composition_type, size_t index);
+  // |index| is the index of this surface in the DirectDisplaySurface array.
+  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface>& surface,
+             HWC::BlendMode blending, HWC::Transform transform,
+             HWC::Composition composition_type, size_t z_roder);
   // Sets up the layer to use a direct buffer as its content source. No special
   // handling of the buffer is performed; responsibility for updating or
@@ -85,13 +82,13 @@
   // |transform| receives HWC_TRANSFORM_* values.
   // |composition_type| receives either HWC_FRAMEBUFFER for most layers or
   // HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET (unless you know what you are doing).
-  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer,
-             hwc2_blend_mode_t blending, hwc_transform_t transform,
-             hwc2_composition_t composition_type, size_t z_order);
+  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer, HWC::BlendMode blending,
+             HWC::Transform transform, HWC::Composition composition_type,
+             size_t z_order);
   // Layers that use a direct IonBuffer should call this each frame to update
   // which buffer will be used for the next PostLayers.
-  void UpdateDirectBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer);
+  void UpdateBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer);
   // Sets up the hardware composer layer for the next frame. When the layer is
   // associated with a display surface, this method automatically ACQUIRES a new
@@ -107,10 +104,10 @@
   void Finish(int release_fence_fd);
   // Sets the blending for the layer. |blending| receives HWC_BLENDING_* values.
-  void SetBlending(hwc2_blend_mode_t blending);
+  void SetBlending(HWC::BlendMode blending);
-  // Sets the Z-order of this layer
-  void SetZOrderIndex(int surface_index);
+  // Sets the z-order of this layer
+  void SetZOrder(size_t z_order);
   // Gets the current IonBuffer associated with this layer. Ownership of the
   // buffer DOES NOT pass to the caller and the pointer is not guaranteed to
@@ -118,57 +115,111 @@
   // Layer::Reset(). YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
   IonBuffer* GetBuffer();
-  hwc2_composition_t GetCompositionType() const { return composition_type_; }
-  hwc2_layer_t GetLayerHandle() const { return hardware_composer_layer_; }
-  bool UsesDirectBuffer() const { return direct_buffer_ != nullptr; }
-  bool IsLayerSetup() const {
-    return direct_buffer_ != nullptr || surface_ != nullptr;
-  }
+  HWC::Composition GetCompositionType() const { return composition_type_; }
+  HWC::Layer GetLayerHandle() const { return hardware_composer_layer_; }
+  bool IsLayerSetup() const { return !source_.empty(); }
   // Applies all of the settings to this layer using the hwc functions
   void UpdateLayerSettings();
   int GetSurfaceId() const {
-    if (surface_ != nullptr) {
-      return surface_->surface_id();
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
+    int surface_id = -1;
+    pdx::rpc::IfAnyOf<SourceSurface>::Call(
+        &source_, [&surface_id](const SourceSurface& surface_source) {
+          surface_id = surface_source.surface->surface_id();
+        });
+    return surface_id;
   void CommonLayerSetup();
-  Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl_;
-  // Original display surface array index for tracking purposes.
-  size_t surface_index_;
+  static Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl_;
+  static const HWCDisplayMetrics* display_metrics_;
   // The hardware composer layer and metrics to use during the prepare cycle.
-  hwc2_layer_t hardware_composer_layer_;
-  HWCDisplayMetrics* display_metrics_;
+  hwc2_layer_t hardware_composer_layer_ = 0;
   // Layer properties used to setup the hardware composer layer during the
   // Prepare phase.
-  hwc2_blend_mode_t blending_;
-  hwc_transform_t transform_;
-  hwc2_composition_t composition_type_;
+  size_t z_order_ = 0;
+  HWC::BlendMode blending_ = HWC::BlendMode::None;
+  HWC::Transform transform_ = HWC::Transform::None;
+  HWC::Composition composition_type_ = HWC::Composition::Invalid;
+  HWC::Composition target_composition_type_ = HWC::Composition::Device;
-  // These two members are mutually exclusive. When direct_buffer_ is set the
-  // Layer gets its contents directly from that buffer; when surface_ is set the
-  // Layer gets it contents from the surface's buffer train.
-  std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> direct_buffer_;
-  std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface> surface_;
+  // State when the layer is connected to a surface. Provides the same interface
+  // as SourceBuffer to simplify internal use by Layer.
+  struct SourceSurface {
+    std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface> surface;
+    AcquiredBuffer acquired_buffer;
+    pdx::LocalHandle release_fence;
-  // State when associated with a display surface.
-  AcquiredBuffer acquired_buffer_;
-  pdx::LocalHandle release_fence_;
+    SourceSurface(const std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface>& surface)
+        : surface(surface) {}
-  pdx::LocalHandle acquire_fence_fd_;
-  bool surface_rect_functions_applied_;
+    // Attempts to acquire a new buffer from the surface and return a tuple with
+    // width, height, buffer handle, and fence. If a new buffer is not available
+    // the previous buffer is returned or an empty value if no buffer has ever
+    // been posted. When a new buffer is acquired the previous buffer's release
+    // fence is passed out automatically.
+    std::tuple<int, int, sp<GraphicBuffer>, pdx::LocalHandle> Acquire() {
+      if (surface->IsBufferAvailable()) {
+        acquired_buffer.Release(std::move(release_fence));
+        acquired_buffer = surface->AcquireCurrentBuffer();
+        ATRACE_ASYNC_END("BufferPost", acquired_buffer.buffer()->id());
+      }
+      if (!acquired_buffer.IsEmpty()) {
+        return std::make_tuple(acquired_buffer.buffer()->width(),
+                               acquired_buffer.buffer()->height(),
+                               acquired_buffer.buffer()->buffer()->buffer(),
+                               acquired_buffer.ClaimAcquireFence());
+      } else {
+        return std::make_tuple(0, 0, nullptr, pdx::LocalHandle{});
+      }
+    }
+    void Finish(pdx::LocalHandle fence) { release_fence = std::move(fence); }
+    // Gets a pointer to the current acquired buffer or returns nullptr if there
+    // isn't one.
+    IonBuffer* GetBuffer() {
+      if (acquired_buffer.IsAvailable())
+        return acquired_buffer.buffer()->buffer();
+      else
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    // Returns the surface id of the surface.
+    int GetSurfaceId() { return surface->surface_id(); }
+  };
+  // State when the layer is connected to a buffer. Provides the same interface
+  // as SourceSurface to simplify internal use by Layer.
+  struct SourceBuffer {
+    std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> buffer;
+    std::tuple<int, int, sp<GraphicBuffer>, pdx::LocalHandle> Acquire() {
+      if (buffer)
+        return std::make_tuple(buffer->width(), buffer->height(),
+                               buffer->buffer(), pdx::LocalHandle{});
+      else
+        return std::make_tuple(0, 0, nullptr, pdx::LocalHandle{});
+    }
+    void Finish(pdx::LocalHandle /*fence*/) {}
+    IonBuffer* GetBuffer() { return buffer.get(); }
+    int GetSurfaceId() const { return -1; }
+  };
+  // The underlying hardware composer layer is supplied buffers either from a
+  // surface buffer train or from a buffer directly.
+  pdx::rpc::Variant<SourceSurface, SourceBuffer> source_;
+  pdx::LocalHandle acquire_fence_;
+  bool surface_rect_functions_applied_ = false;
   Layer(const Layer&) = delete;
   void operator=(const Layer&) = delete;
@@ -186,13 +237,15 @@
   // Type for vsync callback.
   using VSyncCallback = std::function<void(int, int64_t, int64_t, uint32_t)>;
+  using RequestDisplayCallback = std::function<void(bool)>;
   // Since there is no universal way to query the number of hardware layers,
   // just set it to 4 for now.
-  static constexpr int kMaxHardwareLayers = 4;
+  static constexpr size_t kMaxHardwareLayers = 4;
-  HardwareComposer(Hwc2::Composer* hidl);
+  HardwareComposer(Hwc2::Composer* hidl,
+                   RequestDisplayCallback request_display_callback);
   bool Initialize();
@@ -207,14 +260,14 @@
   void Disable();
   // Get the HMD display metrics for the current display.
-  DisplayMetrics GetHmdDisplayMetrics() const;
+  display::Metrics GetHmdDisplayMetrics() const;
-  int32_t GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
-                              hwc2_attribute_t attributes,
-                              int32_t* out_value) const;
-  int32_t GetDisplayMetrics(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
-                            HWCDisplayMetrics* out_metrics) const;
-  void Dump(char* buffer, uint32_t* out_size);
+  HWC::Error GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
+                                 hwc2_attribute_t attributes,
+                                 int32_t* out_value) const;
+  HWC::Error GetDisplayMetrics(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
+                               HWCDisplayMetrics* out_metrics) const;
+  std::string Dump();
   void SetVSyncCallback(VSyncCallback callback);
@@ -229,11 +282,9 @@
     return native_display_metrics_;
-  // Set the display surface stack to compose to the display each frame.
+  // Sets the display surfaces to compose the hardware layer stack.
   void SetDisplaySurfaces(
-      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> surfaces);
-  Compositor* GetCompositor() { return &compositor_; }
+      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface>> surfaces);
   void OnHardwareComposerRefresh();
@@ -265,23 +316,36 @@
-  int32_t Validate(hwc2_display_t display);
-  int32_t Present(hwc2_display_t display);
+  HWC::Error Validate(hwc2_display_t display);
+  HWC::Error Present(hwc2_display_t display);
   void SetBacklightBrightness(int brightness);
-  void PostLayers(bool is_geometry_changed);
+  void PostLayers();
   void PostThread();
-  // Check to see if we have a value written to post_thread_interrupt_event_fd_,
-  // indicating a control thread interrupted the post thread. This clears the
-  // post_thread_interrupt_event_fd_ state in the process. Returns true if an
-  // interrupt was requested.
-  bool CheckPostThreadInterruptEventFd();
+  // The post thread has two controlling states:
+  // 1. Idle: no work to do (no visible surfaces).
+  // 2. Suspended: explicitly halted (system is not in VR mode).
+  // When either #1 or #2 is true then the post thread is quiescent, otherwise
+  // it is active.
+  using PostThreadStateType = uint32_t;
+  struct PostThreadState {
+    enum : PostThreadStateType {
+      Active = 0,
+      Idle = (1 << 0),
+      Suspended = (1 << 1),
+      Quit = (1 << 2),
+    };
+  };
+  void UpdatePostThreadState(uint32_t state, bool suspend);
   // Blocks until either event_fd becomes readable, or we're interrupted by a
   // control thread. Any errors are returned as negative errno values. If we're
   // interrupted, kPostThreadInterrupted will be returned.
-  int PostThreadPollInterruptible(int event_fd, int requested_events);
+  int PostThreadPollInterruptible(const pdx::LocalHandle& event_fd,
+                                  int requested_events);
   // BlockUntilVSync, WaitForVSync, and SleepUntil are all blocking calls made
   // on the post thread that can be interrupted by a control thread. If
@@ -294,49 +358,21 @@
   bool IsFramePendingInDriver() { return ReadWaitPPState() == 1; }
-  // Returns true if the layer config changed, false otherwise
+  // Reconfigures the layer stack if the display surfaces changed since the last
+  // frame. Called only from the post thread.
   bool UpdateLayerConfig();
-  void PostCompositorBuffers();
-  // Return true if the post thread has work to do (i.e. there are visible
-  // surfaces to post to the screen). Must be called with post_thread_mutex_
-  // locked. Called only from the post thread.
-  bool PostThreadHasWork();
   // Called on the post thread when the post thread is resumed.
   void OnPostThreadResumed();
   // Called on the post thread when the post thread is paused or quits.
   void OnPostThreadPaused();
-  struct FrameTimeMeasurementRecord {
-    int64_t start_time;
-    pdx::LocalHandle fence;
-    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord(FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&&) = default;
-    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord& operator=(FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&&) =
-        default;
-    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord(const FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&) = delete;
-    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord& operator=(const FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&) =
-        delete;
-  };
-  void UpdateFrameTimeHistory(std::vector<FrameTimeMeasurementRecord>* backlog,
-                              int backlog_max,
-                              FenceInfoBuffer* fence_info_buffer,
-                              FrameTimeHistory* history);
-  // Returns true if the frame finished rendering, false otherwise. If the frame
-  // finished the frame end time is stored in timestamp. Doesn't block.
-  bool CheckFrameFinished(int frame_fence_fd,
-                          FenceInfoBuffer* fence_info_buffer,
-                          int64_t* timestamp);
-  void HandlePendingScreenshots();
   bool initialized_;
-  // Hardware composer HAL device.
-  std::unique_ptr<Hwc2::Composer> hwc2_hidl_;
+  // Hardware composer HAL device from SurfaceFlinger. VrFlinger does not own
+  // this pointer.
+  Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl_;
+  RequestDisplayCallback request_display_callback_;
   sp<ComposerCallback> callbacks_;
   // Display metrics of the physical display.
@@ -345,69 +381,39 @@
   // landscape.
   HWCDisplayMetrics display_metrics_;
   // Transform required to get from native to logical display orientation.
-  hwc_transform_t display_transform_;
+  HWC::Transform display_transform_ = HWC::Transform::None;
   // Buffer for the background layer required by hardware composer.
   std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> framebuffer_target_;
-  // Protects access to variables used by the post thread and one of the control
-  // threads (either the vr flinger dispatcher thread or the surface flinger
-  // main thread). This includes active_surfaces_, active_surfaces_updated_,
-  // post_thread_enabled_, post_thread_running_, and
-  // post_thread_quit_requested_.
-  std::mutex post_thread_mutex_;
-  // Surfaces configured by the display manager. Written by the vr flinger
-  // dispatcher thread, read by the post thread.
-  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> active_surfaces_;
-  // active_surfaces_updated_ is set to true by the vr flinger dispatcher thread
-  // when the list of active surfaces changes. active_surfaces_updated_ will be
-  // set back to false by the post thread when it processes the update.
-  bool active_surfaces_updated_;
+  // Pending surface list. Set by the display service when DirectSurfaces are
+  // added, removed, or change visibility. Written by the message dispatch
+  // thread and read by the post thread.
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface>> pending_surfaces_;
   // The surfaces displayed by the post thread. Used exclusively by the post
   // thread.
-  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> display_surfaces_;
-  // The surfaces rendered by the compositor. Used exclusively by the post
-  // thread.
-  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> compositor_surfaces_;
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DirectDisplaySurface>> display_surfaces_;
   // Layer array for handling buffer flow into hardware composer layers.
-  // Note that the first array is the actual storage for the layer objects,
-  // and the latter is an array of pointers, which can be freely re-arranged
-  // without messing up the underlying objects.
-  std::array<Layer, kMaxHardwareLayers> layer_storage_;
-  std::array<Layer*, kMaxHardwareLayers> layers_;
-  size_t active_layer_count_;
-  // Set by the Post thread to the index of the GPU compositing output
-  // buffer in the layers_ array.
-  Layer* gpu_layer_;
+  std::array<Layer, kMaxHardwareLayers> layers_;
+  size_t active_layer_count_ = 0;
   // Handler to hook vsync events outside of this class.
   VSyncCallback vsync_callback_;
   // The layer posting thread. This thread wakes up a short time before vsync to
-  // hand buffers to post processing and the results to hardware composer.
+  // hand buffers to hardware composer.
   std::thread post_thread_;
-  // Set to true if the post thread is allowed to run. Surface flinger and vr
-  // flinger share access to the display, and vr flinger shouldn't use the
-  // display while surface flinger is using it. While surface flinger owns the
-  // display, post_thread_enabled_ will be set to false to indicate the post
-  // thread shouldn't run.
-  bool post_thread_enabled_;
-  // Set to true by the post thread if it's currently running.
-  bool post_thread_running_;
-  // Set to true if the post thread should quit. Only set when destroying the
-  // HardwareComposer instance.
-  bool post_thread_quit_requested_;
-  // Used to wake the post thread up while it's waiting for vsync or sleeping
-  // until EDS preemption, for faster transition to the paused state.
-  pdx::LocalHandle post_thread_interrupt_event_fd_;
-  // Used to communicate between the control thread and the post thread.
-  std::condition_variable post_thread_cond_var_;
+  // Post thread state machine and synchronization primitives.
+  PostThreadStateType post_thread_state_{PostThreadState::Idle};
+  std::atomic<bool> post_thread_quiescent_{true};
+  bool post_thread_resumed_{false};
+  pdx::LocalHandle post_thread_event_fd_;
+  std::mutex post_thread_mutex_;
+  std::condition_variable post_thread_wait_;
+  std::condition_variable post_thread_ready_;
   // Backlight LED brightness sysfs node.
   pdx::LocalHandle backlight_brightness_fd_;
@@ -422,16 +428,13 @@
   pdx::LocalHandle vsync_sleep_timer_fd_;
   // The timestamp of the last vsync.
-  int64_t last_vsync_timestamp_;
+  int64_t last_vsync_timestamp_ = 0;
   // Vsync count since display on.
-  uint32_t vsync_count_;
+  uint32_t vsync_count_ = 0;
   // Counter tracking the number of skipped frames.
-  int frame_skip_count_;
-  // After construction, only accessed on post_thread_.
-  Compositor compositor_;
+  int frame_skip_count_ = 0;
   // Fd array for tracking retire fences that are returned by hwc. This allows
   // us to detect when the display driver begins queuing frames.
@@ -439,16 +442,7 @@
   // Pose client for frame count notifications. Pose client predicts poses
   // out to display frame boundaries, so we need to tell it about vsyncs.
-  DvrPose* pose_client_;
-  // Our history of frame times. This is used to get a better estimate of how
-  // long the next frame will take, to set a schedule for EDS.
-  FrameTimeHistory frame_time_history_;
-  // The backlog is used to allow us to start rendering the next frame before
-  // the previous frame has finished, and still get an accurate measurement of
-  // frame duration.
-  std::vector<FrameTimeMeasurementRecord> frame_time_backlog_;
+  DvrPose* pose_client_ = nullptr;
   static constexpr int kPostThreadInterrupted = 1;