[installd] Extend profile operations to take the profile name

Extend the installd profile interface to take the profile name as
argument. This shifts the responsibility for choosing the names of
profiles for primary apks completely to PackageManager. Each of the
application code paths will get an unique profile name.

All the profile operations will now work on a specific profile name rather
than assuming a default global name.

Test: installd_dexopt_test
Bug: 30934496
Change-Id: I5847d35fe4d3caa5a2b32293426a24683af42030
diff --git a/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl b/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
index ba7efd0..d457a2a 100644
--- a/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
+++ b/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
@@ -51,20 +51,22 @@
             @nullable @utf8InCpp String outputPath, int dexFlags,
             @utf8InCpp String compilerFilter, @nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid,
             @nullable @utf8InCpp String sharedLibraries,
-            @nullable @utf8InCpp String seInfo, boolean downgrade, int targetSdkVersion);
+            @nullable @utf8InCpp String seInfo, boolean downgrade, int targetSdkVersion,
+            @nullable @utf8InCpp String profileName);
     void rmdex(@utf8InCpp String codePath, @utf8InCpp String instructionSet);
-    boolean mergeProfiles(int uid, @utf8InCpp String packageName);
-    boolean dumpProfiles(int uid, @utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String codePaths);
+    boolean mergeProfiles(int uid, @utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String profileName);
+    boolean dumpProfiles(int uid, @utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String  profileName,
+            @utf8InCpp String codePath);
     boolean copySystemProfile(@utf8InCpp String systemProfile, int uid,
-            @utf8InCpp String packageName);
-    void clearAppProfiles(@utf8InCpp String packageName);
+            @utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String profileName);
+    void clearAppProfiles(@utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String profileName);
     void destroyAppProfiles(@utf8InCpp String packageName);
     boolean createProfileSnapshot(int appId, @utf8InCpp String packageName,
-            @utf8InCpp String codePath);
-    void destroyProfileSnapshot(@utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String codePath);
+            @utf8InCpp String profileName);
+    void destroyProfileSnapshot(@utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String profileName);
     void idmap(@utf8InCpp String targetApkPath, @utf8InCpp String overlayApkPath, int uid);
     void removeIdmap(@utf8InCpp String overlayApkPath);