Added ScreenCapture args and results struct

Test: LayerStateTest
Bug: 162367424
Change-Id: I1e1cb5f896a81eea0a4da07d32456a2fb7e0a887
diff --git a/libs/gui/LayerState.cpp b/libs/gui/LayerState.cpp
index 117ce58..dd95b92 100644
--- a/libs/gui/LayerState.cpp
+++ b/libs/gui/LayerState.cpp
@@ -498,4 +498,100 @@
     return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+status_t CaptureArgs::write(Parcel& output) const {
+    status_t status = output.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(pixelFormat)) ?:
+        output.write(sourceCrop) ?:
+        output.writeFloat(frameScale) ?:
+        output.writeBool(captureSecureLayers);
+    return status;
+status_t CaptureArgs::read(const Parcel& input) {
+    int32_t format;
+    status_t status = input.readInt32(&format) ?:
+ ?:
+        input.readFloat(&frameScale) ?:
+        input.readBool(&captureSecureLayers);
+    pixelFormat = static_cast<ui::PixelFormat>(format);
+    return status;
+status_t DisplayCaptureArgs::write(Parcel& output) const {
+    status_t status = CaptureArgs::write(output);
+    status |= output.writeStrongBinder(displayToken) ?:
+        output.writeUint32(width) ?:
+        output.writeUint32(height) ?:
+        output.writeBool(useIdentityTransform) ?:
+        output.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(rotation));
+    return status;
+status_t DisplayCaptureArgs::read(const Parcel& input) {
+    status_t status = CaptureArgs::read(input);
+    int32_t rotationInt;
+    status |= input.readStrongBinder(&displayToken) ?:
+        input.readUint32(&width) ?:
+        input.readUint32(&height) ?:
+        input.readBool(&useIdentityTransform) ?:
+        input.readInt32(&rotationInt);
+    rotation = ui::toRotation(rotationInt);
+    return status;
+status_t LayerCaptureArgs::write(Parcel& output) const {
+    status_t status = CaptureArgs::write(output);
+    status |= output.writeStrongBinder(layerHandle);
+    status |= output.writeInt32(excludeHandles.size());
+    for (auto el : excludeHandles) {
+        status |= output.writeStrongBinder(el);
+    }
+    status |= output.writeBool(childrenOnly);
+    return status;
+status_t LayerCaptureArgs::read(const Parcel& input) {
+    status_t status = CaptureArgs::read(input);
+    status |= input.readStrongBinder(&layerHandle);
+    int32_t numExcludeHandles;
+    status |= input.readInt32(&numExcludeHandles);
+    excludeHandles.reserve(numExcludeHandles);
+    for (int i = 0; i < numExcludeHandles; i++) {
+        sp<IBinder> binder;
+        status |= input.readStrongBinder(&binder);
+        excludeHandles.emplace(binder);
+    }
+    status |= input.readBool(&childrenOnly);
+    return status;
+status_t ScreenCaptureResults::write(Parcel& output) const {
+    status_t status = output.write(*buffer) ?:
+        output.writeBool(capturedSecureLayers) ?:
+        output.writeUint32(static_cast<uint32_t>(capturedDataspace));
+    return status;
+status_t ScreenCaptureResults::read(const Parcel& input) {
+    buffer = new GraphicBuffer();
+    uint32_t dataspace;
+    status_t status =*buffer) ?:
+        input.readBool(&capturedSecureLayers) ?:
+        input.readUint32(&dataspace);
+    capturedDataspace = static_cast<ui::Dataspace>(dataspace);
+    return status;
 }; // namespace android
diff --git a/libs/gui/include/gui/LayerState.h b/libs/gui/include/gui/LayerState.h
index 41aad0d..de3a9a7 100644
--- a/libs/gui/include/gui/LayerState.h
+++ b/libs/gui/include/gui/LayerState.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <input/InputWindow.h>
+#include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
 #include <gui/LayerMetadata.h>
 #include <math/vec3.h>
 #include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
@@ -312,6 +313,47 @@
 // functionName can be null.
 bool ValidateFrameRate(float frameRate, int8_t compatibility, const char* functionName);
+struct CaptureArgs {
+    virtual ~CaptureArgs() = default;
+    ui::PixelFormat pixelFormat{ui::PixelFormat::RGBA_8888};
+    Rect sourceCrop;
+    float frameScale{1};
+    bool captureSecureLayers{false};
+    virtual status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
+    virtual status_t read(const Parcel& input);
+struct DisplayCaptureArgs : CaptureArgs {
+    sp<IBinder> displayToken;
+    uint32_t width{0};
+    uint32_t height{0};
+    bool useIdentityTransform{false};
+    ui::Rotation rotation{ui::ROTATION_0};
+    status_t write(Parcel& output) const override;
+    status_t read(const Parcel& input) override;
+struct LayerCaptureArgs : CaptureArgs {
+    sp<IBinder> layerHandle;
+    std::unordered_set<sp<IBinder>, ISurfaceComposer::SpHash<IBinder>> excludeHandles;
+    bool childrenOnly{true};
+    status_t write(Parcel& output) const override;
+    status_t read(const Parcel& input) override;
+struct ScreenCaptureResults {
+    sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer;
+    bool capturedSecureLayers{false};
+    ui::Dataspace capturedDataspace{ui::Dataspace::V0_SRGB};
+    status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
+    status_t read(const Parcel& input);
 }; // namespace android
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/tests/Android.bp b/services/surfaceflinger/tests/Android.bp
index c96dfc7..c64abd2 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/tests/Android.bp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/tests/Android.bp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+        "LayerState_test.cpp",
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/tests/LayerState_test.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/tests/LayerState_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a49e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/tests/LayerState_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <binder/Binder.h>
+#include <binder/Parcel.h>
+#include <gui/LayerState.h>
+namespace android {
+namespace test {
+TEST(LayerStateTest, ParcellingDisplayCaptureArgs) {
+    DisplayCaptureArgs args;
+    args.pixelFormat = ui::PixelFormat::RGB_565;
+    args.sourceCrop = Rect(0, 0, 500, 200);
+    args.frameScale = 2;
+    args.captureSecureLayers = true;
+    args.displayToken = new BBinder();
+    args.width = 10;
+    args.height = 20;
+    args.useIdentityTransform = true;
+    args.rotation = ui::ROTATION_90;
+    Parcel p;
+    args.write(p);
+    p.setDataPosition(0);
+    DisplayCaptureArgs args2;
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.pixelFormat, args2.pixelFormat);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.sourceCrop, args2.sourceCrop);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.frameScale, args2.frameScale);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.captureSecureLayers, args2.captureSecureLayers);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.displayToken, args2.displayToken);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.width, args2.width);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.height, args2.height);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.useIdentityTransform, args2.useIdentityTransform);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.rotation, args2.rotation);
+TEST(LayerStateTest, ParcellingLayerCaptureArgs) {
+    LayerCaptureArgs args;
+    args.pixelFormat = ui::PixelFormat::RGB_565;
+    args.sourceCrop = Rect(0, 0, 500, 200);
+    args.frameScale = 2;
+    args.captureSecureLayers = true;
+    args.layerHandle = new BBinder();
+    args.excludeHandles = {new BBinder(), new BBinder()};
+    args.childrenOnly = false;
+    Parcel p;
+    args.write(p);
+    p.setDataPosition(0);
+    LayerCaptureArgs args2;
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.pixelFormat, args2.pixelFormat);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.sourceCrop, args2.sourceCrop);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.frameScale, args2.frameScale);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.captureSecureLayers, args2.captureSecureLayers);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.layerHandle, args2.layerHandle);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.excludeHandles, args2.excludeHandles);
+    ASSERT_EQ(args.childrenOnly, args2.childrenOnly);
+TEST(LayerStateTest, ParcellingScreenCaptureResults) {
+    ScreenCaptureResults results;
+    results.buffer = new GraphicBuffer(100, 200, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1, 0);
+    results.capturedSecureLayers = true;
+    results.capturedDataspace = ui::Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;
+    Parcel p;
+    results.write(p);
+    p.setDataPosition(0);
+    ScreenCaptureResults results2;
+    // GraphicBuffer object is reallocated so compare the data in the graphic buffer
+    // rather than the object itself
+    ASSERT_EQ(results.buffer->getWidth(), results2.buffer->getWidth());
+    ASSERT_EQ(results.buffer->getHeight(), results2.buffer->getHeight());
+    ASSERT_EQ(results.buffer->getPixelFormat(), results2.buffer->getPixelFormat());
+    ASSERT_EQ(results.capturedSecureLayers, results2.capturedSecureLayers);
+    ASSERT_EQ(results.capturedDataspace, results2.capturedDataspace);
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace android